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Decoding China’s ballistic missile defence (BMD) and anti-satellite (ASAT) systems efforts
Apr 06, 2019

Decoding China’s ballistic missile defence (BMD) and anti-satellite (ASAT) systems efforts

The Chinese conduct their tests from their test site in Korla, Xinjiang. Since the hit-to-kill vehicles can be used for BMD and ASAT, the site probab

Decoding India's Abstention on UNHRC Vote
Aug 10, 2015

Decoding India's Abstention on UNHRC Vote

In what is being touted as a major shift in Indian policy towards Israel, New Delhi abstained from a vote against Israel at the UN Human Rights Commission. The UN human rights body called for Israel's accountability in alleged war crimes committed by its officials during the conflict in Gaza in July 2014.

Decoding the Rafale controversy
Oct 16, 2018

Decoding the Rafale controversy

The opacity in the Rafale deal only raises doubts, with its fallout on national security and the 'Make in India' programme.

Defence reforms get a fillip, but more needs to be done urgently
Jan 15, 2019

Defence reforms get a fillip, but more needs to be done urgently

At a time when advances in technology are revolutionising warfare, India is still debating the need to move towards leaner force structures. India needs to cut the flab on an urgent basis.

Defence, beyond action-reaction
Mar 31, 2011

Defence, beyond action-reaction

The defence component of the national budget accounts for 14% of central government expenditure, but gets less than 5% of media space. Virtually no discussion on the issue takes place in Parliament either. A call for increased resources for national defence usually goes out only when defence spending by Pakistan and China makes headlines.

Defence: Not really an ideal Budget
Jul 11, 2014

Defence: Not really an ideal Budget

Modi Govt's defence budget will only sharpen the divide between an increasingly assertive China and the Indian security establishment trying hard to cope up with the Chinese military modernisation programme. China's 2014 military budget is of $132 billion while Indian budget is of approximately US $ 37 bn only.

Delhi to host India-Africa Forum Summit next year
Oct 31, 2013

Delhi to host India-Africa Forum Summit next year

India will be hosting the next India-Africa Forum Summit in 2014 and it is trying to implement as many decisions of the earlier two Summits as possible, according to a senior official at the MEA.

Delhi-Paris tango offers a third way in diplomacy
Feb 01, 2024

Delhi-Paris tango offers a third way in diplomacy

As dependable allies, the India-France partnership is a force for global good in a volatile world engulfed in multiple crises

Delhi’s dilemma
Jun 25, 2018

Delhi’s dilemma

Why statehood is no answer to the city’s pollution mess

Demilitarisation of Siachen
Apr 05, 2005

Demilitarisation of Siachen

The Observer Research Foundation¿s (ORF) Institute of Security Studies hosted a roundtable discussion on the ¿Demilitarisation of Siachen¿, on May 4, 2005, at ORF Campus, New Delhi. The discussion was chaired by Gen (Retd) VP Malik, former Chief of the Army Staff.

DeMo trigger, & things got worse
Aug 19, 2019

DeMo trigger, & things got worse

Many more reforms are needed to boost consumer confidence. People have to have faith in their future earning capacity and only then they will start buying.

Democracy in India: Is it ‘best fit’ or flawed?
Mar 05, 2019

Democracy in India: Is it ‘best fit’ or flawed?

The Economist Intelligence Unit’s democracy framework, by being blind to history and to context, is not doing itself any favours.

Democracy in Pakistan goes into deep coma
Jul 21, 2018

Democracy in Pakistan goes into deep coma

The process of subverting democracy and politicians began at the beginning of Pakistan.

Democracy vs Politicisation: Questions during crises
Mar 16, 2019

Democracy vs Politicisation: Questions during crises

Questioning the choices made by the government in terms of its response to the Pulwama terror strike is not 'questioning the forces' and thus unpatriotic

Design Behind 'Counting' The Poor
Oct 11, 2011

Design Behind 'Counting' The Poor

Though the Planning Commission went by the Tendulkar formula, Rs 32 and Rs 24 look extremely low at today's prices and high inflation, and especially if we take into account that these amounts include other items of daily life like education and health.

Developing the architecture for urban transportation in India
Aug 13, 2018

Developing the architecture for urban transportation in India

Development of a proper and efficient transport network is a science in itself, but the least understood.

Dhaka Global Dialogue 2019 | Welcome address by Major General A.K.M. Abdur Rahman
Nov 11, 2019

Dhaka Global Dialogue 2019 | Welcome address by Major General A.K.M. Abdur Rahman

The Dhaka Global Dialogue will provide an excellent opportunity to discuss and debate the core developmental issues in the Asian century where all nat

Did surgical strikes really deter Pakistan?
Jun 29, 2018

Did surgical strikes really deter Pakistan?

The relatively small tactical operation did not meet its military objective but generated spectacular political theatre. The release of the videos in the run up to the elections is further evidence of the true nature of the exercise.

Diego Garcia: India’s conundrum
Jun 16, 2020

Diego Garcia: India’s conundrum

New Delhi declared unequivocal support for “all peoples striving for decolonisation”, only to keep conspicuously quiet.

Digital Civics के माध्यम से ज़िम्मेदार युवा नेटिजन्स का पोषण!
Dec 12, 2022

Digital Civics के माध्यम से ज़िम्मेदार युवा नेटिजन्स का पोषण!

युवाओं को भारत के प्रभावी ‘डिजिटल सिटीजन्स’ अर्थात ‘डिज�

Digital inequality in China: Lessons for a digital India
May 29, 2019

Digital inequality in China: Lessons for a digital India

China has drawn worldwide attention in recent years for its rapid digitalisation, which happens to overlap with the three focul points of Digital Indi

Diplomacy and Image-Building: India Rides on its Soft Power
May 24, 2023

Diplomacy and Image-Building: India Rides on its Soft Power

India has projected its soft power for centuries, long before the concept was even defined by political analysts. In the past decade, the country wielded its soft power in a more systematic way in the practice of diplomacy. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in power since 2014, is becoming known for his passionate use of India’s soft-power assets through both an effective media management strategy and an intelligent use of social media. This Brief

Disarming a Political Time Bomb
Apr 09, 2019

Disarming a Political Time Bomb

The existing NOTA option is just symbolic because even if the majority of voters in a constituency detest the candidates, one of them will still be elected.

Disease and urban densities
Apr 19, 2020

Disease and urban densities

The COVID19 pandemic is a wake-up call to the world to realise that the sustainability quotient, in terms of the scale that city population densities

Disempowering the soldier
Nov 30, 2018

Disempowering the soldier

By curtailing the effectiveness of the Armed Forces Tribunals, the Government is destroying the military justice system which is a disservice to serving and retired personnel

Disruption of the global aerospace and aviation industry — and lessons for India
May 05, 2020

Disruption of the global aerospace and aviation industry — and lessons for India

Now is time for India to rise to the challenge and be the leader in the opening up of the aviation sector.

Dissecting India’s constitutional resilience: Lessons for G20 countries
Jan 25, 2023

Dissecting India’s constitutional resilience: Lessons for G20 countries

India’s impeccable story of constitutional promise and practice has much to offer to the G20 members and the world

Diversity within the Union: The EU’s midlife checklist
Nov 02, 2019

Diversity within the Union: The EU’s midlife checklist

Even with increased efforts from governments towards democratising trade policy development, there are hindrances with the emergence of other Westphal

Dividing to conquer
Apr 17, 2019

Dividing to conquer

Hitting at the neutrality of armed forces will do more damage than good

Do 'jobs' even matter in politics?
May 22, 2019

Do 'jobs' even matter in politics?

Some conventional wisdom about how economic outcomes affect politics will be tested on May 23.