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1736 results found

The human right to water in a pandemic
May 05, 2020

The human right to water in a pandemic

Given its difficult position under the Constitution, the subject of water has remained one of the most disputed areas in India’s federal relationshi

The I2U2: Where Geography and Economics Meet
Feb 27, 2023

The I2U2: Where Geography and Economics Meet

Minilateral organisations have increased in number in recent years, reflecting a new paradigm in international relations. The I2U2 (India, Israel, United States and UAE), launched in July this year, is one such minilateral. With its priorities set on a geoeconomic agenda, the I2U2 is being driven by both, the member countries’ own motivations and their shared interests. This brief gives an overview of the grouping and its objectives. It

The importance of PM's visit to Moscow
Oct 18, 2013

The importance of PM's visit to Moscow

While much of the Indo-Russian relationship appears to be already existing ties, especially in the military-technical cooperation and hydrocarbon industry, trade and economic relations are faced with myriad challenges. It is time to diversify the trade basket to include technology, pharmaceuticals, etc.

The India-Bhutan story: India understands the urgency and needs of its neighbour
Mar 28, 2024

The India-Bhutan story: India understands the urgency and needs of its neighbour

The two nations have had a history of cooperation, support, and mutual growth.

The India-UAE CEPA: मुक्त व्यापार समझौतों में भारत की दोबारा बढ़ती दिलचस्पी
Jul 30, 2023

The India-UAE CEPA: मुक्त व्यापार समझौतों में भारत की दोबारा बढ़ती दिलचस्पी

अर्थव्यवस्था पर मुक्त व्यापार समझौतों के असर और इनसे बदल

The India-US Dialogues
Jan 24, 2015

The India-US Dialogues

The India-US Dialogues, hosted by Observer Research Foundation and Network 18 on January 24 with panels ranging from security and international relations to business and economics, encapsulating the range of issues on everyone's minds.

The India–US 2+2 dialogue: Opportunity to move beyond Ukraine
Apr 11, 2022

The India–US 2+2 dialogue: Opportunity to move beyond Ukraine

Despite having showcased differing positions on the Russia–Ukraine crisis, India and the US can use the India-US 2+2 Dialogue as a platform to set t

The India–US Defence Technology and Industrial Cooperation: It’s time for delivery
Feb 26, 2024

The India–US Defence Technology and Industrial Cooperation: It’s time for delivery

While reviews at various levels are useful, there is a need for a clearer enunciation of deliverables, and shared commitment to step up defence techno

The India–US trade dispute and India’s evolving geopolitical role
Aug 01, 2019

The India–US trade dispute and India’s evolving geopolitical role

While the strategic partnership between the United States and India remains robust, some analysts see the relationship as becoming significantly strai

The Indo-Pak stand-off gets a new twist
Aug 19, 2014

The Indo-Pak stand-off gets a new twist

New Delhi, having sent a tough message, will hopefully, be working along a coherent policy perspective. Relations with Pakistan are too important to be left hostage to knee-jerk reactions.

The Kulbhushan Jadhav verdict: A certain win, with uncertain outcomes
Jul 19, 2019

The Kulbhushan Jadhav verdict: A certain win, with uncertain outcomes

Jadhav’s case is a resounding victory for India and provides clarity to a country’s obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.

The Modi-Hasina legacy
Apr 22, 2024

The Modi-Hasina legacy

Looking at a decade of India-Bangladesh partnership

The Obama visit and its geopolitical context
Feb 09, 2015

The Obama visit and its geopolitical context

If we accept the US to do something for us, we too have to be able to offer a quid pro quo, remembering that in international relations, national interests are supreme, sovereignty is (sometimes) equal but power and reach are not equal.

The Obama Visit: Issues and Challenges
Jul 31, 2023

The Obama Visit: Issues and Challenges

Indo-US relations that have witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, both in tenor and substance, are under intense scrutiny on the eve of US President Barack Obama's forthcoming visit to India. While relations between the two democracies have moved from one of 'estrangement' to a relationship of 'engagement' at many levels, there are outstanding issues that need to be addressed. This Issue Brief explores the prospects for cooperati

The oil link: Understanding Japan’s Israel-Palestine policy
Nov 06, 2023

The oil link: Understanding Japan’s Israel-Palestine policy

The ongoing Hamas-Israel conflict demands a delicate balance from Tokyo, as it navigates its relationships in the Middle East alongside its internatio

The Pandemic at 24 Months: An Assessment
Aug 14, 2023

The Pandemic at 24 Months: An Assessment

Two years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 14-24 million people have died worldwide due to the coronavirus or the chaos of lockdowns and other impacts. To a great extent, much of this current state of the world is due to human health being profoundly misunderstood and neglected in international relations and national politics. This brief discusses two principles that can help understand why this pandemic is not at an

The Politics of Water Governance in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin
Sep 14, 2023

The Politics of Water Governance in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin

Transboundary water politics in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin areaffected not only by inter-government relations between India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh,but also by dynamics on different scales, including the hydropolitics between Indian stateswithin the basin. At the same time, the disputed issues, and the patterns of power dynamicsbetween actors, are similar in transboundary interactions in the basin as well as in inter-stateinteracti

The push and pull in the India–Australia partnership
Feb 01, 2020

The push and pull in the India–Australia partnership

One of the problems with the India–Australia relationship is that both countries have a different set of concerns about China.

The Qatari Conundrum: The Changing face of West Asia’s Political Landscape
Aug 02, 2013

The Qatari Conundrum: The Changing face of West Asia’s Political Landscape

Qatar is creating a large footprint for itself in the West Asian Qpolitical landscape. The Gulf state was previously known primarily for its oil and gas reserves, and compliance with US interests in the region. However, Qatar has in the recent past made significant efforts to assert regional pre-eminence through an aggressive foreign policy. Emir Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who recently handed over the reins of power to his son, Tamim bin

The Relevance of Ancient Indian Strategy in Contemporary Geopolitics
Jul 01, 2021

The Relevance of Ancient Indian Strategy in Contemporary Geopolitics

This brief examines India’s relations with Pakistan and China using the lens of Kautilya, the ancient Indian strategic thinker—and argues for pragmatism: assessing the basis and severity of the threats, searching for possible strategic opportunities amidst the risks, and overall, avoiding the scenario of a two-front war. It begins by acknowledging that Pakistan and China view India through different prisms: for Pakistan, that of ideology; and

The reluctant pilgrim: President Biden visits Saudi Arabia
Jul 12, 2022

The reluctant pilgrim: President Biden visits Saudi Arabia

As high oil prices hit consumers, President Biden is compelled to change his stance toward Saudi Arabia and rekindle relations.

The Russia-Pakistan Rapprochement: Should India Worry?
Sep 13, 2023

The Russia-Pakistan Rapprochement: Should India Worry?

Russia and Pakistan have never really had warm relations. Following Pakistan’s independence in 1947, then Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan was invited by both the Soviet Union and the US. He chose to visit the US, mainly because the US had 2 more capacity to help Pakistan economically.

The Russia–Ukraine border crisis: Europe’s moment of reckoning
Dec 18, 2021

The Russia–Ukraine border crisis: Europe’s moment of reckoning

Much to the chagrin of the West, Russia continues to display aggression on the Ukraine front. Does this represent an opportunity for closer EU-Ukraine

The sharp power of development diplomacy and China’s edge
Apr 11, 2018

The sharp power of development diplomacy and China’s edge

Chinese development diplomacy not only offers alternative sources of finance, but also presents a model that seems to overcome the major criticisms of

The story beyond uranium
Sep 05, 2014

The story beyond uranium

The real story for strong India-Australia relations lies beyond uranium. With one of the world's strongest mining sectors, Australia can help India exploit its own natural resources in an environmentally sustainable way and thereby address one of the major current constraints on India's economic growth.

The Suu Kyi factor in China's Myanmar policy
Jun 12, 2015

The Suu Kyi factor in China's Myanmar policy

As Myanmar's general elections draws nearer and at a time when China's relations with Myanmar's military-backed government comes under increasing strains in recent months, Beijing seems to be stepping up its multiple-engagement strategy with key political actors to prepare itself for any eventuality post-elections.

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future
Jan 11, 2024

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future

The world will be closely watching the Taiwan election as it will play a crucial role in shaping the power dynamics in Asia

The trade-off with US
Sep 27, 2016

The trade-off with US

The need for India-US trade to grow in bid to combat the recessionary tendency of the economy for a mutually engaging relationship

The Trump card: Answer to India’s economic slowdown?
May 29, 2020

The Trump card: Answer to India’s economic slowdown?

Can India jumpstart its economy by expanding bilateral trade relations with the US to reverse negative economic trends?

The U.S. search for a new role in West Asia
Jul 27, 2022

The U.S. search for a new role in West Asia

Realpolitik may have trumped the Biden administration’s rather vocal positions on principles in the region

The UK Shifts to the Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for India-UK Ties
Feb 15, 2021

The UK Shifts to the Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for India-UK Ties

When the United Kingdom (UK) releases the highly anticipated integrated review of its foreign, defence, security and development policy in March, it will mark the first formal iteration of the UK’s Indo-Pacific strategy. This brief explores the dynamics that are driving the UK’s tilt to the Indo-Pacific. It identifies three key drivers that are prompting the shift: a reappraisal of China, the economic fallout of Brexit, and the UK’s close t

The United Arab Emirates’ dilemma in the Ukraine war: To vote or not to vote
Mar 08, 2022

The United Arab Emirates’ dilemma in the Ukraine war: To vote or not to vote

How have multiple domestic and foreign policy factors influenced the United Arab Emirates’ recent stance against Russia in the UNGA meeting?

The US and China theatre under Biden starts in Alaska
Mar 23, 2021

The US and China theatre under Biden starts in Alaska

Far from being a failure, the Alaska meeting seems to have begun the process of resetting US-China relations in a positive direction once again.

The US-China Cyber-Agreement: Implications for India
Sep 13, 2023

The US-China Cyber-Agreement: Implications for India

This essay considers the implications of the new cyber-security agreement betweenChina and the United States in terms of the evolution of an international legal regime governingthe use of cyberspace. This agreement lays down the foundations for norm emergence in thearena, which could also carry implications for India by shaping the country's response andcarving its path towards becoming a crucial international stakeholder in the cyberspace regime

The US-China Tech Competition Takes Centre Stage
Aug 19, 2023

The US-China Tech Competition Takes Centre Stage

The US slipped from producing nearly 40% of the world's chips to just over 10% in the last three decades. By allocating $53 billion towards the enhancement of US semiconductor manufacturing, R&D and the augmentation of its skilled workforce in the domain, the Act sought to change China's comparative advantage

The Wuhan summit and the India–China border dispute
Jun 26, 2018

The Wuhan summit and the India–China border dispute

The recent Wuhan summit between India and China has been called many things: from a “game changer” to a much needed “reset” in Indian-China relations. It has generated expectations in the two countries that they will avoid any clash due to miscalculation and error. This has strengthened the tradition that India and China have maintained since the Border Peace and Tranquility Agreement of 1993, of resolving problems bilaterally through dia

The Xi-Biden virtual summit: A gamechanger?
Nov 16, 2021

The Xi-Biden virtual summit: A gamechanger?

The virtual summit between Biden and China might define the new policy shift that will govern US-China relations in the coming days

The Year That Exposed Chinese Vulnerabilities
Dec 15, 2023

The Year That Exposed Chinese Vulnerabilities

Xi seems to have overplayed his hand, leading to a significant realignment, resulting in a pushback at a time when his governance style has come under scrutiny

The ‘India’ factor in China-Russia ties
May 30, 2024

The ‘India’ factor in China-Russia ties

In the triangular dynamics between China, Russia, and India, China must accept deeper India-Russia ties or risk losing Russia to Indo-Pacific geopolit

There is a change in US attitude to South Asia. India should leverage the moment
Oct 14, 2021

There is a change in US attitude to South Asia. India should leverage the moment

This is a transformative period in the US-India relationship. New Delhi should be more self-confident in its ability to shape the trajectory of this engagement

Tibet in focus: Congressional Dharamshala visit signals new pressure points
Jun 29, 2024

Tibet in focus: Congressional Dharamshala visit signals new pressure points

Washington's recent visit to Dharamshala is motivated by its commitment to democratic values and support for freedom, as well as China's increasing ho

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?
Jun 05, 2024

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?

Speculation is rife on both sides of the Radcliffe Line about a possible re-engagement between India and Pakistan. However, it remains uncertain wheth

Time for a Swede deal?
Nov 18, 2013

Time for a Swede deal?

The relationship between India and Sweden has always been low-key. But it's also mature one with immense possibilities for cooperation and collaboration.

Time to rethink differences between neighbours across Himalayas
Oct 31, 2013

Time to rethink differences between neighbours across Himalayas

For those who see the India-China relationship as one of the key partnerships of this century, what is most disappointing is the lack of ambition in the agenda for the conversations. The two countries now need to be bold and creative in what they do together.

To be 'great' or 'stronger together'?
Nov 08, 2016

To be 'great' or 'stronger together'?

Great or stronger relationship between India and the US under a new President will depend on the real substance of the engagement

To Stay or To Go: Decoding Chinese Enterprises’ ‘India Dilemma’
May 20, 2024

To Stay or To Go: Decoding Chinese Enterprises’ ‘India Dilemma’

In recent years, India has become a hot investment destination for Chinese companies. While Chinese investments in India have come under greater scrutiny following the 2020 Galwan incident, this has done little to reverse Chinese enterprises’ strong appetite for the Indian market. At the same time, Beijing is increasingly concerned that in their rush to capitalise on the Indian market, Chinese companies are embracing the ‘Make in India’ pol