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14452 results found

Why autonomous weapons should not be banned
Dec 16, 2017

Why autonomous weapons should not be banned

While it is legitimate to question the ethics and rules surrounding autonomous weapons, the idea that their development will necessarily usher in an apocalyptic future may not be accurate

Why Belarus wants to host Russian tactical weapons
Apr 04, 2023

Why Belarus wants to host Russian tactical weapons

Belarus is willing to host Russia’s tactical nukes as NATO considers expanding presence in Eastern Europe

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership
Nov 30, 2021

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership

As India’s strategic partnership with the US deepens, it is not necessary that India get caught in the crosshairs of US-Russia tensions

Why Chabahar agreement is important for Iran?
Jul 17, 2017

Why Chabahar agreement is important for Iran?

The Chabahar agreement which entails the development of free trade zone could be capitalised to generate employment and rope in investments.

Why China and Pakistan need each other in the Covid19 crisis
Apr 28, 2020

Why China and Pakistan need each other in the Covid19 crisis

While Beijing needs to flaunt its ‘true friend’ to the world, and Islamabad needs a counterweight to its ‘eternal enemy’ India.

Why China is desperate to make friends with the world
Jun 11, 2015

Why China is desperate to make friends with the world

Beijing knows that it cannot become a global power without friends. As the US has known, there is a limit to what you can do alone. The US with its network of friends, allies and partners is a case in point.

Why CPEC could be the end of China-Pakistan relationship
Apr 27, 2018

Why CPEC could be the end of China-Pakistan relationship

While CPEC might actually be a game-changer for Pakistan, nobody seems quite sure what the game really is.

Why Delhi must not be at sea
Nov 03, 2015

Why Delhi must not be at sea

Can Delhi go beyond diplomatic statements and help China's neighbours to stand up to Beijing? As the Philippines and Vietnam look to diversify their security partnerships and build national capabilities for deterrence against China, Manila and Hanoi would like to see Delhi be a little more forthcoming with its hard power.

Why Did India Merely Observe Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023?
Aug 18, 2023

Why Did India Merely Observe Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023?

Despite earlier reports that India would actually participate in the Australia-U.S. led military exercise, New Delhi remained an observer of the latest iteration.

Why Did Russian President Putin Visit India?
Dec 15, 2021

Why Did Russian President Putin Visit India?

Contradictions in the India-Russia relationship, rooted in China and the Quad, will be difficult to overcome in the long term.

Why did the FM take hesitant small steps?
Jul 11, 2014

Why did the FM take hesitant small steps?

Why was there no Big Bang change in the Budget? After all, the Modi government had the full mandate to do so. Why was the FM playing with Lego like blocks instead of huge building blocks? It could be because the time was short and the Budget was put together in a hurry.

Why does TTP target Pakistani State?
Dec 24, 2014

Why does TTP target Pakistani State?

One of the key reasons for TTP's survival has been Pakistan's policy of using terrorist groups as instruments of state policy. Pakistan Army's protection of the Haqqani Network and the Afghan Taliban as ' strategic assets' helped TTP to retain its sanctuary and its attack capabilities.

Why engagement with ASEAN should be high on the priority list for India
Jun 21, 2022

Why engagement with ASEAN should be high on the priority list for India

The strengthening of relations in the geopolitical sphere has also given a push to the India-Asean economic ties, with Asean now India's fourth-largest trading partner engaging in bilateral trade in 2019-20 worth $86.9 billion.

Why Europe must resist war rhetoric
Nov 20, 2015

Why Europe must resist war rhetoric

Europe has to come to grips with the fact that not even the USA is strong enough to create a new order anywhere in the world, neither in Afghanistan nor in the Middle East. Instead, anything that will increase the conflict without an achievable goal will play into the hands of the IS.

Why FDI is not enough for Modi's Make-in-India strategy
Oct 27, 2015

Why FDI is not enough for Modi's Make-in-India strategy

India has pulled ahead of China and United States as the most favoured destination for foreign direct investment. But is being number one good enough to make the Modi government's 'Make in India' productivity reform a success story and achieve its desired 8-8.5 per cent growth?

Why Feel Good Is Just Not Enough
Jan 03, 2004

Why Feel Good Is Just Not Enough

On December 20, 2003, a landmark in the history of modern India was achieved. The nation's forex reserves for the very first time crossed the $ 100 billion mark, to be precise clocked 100.048 billion. The high, coming just after a decade of reforms, remember 1990-91, could well be termed as the coming of age of India¿s liberalisation program.

Why gender would have more of a role in Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign
Mar 09, 2015

Why gender would have more of a role in Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign

If Hillary Clinton runs for office in 2016, it seems that she will be campaigning for herself as herself - an exceptional professional, a controversial former secretary of state, and a woman.

Why Geopolitical Strategy is Key to Sustaining American Power
May 26, 2015

Why Geopolitical Strategy is Key to Sustaining American Power

The costs of a hot conflict in the Asia Pacific would be high and have difficult consequences. The challenge for US and its partners would be to deter Chinese aggressive posture without risking an escalation of conflict.

Why Germany should deal generously with Greece's call for reparations
May 26, 2015

Why Germany should deal generously with Greece's call for reparations

A legalistic position towards the Greek demand for reparations is neither sufficient nor politically wise. A generous gesture towards Athens would strengthen Germany's position as a country that is more than a leader by default in the EU.

Why Government should give immediate attention to MSME sector
Jan 14, 2019

Why Government should give immediate attention to MSME sector

Strengthening the credit structure to help MSMEs will be important in 2019.

Why governors are more favoured than elected governments in Kashmir
Jun 13, 2019

Why governors are more favoured than elected governments in Kashmir

It is ironical that despite being an outsider the governor manages to strike a chord with the locals. What is it that the governor does right which ev

Why govt should focus on women’s employment
Oct 23, 2017

Why govt should focus on women’s employment

Half of India’s population is women, and according to a World Bank report, India could achieve double digit growth if women were participating more

Why Gurdaspur attack was no 26/11
Aug 04, 2015

Why Gurdaspur attack was no 26/11

While superficial similarities between the recent Gurdaspur attack and the Mumbai attack may be apparent, there are major differences in the manner both planned and executed. The scale of the attack itself suggests that it certainly doesn't seem to have had the support of the highest echelons of power as in the Mumbai attack.

Why hauling up Pakistan before international community is counter-productive
Oct 05, 2015

Why hauling up Pakistan before international community is counter-productive

Any attempt by India to haul up Pakistan before the international community, including the UN, could prove counter productive. It could start with India itself 'internationalising' the issue, and formally allowing the rest of the world to tell us what we should do to Pakistan, and on the vexatious Kashmir issue.

Why inconsistent Pakistan policy is India’s best bet for now
Feb 06, 2018

Why inconsistent Pakistan policy is India’s best bet for now

Policymakers in New Delhi face dilemmas from Pakistan, which are two-fold — the real threat Pakistan poses and India’s available responses.

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment
Aug 12, 2020

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment

India has hardly ever seen a purely women-driven movement where women have been the pioneers of a development and have stood up for a cause all by the

Why India cannot afford to give up Siachen
Apr 16, 2012

Why India cannot afford to give up Siachen

The strategic advantage accruing to India in Siachen should not be given up for apparent short-term political gains. Giving up Siachen as a gesture of friendship would also mean that its recapture would be extremely expensive to India in men and material.

Why India cannot do away with indirect subsidy
Aug 05, 2014

Why India cannot do away with indirect subsidy

Giving huge amounts of cash subsidies in the developed countries also distorts market. Lowering the actual cost of production artificially, these countries have produced mountains and lakes of agricultural products which are then dumped in international markets which lower the prices.

Why India desperately needs an image makeover
Dec 19, 2018

Why India desperately needs an image makeover

The problem is less to do with ideology, and more about the clumsiness and coarseness with which the ideology is being spread.

Why India is a big factor in Pakistani polls
Jun 11, 2018

Why India is a big factor in Pakistani polls

Any association with New Delhi is still seen as a kiss of death in Pakistani politics.

Why India must put any overtures to Pakistan on hold
May 16, 2014

Why India must put any overtures to Pakistan on hold

Given our troubled relationship with Pakistan, we need to keep our security apparatus in a state of alert with state-of-the-art equipment. All bilateral issues with Pakistan -- political, military, economic -- will simply have to go on the back-burner till Pakistan decides it wants to live as a good neighbour.

Why India must revive its manufacturing sector
Feb 25, 2014

Why India must revive its manufacturing sector

The most urgent need is to upgrade India's physical infrastructure to encourage domestic and foreign direct investment in the manufacturing sector. This will absorb the rural labor surplus that is migrating to the cities by providing employment in labor-intensive, less technology-intensive manufacturing, regulated by humane labor laws catering to the contemporary needs of the economy.

Why India need not worry about Pakistan’s efforts to instigate OIC
Dec 02, 2020

Why India need not worry about Pakistan’s efforts to instigate OIC

OIC countries have repeatedly conveyed that bilateral ties with India are independent of their stance on J&K.

Why India Needs More Aircraft Carriers
Sep 22, 2022

Why India Needs More Aircraft Carriers

New Delhi just commissioned its first indigenously built major warship. It will need more to challenge Beijing on the high seas.

Why India needs to buy better water data from China
Jan 13, 2020

Why India needs to buy better water data from China

Under a bilateral agreement water data on the Brahmaputra is shared by China with India on the Brahmaputra, but a weak understanding of hydrology means that the data is coming from the wrong places

Why India needs to re-calibrate relations with Sri Lanka
Jun 09, 2017

Why India needs to re-calibrate relations with Sri Lanka

By rushing relief at first signs of rains in Sri Lanka, India demonstrated the political will to reach out to its neighbourhood in the hour of distres

Why India should be wary of the Quad
Nov 13, 2017

Why India should be wary of the Quad

Like it or not, the term ‘Indo Pacific’ seems to be a means of including India in the military calculations of US strategy in the Pacific.

Why India should buy into Trump's plan
Aug 28, 2017

Why India should buy into Trump's plan

If it wants to be a source of regional stability, it must act like one.

Why India should engage in development work with China in neighbouring regions
Aug 27, 2018

Why India should engage in development work with China in neighbouring regions

The idea of hotline, now stuck up on protocol issues, will play a role in reducing tensions between India and China.