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1768 results found

The plots and manoeuvrings behind the making of Independent India (Part 3)
Nov 16, 2020

The plots and manoeuvrings behind the making of Independent India (Part 3)

In the last of a three part series, an excerpt from Sandeep Bamzai’s latest book, “PRINCESTAN: How Nehru, Patel and Mountbatten Made India” deta

The political consequences of China’s rise
Jan 05, 2018

The political consequences of China’s rise

Inordinate focus on the military threat obscures the larger political impact of China’s rise, which will have a bearing on India’s interests and e

The politics of Balakot
Mar 20, 2019

The politics of Balakot

Notwithstanding Pakistan’s best efforts to steer the Pulwama narrative to its advantage, what should worry us is the political orchestration that has not ceased yet.

The politics of surgical strikes
Dec 12, 2018

The politics of surgical strikes

The hyped jingoistic ‘surgical’ action did nothing to deter Pakistani ‘misadventure’

The power triangle in the India-Pacific region
Jul 09, 2012

The power triangle in the India-Pacific region

Strategists in New Delhi would have to factor in that a two front confrontation with Pakistan and China cannot be ruled out. US response in this case is an uncertainty. We need to remember that in the ultimate analysis, China is the resident power and the US is a distant power.

The prime quest for the neighbourhood: India@76
Aug 14, 2023

The prime quest for the neighbourhood: India@76

As India celebrates the 76th year of its independence, it continues to robustly and cautiously engage with its neighbours, confront new challenges in

The Process is Unwinding
Jul 12, 2005

The Process is Unwinding

It is time to conduct a reality check on the India-Pakistan peace process. In fact, there is a particular urgency for it. For, the peace process seems to have got hijacked by secessionist elements in Kashmir and Pakistan who never had any stakes in it.

The real intention of Hafiz Sayeed's rally
Dec 16, 2014

The real intention of Hafiz Sayeed's rally

By organising the two-day Lahore convention through Hafiz Sayeed and his Jihadi organizations of LeT and JuD, Pakistan wants to demonstrate that the people of Pakistan are not happy with the way the events have taken place in Kashmir.

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 2
Mar 24, 2004

The reign of the Non-proliferation Ayatollahs - 2

The first part of this effort documented the various acts of omission and commission by the non-proliferation ayatollahs that led to the 1998 nuclear weapons testing of India, followed by Pakistan. However, the stark reality of the consequences of the dubious policies adopted by the NPAs towards Pakistani and Chinese proliferation came to light recently in the exposé of the Pakistan¿s ¿nuclear father¿ Dr.A.Q.Khan and his nuclear smuggling rin

The Relevance of Ancient Indian Strategy in Contemporary Geopolitics
Jul 01, 2021

The Relevance of Ancient Indian Strategy in Contemporary Geopolitics

This brief examines India’s relations with Pakistan and China using the lens of Kautilya, the ancient Indian strategic thinker—and argues for pragmatism: assessing the basis and severity of the threats, searching for possible strategic opportunities amidst the risks, and overall, avoiding the scenario of a two-front war. It begins by acknowledging that Pakistan and China view India through different prisms: for Pakistan, that of ideology; and

The Return of the Taliban: ‘Foreign Fighters’ and Other Threats to India’s Security
Aug 11, 2023

The Return of the Taliban: ‘Foreign Fighters’ and Other Threats to India’s Security

Afghanistan fell to the Taliban in August last year and since then, serious security concerns have arisen for India. There is the spectre of terrorist groups in neighbouring countries gaining strength; there is also the threat of Indians travelling to Afghanistan to either live as civilians desiring a home under “Islamic rule”, or else fight alongside terrorist groups. Indeed, other South Asian countries such as Bangladesh are reporting that

The rose-tinted glasses we see Kartarpur through
Nov 30, 2018

The rose-tinted glasses we see Kartarpur through

The lead-up to the Pakistan visit by Navjot Sidhu et al has been bizarre. How do we understand this? What could now follow?

The sea leg of India’s nuclear triad post Pokhran II
May 11, 2023

The sea leg of India’s nuclear triad post Pokhran II

Pakistan and China’s nuclear capabilities along with the added challenges and risks of a complex and uncertain environment in the Indo-Pacific are v

The Shishupala Doctrine: Narendra Modi and de-truncating the Indo-Pak power asymmetry
Jun 01, 2019

The Shishupala Doctrine: Narendra Modi and de-truncating the Indo-Pak power asymmetry

The historic second term of Narendra Modi’s government can serve to exacerbate the material asymmetry between India and Pakistan. For this reason an

The shocking gender gap in India
Nov 04, 2014

The shocking gender gap in India

India ranks 114 out of 142 countries in the Global Gender Gap index this year. Except Pakistan, most of the South Asian countries rank higher than India. What the index shows is a reflection of reality that no matter how rapidly India grows, women's status in society needs faster improvement.

The Siachen Story: The Inadvertent Role of Two German Explorers in Starting the Race to the World’s Highest Battlefield
Apr 08, 2024

The Siachen Story: The Inadvertent Role of Two German Explorers in Starting the Race to the World’s Highest Battlefield

Amit Krishankant Paul, The Siachen Story: The Inadvertent Role of Two German Explorers in Starting the Race to the World’s Highest Battlefield, April 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

The Sino-Indian BRI equation
Jun 22, 2017

The Sino-Indian BRI equation

The rise of BRI is directly proportional to American strategic confusion in Asia.

The Sino-Indian tango: Choosing sides
Oct 23, 2019

The Sino-Indian tango: Choosing sides

India may well find itself being dragged into a confrontation that is not of its own making, especially if the Chinese perceive our closeness to the A

The strategic importance of Gilgit Baltistan
Aug 24, 2016

The strategic importance of Gilgit Baltistan

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reference to Balochistan, POK and Gilgit in his Independence Day speech has caused a considerable flutter in Pakistan and India.

The strategic logic of the No First Use nuclear doctrine
Aug 30, 2019

The strategic logic of the No First Use nuclear doctrine

India’s No First Use policy was a result of the lessons that India’s key strategic thinkers learned in the long decades they spent thinking about

The struggle for power over Indus
Oct 24, 2016

The struggle for power over Indus

Indus project was to arrest the wastage of water flowing unused into the sea and put it to use to irrigate and power between India and Pakistan

The suspension and future of US‒Taliban talks: The good, the bad, or the inevitable?
Oct 07, 2019

The suspension and future of US‒Taliban talks: The good, the bad, or the inevitable?

For Trump, although bringing American troops stationed in Afghanistan has been one of the most important objectives, the calling off of the talks coul

The tinderbox of North East Asia
Jan 02, 2013

The tinderbox of North East Asia

Given that Pakistan has close ties with North Korea, it may not be difficult to visualise that the North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile technology may well find its way into Pakistan. Such an introduction would seriously affect the delicate strategic balance of South Asia and start another round of arms/ missile race.

The U.S.-India Relationship Is the Quad’s Litmus Test
Sep 30, 2021

The U.S.-India Relationship Is the Quad’s Litmus Test

Washington and New Delhi must overcome some key differences for the group to succeed.

The umpire takes all
Jul 30, 2018

The umpire takes all

While the opposition and his coalition partners will keep Imran Khan in check, Pakistan’s Army will call the shots

The unravelling of Pax Americana
Aug 25, 2021

The unravelling of Pax Americana

Afghanistan has eroded US power and credibility. A transactional America will now encounter transactional friends

The Uri aftermath: A game of snakes and ladders
Oct 03, 2016

The Uri aftermath: A game of snakes and ladders

Post-India's surgical strikes in aftermath of Uri attack more questions than answers for Pakistan's ruling establishment?

The war against drugs in Jammu and Kashmir
Jan 31, 2023

The war against drugs in Jammu and Kashmir

With arms and terror infiltration becoming difficult, Pakistan has now resorted to drug trafficking to destroy Kashmir's youth

The world's last colony
Nov 09, 2002

The world's last colony

In our dealings with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue, we have often appeared defensive, occasionally apologetic, leading to a bleeding heart syndrome among some of us. This approach ignores that Pakistan has cynically used violence, and the world has allowed it to do so, as an instrument of foreign policy. This attitude also mixes sympathy and concern for the innocent with that for the terrorist.

The ‘Minus Everyone’ Formula
May 28, 2023

The ‘Minus Everyone’ Formula

As long as Imran is there—whether in jail, exile, or even forced retirement—he will pose a threat to the Pakistan Army

There is an absence of a strategic mindset: Ex-NSA
Nov 18, 2015

There is an absence of a strategic mindset: Ex-NSA

India's former National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan thinks that challenges posed by the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor were far greater, as it directly impinged on India's sovereignty and security. He feels that this is a far graver issue than the India-China border dispute.

Things are looking up for Indo-China ties
Apr 16, 2013

Things are looking up for Indo-China ties

India need not bite the bait, it can use the space created for pushing its own agenda with China which includes resolving our border dispute, getting the Pakistani monkey off our backs and getting better terms of trade from the Chinese. China is unlikely to yield anything easily, but if the emerging Indo-Pacific geopolitics provides an opportunity, New Delhi would be foolish to look the other way.

Three years and counting: The Modi administration
Jun 05, 2017

Three years and counting: The Modi administration

The BJP has achieved a lot in the areas of governance, growth and ease of doing business. The party currently appears to be in a strong position for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

Throwing down the gauntlet: Balakot Air Strikes
Feb 27, 2019

Throwing down the gauntlet: Balakot Air Strikes

The IAF's strikes on the terror camps in Balakot, Muzaffarabad and Chakoti in Pakistan mark a fundamental shift in New Delhi’s approach to its security.

Thrust on making borders irrelevant
Jul 05, 2010

Thrust on making borders irrelevant

Terrorism, water and Afghanistan form facets of the wide range of issues which allow possible collaboration between India and Pakistan. These include trade and commerce, energy sharing, increased transport, communication links and simplified visa procedures.

Time Frame  for Kashmir Solution
Aug 02, 2004

Time Frame for Kashmir Solution

Pakistan's military ruler Gen. Pervez Musharraf has seemingly upset the Indians by insisting on a specific time frame within which a solution to the Kashmir issue acceptable to India, Pakistan and the Kashmiris is worked out within the framework of the composite dialogue between India and Pakistan.

Time to declare ISI a global terrorist entity
May 07, 2011

Time to declare ISI a global terrorist entity

Besides Osama bin Laden, Pakistan Army and ISI have been hand in glove with the Taliban for over 10 years, helping them with safe houses, recruitment bases, training and weapons. Their alliances have been effectively documented not only by the Indian security agencies but also by different western security and intelligence agencies.

To Islamabad and After
Dec 23, 2003

To Islamabad and After

Call it a game of good-cop-and-bad-cop being played out by President Musharaff and Prime Minister Jamali, yet Pakistan¿s willingness to ¿keep aside¿ the UN resolution on plebiscite in Kashmir should come as a welcome turn, if not relief, for India, and all those hoping for permanent peace in South Asia.

To talk now is wrong
Feb 22, 2010

To talk now is wrong

Pakistan has shown inadequate political will to act against the Mumbai conspirators and has found tactical refuge in legal niceties to take minimum action

Towards an India–US consensus on counterterrorism cooperation
Apr 08, 2020

Towards an India–US consensus on counterterrorism cooperation

This paper examines the environmental and policy-level challenges to the actualisation of US-India counterterrorism cooperation. Indeed, despite their seeming convergence on the imperative of effective counterterrorism, there has been limited cooperation between the two countries. While the US’ sense of “American exceptionalism” and its hegemon status purports a utilitarian notion of the adversary, India’s regional power status makes its

Tracing the role of ideas and tactics in the Kashmir conflict
Apr 10, 2021

Tracing the role of ideas and tactics in the Kashmir conflict

The conflict in Kashmir has undergone several changes and has kept itself relevant by drawing upon ideas and tactics from elsewhere.

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties
Aug 29, 2011

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties

Indian and Pakistani governments have realised the necessity of better connecting provinces on both sides of the border as a possible means of improving broader relations between the two nations.

Troubling prospects in Afghanistan
Jul 10, 2021

Troubling prospects in Afghanistan

As the reality of the U.S. withdrawal takes hold, the future will depend on Taliban-Kabul dynamics and Pakistan’s role

Truckling to TLP
Nov 07, 2021

Truckling to TLP

The Pakistani state needs to boldly assert itself as it once again folds to the demands of the TLP

Trust Deficit and Currency of Hope
Jul 16, 2010

Trust Deficit and Currency of Hope

It is not clear what External Affairs Minister's visit to Pakistan in mid-July can realistically achieve in bridging the trust deficit between India and Pakistan. This distrust spans sixty three years.