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SCO Summit 2019: The bilateral and multilateral dimensions
Jun 18, 2019

SCO Summit 2019: The bilateral and multilateral dimensions

The SCO summit saw bilateral meetings garnering more attention than the multilateral summit itself.

SDGs में फाइनेंस मुहैय्या कराने के फ़ासले को दूर करना: G20 के लिए 10-सूत्रीय एजेंडा!
May 18, 2023

SDGs में फाइनेंस मुहैय्या कराने के फ़ासले को दूर करना: G20 के लिए 10-सूत्रीय एजेंडा!

यह संक्षिप्त विवरण विकास के लिए प्रभावी और ज़रूरी ग्लोबल गवर्नेंस के समक्ष आने वाली सबसे बड़ी चुनौतियों में से एक पर चर्चा करता है, यानी संयुक्त राष्ट्र सतत विकास लक्ष्यो�

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) gears up to double its production by 2025
Sep 25, 2021

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) gears up to double its production by 2025

It is yet to be seen how successful SMIC will be in competing with more advanced manufacturers like those in Taiwan and Samsung

Setting a robust G20 agenda
Jan 24, 2023

Setting a robust G20 agenda

By developing agendas, action-oriented plans, and decisions through collaborative efforts, India could lead the G20 agenda in a unique way

Seven reasons why US relations with China will get worse in 2018
Jan 10, 2018

Seven reasons why US relations with China will get worse in 2018

The Trump administration’s retreat from the world has enlarged China’s strategic opportunity.

Shadows of the past loom on 2017
Dec 26, 2016

Shadows of the past loom on 2017

Many of the phenomena go back to the financial crisis of 2008, the biggest shock to the global economic system since the 1929. Nine years after 1929, a nervous, pessimistic and Hobbesian world was plunged into war. 2017 is nine years after 2008.

Shaping a new ethos: The role of emerging powers in the G20
Dec 18, 2018

Shaping a new ethos: The role of emerging powers in the G20

The G20 is a step in the right direction. It is only a step, however. Symbolic inclusion of the emerging and developing world through an arbitrary �

Sharp rise in number of terror attacks since 2010
Apr 23, 2015

Sharp rise in number of terror attacks since 2010

Dr. Gary LaFree of the University of Maryland says in his studies of the data gathered by his department, he has noticed that in recent years, terrorist attacks have become deadlier with advances in technological knowhow. However, attacks using high technology, radiological, chemical and biological attacks, made up only a meager percentage of the total number of attacks.

Sheikh Hasina-Modi Summit 2022: Exploring energy cooperation
Sep 21, 2022

Sheikh Hasina-Modi Summit 2022: Exploring energy cooperation

The enhanced energy cooperation between India and Bangladesh could help open new horizons in regional cooperation.

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024
Dec 26, 2023

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024

The year 2024 is poised to be a period of significant transformation, characterised by extensive changes on both domestic and international fronts

Sino Techno-Nationalism Powers Through With ‘China Manufacturing 2025’
Jun 09, 2021

Sino Techno-Nationalism Powers Through With ‘China Manufacturing 2025’

Despite being the ‘factory of the world,’ many of China’s industrial sectors are energy-intensive and have low value-add. At the same time, global firms are increasingly moving towards sophisticated low-cost manufacturing techniques for higher productivity gains. As a result, the Chinese Communist Party is keen to upgrade the country’s industrial base to compete in the more advanced segments, such as information technology, through the �

Six headwinds Modi will face in Season 2
May 27, 2019

Six headwinds Modi will face in Season 2

In a constantly-evolving discourse and a politically and economically disruptive world, new ideas will demand a greater control over Modi’s actions.

Smart city making in India: Union budget 2020 and the way forward
Mar 04, 2020

Smart city making in India: Union budget 2020 and the way forward

The commitment towards local economic development, sustainable development, ease of living, etc. must be showcased by inviting reputed countries of th

South Africa elections 2024: Political pluralism or fractured democracy?
Apr 15, 2024

South Africa elections 2024: Political pluralism or fractured democracy?

With an increasing number of political parties, the potential of coalition politics is an imminent reality in South Africa as it heads to the polls

South Asia South Asia Weekly 12
Mar 30, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 12

On the domestic front, Sri Lanka remained engaged in the forthcoming Provincial Council elections. On the eastern front, various electoral alignments are being worked out. Bargaining is taking place among political parties to woo winnable contenders to their side.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 2
Jan 20, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 2

An unlikely crisis is causing headache to already besieged President Pervez Musharraf and his caretaker government. It is not Osama's men or the Taliban which is troubling Islamabad the most but the scarcity of wheat flour across the country.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 20
May 19, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 20

Ending the month-long political stalemate and uncertainty, Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala invited the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist Chairman Prachanda, also the leader of the single largest party in the Constituent Assembly (CA), to form a new government.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 21
May 26, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 21

Last week Nepal became a federal democratic republic. On May 28, the first sitting of the newly elected Constituent Assembly members endorsed a proposal to amend the interim Constitution and declare the country a republic.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 22
Jun 02, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 22

With the stalemate on the judicial restoration continuing, the focus was back on the man who is responsible for most of the mess Pakistan is in today. President Pervez Musharraf¿s three-and-a-half-hour meeting with Army Chief, General Ashfaq Kayani,

South Asia South Asia Weekly 23
Jun 08, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 23

The integration of the People's Liberation Army of the Maoists into the Nepal Army (NA) continues to remain a contentious issue. While, all the big parties namely the Nepali Congress and the CPN-Unified Marxist Leninist have stressed

South Asia South Asia Weekly 24
Jun 16, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 24

In a total reversal of its earlier stand, the Sri Lanka government agreed to open talks with the LTTE claiming the outfit as one, though not the sole, representative of the Tamil demands. Surprisingly, no preconditions for talks are imposed by the government but at the same time,

South Asia South Asia Weekly 25
Jun 23, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 25

Pakistan is struggling with two monumental crises--one is political and another is terrorism. On the political front, there is a prolonged drift with PPP and PMLN not quite willing to move forward from their respective positions.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 26
Jun 30, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 26

Chief Election Commissioner of Bangladesh, Dr. ATM Shamsul Huda, on June 30th announced that the national parliamentary election would be held in the third week of December this year.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 27
Jul 07, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 27

LTTE political chief P. Nadesan in an interview to a Tamil Weekly magazine urged Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Karunanidhi to assist them in their struggle for a separate Tamil Eelam. Expressing regret that India was supporting the war efforts of the Rajapaksa administration,

South Asia South Asia Weekly 28
Jul 14, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 28

With the political parties failing to reach a consensus on nominating the President, the Vice-President and Chairman of the Constituent Assembly (CA), it became clear that the issue would be resolved only through elections, scheduled now for Saturday (July 19).

South Asia South Asia Weekly 29
Jul 21, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 29

The political scene in Nepal got even more complex with the Maoists now backtracking on their decision not to take part in the formation of the new government. The Maoists had made a public declaration to keep away from government formation after their presidential

South Asia South Asia Weekly 32
Aug 11, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 32

Ending the four-month old political deadlock, Nepal's Constituent Assembly (CA) elected CPN-Maoist Chairman Prachanda as the first Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. With 464 votes, Prachanda defeated his competitor,

South Asia South Asia Weekly 42
Oct 20, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 42

In a bid to pacify internal as well as external concerns, India decided to send relief supplies to the trapped Tamil civilians in the Wanni war zone through international relief committees like the Red Cross. The intervention is different in two ways from the earlier Indian interventions in Sri Lanka.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 52
Dec 29, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 52

The week saw the culmination of long-awaited and much anticipated victory of the armed forces over the separatist organization, the LTTE. The so-called capital and administrative hub of an elusive Tamil Eelam Kilinochchi was finally liberated after 11 years.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 62
Mar 09, 2009

South Asia South Asia Weekly 62

A suicide bomber believed to be from the LTTE Black Tiger suicide squad blew himself up inside a mosque killing nearly 14 people and injuring 20 others including a Postal Services minister Mahinda Wijesekera and Culture minister Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena during a congregation held to

South Asia Weekly 102
Dec 12, 2009

South Asia Weekly 102

Twenty-three candidates, including current President Mahinda Rajapaksa and former army general Sanath Fonseka, filed their nomination papers for the presidential elections to be held on January 26, 2010.

South Asia Weekly 92
Oct 04, 2009

South Asia Weekly 92

Sri Lankan Navy and Indian Navy successfully conclude their joint naval exercises, which started on October 6 and continued till October 8, 2009. The naval training exercise, code-named CADEX 2009, took place on the western seas off Sri Lanka.

South Asia Weekly Report 72
May 18, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 72

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) officially admitted that their chief Vellupillai Prabhakaran "attained martyrdom" while trying to escape the last Tiger stronghold of Mullaithivu, where the LTTE top leadership had holed up in a final stand against the advancing Sri Lankan army.

South Asia Weekly Report 82
Jul 27, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 82

The International Monetary Fund has cleared a standby facility of US $2.6 billion to Sri Lanka. This clearance comes despite criticism from various quarters over the deteriorating humanitarian conditions.