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2336 results found

Political opposition in Russia in 2018: Composition, challenges and prospects
Aug 21, 2023

Political opposition in Russia in 2018: Composition, challenges and prospects

Russia recently witnessed the re-election of its long-serving president. A constitutionally mandated term limit suggests this would be Vladimir Putin’s last presidential term. As Russia enters a period of power transition, it is likely that a number of political actors will become relevant during this phase. This brief looks at the groups that form the opposition—those operating within the formal institutions and the major players outside it�

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy
Dec 22, 2023

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy

Incorporation of health diplomacy in the existing training institutions for diplomats and other professionals could add value to position India at the

Post-Balakot: Why India needs to modernise its forces urgently
Jun 19, 2019

Post-Balakot: Why India needs to modernise its forces urgently

There needs to be a technology acquisition drive to military modernisation plans.

Potential Military Strikes in Syria Threaten Regional Flare-up
Aug 31, 2013

Potential Military Strikes in Syria Threaten Regional Flare-up

Military strikes on Syria are no longer about Syria alone but, more importantly, about the US and its declared objectives on issues of conflict globally. The possibility of the situation flaring up into a wider regional conflict also looks very plausible with serious implications for India.

Poverty Alleviation and Political Primacy: The Way of the Chinese Communist Party
Sep 22, 2021

Poverty Alleviation and Political Primacy: The Way of the Chinese Communist Party

Nearly 100 million people are said to have been lifted out of poverty in China since 2012, coinciding with President Xi Jinping's reign as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Indeed, closing the income gap is a stated goal of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and part of the CCP's objectives till 2035. As resentment of the rich has grown, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, Xi has encouraged the wealthy to embrace austeri

Power and transformation: Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya’s hybrid International Relations theory
Aug 20, 2023

Power and transformation: Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya’s hybrid International Relations theory

This brief explores the work of the Bengali diplomat and academic Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya, whose book, The Making of Indian Foreign Policy (1970) is considered a classic in Indian scholarship in International Relations. It analyses Bandyopadhyaya’s distinctive contribution to IR theory, especially his attempt to craft a “hybrid” approach derived from Gandhi and Mao, on the one hand, and behavouralist systems theories, on the other. It

Power crisis adds to Pak woes
May 24, 2012

Power crisis adds to Pak woes

An unrelenting power crisis is adding to Pakistan's woes. Power shortage has hit Punjab the hardest, shutting down industrial units and market places for days together and bringing people out on to the streets.

Power: Visions Vs Delusions
Feb 16, 2012

Power: Visions Vs Delusions

Does our political and administrative structure perceive future energy plans without the sense of sight? Here lies the biggest differentiation between 'vision and delusion'. The lessons learnt from reviewing past year have the potential to reveal the gaps in our planning, implementation and governance.

Pragmatic approach to combat climate-change: Former Secretary
Jan 31, 2015

Pragmatic approach to combat climate-change: Former Secretary

India, China and the US share a similar perspective on balancing economic interests with climate-action, seeking a pragmatic approach to combat climate change through plausible self-determined contributions that are cognizant of national interests, says former Union Environment Secretary N R Krishnan.

Preparing Indian Cities for a Shift to E-Mobility
Apr 12, 2021

Preparing Indian Cities for a Shift to E-Mobility

India is driving a transition to e-mobility in a bid to meet its commitments to the Paris climate agreement. Meeting the e-mobility targets will have multiple benefits, including cleaner air, improved health, and a reduced oil import bill. India’s cities will play a key role in achieving the e-mobility transition through planning and the implementation of local policies, but they must first overcome certain challenges. Assistance from the centr

President Donald Trump and future of the Iran deal
Dec 07, 2016

President Donald Trump and future of the Iran deal

One of the foremost questions around Trump's victory has been in relation to the future of the Iran nuclear deal, one that the President-elect has cri

Preventing proliferation: Tracking Uranium on the blockchain
Aug 20, 2023

Preventing proliferation: Tracking Uranium on the blockchain

Advances in technology, the shifting sands of the global nuclear energy market, and the extant standards and practices surrounding the monitoring of radioactive materials raise important questions about the future of nuclear security. Technological advancements have enabled the retrieval of radioactive materials from unconventional sources and made fuel fabrication easier. The emergence of new players in the nuclear energy market also flags conce

Pricing carbon: Trade-offs and opportunities for India
Jun 05, 2021

Pricing carbon: Trade-offs and opportunities for India

A clear, robust regulatory framework for pricing carbon can play a key role in increasing the uptake of carbon pricing by businesses in India.

Principle of 'closest partners'
Oct 01, 2013

Principle of 'closest partners'

The US has placed India in the category of 'closest partners' for defence cooperation. The official spin was that New Delhi would now be on the same footing as the closest allies of the US such as Britain. That may be the endpoint that New Delhi and Washington have decided upon, but it is far from the current reality. Both sides would need to do an enormous amount of work to attain that goal.

Priorities for a Technology Foreign Policy for India
May 11, 2023

Priorities for a Technology Foreign Policy for India

On 1 January 2020, the Ministry of External Affairs announced the establishment under its wing of the New, Emerging and Strategic Technologies (NEST) division. This marked a welcome addition to the government’s organisational capacities in an era increasingly being characterised by the interplay of technology, trade, security and geopolitics. This brief outlines the global and domestic context that will surround the operations of the NEST divis

Productivity vs. well-being: The promise of tech mediated work and its implications on society
Oct 25, 2019

Productivity vs. well-being: The promise of tech mediated work and its implications on society

It is crucial to better understand the aspirations of people and find opportunities for work that create a space for individuals to find meaning as

Prolonging the United States’ forever war: Biden’s decision to deploy US troops to Somalia
Jun 03, 2022

Prolonging the United States’ forever war: Biden’s decision to deploy US troops to Somalia

Would the military confrontation in Somalia see an end as the US decides to re-enter the Somalian playground?

Promoting a ‘GDP of the Poor’: The imperative of integrating ecosystems valuation in development policy
Mar 17, 2020

Promoting a ‘GDP of the Poor’: The imperative of integrating ecosystems valuation in development policy

This paper argues in favour of integrating valuation of ecosystem services in development policy planning in India. The paper presents three cases where monetary values of ecosystem services have been estimated to illustrate the significance of the exercise: the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) in Uttarakhand, the Kunigal Wetlands in Karnataka, and the Indian Sundarbans Delta (ISD) in West Bengal. The first two cases highlight the ecosystem-livelihoods

Prospects of Building A New Nepal
Dec 07, 2006

Prospects of Building A New Nepal

The Observer Research Foundation hosted an exciting, in-depth interaction with Nepalese Maoist leaders Prachanda and Baburam Bhattarai on November 18, 2006. Addressing their first international audience together from the same platform, the Maoist leaders put before the distinguished gathering, which included political leaders, former diplomats and members of the academia and media, their vision about a new Nepal which they would like to bui

Protecting Indian Ocean submarine cables: Exploring Australia-India cooperation
Jun 01, 2023

Protecting Indian Ocean submarine cables: Exploring Australia-India cooperation

Australia’s world-leading legislation provides a template for creating cable protection zones that India could emulate to protect its underwater ass

PTA revokes 'obscene' SMS ban
Nov 25, 2011

PTA revokes 'obscene' SMS ban

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) placed itself in a highly embarrassing situation with its decision to ban the usage of 'obscene' words in text messages. Stiff resistance from users,

Pulwama attack: In anger and anguish
Feb 15, 2019

Pulwama attack: In anger and anguish

Terrorist attacks of this nature do not happen overnight. They take time to organise and plan.

Pursuing coercive cyber measures against Pakistan
Sep 21, 2016

Pursuing coercive cyber measures against Pakistan

In order to offer a convincing defence of retaliatory cyber measures against Pakistan, India requires coordinated planning.

Quad Summit Indicates Growing Strength
May 26, 2022

Quad Summit Indicates Growing Strength

The latest Quad meeting underscored continued growth, but when will the four countries seriously confront the matter of direct security cooperation?

Quad Vadis? A Risk Assessment of the Quad’s Emerging Cybersecurity Partnership
Aug 17, 2023

Quad Vadis? A Risk Assessment of the Quad’s Emerging Cybersecurity Partnership

The Quad’s growing effort to shape international norms and rules in the Indo-Pacific is taking place in an environment fraught with multiple challenges. China’s assertive rise as well as internal differences within the group pose significant risks to the plurilateral platform’s mission of creating a free, open, and secure Indo-Pacific. Focusing on the Quad’s cybersecurity cooperation, this brief examines the various internal and e

R. K. Mishra Memorial Lecture:  Building Partnerships for Lasting Peace in South Asia
Dec 29, 2011

R. K. Mishra Memorial Lecture: Building Partnerships for Lasting Peace in South Asia

The Third R. K. Mishra Memorial Lecture was delivered by His Excellency Mr. Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, on October 5, 2011 in New Delhi. Outlining his vision for a peaceful and stable South Asia, President Karzai stressed that all the regional players would have to work together towards achieving this goal. This is the text of the lecture and proceedings of the event.

Rafale jets won’t save India’s Air Force
Aug 11, 2020

Rafale jets won’t save India’s Air Force

Thanks to decades of underinvestment, the force has lost its edge over its increasingly aggressive rivals. A few more planes won’t fix that.

Rainwater harvesting strategy of Delhi government
Jul 31, 2020

Rainwater harvesting strategy of Delhi government

The Delhi government has launched several initiatives to improve people’s access to water. In this article, the method followed in rainwater harvest

Ramdev, Hazare and JP Movements
Jun 20, 2011

Ramdev, Hazare and JP Movements

The 1974 JP movement was to replace a left lurching Indira Gandhi. Hazare-Ramdev ball is being tossed up for political parties to smash it on a deft and durable Mayawati.

Rantissi: Murder most foul
Apr 26, 2004

Rantissi: Murder most foul

An old maxim has it that, you can drive a man to murder, but can't make him think. What President George W. Bush's shameful and imperious encouragement to the unilateral Gaza pullout plan and the land grab that it entails in the West Bank do mean to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is in evidence.

RBI surprises all by not further raising the repo rate
Dec 20, 2013

RBI surprises all by not further raising the repo rate

The government is perhaps keen on projecting a welfare-oriented profile in which the poor are looked after. Prices, jobs, higher industrial growth and prospects of rapid economic recovery will remain the most important planks on which the next elections will be fought. The RBI's latest move of not raising the repo rate may also help in economic recovery.

Re-negotiating the Iran nuclear deal and trajectory of security in West Asia
Dec 07, 2021

Re-negotiating the Iran nuclear deal and trajectory of security in West Asia

As the two key players have returned to the negotiating table, it seems that it has become even more difficult for them to see eye to eye

Reaching Full Charge: The Need for a Policy Reset for India’s Electric Two-Wheeler Industry
Sep 12, 2023

Reaching Full Charge: The Need for a Policy Reset for India’s Electric Two-Wheeler Industry

The electric two-wheeler segment represents a unique opportunity for India to become a global leader in the green technology space. The growth of this segment in the country is being driven by strong policy support, combined with homegrown engineering and innovation. However, the industry has yet to fully harness the global electric vehicle (EV) opportunity, and policy uncertainties are impeding innovation and investment. This brief makes a case

Reading tea leaves from China’s Two Sessions: Large monetary and fiscal stimulus and still no growth guarantee
May 30, 2020

Reading tea leaves from China’s Two Sessions: Large monetary and fiscal stimulus and still no growth guarantee

The most obvious solution is to ramp up China’s welfare state to support the workers who will be left out in the process. The rationale for this is

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects
Sep 06, 2023

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects

This year marks a decade since the announcement of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This brief analyses Chinese-language literature to understand the country’s current stance on Pakistan and the CPEC. Two trends emerge. First, China appears to be facing a dilemma over Pakistan. While the Chinese government wants the CPEC to be successful, China’s strategic community now shows little optimism on the initiative. Second, contrary to

Realism in the study of International Relations in India
Aug 21, 2023

Realism in the study of International Relations in India

Attempts to arrive at a non-Western understanding of International Relations have often been made to counter the “hegemonising” influence of realism in the Indian milieu. This brief examines realist scholarship in India in recent years to understand what variants of realism have been given prominence. It also notes the absence of scholarship of the neoclassical realist variant and how this gap leads critics to arrive at an incomplete understa

Reasons for rupee depreciation more complex: Former Revenue Secretary
Jul 06, 2013

Reasons for rupee depreciation more complex: Former Revenue Secretary

Theoretically the rupee cannot be traded because there is no capital account conversion for it. However many countries such as Singapore and the US sell the Indian rupee. This speculation pushes up share markets and plays around with exchange rates, according to a former Revenue Secretary.

Reclaiming the storied legacy of Arabian Sea
Feb 13, 2024

Reclaiming the storied legacy of Arabian Sea

PM Modi and Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed are putting in place the building blocks for a prosperous Arabian Sea community

Recommendations for India-US Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
Jul 15, 2021

Recommendations for India-US Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Defence cooperation is the dominant component of the India-US bilateral relationship. India seeks to leverage this aspect in the Indo-Pacific to diversify the scope of nascent plurilaterals, integrate with US frameworks to expand cooperation with regional nations, and consolidate its position as the preeminent partner for extra-regional players. This brief recommends that India take advantage of ongoing development initiatives with the US and ide

Reconciling with the Taliban: The Good, the Bad and the Difficult
May 23, 2023

Reconciling with the Taliban: The Good, the Bad and the Difficult

Efforts toward a peaceful reconciliation with the Taliban have failed and Afghanistan and the United States remain engaged in a bitter war against the insurgent group. The US has shown willingness and capability to go after Taliban leaders on Pakistani soil, upsetting its relations with Islamabad and ending Pakistan's game of plausible deniability. Under its new leader, Haibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban continue their onslaught against the

Record of Indian arms industry remains one of failure
Apr 11, 2013

Record of Indian arms industry remains one of failure

The demand for cash that all political parties have to contest elections has been the fountainhead that has created a bureaucratic, military and defence decision-making structure which ensures that we keep running at the same place when it comes to creating a vibrant military industry complex in the country.

Recurring fires in city hospitals
Dec 21, 2021

Recurring fires in city hospitals

The state needs to address the electrical maintenance issue at hospitals to ensure no such future tragedies take place

Red flag goes up on Dhaka
Dec 08, 2004

Red flag goes up on Dhaka

It would be folly to treat the threat issued to the Indian cricket team by a terrorist organisation based in Bangladesh as posing danger only to the players. The threat issued by Harkat ul-Jihad al-Islami (HuJI) poses a direct and serious danger to India because, despite denials by the Bangladesh Government, it is clearly an indication that terrorist groups affiliated to the Al Qaeda have made Bangladesh an operational base. The

Redoing India-China sums
Mar 23, 2015

Redoing India-China sums

The first round of boundary talks with China under the Narendra Modi government, taking place this week, is an opportunity for New Delhi to explore the territorial compromises necessary to resolve the longstanding dispute. With strong leaders at the helm in Delhi and Beijing, there are rising expectations that the two special representatives - Ajit Doval and Yang Jiechi - will be able to find an early breakthrough on the boundary dispute.

Reducing Radiation: Navigating Nuclear Security
May 30, 2014

Reducing Radiation: Navigating Nuclear Security

While India has instituted pretty stringent measures, some of which are lacking in even other key nuclear players, India has done a bad job of advertising to the global community of what it has done. This has meant poor appreciation of India's efforts in the area of Nuclear Security.

Reforming India's Intelligence Structure
Feb 23, 2011

Reforming India's Intelligence Structure

More than a year ago, the Vice President of India, Mr. M. Hamid Ansari, pointed out in a speech the lack of good governance that plagued intelligence agencies in India, and a subsequent need for a parliamentary oversight committee to provide democratic accountability to these agencies.