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ISKP’s recruiting strategies and vulnerabilities in Central Asia
Mar 26, 2024

ISKP’s recruiting strategies and vulnerabilities in Central Asia

The ISKP has capitalised on increasing vulnerabilities and utilised various recruitment tactics in Central Asia, drawing numerous Central Asian citize

Islamabad Blast: Gilgit-Related
May 30, 2005

Islamabad Blast: Gilgit-Related

The explosion in the midst of a Shia congregation at a shrine in Islamabad on May 27,2005, which resulted in the death of 25 Shias and injuries to about 80 others has been attributed by the local police to an unidentified suicide bomber. No organisation has so far claimed responsibility for the blast,

Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan: Phony Caliphate or bona fide province?
Nov 30, 2020

Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan: Phony Caliphate or bona fide province?

While there is raging debate about whether the Taliban and the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) are foes or operational allies, there is little doubt that ISKP continues to pose a threat to the ongoing peace process, and the Afghan security.

Israel’s Nationality Bill is challenging the core of Jewish identity
Jul 21, 2018

Israel’s Nationality Bill is challenging the core of Jewish identity

It is a distinct divergence that has defined the debate over a critical question of identity and politics and cracked open a faultline moderate Israeli (Jewish) society has tried to brush under the carpet for the last seven decades.

Israel’s Silicon Wadi: A promising semiconductor partner for India
Jul 20, 2023

Israel’s Silicon Wadi: A promising semiconductor partner for India

As India aspires to become a global semiconductor hub, Israel can be a model to follow and a partner to work with

Issues of Drones in our daily lives
Mar 31, 2014

Issues of Drones in our daily lives

Drones are no longer esoteric and confined to military precision strikes. The impending, almost inevitable, arrival of drones into our daily lives raises three issues that we need to start thinking about -- reconceptualisation of connectivity and infrastructure, the need to re-imagine airSpace and the third, privacy.

It is Changing After All: India’s Stance on ‘Responsibility to Protect’
Apr 13, 2016

It is Changing After All: India’s Stance on ‘Responsibility to Protect’

Until 2009, India was regarded as one of the most stringent opponents of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P) norm; it was, historically, a staunch advocate of a state-centred Westphalian system. But India's position has always been more complex and nuanced in all respects. Since 2009, the fundamental change that has taken place is also quite remarkable. This change can partly be accounted for by India’s noteworthy, but still ongoing trans

It will be foolish to ignore messages the voter sends during elections
Nov 10, 2016

It will be foolish to ignore messages the voter sends during elections

Donald Trump's victory has shown that it would be foolish to ignore voter’s messages during elections.

Jama Masjid incident: Case for extraordinary vigil
Sep 23, 2010

Jama Masjid incident: Case for extraordinary vigil

Although the mystery of the firing incident at Jama Masjid on September 19 and the discovery of an abandoned car with ammonium nitrate nearby a few hours later remain unresolved,

Jan Vishwas Bill provides a framework for future reforms
Aug 10, 2023

Jan Vishwas Bill provides a framework for future reforms

The Jan Vishwas Bill is a transformative vision sitting atop the tip of a tyrannous compliances iceberg

Japan walks the extra mile
Nov 11, 2014

Japan walks the extra mile

The four-point agreement that was worked out by State Councillor Yang Jichei and Japanese National Security Adviser Shotaro Yachi to enable the meeting between President Xi Jinping of China and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan indicates that Tokyo has walked the extra mile to assuage the Chinese.

Japan-India civil nuclear deal likely soon
Jan 13, 2011

Japan-India civil nuclear deal likely soon

India and Japan may soon reach an agreement on civil nuclear cooperation, even as Tokyo insists on New Delhi to sign the NPT, says Amb. Hirabayashi Hiroshi, former Japanese ambassador to India and the present President of Japan-India Association.

Japan-Russia dilemma over the territorial dispute
May 20, 2019

Japan-Russia dilemma over the territorial dispute

Peace talks between Japan and Russia have remained at halt ever since the World War II.

Jehanabad raid: A higher stage of Maoists' militarisation
Nov 19, 2005

Jehanabad raid: A higher stage of Maoists' militarisation

The Jehanabad raid by Naxalites of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), or CPI-Maoist, in south Bihar, on November 13 which is also being termed as Operation Jailbreak, is important for many reasons. The attack loudly states the level of ¿militarisation¿ that the largest and most lethal Naxalite outfit in the country has reached.

Jihad in London & Thailand: The Link
Jul 19, 2005

Jihad in London & Thailand: The Link

Is there a link between the jihad in London and Southern Thailand? Yes, there is. Some of the terrorists involved in the London blasts as well as in the recent upsurge of terrorism in Southern Thailand were trained in the madrasas of Pakistan.

Jobs of the future: Deep freeze your digital memorabilia, don’t throw away the keys
Oct 01, 2018

Jobs of the future: Deep freeze your digital memorabilia, don’t throw away the keys

In the far corners of our world, jobs of the future are taking shape via people who are imagining new possibilities around customer problems and creat

Judicial Accountability Bill: A step in right direction
Dec 26, 2011

Judicial Accountability Bill: A step in right direction

The Judicial Accountability Bill, looked at in a holistic manner, is indeed a step ahead to restore some of the fundamental values in the judicial bodies of the government -- integrity of the judges, transparency and independence of judiciary.

Judicial infrastructure: Will National Judicial Infrastructure Corporation help?
Dec 22, 2021

Judicial infrastructure: Will National Judicial Infrastructure Corporation help?

The dilapidated state of judicial infrastructure has led to the proposal of establishing the National Judicial Infrastructure Corporation to address i

Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill 2010: Key Features
Jan 17, 2012

Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill 2010: Key Features

The Judicial Standards And Accountability Bill 2010 seeks to repeal The Judges (Inquiry) Act 1968 which was enacted with a view to lay down the procedure for removal of Supreme Court and High Court Judges, but does not contain the mechanism for it.

Kabul hosts the Silk Road Mayors Forum in defiance of security threats
Oct 07, 2017

Kabul hosts the Silk Road Mayors Forum in defiance of security threats

Kabul city is potentially one of the region’s major business hubs which can open many doors for international investment and cooperation.

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism
Apr 08, 2005

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism

The Kargil military conflict of 1999 between India and Pakistan came in the wake of the "bhai-bhai" ("we are brothers") euphoria generated by the bus ride of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then Prime Minister, to Lahore and his high-profile meeting with Mr.Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan's then Prime Minister. In the euphoria, we let ourselves be caught napping by the Pakistan Army in the heights of Kargil.

Kargil war: The neglected heroes
Jul 29, 2010

Kargil war: The neglected heroes

Many military veterans have returned the medals awarded to them for gallantry and fighting wars to the President, a sure sign of frustration and feeling of neglect.

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time
Aug 06, 2019

Kashmir and 370: Constitutional coup whose aftereffects will linger a long time

It is possible to suppress popular opinion for a while, but whether it will bring long-term peace to the state is a matter of speculation.

Kashmir rail
Jul 02, 2014

Kashmir rail

That China is now preparing to extend its railway into Pakistan Occupied Kashmir should stir PM Modi to recognise the significance of the railways for India's national security and factor it into the rail budget to be presented to Parliament next week.

Kashmir's Ramzan ceasefire is total foolishness, which will only hurt our security forces
May 17, 2018

Kashmir's Ramzan ceasefire is total foolishness, which will only hurt our security forces

The move shows no knowledge of ground realities in J&K — it will simply escalate militant violence.

Kashmir's rising narco-terrorism: Why are religious leaders silent?
Aug 30, 2022

Kashmir's rising narco-terrorism: Why are religious leaders silent?

Kashmir has witnessed an alarming rise in narco-terrorism. Apathy shown by religious leaders has only added to the problem.