Search: For - CHINA

4505 results found

Pakistan, China's new frontline state
Jun 22, 2015

Pakistan, China's new frontline state

India cannot ignore what is happening in its North-West. It is not clear what is going to be Indian policy to protect its political, strategic and economic interests in Afghanistan. May be the Indian policy-makers will have to sit back and think of ways to ensure that India's role in Af-Pak region doesn't become minimal.

Pakistan: Why has China halted CPEC projects
Nov 25, 2020

Pakistan: Why has China halted CPEC projects

Political fragility, increased interference of security agencies and the army establishment in the matters of civilian administration and even CPEC pr

Paradiplomacy: Can India learn from Macau and China?
Oct 20, 2016

Paradiplomacy: Can India learn from Macau and China?

Paradiplomacy forms a quintessential part of the country’s foreign policy analysis in conducting international relations

Parallel tracks: China’s SEZs and the geopolitics of the South China Sea
Oct 11, 2023

Parallel tracks: China’s SEZs and the geopolitics of the South China Sea

The development of Hainan SEZ stands to complicate the geopolitical situation of the South China Sea

Paving the path for Rule of law in China - reform or empty rhetoric?
May 28, 2015

Paving the path for Rule of law in China - reform or empty rhetoric?

The survival of the Communist Party and its legitimacy depends on how seriously they understand the ground voices and act accordingly. The urgency to bring comprehensive judicial reforms may be a survival strategy.

Peak emissions in India and China: Promises, progress and prognosis
Jun 18, 2024

Peak emissions in India and China: Promises, progress and prognosis

Ambitious decarbonisation goals challenge the economic growth trajectory of developing countries like India and China.

Piracy and sea terrorism: An increasing worry for India, China
Jan 06, 2012

Piracy and sea terrorism: An increasing worry for India, China

Piracy in the Arabian Sea has been coming dangerously close to the Indian shores. Piracy and sea terrorism also affect the security and commercial interests of major powers like China who seek to ensure continued supply of energy across the Arabian Sea. The pirates collect logistical data and raise funds for Al-Shahbab, in exchange for protection.

PLA may get a larger role in China’s grand strategy
Jul 06, 2022

PLA may get a larger role in China’s grand strategy

China aims to enhance its status as a great power by redefining the role of the PLA in its grand strategy.

PM's China Visit: BRICS and the Bilateral Dynamics
Apr 13, 2011

PM's China Visit: BRICS and the Bilateral Dynamics

India has to be realistic enough to understand that heightened engagement between India and China in BRICS or any other multilateral fora has serious limitations - limitations imposed by the underlying Chinese objective of keeping India bogged down in South Asia as a regional power.

PM's Masood Azhar ‘coup’ with China’s help: A political bargain?
May 03, 2019

PM's Masood Azhar ‘coup’ with China’s help: A political bargain?

The most important question that comes to mind after China has lifted its hold on Masood Azhar’s designation as a terrorist under UN rules is: Why now? Why plumb in the middle of the general elections?

PM's trip to Russia and China gave reason enough to cheer
Oct 31, 2013

PM's trip to Russia and China gave reason enough to cheer

Though India and China failed to resolve the issue of the stapled visa for those hailing from Arunachal Pradesh, there was substantial progress in other areas. The memorandum of understanding speaks about nine deals signed during the visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

PM's visit to Russia and China: A journalist's report card
Nov 09, 2013

PM's visit to Russia and China: A journalist's report card

Russia is considering supplying Hydrocarbons to India through pipelines and both countries have commissioned joint study groups to analyse the feasibility of the project.

Pop culture and strategic messaging: How Netflix got caught in the South China Sea dispute
Jan 03, 2022

Pop culture and strategic messaging: How Netflix got caught in the South China Sea dispute

China’s claims over the South China Sea are being pushed forward not just by military intelligence and show strength, but also by soft power

Popular resentment confronts China in Zambia
May 28, 2020

Popular resentment confronts China in Zambia

Perhaps the greatest cause of resentment comes from Chinese nationals taking up occupations at the bottom of the pyramid.

Post-China FTA, Maldives, India recalibrating ties
Jan 29, 2018

Post-China FTA, Maldives, India recalibrating ties

India’s concerns on Maldivian democracy and on the China front would remain, as standalone issues.

Potentials of ASEAN, India and China integration
May 24, 2014

Potentials of ASEAN, India and China integration

As ASEAN, China and India already share a high volume of trade and have common borders, an integrated ACI (Asean, China, India) region might be able to contribute to a more balanced and resolute Asia, argues an expert.

Power crisis: How China can turn the challenge into an opportunity
Nov 01, 2021

Power crisis: How China can turn the challenge into an opportunity

Will China fall short on its green targets as extensive measures are being adopted to avert the power crisis that it is undergoing?

Prepare for war in the East China Sea
Dec 17, 2013

Prepare for war in the East China Sea

The Chinese say that their interests in the East China Sea are what bother them the most because of their proximity to the Chinese heartland. The South China Sea, they insist, is not a problem area of the same dimension. Beijing's unambiguous goal is to isolate Japan, divide the ASEAN and befuddle the United States.

Prince Salman tour spotlights Saudi Arabia variable in India-Pakistan-China relations
Feb 28, 2019

Prince Salman tour spotlights Saudi Arabia variable in India-Pakistan-China relations

The voyage highlighted Riyadh’s role in the balance of ties between the three states and India’s continued concerns on that front.

Protests in China: चीन में कठोर प्रतिबंधों के ख़िलाफ प्रदर्शन के क्‍या हैं मायने?
Jul 28, 2023

Protests in China: चीन में कठोर प्रतिबंधों के ख़िलाफ प्रदर्शन के क्‍या हैं मायने?

Protests in China ऐसे में सवाल उठता है कि आखिर इस विरोध का असर चीन की �

Protests in China: चीन में कठोर प्रतिबंधों के ख़िलाफ प्रदर्शन के क्‍या हैं मायने?
Nov 29, 2022

Protests in China: चीन में कठोर प्रतिबंधों के ख़िलाफ प्रदर्शन के क्‍या हैं मायने?

Protests in China ऐसे में सवाल उठता है कि आखिर इस विरोध का असर चीन की �

Putin and Xi Frame a New China-Russia Partnership
Feb 15, 2022

Putin and Xi Frame a New China-Russia Partnership

Pressure that both sides face from the United States and the West gives their partnership new depth.

Quantum communications: ISRO makes progress, but China is ahead
Apr 03, 2021

Quantum communications: ISRO makes progress, but China is ahead

The only downside for India is whether states in the EU find it to be a sufficiently attractive actor with which to collaborate.

Raise costs for China
Jul 07, 2020

Raise costs for China

India must convince it that using LAC as pressure tool will yield diminishing returns

Rapidly increasing protests in rising China
Aug 23, 2011

Rapidly increasing protests in rising China

As China surges ahead economically, there have been a ten-fold increase in the civil unrests (from 1993 to 2005) which in China is described as "mass incidents". Such incidents hinge on the issues of unemployment, pensions, wages, corruption, tax collection problems, misuse of funds, etc.

Reading China’s approach to counterterrorism
Mar 03, 2021

Reading China’s approach to counterterrorism

With the absence of clarity in Chinese threat perceptions on terrorism, and next to no opportunities for independent corroboration of the same, Beijin

Reading tea leaves from China’s Two Sessions: Large monetary and fiscal stimulus and still no growth guarantee
May 30, 2020

Reading tea leaves from China’s Two Sessions: Large monetary and fiscal stimulus and still no growth guarantee

The most obvious solution is to ramp up China’s welfare state to support the workers who will be left out in the process. The rationale for this is

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects
Sep 06, 2023

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects

This year marks a decade since the announcement of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This brief analyses Chinese-language literature to understand the country’s current stance on Pakistan and the CPEC. Two trends emerge. First, China appears to be facing a dilemma over Pakistan. While the Chinese government wants the CPEC to be successful, China’s strategic community now shows little optimism on the initiative. Second, contrary to

Rebooting Germany’s foreign policy towards China
Mar 25, 2022

Rebooting Germany’s foreign policy towards China

After Germany’s geopolitical awakening to the threat posed by Russia, would it also reconsider its foreign policy on China?

Recalibrating India’s ties with China and Pakistan
Dec 07, 2018

Recalibrating India’s ties with China and Pakistan

The renewed hopes on India-China relations comes in the midst of a possible new thaw in New Delhi’s bilateral ties with Pakistan.

Recent American visits to China: A revamp unfolding?
Aug 19, 2023

Recent American visits to China: A revamp unfolding?

In an effort to re-establish communication channels on various issues, recent high-profile diplomatic visits have been undertaken by Washington to Bei

Recent Trends in India-China Relations
Jul 14, 2003

Recent Trends in India-China Relations

It has been said that any foreign observer who spends a month in China is apt to write a book on the country; if he spends a year in China, he is content to write an article; and if he lives in China for five years, he deems it wise to refrain from making any prediction! I spent three and a half years in China ¿ too long a period for a book but perhaps but perhaps not for a short talk on India-China relations.

Recommendations for the Third BRICS Leaders' Meeting in China
Apr 02, 2011

Recommendations for the Third BRICS Leaders' Meeting in China

Sixty scholars from five BRICS countries, including India, participated in the BRICS Think Tanks Symposium in Beijing recently. It came up many recommendations to be proposed for the consideration of the Third BRICS Leaders Meeting to be held in China in April. A report:

Red carpet for China's Xinjiang Governor
Oct 11, 2004

Red carpet for China's Xinjiang Governor

When the Indian establishment serenades Governor of China¿s Xinjiang province Ismail Tiliwaldi in the capital next week, it will revive deeply embedded memories from the past¿and hold a promise to a bold new future.

Redder than red: The future of China
Mar 23, 2023

Redder than red: The future of China

With mounting pressure domestically and internationally, Xi might resort to a hyper-nationalistic path to deal with the legitimacy crisis