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Beijing vs. Washington: Fundamental departures vis-à-vis a “Rules-based Order”
Sep 01, 2021

Beijing vs. Washington: Fundamental departures vis-à-vis a “Rules-based Order”

What is at stake is whose interpretation of a rules-based system will assume primacy.

Beijing's Afghan role
Dec 17, 2014

Beijing's Afghan role

China has good relations with most of Afghanistan's neighbours, including Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. But it is Beijing's emerging partnership with the Pakistan army in Afghanistan that is the most interesting new element in the region.

Beijing's South Asia
Jan 03, 2015

Beijing's South Asia

Delhi's economic decision-makers, with their inward orientation, appear to have no capacity to think of a strategy for regional integration in partnership with China, or any other great power. The best it can come up with is to establish an official study group that can spin out the Chinese proposals for a few more years.

Beijing's Ukraine
Mar 13, 2014

Beijing's Ukraine

China may have reasons to be relieved if a Cold War-like situation re-emerges in Europe and American attention is drawn away from Asia. As America plunged into two prolonged wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, China had the time and Space to build its comprehensive national power.

Beirut's southern suburbs attacked
May 27, 2013

Beirut's southern suburbs attacked

Two rockets exploded in a district in the southern part of Beirut, wounding five people. While the perpetrators of the attack unknown, Syrian rebels have vowed to retaliate against Hezbollah's fighters assisting President Bashar Al-Assad's forces in Syria.

Besieged Musharraf Left With Few Options
Aug 24, 2007

Besieged Musharraf Left With Few Options

Pakistan is today dangling between hope and despair, propelled largely by President Pervez Musharraf's inability, and refusal, to gauge public sentiments for free and fair elections in the coming months. Discontentment, once confined to media and courtrooms, has spilled out into the streets, creating a stifling atmosphere of anxiety and doubt across the country. Political, economic and social differences have sharpened in the past eight years. Re

Best practices in Metro security
Aug 25, 2010

Best practices in Metro security

Informed and aware passengers and staff members remain two of the most effective counter-terrorism measures to safeguard vulnerable mass transit systems like Delhi Metro.

Best time for Modi to take tough decisions
Jul 28, 2014

Best time for Modi to take tough decisions

Experience would suggest the best time for Modi to take tough decisions is now when his popularity is at an all time high and his adversaries, both within his party and without, are still shell-shocked. If he can stake out the key elements of the long-awaited second generation reforms, he can spend the balance of his tenure working to implement them.

Best wishes on Zardari's journey to Ajmer
Apr 07, 2012

Best wishes on Zardari's journey to Ajmer

Many reform movements are active in India and have the patronage of politicians bereft of any aesthetics. But in Pakistan, the movements have declared Jehad on the soft Islam, soaked in sub continental Sufism. That is why Mr. Asif Zaradari deserves every one's best wishes for his journey to Ajmer.

Between a rock and a hard place: The Hazaras in Afghanistan
Mar 04, 2024

Between a rock and a hard place: The Hazaras in Afghanistan

As the Taliban solidifies its footing in Afghanistan, we witness a significant increase in the persecution of minority communities such as the Hazaras

Between Caesar and God
Oct 01, 2010

Between Caesar and God

Premature punditry on the Ayodhya verdict is a little bit like writing commentaries on Shakespeare after only reading Lamb's Tales.

Between Consensus and Homogeny
Jul 20, 2004

Between Consensus and Homogeny

By writing to Chief Ministers on administrative systems, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has revived a process that probably died with Jawaharlal Nehru. As Prime Minister, Vajpayee had his year-end Musings, which like Nehru¿s letters covered a wide range of subjects, including foreign policy and security issues.

Between General Assembly Debates and Security Council Resolutions, Finding Coherence in the UN System
Mar 22, 2023

Between General Assembly Debates and Security Council Resolutions, Finding Coherence in the UN System

This brief employs text analytics to assess the extent to which speeches at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on matters of peace and security find resonance in resolutions passed by the UN Security Council (UNSC). These two are among the six main organs of the UN system: the UNGA is the main deliberative and representative body; and the UNSC is tasked with maintaining global peace and security. This brief studies four contemporary issue

Between Rhetoric and Strategy: Analysing Evolving European Approaches Towards China
Feb 29, 2024

Between Rhetoric and Strategy: Analysing Evolving European Approaches Towards China

Europe’s relationship with China has transformed in recent years, with Chinese behaviour and actions now increasingly at odds with European values and interests. As Europe adjusts to new global realities amid a full-fledged war, the European Union (EU) and its member states are recalibrating their strategies and relationships with China. This paper aims to decipher these evolutions by assessing the EU approach and those of certain key European

Between two IPLs, a relationship blossomed
Jul 31, 2020

Between two IPLs, a relationship blossomed

While there is no doubt that Modi’s outreach has paid us rich dividends, it takes two to tango. The UAE leadership has taken a pragmatic and forward-looking view of the rise of India. It also sees a convergence of interests in standing against religious extremism. As the IPL kicks off, it is important to shed our own stereotypes, to update perspectives and take a fresh look at a country that has emerged as such a vital partner in such a short s

Beyond #Brexit: What Ails the European Union?
Jul 19, 2016

Beyond #Brexit: What Ails the European Union?

The European Union (EU) had been lurching from one crisis to the next even before a majority of British voters expressed their desire to leave it. While staying away from the Brexit debate itself, its implications for UK and EU, and the politics and motivations in the run-up to the vote, this paper argues that at the very least the referendum is a wake-up call for Europe to begin to address some of its structural and operational shortcomings in a

Beyond a cautious welcome: Saudi Arabia's response to US-Iran nuclear deal
Dec 20, 2013

Beyond a cautious welcome: Saudi Arabia's response to US-Iran nuclear deal

There is the possibility, albeit remote, of the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. Riyadh has always been unambiguous in its stance of acquiring a nuclear weapon if Iran does and the Kingdom's longstanding support for Pakistan's nuclear program alludes to this possibility.

Beyond Challenge - The balance of power has ceased to operate for the first time
Oct 07, 2004

Beyond Challenge - The balance of power has ceased to operate for the first time

The distribution of military and economic power in the world today resembles an irregular pyramid. The face of the pyramid depicting the military dimension of power rests on a narrow base, while that representing its economic dimension is much wider. Economic power is more broadly diffused among the major states than is the case with military power.

Beyond Chinese Whispers and Indian Rope Tricks
Dec 30, 2013

Beyond Chinese Whispers and Indian Rope Tricks

Both India and China have already entered an age of pragmatism. But they must soon transform it in an age of competitive realism if they are to jointly architect and mould the Asian century.

Beyond Current Nuclear Doctrine Debates: Addressing India’s Two-Front Challenge
May 10, 2023

Beyond Current Nuclear Doctrine Debates: Addressing India’s Two-Front Challenge

There are two streams of debate on India’s current nuclear doctrine: one on its current interpretation and deducing its form and what such form means for India’s overall nuclear strategy; and another, more internal to India, on what should be the Indian nuclear doctrine with respect to the evolving nature of threats. The two debates are not mutually exclusive. However, neither of them have contended with all conventional contingencies, in par

Beyond Gas: A case for Future Power
Sep 29, 2003

Beyond Gas: A case for Future Power

This paper is an outline of existing energy systems - the demand and supply factors and trends seen within the framework of demographic pressures, environmental concerns and eventual possibility of fossil fuels running out.

Beyond JCPOA — Non-proliferation regimes
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Non-proliferation regimes

NPT is the cornerstone of the global non-proliferation regime but its internal inconsistencies are becoming increasingly visible. In terms of its non-

Beyond narrow boundaries
Apr 03, 2010

Beyond narrow boundaries

Little attention is paid to the dynamics of politico-military strategies and civil military discourse on military capabilities and doctrines for any future conflicts

Beyond net neutrality
Jul 02, 2014

Beyond net neutrality

Internet of Things ensures that all data cannot be treated as equal. The principle of net neutrality needs an overhaul to reflect the complicated future of the cyberworld

Beyond the boundary
May 11, 2015

Beyond the boundary

Chinese leaders, ever so adept at power politics, do not find it difficult to understand where Modi is coming from. If Modi has surprised the world with his enthusiasm for China, Beijing is also pulling out all the stops to woo the Indian PM.

Beyond the Islamabad declaration
Feb 03, 2004

Beyond the Islamabad declaration

It has been a few weeks since the ¿momentous¿ Islamabad declaration by Indian PM Vajpayee and Pakistani leader Gen.Musharraf. The full effects of the declaration may not be known for a few months at least, but there have been enough clues coming out of South Asia for prognosticators to decipher. But first one must look at the declaration itself.

Beyond the Preamble: Measuring up the right to education in practice
Jan 24, 2024

Beyond the Preamble: Measuring up the right to education in practice

While the right to education is widely recognised by national constitutions, its actual implementation remains inadequate

Beyond the South Asia-centric notion of neighbourhood
May 30, 2019

Beyond the South Asia-centric notion of neighbourhood

As India’s interests move beyond its borders, the fixation with South Asia-centric notion of neighbourhood can no longer serve as a useful analytica

Beyond the ‘Lethal’ in lethal autonomous weapons: Applications of LAWS in theatres of conflict for middle powers
Dec 21, 2018

Beyond the ‘Lethal’ in lethal autonomous weapons: Applications of LAWS in theatres of conflict for middle powers

Even as Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) promise to revolutionise the battlefield, very little analysis moves beyond the great powers to examine the interests that middle powers may have in these systems. Shaped by their own geostrategic contexts, demographic issues and geography challenges, countries like India, South Korea, Indonesia or the Philippines may find utility in LAWS for improving the efficiency of their forces, reducing both

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options
May 24, 2012

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options

The key to a stable future in the Subcontinent might lie in producing the long overdue structural change inside Pakistan and with it the definition of its interests in Afghanistan and India. As it grasps at the slim chance of reordering the relationship with Pakistan, India will need all the support it can get from the US.

Bhagidari Programme of Delhi Government
Oct 04, 2008

Bhagidari Programme of Delhi Government

Observer Research Foundation (ORF) invited Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt. Sheila Dikshit on April 10, 2008 to deliver a talk on the 'Bhagidari Programme of Delhi Government' at the New Delhi campus. The event was attended by more than 80 participants

Bharat Ratna For Ghalib; centenary for Madan Mohan Malaviya?
Jan 02, 2012

Bharat Ratna For Ghalib; centenary for Madan Mohan Malaviya?

For a country as self conscious of its past as India, culture and civilization are alluring themes. In recent weeks two themes have surfaced which may attract attention. One idea has been placed in the public square by Justice Markandey Katju.

Bharatiya Janata Party: Prisoners of the past or participants of future?
Feb 04, 2011

Bharatiya Janata Party: Prisoners of the past or participants of future?

Emotion, rather than substance, had been the vehicle of the BJP for spreading its reach. But times are changing and it would have been better if the party was talking of a new vision of India which lays out a roadmap for eliminating poverty and squalor.

Bhullar case verdict and after
Apr 26, 2013

Bhullar case verdict and after

In the 'Bhullar case', the Supreme Court could now be construed to have applied the 'reasonable restriction' theory in the larger application of Article 14 of the Constitution, promising 'equality before law and the equal protection of the laws'.

Bhutan buffer
Jun 28, 2012

Bhutan buffer

Bhutan's reported decision to establish diplomatic relations with China marks an end to the system of buffer states that the British Raj had created in the 19th century to secure the subcontinent against encroachments from external powers.

Bhutan's transitions and coming challenges for India
Jul 11, 2013

Bhutan's transitions and coming challenges for India

Noted author of a book on Bhutan, Omair Ahmad, argued that the way forward for India was to acknowledge that it could no longer insulate Bhutan. In the past, India engaged the monarchy and the elite, and the time has come to broaden the relationship, he said.

Bhutan-China: Settling border issues
Nov 17, 2023

Bhutan-China: Settling border issues

Bhutan’s attempts to smoothen border issues with its northern neighbour mark a significant shift in its geopolitical perspective

Bhutan: 'Himalayan dilemma' on the China front
Jul 13, 2012

Bhutan: 'Himalayan dilemma' on the China front

The announcement on the side-lines of the Rio+20 Summit that Bhutan and China have decided to establish diplomatic relations is not only a reflection on the evolving foreign policy of the Kingdom but it also carries with it broader implications for the political dynamics of Asia.

Bhutan: 'National Happiness', environment and the neighbours
Nov 08, 2012

Bhutan: 'National Happiness', environment and the neighbours

The landlocked Kingdom of Bhutan, which borders two Asian giants--China in the north and India to the south-- is some sort of a misfit in this tightly enclosed geographic space. Its two neighbours when compared to Bhutan are a world apart,

Bhutan: Diversifying renewable energy sources
Oct 14, 2020

Bhutan: Diversifying renewable energy sources

By floating a tender for setting up the country’s first ground-mounted solar plant, Bhutan has made a maiden attempt at deploying renewables other t

Bhutan: Education hub and beyond
Feb 28, 2014

Bhutan: Education hub and beyond

The Bhutan cabinet's scrapping of the allotment of some 1,000 acres of land proposed for the proposed education city has put the ambitious project based on public-private partnership (PPP) in a limbo.

Bhutan: Education in India
Mar 13, 2015

Bhutan: Education in India

Popularity of India as an education destination for Bhutanese students is a reference-point for close bilateral ties. Today, as many as one third of Bhutan's student population are pursuing higher education in India,