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Building 100 Smart Cities in India: Issues to be addressed
Sep 23, 2015

Building 100 Smart Cities in India: Issues to be addressed

Most participants at an ORF conference on urban development and creation of 100 smart cities in India felt that creation of smart cities is an extremely challenging exercise and for this, careful planning and effective project implementation are required.

Building a 'Strategic Oil Reserve' for India
Aug 30, 2003

Building a 'Strategic Oil Reserve' for India

After years of conceiving the idea of Strategic Oil Reserve, the Indian government seems to be moving in the right direction in a resolute manner. Recent statements by both the Prime Minister and the Petroleum Minister about building strategic storage facilities to gear up the country to meet oil emergencies

Building a bridge to Tokyo
Jun 03, 2013

Building a bridge to Tokyo

New Delhi must take full advantage of the geopolitical opportunity that the Japanese connection offers us. As democracies, both India and Japan are open societies and committed to a liberal world order. Through visits and agreements, the two sides have now laid the infrastructure for their strategic partnership.

Building a multi-faceted Indo-ROK partnership
Jan 20, 2014

Building a multi-faceted Indo-ROK partnership

In terms of the existing institutional mechanisms, South Korea somewhat lags behind Japan, but one should remember that India-South Korea partnership is only about 40 years old and during this rather short period, what the two countries have achieved is quite remarkable.

Building a new world
Mar 16, 2012

Building a new world

The ORF-hosted BRICS Academic Forum's recommendations to the 4th BRICS Leaders Summit, to be held in New Delhi on March 29, seek to set the agendas for global governance reforms and sustainable development and map out a new geography of cooperation.

Building better connections
Feb 18, 2015

Building better connections

A major problem in developing connectivity projects has been the lack of higher direction. By virtue of being strategic, these tasks ought to be done in special quick time. But, more often than not, they end up mired in all kinds of problems. At the best of times inter-ministerial and centre-state coordination is poor.

Building Climate-Resilient Food Systems
Aug 16, 2023

Building Climate-Resilient Food Systems

Climate change, conflicts, and various crises have exposed the vulnerabilities of global food systems. Acute food insecurity and undernourishment have become more prevalent in recent times, and the imperative is to build more robust and sustainable food systems that do not adversely impact the environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has only underlined the importance of food security in times of crises. This brief explores the promise of clima

Building Future-Proof Global Value Chains
Aug 14, 2023

Building Future-Proof Global Value Chains

Recent global events have underscored the importance of economic integration even as they have exposed the fragility of global value chains (GVCs). The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, highlighted the systemic risks to the functioning of GVCs. This brief explores the factors that impact the creation of production networks and recommends key methods to make GVCs more stable and sustainable to withstand potential shocks.

Building India-Australia strategic partnership in an Asian century
May 03, 2012

Building India-Australia strategic partnership in an Asian century

With interests of Australia and India "converging" in the evolving geostrategic environment of Asia, both countries have the capacity to develop into a "real" strategic partnership, according to the Australian High Commissioner, Mr Peter Varghese.

Building India’s global health strategy: Beyond the role of ‘Pharmacist of the world’
May 06, 2020

Building India’s global health strategy: Beyond the role of ‘Pharmacist of the world’

As the Covid-19 pandemic began to unfold in February, India’s dependence on Chinese inputs for the production of pharmaceutical products was debated intensely. This special report argues that the narrow discussion has fallen short in capturing India’s crucial role in global health as a provider of health-related goods to many developing countries. The report analyses trade data on over 200 categories of health-related goods, and provides quan

Building resilience will be key to future success
Dec 29, 2020

Building resilience will be key to future success

Can the pandemic become a means to prepare us to deal more effectively with a number of other seismic shifts which are either already underway or immi

Building up hope
Sep 29, 2010

Building up hope

Eventually, it has to be a mutual settlement with full understanding between the two parties. They need to come to a compromise, in the highest traditions of the country. There is ample land available land at the site which could accommodate both the construction of a new temple as well as a new masjid.

Burmese Ethnic Nationalities Council
Nov 26, 2007

Burmese Ethnic Nationalities Council

A four-member Chiang Mai-based delegation from the Burmese Ethnic Nationalities Council (ENC) visited ORF on 26 November, 2007. The delegation consisted of Dr. Lian H. Sakhong (General Secretary); Harn Yawnghwe (Director - National Reconciliation Programme); Saw David Taw (Joint General-Secretary); and Dr. Sui-Khar (Team Leader - Foreign Affairs Committee).

Bush's task: peace by human foresight or by another catastrophe
Nov 08, 2004

Bush's task: peace by human foresight or by another catastrophe

America is different: different in its impulses, in its terms of debate, in its responses. A young country, struggling to acquire an identity, moving away from a melting pot approach to a multicultural one¿in theory if not always in practice; religious in traditional terms despite trappings of post-modernity,

Bush: Looking Ahead?
Nov 03, 2004

Bush: Looking Ahead?

The final announcement of the results of the US Presidential elections are expected to be announced only after the completion of the counting of the provisional votes in the State of Ohio, which may take some days unless Senator John Kerry decides to concede victory to George Bush without waiting for the completion of the counting.

Business hurdles need attention to improve economic relations: Germany
Nov 04, 2015

Business hurdles need attention to improve economic relations: Germany

The Indo-German relationship is undergoing a transformation but areas such as lesser ease of doing business, bureaucratic hurdles and red tapism need further attention to improve economic relations, according to Mr Achim Fabig, Consul-General of the Republic of Germany, in Chennai.

Bust the terror syndicates
Jul 20, 2006

Bust the terror syndicates

Decisive and ruthless crackdown on jihadis is the need of the hour, not more empty rhetoric ---- Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), headed by Hafiz Saeed based in Pakistan, is a threat to India's security and sovereignty and must therefore be branded as 'enemy of the nation'. There need not be a legal provision to do so. The Cabinet Committee on Security, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, is empowered to take such a decision.

But What's the Alternative? In negotiations with Iran, it means doing a better job
May 11, 2015

But What's the Alternative? In negotiations with Iran, it means doing a better job

Probably the most common response to the criticism that has been leveled at the P5+1-Iran negotiations over the past year is: "but what's the alternative?"

By the Centre, of the Centre, for the Centre?
May 07, 2012

By the Centre, of the Centre, for the Centre?

The current series of notifications issued by the Central Government has the potential to create a 'police raj', under the Intelligence Bureau, when that may not be the intention even of the Union Home Ministry.

By the global ball and value chain
Jun 05, 2020

By the global ball and value chain

While MNCs are choosing well-established regional supply chain in East and Southeast Asia for now, India must look to the future.

Cabinet reshuffle: From 'K-Plan' to '2-K Plan
Oct 29, 2012

Cabinet reshuffle: From 'K-Plan' to '2-K Plan

If there is one thing that the weekend reshuffle of Ministers and portfolios may have done for the image of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's Government, it is to put the recent past behind in terms of political charges of corruption and non-performance.

Cairns G-20 meeting: Can it help revive the global economy?
Sep 30, 2014

Cairns G-20 meeting: Can it help revive the global economy?

Several challenges and threats may hinder achieving two percent growth for the world economy. For instance, the plans of IMF and Central Bank to raise the interest rate are likely to result in wiping out efforts to achieve the target. Also the investment is witnessing lower volatility.

Calibrating India's climate-change response
Jul 28, 2014

Calibrating India's climate-change response

The most critical area for India's response to climate change must be adaptation. It needs to invest in actions against the imminent threats posed by climate change irrespective of how the global discourse progresses. Investments must be made through innovative channels, using a mixture of capacity-building programmes, awareness campaigns, traditional solutions, and new technologies.

Campaign to curb gender-related crimes in Greater Mumbai municipal schools
Aug 03, 2012

Campaign to curb gender-related crimes in Greater Mumbai municipal schools

An ORF Mumbai-SPGRC workshop has decided to launch a city-wide, age-appropriate awareness campaign to curb rising gender-related crimes in Greater Mumbai municipal corporation schools. It would try to sensitise children about sexual harassment and other gender-related crimes.

Can 'Make in India' deliver?
Dec 26, 2014

Can 'Make in India' deliver?

The Narendra Modi government's 'Make in India' campaign, on the whole, seems out of sync with today's world where it doesn't matter where a product is made because even high exporting countries like China basically assembles parts made elsewhere in the world.

Can a Pandemic Treaty located in an unreformed World Health Organisation be successful?
Aug 21, 2023

Can a Pandemic Treaty located in an unreformed World Health Organisation be successful?

Bringing structural reforms to WHO is a crucial step to ensure the success of the proposed Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the International Hea

Can a Public Service Media serve better?
Nov 05, 2011

Can a Public Service Media serve better?

The Press Council chairman is spot on as far as the media's coverage of Muslim terror is concerned. He is equally right on the market driven focus on Formula 1, Lady Gaga, Mettallic group, bollywood gossip, fashion, etc in a country where the majority are poor.

Can Ganga governance problems be engineered away?
Sep 30, 2014

Can Ganga governance problems be engineered away?

There is no easy answer to the question of how best to balance all the competing water use priorities of the Ganga. But one thing is clear: as long as rivers are seen merely as pipes for conveying water, and challenges of distribution are addressed primarily through engineering rather than policy, then no solution will be appropriate.

Can Great Powers now do an Iran on North Korea?
Apr 06, 2015

Can Great Powers now do an Iran on North Korea?

The deal with Iran should boost efforts to do an Iran with North Korea's nuclear programme as well. This would be more difficult given the authoritarian nature of the regime in North Korea but is still an idea worth pursuing. The major powers should carry forward the momentum and energy to solve other issues in the Middle East.

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?
Jun 03, 2020

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?

Australia seems to be looking to establish a multipolar Indo-Pacific order and ensuring that no single power dominates it.

Can India be an alternative to China for African economies?
Oct 21, 2015

Can India be an alternative to China for African economies?

As Chinese economy is facing its worst slowdown in recent times, for Africa, Modi's new India might turn out to be the one viable alternative to China. Therefore, the upcoming India-Africa Summit will be an occasion to harness this opportunity and seek a meaningful strategic engagement beneficial to both the countries.

Can India be the next industrial hub of the World?
Feb 17, 2010

Can India be the next industrial hub of the World?

India's agriculture has not grown fast enough to support the growing rural population and there has been a continuous exodus of people migrating from villages to towns in search of jobs

Can India host the Olympics?
Oct 30, 2010

Can India host the Olympics?

Noted sports writer Mr. R. Mohan says that India could host the Olympic Games from 2030s if it learns to stick to schedules and avoid scandals, which had brought bad name initially in the case of the Delhi Commonwealth Games.