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India's Indo-Pacific Outreach
Feb 17, 2022

India's Indo-Pacific Outreach

S Jaishankar’s visit to the Philippines from the Quad summit also showcased India’s willingness to more proactively shape the strategic contours of the Indo-Pacific

India's nuclear imposture
May 12, 2014

India's nuclear imposture

India's diluted version of the 'No First Use' nuclear doctrine makes an already dangerous security situation in South Asia more dangerous still. Everyone would be better off if the government did away with it.The problem is that no political group currently has the wherewithal to try to fix these ambiguities.

India's prospects in China-dominated SCO
Jun 05, 2017

India's prospects in China-dominated SCO

It is hoped that the focus of deliberations would be to promote peace, security, counterterrorism cooperation and enhance partnership in economic, bus

India's Reluctance on Multilateral Naval Exercises
Jul 29, 2015

India's Reluctance on Multilateral Naval Exercises

Given the centrality of the Indian Ocean to its national security, it is time for India to leverage existing and emerging multilateral platforms to engage deeply with partner countries and take on a greater leadership role in the Indian Ocean Region.

India's stakes in Maldives' power struggle
Mar 24, 2015

India's stakes in Maldives' power struggle

With Narendra Modi pursuing a very active Indian Ocean region diplomacy, Maldives cannot be kept away from his outreach programme. Maldives is key to our strategic interests in the Indian Ocean and any instability or discord in its internal affairs would have a bearing on our security.

India, Africa and the quest for reformed multilateralism
May 26, 2020

India, Africa and the quest for reformed multilateralism

Democratic reforms in global institutions are quintessential; that is why India and Africa have voiced their support for expanding both permanent and

India, ASEAN Hold First Maritime Exercises
May 16, 2023

India, ASEAN Hold First Maritime Exercises

India has long used its navy to build ties with maritime nations in the Indo-Pacific, but this exercise steps up collaboration by tying up with ASEAN as a group.

India, Bangladesh cooperation vital for peace and stability in the region
Oct 23, 2017

India, Bangladesh cooperation vital for peace and stability in the region

Started in 2009, the India-Bangladesh Security Dialogue provides a platform to discuss issues pertaining to bilateral relations and security cooperation.

India, China, and the Indo-Pacific: New Delhi’s recalibration is underway
Jan 05, 2021

India, China, and the Indo-Pacific: New Delhi’s recalibration is underway

Like several other countries in the Indo-Pacific, India is also hardening its policy posture vis-à-vis China.

India, France Conclude Garuda Exercise 2022
Nov 19, 2022

India, France Conclude Garuda Exercise 2022

The strong strategic and political foundation as well as the trust between India and France provide for accelerated defense and security ties in the coming years.

India, Iran, and the Afghanistan crisis
Nov 22, 2021

India, Iran, and the Afghanistan crisis

Can Iran and India come together to manage the Afghanistan crisis and the security threat posed by it?

India, Japan, and the Dragon’s Fire: Making the Quad Work
Aug 14, 2023

India, Japan, and the Dragon’s Fire: Making the Quad Work

Since the 2000s, the security situation around Japan has changed as China has escalated its activities in the Indo-Pacific area. As such, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) has an important role to play in the resolution of this issue. This brief seeks to understand the features of China's territorial expansion, how the Quad can respond to this situation, and what issues it should anticipate in the future.

India, Pakistan need to shift focus towards CBMs
Jun 24, 2014

India, Pakistan need to shift focus towards CBMs

India and Pakistan need to begin a dialogue on economic and military relations. It will be a challenge for both countries to balance the provision of security for its populations with the need to create the enabling environment for economic and social development and growth.

India, the EU and the Future of Multilateralism
Jan 26, 2022

India, the EU and the Future of Multilateralism

India and the EU must explore new avenues for greater political and security cooperation to protect the world’s public goods

India-Australia strategic ties should stand alone, say experts
May 27, 2013

India-Australia strategic ties should stand alone, say experts

Experts at a seminar in Chennai felt that 'rogue Sates' like North Korea could alter the security architecture as well as the geo-strategic approach in Asia. And, in light of this uncertainty, evolving ties between nations like India, Japan, South Korea and Australia gain significance. It also stressed the need for Australia-India ties to be treated as a stand-alone development.

India-Australia Ties: Assessing Jaishankar’s Australia Trip
Oct 13, 2022

India-Australia Ties: Assessing Jaishankar’s Australia Trip

India and Australia’s relationship has progressed remarkably, underscoring shared concerns in the Indo-Pacific.

India-Bangladesh Relations: Finding a Way Forward
May 11, 2023

India-Bangladesh Relations: Finding a Way Forward

India has a stake in Bangladesh not only for the security of its eastern borders but also for other strategic advantages. Therefore, it cannot afford to let go of the recently achieved opportunity to break away from the past trajectory and establish new contours of engagement with Bangladesh. In many ways, this is a rare opportunity for both the countries to talk with each other and resolve differences.

India-China crisis: Why the Gulf is silent
Aug 10, 2020

India-China crisis: Why the Gulf is silent

Sustained India-Gulf engagement builds habits of cooperation and sheds light on each other’s strategic concerns and capabilities.

India-China Relations: Still Bogged Down
May 03, 2023

India-China Relations: Still Bogged Down

After the April 27 meeting between the Indian and Chinese defense ministers, the two sides failed to issue a joint statement — a telling clue as to how the meeting went.

India-China talks: Never ignore India's strategic interests
Dec 31, 2010

India-China talks: Never ignore India's strategic interests

India has seldom been demanding on strategic issues. At the strategic level, one requires a long memory and a longer foresight and vision. With China, we need to balance our strategic, security and economic relationships.

India-China Tango Continues in Sri Lanka
Oct 10, 2023

India-China Tango Continues in Sri Lanka

Once again, the pending visit of a Chinese research vessel to Sri Lanka has touched off Indian objections.

India-Egypt relations: भारत और मिस्र के बीच के ऐतिहासिक संबंधों का ‘नवीनीकरण’
Jul 26, 2023

India-Egypt relations: भारत और मिस्र के बीच के ऐतिहासिक संबंधों का ‘नवीनीकरण’

भारतीय विदेश मंत्री के हालिए मिस्र (Egypt visit) दौरे के उपरांत स�

India-Israel: A steady partnership in unsteady times
Sep 13, 2019

India-Israel: A steady partnership in unsteady times

India-Israel relations in promoting unilateral action in regulation, innovation and information-sharing.

India-Japan Partnership in a Resurgent Asia
Dec 29, 2011

India-Japan Partnership in a Resurgent Asia

His Excellency Mr. Akitaka Saiki, Ambassador of Japan to India, addressed an eminent gathering at the ORF campus in New Delhi on June 29, 2011. In his lecture, Mr. Saiki outlined the huge potential for cooperation between India and Japan to build a strong partnership in the context of the rapidly changing security dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region. This is the text of his lecture and the proceedings of the event.

India-Japan-Australia minilateral: The promise and perils of balancing locally
May 24, 2017

India-Japan-Australia minilateral: The promise and perils of balancing locally

This paper argues that even when the India-Japan-Australia minilateral is inspired by a need to ensure their interests against the current global power transition, it remains limited in its aim: to restrain China from achieving regional hegemony as it may threaten the liberal security order in the region. In the face of China’s rise and the US’ retrenchment, Asia’s regional powers are hedging their bets on a regional security order that is

India-Maldives relations: Solih’s recent visit to India
Aug 05, 2022

India-Maldives relations: Solih’s recent visit to India

Solih’s visit underscored the strengthening of the economic and security ties in the backdrop of the Opposition’s ‘India Out’ campaign.

India-Myanmar naval diplomacy
Mar 12, 2013

India-Myanmar naval diplomacy

In an important advance in the bilateral security cooperation between Delhi and Yangon, two naval vessels from Myanmar have arrived in Vishakhapatnam for joint exercises. While India's naval diplomacy with Myanmar is headed in the right direction, Delhi needs to step up the pace of cooperation.

India-Philippines relations: Robust ties for a secure and rules-based Indo-Pacific
Jul 12, 2023

India-Philippines relations: Robust ties for a secure and rules-based Indo-Pacific

India’s intent to play a proactive role in the Indo-Pacific coincides with the Philippines’ need to establish security ties with non-traditional p

India-Russia economic and energy cooperation: The way ahead
Jun 07, 2017

India-Russia economic and energy cooperation: The way ahead

Economic ties were the cornerstone of Indo-Soviet relations. Even the 1971 Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, which was essentially of a political-security nature, stressed upon “economic, scientific and technological cooperation”.[1] Although the India-Russia ties in general survived the upheavals of the early 1990s, economic relations began to cool in the post-Soviet period. Despite many ambitious targets set during various

India-Saudi Arabia relations must move forward to a genuine strategic partnership
Apr 25, 2013

India-Saudi Arabia relations must move forward to a genuine strategic partnership

The Fourth India-Saudi Arabia Workshop held recently in Delhi felt that India must play an active role in ensuring peace and stability in the region, which should not be limited to maritime security. It also stressed the need to move forward the relationship to a genuine strategic partnership.

India-Saudi Arabia ties and G20: Bilateral collaboration and beyond
Dec 26, 2022

India-Saudi Arabia ties and G20: Bilateral collaboration and beyond

India’s G20 presidency could help strengthen the bilateral ties and cooperation partnerships with Saudi Arabia

India-US cyber relations
Jan 14, 2014

India-US cyber relations

Although India's entry into the field of cyber security has been relatively late and much of the internal institutional streamlining is yet to take effect, the level of cooperation between India and the US in the field of cyber security has been substantial.

India-US Defence Relations: In Search of a Direction
Jul 23, 2023

India-US Defence Relations: In Search of a Direction

The strong reactions to the non-inclusion of American firms in a major Indian military procurement tender, in the backdrop of proposed aggressive weapons sales by the Americans, paint a contrasting picture that could influence India-US defence relations in the near future. This Paper looks at the entire gambit of Indo-US Defence relations and, based on past experiences and ongoing deliberations, the challenges ahead.

India-US diplomacy in health amidst 2024 elections
May 29, 2024

India-US diplomacy in health amidst 2024 elections

While the results of the elections are difficult to predict, the strong commitment and cooperation in the health sector between India-US should be enh

India-US Intelligence Cooperation: Leapfrogging the curve
Apr 02, 2024

India-US Intelligence Cooperation: Leapfrogging the curve

The immense potential in broadening bilateral intelligence cooperation between India and the US to stay ahead of evolving threats needs to be explored

India-US relations: Let's get real
Jun 06, 2012

India-US relations: Let's get real

As political India wakes up to a more complex security environment enveloping it, Delhi needs to demonstrate greater pragmatism in enhancing cooperation with Washington.

Dec 10, 2004


On December 10-11, 2003, the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and the RAND Corporation held a ¿strategic dialogue¿ in New Delhi. The meeting brought together scholars, diplomats, and functionaries from the governments of India and the United States to discuss policy issues important to both countries. This report , which summarizes the discussions, should be of interest to high-level policy makers in the Indian and US governments, as well as

India-US-Australia Defence Cooperation
May 25, 2011

India-US-Australia Defence Cooperation

A roundtable on India-US-Australia cooperation at ORF revolved around issues that are of common interests to all three countries, such as maritime security and cooperation, piracy and disaster management among other issues.

India-Vietnam Ties Deepen in Dynamic Indo-Pacific
Jun 07, 2022

India-Vietnam Ties Deepen in Dynamic Indo-Pacific

Given that the China threat looms large for both Vietnam and India, the bilateral relationship between New Delhi and Hanoi is likely to gain even greater traction.

Indian Army's year of technological advancement in 2024
Feb 03, 2024

Indian Army's year of technological advancement in 2024

While the Indian Army’s emphasis on integrating advanced tools reflects a proactive response to evolving challenges, a broader transformation warran

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship
Feb 10, 2021

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship

This brief examines India’s defence procurement record for fundamental platforms, weapons, and systems, as well as planned acquisitions and projects under development. The new Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP 2020) assumes greater salience not only against India’s chequered acquisition history, but also the increasingly constrained resource environment and deteriorating regional security scenario. The brief offers a set of broad recommendat

Indian fishing is in troubled waters?
Jul 27, 2012

Indian fishing is in troubled waters?

Maritime security concerns of nations, big and small, are for real. Livelihood issues too are for real. Neither can be compromised in the face of the other.