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1736 results found

Together in an uncertain world
Dec 01, 2018

Together in an uncertain world

Where India’s relations with individual EU nations have progressed dramatically over the last few years and the EU’s focus on India has grown, it has become imperative for the two to give each other a serious look.

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties
Aug 29, 2011

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties

Indian and Pakistani governments have realised the necessity of better connecting provinces on both sides of the border as a possible means of improving broader relations between the two nations.

Trade can bind India, China together
Jul 24, 2007

Trade can bind India, China together

Speaking on India-China relations Dr Yiwei Wang gave a Chinese perception of this relationship. The basic theme was that there was need to look at three T's (Trade, Tibet and Territory) to improve the bilateral relations.

Trade with Bangladesh: Opportunities for North East
Jun 15, 2012

Trade with Bangladesh: Opportunities for North East

India?s improved relations with Bangladesh have brought new opportunities for economic development in the North East region. To maximise the benefits, there is need for identifying the factors and the issues that might hinder the growth of economic ties.

Transatlantic Security Divide in Munich
Mar 02, 2004

Transatlantic Security Divide in Munich

Three main issues were discussed in the 40th Munich Conference on Security Policy held on 6-8 February 2004: prospects of transatlantic relations, future of NATO, and future developments in the Middle East. As usual, several Defence and Foreign Ministers, representatives of think tanks, academia, media and the defence industry attended the conference.

Transition Time in the Maldives
Oct 07, 2008

Transition Time in the Maldives

The run-up to the upcoming presidential polls in the Maldives will determine the shape of things to come in the future, with far-reaching implications for India, for bilateral relations between the two countries and the Indian Ocean region. This became evident at the end of a candid discussion that a high-level team of the Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) had with a section of Indian intellectuals at Observer Research Foundation (ORF),

Treading a Pragmatic Path: Russia in Afghanistan After August 2021
Nov 09, 2023

Treading a Pragmatic Path: Russia in Afghanistan After August 2021

After the United States and its allies left Afghanistan in 2021, analysts expected Russia to fill the vacuum caused by the withdrawal. As far as Moscow itself is concerned, it would like to establish full diplomatic ties with the Taliban regime while it urges Western countries to take accountability and fulfil their responsibilities towards the Afghan people. Indeed, Russia’s desire for security and regional hegemony compels it to selectively e

Trends in the Transatlantic Alliance
Oct 14, 2022

Trends in the Transatlantic Alliance

Although the transatlantic alliance has shown resilience so far, several emerging trends may impact relations in the coming months

Trump’s Afghanistan strategy and emerging alignments in the region: Implications for India
Nov 15, 2017

Trump’s Afghanistan strategy and emerging alignments in the region: Implications for India

US President Donald Trump’s new Afghanistan strategy for America’s longest war has potential to drastically alter existing regional relations. The policy, announced after an exhaustive eight-month-long review process, attempts to give a new direction for future US involvement in Afghanistan. Becoming president at a time when old alignments are undergoing transition, Trump’s task has not been easy. Given the constraints, however, Trump’s A

Trump’s Central Asia policy
Aug 04, 2020

Trump’s Central Asia policy

Does the US in general, and the Trump administration in particular, have a differing approach towards Central Asia developing their relations with Rus

Trump’s visit is not about trade alone
Feb 25, 2020

Trump’s visit is not about trade alone

Despite disagreements over trade, relations between the US and India are poised for further consolidation. Defence ties continue to remain strong

TSAT-1A marks progress, but challenges remain in US-India defence space ties
May 31, 2024

TSAT-1A marks progress, but challenges remain in US-India defence space ties

The TSAT-1A launch opens opportunities to expand US-India defence space ties. However, other technological collaborations, like those in quantum techn

Turkey, Syria, and the Islamic State
Mar 18, 2016

Turkey, Syria, and the Islamic State

The Syrian crisis has become a test case for Turkey's foreign and domestic policy. Determined to find a balance between its global expectations and regional objectives, Turkey aimed towards the downfall of the Assad regime, relying on its strength in the Arab streets and support to rebels to ensure a rapid outcome. This tolerance for the radical opposition in Syria, along with the failure in finding a resolution to the Kurdish issue, has contribu

Turning the Pak nuclear debate to Delhi's advantage
Oct 20, 2015

Turning the Pak nuclear debate to Delhi's advantage

The centre of gravity of India's foreign policy seems to rest in Pakistan. India has not been able to overcome this psychological vulnerability, despite the growing strategic separation between India and Pakistan. It gets a lot worse when it comes to Pakistan's relations with America.

Twitter Diplomacy: A Brief Analysis
May 11, 2023

Twitter Diplomacy: A Brief Analysis

In the past few years, Twitter has served as a versatile form of political public square for domestic and world affairs. The use of Twitter, largely propelled by the prominence of social media in the current environment for the discharge of diplomatic functions, has become an integral part of contemporary international relations. Indeed, Twitter has created its own form of diplomacy by incorporating itself to augment traditional diplomatic functi

UAE's evolving role as a key actor in the Middle East and beyond
Jul 02, 2024

UAE's evolving role as a key actor in the Middle East and beyond

From funding the restoration of Mosul’s cultural heritage to pledging aid for Gaza's reconstruction, the UAE's actions reflect a nuanced blend of hu

Ukraine crisis: China gains at the cost of Europe
Apr 03, 2015

Ukraine crisis: China gains at the cost of Europe

Former Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Goran Persson, feels that India should take an active role in negotiating between the European Union and Russia, who are fighting over Ukraine. He believes that new developments will mean that China-Russia relations will prosper at the cost of Russia-Europe relations.

Uncle Sam's bear hug
Jul 19, 2005

Uncle Sam's bear hug

Through most of the Cold War and for over a decade after it ended, the phrase that best described Indo-US relations was ¿estranged democracies¿, coined by Dennis Kux, a former US diplomat. The two democracies, the world¿s largest and the world¿s most populous, regarded each other with wary suspicion.

Under China's Shadow, India Looks to Australia
Feb 11, 2013

Under China's Shadow, India Looks to Australia

More than the growth of the Indian diaspora in Australia or two-way commerce, the potential for naval cooperation and reshaping the political geography of the Indo-Pacific excites the relationship's strategic proponents.

Under the Radar, Above the Norm: The Evolving Dimensions of Thai-Japanese Cooperation
Mar 27, 2024

Under the Radar, Above the Norm: The Evolving Dimensions of Thai-Japanese Cooperation

Japan-Thailand relations are understated, yet dynamic and continuing to evolve. The two have worked towards fortifying their ties across various sectors, including defence, investments, and energy, undergirded by a mutual commitment to regional stability and economic prosperity. A paramount interest is navigating the geopolitical complexities of the times, amid growing external threats that necessitate deeper security cooperation comprising bilat

Understanding Ethiopia’s port deal with Somaliland and its geopolitical implications
Jan 25, 2024

Understanding Ethiopia’s port deal with Somaliland and its geopolitical implications

The recent agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia has already set the framework for this year’s bumpy interstate relations in the Horn of Africa

Understanding the ‘India Out’ Campaign in Maldives
Oct 07, 2022

Understanding the ‘India Out’ Campaign in Maldives

Since Ibrahim Solih’s election as president of Maldives in 2018, India and Maldives have been working to revive their previously strained relations. The relationship faces an enduring threat, however, in the form of the ‘India Out’ campaign spearheaded by opposition parties. Although limited to certain sections of the Maldivian polity, the campaign has fuelled anti-India public sentiments, in turn becoming consequential to India-Maldives re

Unleashing the power of sports diplomacy: A gamechanger
May 24, 2024

Unleashing the power of sports diplomacy: A gamechanger

Sports diplomacy has significantly influenced international relations, but to maximize its potential, concrete policies and diplomatic actions are ess

Unquiet borders on the Himalayas
Jul 08, 2020

Unquiet borders on the Himalayas

Peace and war are not the only options in any bilateral relationship. Numerous issues, more or less serious, emerge between two countries which demand

UP Elections 2022: यूपी चुनाव में ‘आइडेंटिटी पॉलिटिक्स’ का विश्लेषण!
Jul 30, 2023

UP Elections 2022: यूपी चुनाव में ‘आइडेंटिटी पॉलिटिक्स’ का विश्लेषण!

यूपी के चुनाव, पहचान की राजनीति की केंद्रीयता को मज़बूत क�

Urgent need to improve India's border infrastructure
Sep 06, 2010

Urgent need to improve India's border infrastructure

India needs to improve its border infrastructure in the background of the changing geopolitics of Asia that will increasingly be shaped by Sino-Indian relations, pointed out a panel discussion on "India's Border Infrastructure" at ORF.

US Ambassador releases America in the Asian Century
Aug 13, 2013

US Ambassador releases America in the Asian Century

The Ambassador of the United States to India, Ms Nancy J Powell, on Tuesday released ORF's new publication, America in the Asian Century. The book consists of papers by ORF scholars on US's policy and relations with all important Asian countries.

US elections: Decoding the role of Indian Diaspora
Oct 23, 2015

US elections: Decoding the role of Indian Diaspora

While India watches the elections with interest, whether it is a Republican or a Democrat who comes to power, US-India ties are set to improve because of bipartisan consensus in the US that the relationship has to grow stronger in view of shared concerns and interests in the Indo Pacific.

US faces a renewed Shi'ite challenge
Jan 22, 2024

US faces a renewed Shi'ite challenge

The US today is on the horns of a dilemma in the Middle East.

US government funds “sister” organisations of terror groups it fights
Jul 28, 2020

US government funds “sister” organisations of terror groups it fights

The bewildering reality of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds has special pertinence for India given the well-organised attacks on Capi

US needs to treat India as an exception
Dec 07, 2013

US needs to treat India as an exception

The United States needs to treat India as an exception given the uniqueness of the US-India relationship, argues Dr. Anit Mukherjee of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore.

US pivot and the Indian dilemma
Jul 10, 2012

US pivot and the Indian dilemma

India is still coming to grips with the emerging multi-polar world order and managing great power relations still appears to be a major challenge for Delhi. India is keen on developing stronger partnership with the US. But, on the other hand, it is also concerned about the reaction of China and, increasingly, of Russia.

US's rebalancing policy in Asia
Oct 05, 2012

US's rebalancing policy in Asia

The strengthening of working relationships with emerging Asian powers like India and Indonesia would form the second element of the United States's rebalancing policy, according to Ms Meera Shankar, former Indian Ambassador to the United States.

US's total power cannot be challenged by China, says Japanese expert
Oct 16, 2014

US's total power cannot be challenged by China, says Japanese expert

The increased interdependence between the various players in the East Asia region is a potential area that needs to be harnessed more effectively to foster the relations and avoid the territorial conflicts and animosity, according to Hitoshi Tanaka of the Japan Research Institute.

US, China dig in their heels
Sep 14, 2021

US, China dig in their heels

The breakdown of high-level communications worrying

US, India and security in the Asia-Pacific
Sep 28, 2015

US, India and security in the Asia-Pacific

That India-US ties are at the nexus of a new beginning shaping the Indo-Pacific is no surprise. PM Modi's second visit to the US at the beginning of his second year in office only reiterates the importance of this relationship.

US, India and the new lack of strategic trust
Jun 25, 2013

US, India and the new lack of strategic trust

It is a reality today that the US-India relationship is on a somewhat arid plateau. It is unable to meet the expectations placed on it and the reason for that is the increasing lack of what can be called "strategic trust" between New Delhi and Washington.

US-China cyber talks
Aug 09, 2013

US-China cyber talks

Cyber security has taken a front seat in the U.S.-China relations, as seen in the last two high level bilateral meetings. The California summit in June 2013 and the recently held U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) V in July 2013 were dominated by cyber issues.

US-China rivalry presages new world order
Aug 06, 2020

US-China rivalry presages new world order

US-China relations have been rocky since 2018 when the two sides started a tariff war and the US began to restrict the export of semiconductors to China. And then came Covid-19 and as the situation in the US deteriorated, rhetoric against China began to rise. It has been opportunistic, driven by the hope that it would make the electorate overlook shoddy handling of the pandemic by the Trump administration.

US-China: Hot exchange in cold Alaska sets the tone
Mar 22, 2021

US-China: Hot exchange in cold Alaska sets the tone

Relations between the reigning superpower and the aspiring one will be antagonistic and the rest of the world will have to navigate — sometimes deli

US-India Strategic Dialogue: "Sky's No Limit" for Space
Jul 18, 2011

US-India Strategic Dialogue: "Sky's No Limit" for Space

With the nuclear deal over, New Delhi and Washington need another big idea to power the bilateral relationship over the next several years. Space cooperation has the potential for being that next big idea.

US-India Strategic Dialogue: Lack of Vision in Space
Jul 20, 2011

US-India Strategic Dialogue: Lack of Vision in Space

The US-India Strategic Dialogue appears to have produced no big ideas for carrying forward the relationship. Both countries need to be more innovative and visionary, and identify cutting edge areas to cooperate - like space.

US-India ties: 'Yada, yada' way of glossing over
Jul 12, 2013

US-India ties: 'Yada, yada' way of glossing over

It is time for the India-US security partnership to be more than a Voldemort -that whose name shall not be spoken. India is capable enough to secure its interests within such a partnership. The trade relationship will always be contentious, that much is clear.

US-Iran conundrum: Not all doors are shut
Jun 06, 2024

US-Iran conundrum: Not all doors are shut

Iran’s leadership crisis may have come at an important time for the US, amid an ongoing political slugfest at home in an election cycle and a litmus test for US relations with Israel.

US-Pak Spat: Another Repeat
Oct 18, 2010

US-Pak Spat: Another Repeat

US-Pak relations are like high risk aerobatics. The plane nosedives, loops up, cruises at varying altitudes, takes a few spins and steadies.

US-Pak-Afghan talks: Is there a point?
Aug 08, 2011

US-Pak-Afghan talks: Is there a point?

The tripartite meeting between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the US representatives on August 2 took place against the backdrop of souring relationships, killing of Osama bin Laden and President Barak Obama's 2014 withdrawal plan.

Von der Leyen walks the election tightrope
Mar 28, 2024

Von der Leyen walks the election tightrope

Although Von der Leyen has proved her mettle over the years, only time will tell if she would be able to maintain her legacy in other critical areas s