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With Easter blasts, fear of terrorism back in Sri Lanka
May 08, 2019

With Easter blasts, fear of terrorism back in Sri Lanka

There is a serious terror threat posed by ISIS fighters returning to their home countries after losing the Syria expedition. While it was important to trace the routes taken by these foreign fighters — both in and out of Syria — one needn’t go to Syria to become radicalised through the ISIS ideology.

With electoral bonds on table, take the full steps
Jan 04, 2018

With electoral bonds on table, take the full steps

The electoral bonds scheme defeats the purpose of improving transparency and accountability in political funding.

With fall of rupee, wooing foreign investors won't be easy
Jun 24, 2013

With fall of rupee, wooing foreign investors won't be easy

We should be prepared for a lower rupee unless the RBI steps in and boosts the rupee by releasing a huge amount of dollars. In this situation, wooing back the FIIs would not be easy. Proping up exports will also not be easy. It would be very difficult for the rupee to regain its former value unless commodity prices decline.

With rebel Dinakaran’s win in Jaya’s constituency, TN politics set to realign
Dec 28, 2017

With rebel Dinakaran’s win in Jaya’s constituency, TN politics set to realign

Dinakaran, once Jayalalithaa’s troubleshooter, has emerged as the inheritor of Jayalalithaa’s legacy. It means that the two factions of the ruling

With season of elections setting in, political battle-cries begin
Sep 27, 2013

With season of elections setting in, political battle-cries begin

Election season has begun in the country as in the next two months, five states are going to have assembly elections which are being billed as mini-general elections. Soon thereafter, parliamentary elections will be held in the first four months of the next year to elect the 16th Lok Sabha (lower house).

With Trump in White House, Korean peninsula poised to be on a knife's edge
Jul 27, 2017

With Trump in White House, Korean peninsula poised to be on a knife's edge

If the war of words between the US and North Korea leads to any armed action, South Korea will be caught in the crossfire with unimaginable devastatio

With Trump messing world order, time for India to tap 'middle power' coalition
Jun 05, 2017

With Trump messing world order, time for India to tap 'middle power' coalition

A collective of broadly democratic middle powers are learning to work with each other without the certainty of American facilitation.

With Trump’s India visit, US-India ties go one step forward and two steps back
Feb 27, 2020

With Trump’s India visit, US-India ties go one step forward and two steps back

Despite some gains on the policy level, Trump’s visit to India symbolised heightened partisanship and a return to chemistry between leaders defining

With urbanisation, a new breed of politician is set to dominate Indian governance
Mar 21, 2014

With urbanisation, a new breed of politician is set to dominate Indian governance

The politics of India is changing. The change will come not just through macro measures like the introduction of large-scale manufacturing or modern agriculture, but in a number of small ways - better schools, safer cities, better urban facilities, mental institutions and jails, fairer purvey of justice and so on.

With US-China trade war set to escalate, the world stands at the edge of a precipice
Sep 06, 2018

With US-China trade war set to escalate, the world stands at the edge of a precipice

While there has been no perceptible effect of tariffs on the economy of either the US or China so far, additional tariffs which could eventually cover the entire $500 billion of US imports from China will most certainly have a negative effect on both countries and the world.

Without addressing India’s sovereignty there can be no China reset, period
Apr 26, 2018

Without addressing India’s sovereignty there can be no China reset, period

The Modi-Xi 'informal summit' meeting at Wuhan is a good beginning — but other than attempted hugs and frozen smiles don't expect any tangible outco

Women and water: Leveraging the potential of green jobs
Oct 13, 2023

Women and water: Leveraging the potential of green jobs

Many of the jobs created through large-scale programmes on water can be taken up by women as long as the skilling gap is addressed along with gender i

Women in Indian politics: Beyond legislative representation
Sep 27, 2023

Women in Indian politics: Beyond legislative representation

The recent development in terms of the success of the Women's Reservation Bill underscores the importance of continued efforts to ensure women's parti

Women in the new world order
Sep 30, 2017

Women in the new world order

Women must play an equal and active role in framing ethical imperatives and defining prosperity, responsibility and accountability in international po

Women in uniform are valued
Jul 01, 2006

Women in uniform are valued

As someone who started wearing uniform 56 years ago and then saw life from a cadet in the Academy to the Chief of the Army Staff, I feel disappointed with the unfair manner in which the whole issue of women in the Army has been dealt with in public.

Women leaders and alpha males up against Covid19
Apr 21, 2020

Women leaders and alpha males up against Covid19

There's no knowing if women leaders will ultimately prove better in tackling the pandemic but some of Asia's alpha males could certainly have done bet

Women power and the Armed Forces
Feb 04, 2015

Women power and the Armed Forces

Even today, the Army continues to be organised on the basis of regional, linguistic, caste and religious affiliations. Nearly 70 years since Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose raised combat units in which personnel from all over India served together, it is time that our Armed Forces seriously consider these issues of regionalism, ethnicity and deployment of women in combat roles.

Women's issues and politics
Dec 03, 2013

Women's issues and politics

From recent events it is evident that misogyny and patriarchal attitudes cut across party lines, ideologies, sexes and classes. Worse still is the fact that whatever is being won by the serious and concerted efforts of those who really 'care' is being squandered by those who do not.

Women-centric Approaches under MUDRA Yojana: Setting G20 Priorities for the Indian Presidency
Oct 25, 2022

Women-centric Approaches under MUDRA Yojana: Setting G20 Priorities for the Indian Presidency

Gender disparities in economic participation and opportunities remain significantly large across the world. To bridge these gaps, G20 countries are working to advance women’s entrepreneurship through financial assistance, knowledge creation, and governance for supporting enterprise. India, in particular, has introduced a number of government schemes to promote entrepreneurship among women, such as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana and the Prad

Women’s Representation in India’s Parliament: Measuring Progress, Analysing Obstacles
Jul 17, 2023

Women’s Representation in India’s Parliament: Measuring Progress, Analysing Obstacles

Women’s representation in India’s Parliament is an important metric to evaluate progress in bridging gender inequities in the country. India has a female population of 662.9 million and is the largest and one of the most resilient parliamentary democracies in the world. As the country completes 75 years of independence, this paper gives a historical account of the progress in women’s representation in Parliament over the past decades. It co

Won by UPA 1, lost by UPA 2
Nov 06, 2013

Won by UPA 1, lost by UPA 2

Having created unprecedented diplomatic opportunities in the first term, the UPA has managed to squander them in the second. India's ambassadors, gathering in New Delhi this week, are in a better position than most to reflect on the undeniable reversal of India's international fortunes in the second term of the UPA government.

Wooing ASEAN
Jan 24, 2018

Wooing ASEAN

India’s link with the Southeast Asian region has been deep and in many of the members of ASEAN like Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia and Burma, there a

Working towards BRICS cooperation, consultation and coordination
Jul 17, 2012

Working towards BRICS cooperation, consultation and coordination

ORF Director Sunjoy Joshi said the seminar on "BRICS trade, investment and finance cooperation"is part of the ongoing research agenda which will feed into the South Afr ican Summit to be held next year.

Working with Tehran on the Red Sea crisis
Jan 19, 2024

Working with Tehran on the Red Sea crisis

Regional security in West Asia stands at a precarious intersection.

Workplace gender inclusion: A socio-legal perspective
Mar 18, 2023

Workplace gender inclusion: A socio-legal perspective

While laws provide a foundation for combatting gender discrimination, companies must take proactive steps to create an inclusive workplace

Workshop on 'The Naxalite Movement'
Jan 28, 2005

Workshop on 'The Naxalite Movement'

The ORF Chennai Chapter of Observer Research Foundation (ORF) brought together eminent, senior retired civil servants and police officials, well-known academicians and journalists and policy makers for two days, on January 28 & 29, 2005, at a Workshop on the Naxalite Movement. Mr D Raja, National Secretary, Communist Party of India, inaugurated the Workshop, which was conducted under the guidance of Mr B Raman, Distinguished Fellow and Convenor,

Workshop on Access to Justice
Aug 21, 2004

Workshop on Access to Justice

Observer Research Foundation on August 21 organised a day-long workshop on ¿ Access to Justice in India¿ particularly for the poor and vulnerable sections of the society. Drawing the attention of the participants, ORF Chairman R.K.Mishra, in his welcome address said there was no dearth of studies and recommendations on improving the justice delivery system in the country but the will to implement them was what was missing

Workshop on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights
Mar 15, 2007

Workshop on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights

On 15 and 16 March 2007, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, and the Center on Global Counter-Terrorism Cooperation of the Fourth Freedom Forum, USA, convened a two-day South Asia Regional Workshop, "Security and Liberty," which examined the relationship between human rights and counter-terrorism. This Chairmen's Report highlights some of the themes and recommendations put forward during the workshop.

Workshop on International Terrorism in South-East Asia and its likely implications for South Asia
Apr 28, 2004

Workshop on International Terrorism in South-East Asia and its likely implications for South Asia

A two-day workshop on international terrorism in the South-East Asian region and its likely implications for South Asia was organised by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) at its headquarters at New Delhi on April 28 and 29, 2004, under its International Terrorism Watch Project.

World according to Romney
Aug 06, 2012

World according to Romney

Delhi, which saw President Obama build on Bush's strategic initiative towards India, has no dog in the presumed fight on foreign policy between the Democrats and Republicans in this election. There is no argument between the two candidates on the US relationship with India.

World Cup: A 'GLO-BALL' affair
Jul 12, 2018

World Cup: A 'GLO-BALL' affair

Sports and geopolitics are supposed to be like oil and water – they don’t mix. But even oil and water are intertwined in geopolitical discourse

World focus on West Asia, but terrorism is on the ascent in South East Asia
Apr 22, 2015

World focus on West Asia, but terrorism is on the ascent in South East Asia

The ISIS has the potential to become the unifying terrorist force in the South East Asia region, posing a bigger threat to the region, according to terrorism expert Mr. Vikram Rajakumar. He also pointed out the emerging pro and anti ISIS factions in the region, counter balancing the ISIS.

World in flux: India’s choices may help manage disruptions
Jan 25, 2018

World in flux: India’s choices may help manage disruptions

The political and cultural arrangements states and communities arrive at will be heavily implicated by the one major transition Foreign Secretary S. J

World Pulses Day 2023: The role of pulses for a sustainable future
Feb 10, 2023

World Pulses Day 2023: The role of pulses for a sustainable future

It is vital to raise awareness about the benefits of eating pulses that are high in macronutrients for both sustainability and dietary needs

World sees India as not contributing positively to trade negotiations
Mar 02, 2015

World sees India as not contributing positively to trade negotiations

The world sees India as not contributing positively to the international trade negotiations and this makes it difficult for India to actively participate in ongoing major plurilateral trade negotiations, according to Dr. Harsha Vardhana Singh, India's former DDG to WTO.

World War II: Time to mark India's contributions
Feb 06, 2015

World War II: Time to mark India's contributions

If the world rapidly forgot about the Indian role in the Second World War, independent India did a lot worse. Its political leaders trivialised the war by dismissing it a colonial enterprise. Seventy years later, the time has come for political India to put the war in its proper historical context and celebrate the extraordinary contributions of the Indian people.

World War-II mistakes: What should Abe do?
May 18, 2015

World War-II mistakes: What should Abe do?

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the World War-II. This day should have been used to reflect on the pain inflicted by the war. Unfortunately, this anniversary appears to be degenerating into a political battle, that could have a critical impact on Japan's diplomacy and reputation, especially in Asia.

Worst-ever power crisis hits Pakistan
Oct 21, 2011

Worst-ever power crisis hits Pakistan

Pakistan is facing an unprecedented power crisis, the worst in its history, with the deficit estimated to be over 8,000 MW. Rather than a shortage in its installed capacity.

Would Telangana be a viable state?
Jun 05, 2010

Would Telangana be a viable state?

ORF holds a dialogue on the creation of Telangana where two Congress Lok Sabha Members of Parliament participated