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Maldives: What after Nasheed's 'refuge' in Indian mission?
Feb 14, 2013

Maldives: What after Nasheed's 'refuge' in Indian mission?

In Maldives, the development following former President Nasheed seeking refuge in Indian Embassy after an arrest warrant from a local court has raised a number of issues -- legal, political and diplomatic. Presidential polls are due in the country in September this year.

Maldives: What after ruling coalition splitting over Speaker's choice
May 30, 2014

Maldives: What after ruling coalition splitting over Speaker's choice

In Maldives, the three-party ruling coalition, led by President Abdulla Yameen's Progressive Party of Maldives, has split on the very first day of the very first session of the People's Parliament, elected only in March.

Maldives: What does Yameen’s acquittal mean for domestic politics, India ties
Dec 06, 2021

Maldives: What does Yameen’s acquittal mean for domestic politics, India ties

As former President Abdulla Yameen is released from a four-year incarceration, his re-emergence into politics will have an impact on India-Maldives ti

Maldives: When will Modi follow suit after Sushma's visit?
Oct 17, 2015

Maldives: When will Modi follow suit after Sushma's visit?

Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj undertook a two-day weekend visit to Maldives, setting the stage for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to follow suit, but possibly based on the quick-changing domestic developments in the Indian Ocean archipelago.

Maldives: Where from here after emergency
Nov 05, 2015

Maldives: Where from here after emergency

The question of the emergency-declaration by Maldives President Abdulla Yameen being a political ploy for the President if only to effect an across-the-board purge, needs even more convincing arguments than what former President Nasheed's MDP has now put forth.

Maldives: Whither 'international community'?
Sep 01, 2017

Maldives: Whither 'international community'?

Neither Yameen, nor his ministers have explained how getting eternally indebted to China would help in the economic independence of Maldives.

Maldives: Why 'national govt' ahead of polls?
Mar 30, 2012

Maldives: Why 'national govt' ahead of polls?

Now that the nation has regained some semblance of order and some of its lost direction, it is time that the divided polity in Maldives sat down and discussed pending issues for a political solution aimed at breaking what is increasingly becoming a passive deadlock.

Maldives: Why the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party is still divided ahead of crucial elections
Apr 02, 2021

Maldives: Why the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party is still divided ahead of crucial elections

The immediate task on hand is for the MDP to stay united and face the 10 April local council elections and ensure a sweep well ahead of the presidenti

Maldives: Why Yameen camp seeks Indian attention
Feb 03, 2021

Maldives: Why Yameen camp seeks Indian attention

The Opposition — PPM-PNC combine — has called upon New Delhi, along with Sri Lanka and Pakistan, to help obtain freedom for Yameen.

Maldives: WikiLeaks can add to Nasheed's woes
Dec 03, 2010

Maldives: WikiLeaks can add to Nasheed's woes

As was only to be expected, the WikiLeaks whistle-blower's accounts of US diplomatic exchanges within has something to say of little Maldives too, and it has also the potential to embarrass, if not harass, the incumbent Government of President Mohammed Nasheed.

Maldives: Will court-ordered re-poll bring out clear victor?
Oct 18, 2013

Maldives: Will court-ordered re-poll bring out clear victor?

With Maldives' Election Commission setting in motion the process for holding the first round of Supreme Court-ordered re-poll for the nation's presidency, political parties and voters alike are gearing up for a repeat performance of sorts, twice in as many months.

Maldives: Will early polls end this drift?
Jun 29, 2012

Maldives: Will early polls end this drift?

Though there is a feeling of political stability now with the Government of President Mohammed Waheed Hassan Manik in Maldives, it has also flagged news issues that could challenge the internals of the uneasy coalition that he has been heading.

Maldives: Will Gayoom's opting out impact polls?
Feb 26, 2013

Maldives: Will Gayoom's opting out impact polls?

Gayoom's decision means more things than one in contemporary Maldivian politics. His reference to his party having other worthy candidates for the presidency could imply that Gayoom may not back the candidacy of President Mohammed Waheed Hassan Manik.

Maldives: Will Nasheed pull it off again in the run-off?
Sep 09, 2013

Maldives: Will Nasheed pull it off again in the run-off?

In the Maldives presidential polls run-off on September 28, an additional percentage point or two could make the difference to the results in a way. A deduction in that figure could make any second-round prediction even more complex and complicated.

Maldives: Yameen 'returns' Bill barring politics for Nasheed
Apr 08, 2015

Maldives: Yameen 'returns' Bill barring politics for Nasheed

While it may be inconceivable in the Third World democratic context that the Bill that restricts political rights of Nasheed was moved and passed without the President's consent, Yameen has now returned the Bill to Parliament.

Maldives: Yameen camp’s efforts to take ‘India Out’ campaign to Parliament fails
Oct 20, 2020

Maldives: Yameen camp’s efforts to take ‘India Out’ campaign to Parliament fails

While there is greater cohesion in the government’s response to India-centric development agreements, it is also seeking to keep the China relations

Maldives: मालदीव के लिए क़र्ज़ का बोझ उठा पाना मुश्किल हो सकता है!
Jul 27, 2023

Maldives: मालदीव के लिए क़र्ज़ का बोझ उठा पाना मुश्किल हो सकता है!

विश्व अर्थव्यवस्था की विकास दर गिरने के चलते मालदीव की स�

Maldives: स्वर्ग में संकट
Dec 27, 2022

Maldives: स्वर्ग में संकट

लगता है कि सत्ताधारी पार्टी में चल रही गतिविधियां राजनीत

Maldives’ balanced global outreach
Mar 17, 2023

Maldives’ balanced global outreach

The balanced approach adopted by Maldives highlights how the Maldivian foreign policy has evolved under the Solih presidency

Maldives’ Muizzu Throws in With China
Jan 19, 2024

Maldives’ Muizzu Throws in With China

Malé is playing India and China against each other and trying to get the best deal, but Muizzu appears to have gone a bit overboard this time.

Maldives’ new government must address Islamic fundamentalism
Sep 26, 2018

Maldives’ new government must address Islamic fundamentalism

Close to two dozen Maldivian nationals are believed to have died in Syria, fighting for the Islamic State.

Maldives’ new pro-China tilt is worrisome but India hopes for pragmatism
May 17, 2024

Maldives’ new pro-China tilt is worrisome but India hopes for pragmatism

India has been understanding of the Maldivian government’s new policy, but it expects the island nation to respect Indian sensitivities and equally uphold its commitment to bilateral ties

Mali: Will it disintegrate?
Apr 23, 2012

Mali: Will it disintegrate?

On April 6, the Tuaregs rebelled against the Mali state, captured large areas in the northern region (Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu) and declared autonomy by forming a new "Azawad" state.

Malnutrition challenges in India’s Northeast
Nov 10, 2022

Malnutrition challenges in India’s Northeast

Investing in nutrition over the entire lifespan to overcome the challenge of intergenerational cycle of undernutrition should be the end goal

Malnutrition problem in the Northeast: पूर्वोत्तर में कुपोषण की समस्या
Jul 26, 2023

Malnutrition problem in the Northeast: पूर्वोत्तर में कुपोषण की समस्या

देशभर में बदलाव की सफल कहानियां इंगित करती हैं कि लड़किय�

Malnutrition problem in the Northeast: पूर्वोत्तर में कुपोषण की समस्या
Nov 11, 2022

Malnutrition problem in the Northeast: पूर्वोत्तर में कुपोषण की समस्या

देशभर में बदलाव की सफल कहानियां इंगित करती हैं कि लड़किय�

Malnutrition: India needs to urgently break inter-generational cycle
Sep 15, 2020

Malnutrition: India needs to urgently break inter-generational cycle

Under-nourished women, in all likelihood, became under-nourished mothers with a greater chance of giving birth to low birth-weight babies, perpetuating this cycle

Mamata's Dhaka visit sets tone for Modi visit
Feb 25, 2015

Mamata's Dhaka visit sets tone for Modi visit

Boosting further the relations between India and Bangladesh, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee recently undertook a three-day visit to Dhaka. The successful visit is expected to create a positive ground for Prime Minister Modi's visit likely later in the year.

Man on a Mission: Taking India to the world
Jun 21, 2023

Man on a Mission: Taking India to the world

As PM Modi visits the US, foremost on his agenda will be the need to promote the renaissance of individualism, internationalism, and multilateralism,

Manage or close the tap: International law to end plastic pollution
Mar 22, 2022

Manage or close the tap: International law to end plastic pollution

Proceeding with the intention to end plastic pollution, an international legally binding instrument needs to be introduced