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South Asia South Asia Weekly 35
Sep 01, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 35

Asif Ali Zardari, who led Pakistan People's Party (PPP) to victory in the February elections, became the 14th President of Pakistan by securing a majority in Senate, the National Assembly and three of the four Provincial Assemblies on Saturday (Sept.6).

South Asia South Asia Weekly 4
Feb 02, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 4

Darra Adam Khel a semi-tribal town located between Kohat and Peshawar in North West Frontier Province (NWFP) came under intense threat from militants when conflict broke out between militants and the Pakistan military in the last week of January.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 46
Nov 16, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 46

The Taliban has renewed its activities in Peshawar. The Taliban militants and its allies have carried out a series of kidnappings and attacks on foreign nationals in the area recently to establish its presence, and taunt the Pakistan Army engaged in counter-insurgency operations in the nearby Bajaur and Mohmand.

South Asia Weekly Report | Rescue mission fails in Afghanistan
Sep 13, 2016

South Asia Weekly Report | Rescue mission fails in Afghanistan

The kidnapping of an American University professor and his Australian colleague in Afghanistan resulted in a failed rescue mission.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume IX; Issue 36 | Clashes in Kabul
Sep 06, 2016

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume IX; Issue 36 | Clashes in Kabul

A gun battle in Kabul between forces loyal to Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum and Tajik demonstrators left at least one person dead.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 10
Mar 13, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 10

Exploring the India-Pakistan 'de-escalation' dilemma, expansion of Bhutan's soft-power and other recent developments from South Asia.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 19
May 16, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 19

Exploring Pakistan's human trafficking problem , India's declining political rhetoric and other recent developments from South Asia.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 26
Jul 01, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 26

Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh; revival of tourism in Pakistan — and other news from South Asia.

South Asia Weekly | Volume IX; Issue 42 | Afghan Taliban
Oct 17, 2016

South Asia Weekly | Volume IX; Issue 42 | Afghan Taliban

A report by the Long War Journal has stated that the Taliban is now threatening five of Afghanistan's 34 provincial capitals.

South Asia Weekly | XIII; 52
Jan 02, 2021

South Asia Weekly | XIII; 52

News and analyses from South Asia this week.

South Asia: Is This SAARC Summit Any Different?
Nov 17, 2011

South Asia: Is This SAARC Summit Any Different?

The meeting of Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh with his Pakistani counterpart, Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, on 10 November 2011 on the sidelines of the 17th South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) summit in the Maldives, should be welcomed.

South Asian nations get back to reality
Mar 17, 2023

South Asian nations get back to reality

The crises in Sri Lanka and Pakistan are raising questions about the relevance and the costs of their reliance on the alternative financial system provided by China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Splitting Jihad to Control it or End it?
Jul 30, 2004

Splitting Jihad to Control it or End it?

Ever since the start of the insurgency in Kashmir, the Pakistani intelligence agencies have constantly raised, mutated, emasculated and even extirpated the so-called jihadi groups active in Kashmir. The dependence of the Jihadis active in Kashmir on Pakistan for training, logistics, arms and ammunition and most of all sanctuaries, has been exploited to the hilt by the Pakistani establishment.

Spy Game in Afghanistan
Jun 05, 2015

Spy Game in Afghanistan

The MoU between the espionage agencies of Afghanistan and Pakistan is a case of the latter showing India the finger, never mind that it flies in the face of history and logic

Sri Lanka: Will China’s ‘carrier-gift’ to Pak impact IOR neighbourhood security?
Sep 25, 2019

Sri Lanka: Will China’s ‘carrier-gift’ to Pak impact IOR neighbourhood security?

Colombo has to find ways to permanently ally apprehensions of a section of the Indian strategic community — particularly naval experts.

Srinagar - Muzzafarabad Bus: A Security Nightmare
Apr 06, 2005

Srinagar - Muzzafarabad Bus: A Security Nightmare

Indian security agencies will be keeping their fingers crossed as, for the first time in 57 years, passenger buses start plying on April 7,2005, between Srinagar, the capital of Jammu & Kashmir (J) and Muzzafarabad, the capital of what Pakistan calls Azad Kashmir (Free Kashmir) and what we in India call Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK).

Steer a middle course
Mar 15, 2022

Steer a middle course

The millstone around Pakistan’s neck weighs down India too

Step towards stability
Nov 29, 2004

Step towards stability

Two sets of people are upset with the way India is pursuing the peace process with Pakistan. In the first group are those in Kashmir who are, quite abruptly, faced with the reality of being irrelevant in the entire process. The second group is in Islamabad which is not quite sure about the direction the process is taking and is therefore discomfited.

Stifle the jihadi network
Mar 05, 2019

Stifle the jihadi network

Better sense must prevail and both India and Pakistan must avoid serious conflict that will hardly help either. True progress will happen when Pakistan starts to wind up its terror factory

Story of Saltoro -- From Ababeel to Meghdoot
Apr 27, 2012

Story of Saltoro -- From Ababeel to Meghdoot

Some despatches have made out that India "after starting the war in 1984 occupies higher positions." India did not start the war in 1984, but today occupies the heights. Pakistan started the war in 1947 and has continued that in different forms since then.

Strategic challenges for the Taliban around Afghanistan
May 23, 2022

Strategic challenges for the Taliban around Afghanistan

Aside from Afghanistan’s internal crisis, the Taliban also confronts some new strategic challenges.

Strategic Stalemate in Kashmir
Jan 23, 2004

Strategic Stalemate in Kashmir

It is indeed tempting to wax eloquent about the shikaras full of tourists on the Dal Lake in Srinagar and the peace moves in the air between India and Pakistan. However, a pragmatic assessment of the military situation in the fifteenth year of insurgency reveals that a state of strategic stalemate now prevails in Jammu and Kashmir (J).

Strategies for a Two-Front Dilemma: Lessons from History
Feb 18, 2021

Strategies for a Two-Front Dilemma: Lessons from History

This paper examines India’s ‘two-front’ dilemma in view of its conflicts with China and Pakistan, and the possibility that these two adversaries could join forces. The author studies historical events that could help outline the strategies that have been undertaken by certain countries to combat the combined power of multiple adversaries, usually exceeding their own. These include the Napoleonic strategy and the Israeli experience. In analy

Strategy of compellence
Oct 10, 2016

Strategy of compellence

Compellence is a word derived from nuclear weapons being used in the conventional context in relation to India and Pakistan

Striking with caution: Beyond the performative muscle flexing, Islamabad had little choice
Jan 28, 2024

Striking with caution: Beyond the performative muscle flexing, Islamabad had little choice

This return to business as usual is reflective of the wariness on both sides to escalate the crisis further and prevent it from metastasising into a new front of conflict.

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia
Jun 24, 2017

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia

Indian announcement of having conducted surgical strikes across the de-facto border with Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir has major implications for deterrence-stability in South Asia. New Delhi has sought to devise a military strategy to respond to Pakistan’s sub-conventional war that does not lead to escalation of conflict to nuclear levels and collapse of nuclear deterrence. This paper analyses India’s surgical strikes of September 2016, thei

Suspending Afghanistan from SAARC and international law
Sep 26, 2021

Suspending Afghanistan from SAARC and international law

Making a case for suspending Afghanistan from SAARC to prevent the crippling of the organisation

Sustainable Development Goals: The Quest for a Post-2015 Agenda
Oct 14, 2014

Sustainable Development Goals: The Quest for a Post-2015 Agenda

The Observer Research Foundation and Saferworld, UK, with support from the UK Department of International Development, hosted a workshop in New Delhi in August 2014 with the objective of identifying priorities to help secure an inclusive agreement on the SDGs. This Policy Perspective presents a summary of key issues raised by participants from India, China, Brazil, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and the African Union.

Tackling Terror: Calibrated restraint, incremental pressure needed
Apr 30, 2005

Tackling Terror: Calibrated restraint, incremental pressure needed

The view from Dhaka was summed up in a journal thus: ¿The cumulative case against a dependable relationship between India and Bangladesh is a very strong one¿ since Bangladesh suffers from ¿a serious lack of bargaining power¿ and hence needs ¿a viable strategy of alliances with China, Burma, Nepal and Pakistan¿. Adventurism is its logical outcome.

Taking a wrong turn
Jun 06, 2006

Taking a wrong turn

Different states react differently to similar situations. When Israel is subjected to terrorist attacks, which is very often, the State reacts immediately and with force each time. In India, two days after Pakistan-backed terrorists kill innocent civilians in Srinagar, we send an official delegation to talk about cooperation in the war against terrorism with the sponsors of terrorism.

Taking the Peace Momentum Forward
Sep 08, 2004

Taking the Peace Momentum Forward

By declaring that his talks with Pakistani counterpart, Khurshid Mehmud Kasuri would produce nothing dramatic or drastic, External Affairs Minister Natwar Singh might have robbed the event of the avoidable media hype, the like of which had attended on the ¿Agra summit¿ earlier. At the end of it, the two-day ministerial meeting in New Delhi was a cup that was not half-full. Nor was it half-empty. In turn, this indicated that the two Gover

Talibanisation of Punjab
Dec 09, 2007

Talibanisation of Punjab

There are increasing signs of Talibanisation striking roots in some of the districts of Punjab, the political and military centre of Pakistan, said Prof. Kalim Bahadur, well-known expert on Pakistan, during a discussion organised at Observer Research Foundation on September 12 in New Delhi.

Taliban’s Kashmir policy: Rhetoric, ideology, and interests
Sep 21, 2022

Taliban’s Kashmir policy: Rhetoric, ideology, and interests

The Taliban walks a tightrope as it tries to balance India and Pakistan.

Talking to the Taliban
Jun 29, 2013

Talking to the Taliban

Pakistan has not given up its dream of controlling Afghanistan. It gives Rawalpindi an incredible reach and influence in the region and a legitimacy at home which has been under severe strain since the Abbottabad raid. The Taliban office in Doha is the first step towards such a goal. In that sense, the Doha office is a breakthrough for Rawalpindi more than any one else.

Talking to the Taliban: Between hope and experience
Sep 09, 2013

Talking to the Taliban: Between hope and experience

The release of seven Afghan prisoners by Pakistan over the weekend has raised hopes, once again, for a formal dialogue between Kabul and the Taliban leaders under the protection of Pakistan.

Talks alone can solve Kashmir problem
Dec 14, 2013

Talks alone can solve Kashmir problem

It is obvious that the Kashmir problem has to be resolved only through negotiations between the two Prime Ministers. With the recent election results from the four States going against the UPA, it is likely that Pakistan may not make an effective push towards a solution of the issue till the next parliamentary elections are over.

TAPI: A reality check
Jun 06, 2012

TAPI: A reality check

The proposed TAPI pipeline goes through Kandahar, enters Balochistan, passes through Multan reaching India at Fazilka, Punjab. Given the nature of Pakistan-India relations one would have little confidence about the ability or even the intention of Pakistan to ensure uninterrupted supplies.

Target practice in the country
Jan 18, 2006

Target practice in the country

Terrorism is rapidly striking deep roots in India, propelled in no less measure by external forces, namely Pakistan, and a few other countries that are willing to provide material support to agencies and forces inimical to India.

Tensions in South China Sea can destabilise region and the world
Nov 16, 2015

Tensions in South China Sea can destabilise region and the world

Tensions between India and Pakistan or North Korean provocations or South East Asia's maritime problems should not be perceived as local. The tensions in the South China Sea can single-handedly destabilise the region and the world, argues Prof. Rory Medcalf.

Terror sanctuary emerging in Punjab
Aug 03, 2010

Terror sanctuary emerging in Punjab

Pakistan's Punjab is on the verge of becoming part of the expanding network of terrorist sanctuaries across Asia.

Terror: Twelve reality bytes
Aug 08, 2013

Terror: Twelve reality bytes

The threat that is pre-eminent today is terrorism. And none of the counter terror efforts will succeed unless global powers deal effectively and consistently with the epicentre of terrorism -- Pakistan.

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives
Jul 20, 2010

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives

Because of the tacit and overt alliance between the constituents of policymaking institutions and the violent non-state actors in Pakistan, it is imperative to review the current strategies and policies to evolve a more comprehensive set of actions.

Terrorism: India Should Watch Out
Jan 27, 2005

Terrorism: India Should Watch Out

Pakistan's President General Pervez Musharraf is under pressure.For the first time since he seized power on October 12,1999, there are indications that he and some of his Lts.General, who constitute the real source of his power and not the people, are not on the same wavelength.

Terrorist tentacles in India
Jul 12, 2006

Terrorist tentacles in India

Investigations into the recent terrorist attacks and the subsequent chain of arrests and seizures in different parts of India, particularly rural Maharashtra, have revealed a growing alliance between jihadi groups operating from Pakistan and Bangladesh with ideologically extreme groups in India.

Textbook case of radicalism
Apr 24, 2004

Textbook case of radicalism

The Mullahs have found a fresh issue on which to trap General Pervez Musharraf. It has both religious connotations and a real possibility of a confrontation in which the General is bound to capitulate. The issue deals with school textbooks in Pakistan. A section of the society in Pakistan feels that textbooks cleared by the Federal Education Ministry's Curriculum Wing are regressive in nature and run counter to the objective of a progressive nati