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Maldives’ new government must address Islamic fundamentalism
Sep 26, 2018

Maldives’ new government must address Islamic fundamentalism

Close to two dozen Maldivian nationals are believed to have died in Syria, fighting for the Islamic State.

Mapping the Literature on Development Assistance in Health: A Bibliometric Analysis
Apr 22, 2024

Mapping the Literature on Development Assistance in Health: A Bibliometric Analysis

This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the literature on private health aid and official health assistance between 2000 and 2022. It provides an overview of the sites and themes in the literature pertaining to development assistance in health, and collates the significant policy recommendations presented therein. Several crucial findings emerge from the bibliometric analysis: 44.2 percent of the 489 papers/articles assessed focused on low

Minding the gaps in India’s act east policy
Sep 21, 2018

Minding the gaps in India’s act east policy

New Delhi’s approach to Southeast Asia within the wider Indo-Pacific region is strategically sound but has limits.

Modi isn’t the only ‘Chowkidar’, he can learn from Hooda report
Apr 25, 2019

Modi isn’t the only ‘Chowkidar’, he can learn from Hooda report

A key element of the 44-page document entitled ‘India’s National Security Strategy’ (INSS) is the view that India must be prepared for unilateral, limited military actions against terror groups in Pakistan.

Modi-Putin summit: What’s on the agenda for India-Russia defense ties?
Oct 04, 2018

Modi-Putin summit: What’s on the agenda for India-Russia defense ties?

The expected meeting has seen a focus on what both sides could agree to on the defense side.

Mumbai: The rich, bad boy?
Oct 01, 2018

Mumbai: The rich, bad boy?

If functions and finances of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) are to be matched, the MCGM’s annual budget should be in the region

Need to rethink structural aspects of Bretton Wood Institutions
Mar 04, 2015

Need to rethink structural aspects of Bretton Wood Institutions

Even today, the ownership of the Bretton Wood Institutions (BWIs) continues to reflect the realities of 1943-44. Giving more voice to emerging economies will require ratification by the US Congress that has so far shown no sign of progress.

ORF roundtable on Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018
Oct 12, 2018

ORF roundtable on Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018

Will data localisation — or a diluted mirroring requirement — serve India’s strategic interests as outlined in the Srikrishna Committee’s report? Moving forward, how can India build data ecosystems that not only feed back into domestic innovation but also protect user privacy at scale keeping in mind the interests of the private sector?

Pakistan’s battered tribal regions set the stage for new Prime Minister
Sep 14, 2018

Pakistan’s battered tribal regions set the stage for new Prime Minister

Pakistan’s new Prime Minister, Imran Khan, faces formidable challenges. For now, the most difficult one may yet be mollifying his restive fellow Pashtuns who have suffered grievously in the Army’s anti-terror operations in the country’s tribal regions.

Patenting the Cure: At what cost?
Jun 07, 2020

Patenting the Cure: At what cost?

If a vaccine or a treatment is to be created, is there a possibility that patent rights could restrict access to the cure across the world? Much depen

Pentagon’s India rapid reaction cell poised for revival?
Jan 18, 2019

Pentagon’s India rapid reaction cell poised for revival?

Pentagon’s recently downsized sole country-specific cell may experience an upturn in its fortunes

Police reform must target weakest link
Sep 28, 2018

Police reform must target weakest link

While technocentric threats pose evolved security problems that need to be addressed, overhauling the police force is essential to move forward.

Rand Paul's Libertarian view of the world
Jul 08, 2015

Rand Paul's Libertarian view of the world

Now thanks partly to Paul's bid for the Republican nomination, Libertarianism has become popular in American politics again. Tens of millions of Americans today are fiscally conservative, socially tolerant and sceptical of American military intervention abroad.

Re-visioning urban transport in a smart India
Sep 28, 2018

Re-visioning urban transport in a smart India

There is an urgent need for breaking the vicious cycle to improve the quality of life in Indian cities.

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats
Oct 05, 2018

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats

The ground situation in Iraq and Syria, while still ripe for an ISIS return, has also created ripples in traditional security structures of countries

Revenge of the geeks — The secret ingredient of high performance teams & ‘stubborn minorities’
Jun 08, 2018

Revenge of the geeks — The secret ingredient of high performance teams & ‘stubborn minorities’

The future of work is deeply tied to the ties that bind great teams inside the workplace. Until robot overlords upend the world, we humans will be per

Seeking a managed exit
Sep 24, 2018

Seeking a managed exit

A year after U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his new Afghanistan policy, the stalemate continues

Seeking the next frontier
Apr 01, 2019

Seeking the next frontier

India’s successful ASAT test is a technology marker.

Shadow of India, Hasina government’s corruption, repression of BNP looms over Bangladesh polls
Sep 09, 2018

Shadow of India, Hasina government’s corruption, repression of BNP looms over Bangladesh polls

Allegations against Hasina’s government include authoritarian governance, hounding of the opposition and rampant corruption. These issues and the India factor will dominate the electoral campaign.

Sidhu’s shenanigans
Sep 21, 2018

Sidhu’s shenanigans

Sidhu has claimed that Pakistan was waiting for India to respond to their ‘offer’ — but the reality is that there was no formal offer or official communication from Pakistan on the issue of the Kartarpur corridor.