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South Asia Weekly | XIV; 1
Jan 05, 2021

South Asia Weekly | XIV; 1

News and analyses from South Asia this week.

South Asia Weekly | XIV; 2
Jan 12, 2021

South Asia Weekly | XIV; 2

News and analyses from South Asia this week.

South Asia's Berlin walls
Jun 05, 2015

South Asia's Berlin walls

Detritus of 1947 is being cleared. In Dhaka, Modi must unveil forward-looking economic agenda for region. A positive dynamic in the east may be extended to the north and the west.

South Asia-2011: Focus of global economy and security
Jan 21, 2012

South Asia-2011: Focus of global economy and security

It is four years since Observer Research Foundation launched an exclusive South Asia Weekly, with scholars specialising in individual nations of the region presenting a weekly report of individual countries with their assessments.

South Asia: Ending, or losing, an ‘endless war’ in Afghanistan?
Nov 02, 2020

South Asia: Ending, or losing, an ‘endless war’ in Afghanistan?

“With improved implementation of the plan of action for South Asia, Trump has impelled the region to constantly recalibrate strategic choices while

South Asia: Is This SAARC Summit Any Different?
Nov 17, 2011

South Asia: Is This SAARC Summit Any Different?

The meeting of Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh with his Pakistani counterpart, Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, on 10 November 2011 on the sidelines of the 17th South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) summit in the Maldives, should be welcomed.

South Asia: Is ‘regime-change’ an end in itself?
Nov 12, 2018

South Asia: Is ‘regime-change’ an end in itself?

The alternative for India would and should be to shed the post-Cold War past here and now — re-look at the South Asian priorities.

South Asia: Towards dividend or disaster?
Dec 27, 2011

South Asia: Towards dividend or disaster?

Confronted with unemployment rather than gainful employment, rising aspirations and growing expectation, impatient youth could turn into a destructive force, giving rise to criminality and terrorism. Thus resultant social unrest may engulf South Asia.

South Asian nations get back to reality
Mar 17, 2023

South Asian nations get back to reality

The crises in Sri Lanka and Pakistan are raising questions about the relevance and the costs of their reliance on the alternative financial system provided by China’s Belt and Road Initiative

South Asian Perspectives on Net Neutrality
Jan 27, 2016

South Asian Perspectives on Net Neutrality

This Special Report examines key themes highlighted during a series of panel discussions exploring South Asian Perspectives on Net Neutrality, hosted by the Observer Research Foundation and the Centre for Internet and Society in New Delhi on 12 December 2015. The first panel analysed the potential effects of net neutrality regulation and zero-rated platforms on the market. The second explored viable regulatory frameworks for net neutrality that c

South Asia’s ambivalence on Ukraine: National interest and the burden of history
Mar 30, 2023

South Asia’s ambivalence on Ukraine: National interest and the burden of history

History has coloured the current responses of South Asian countries to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine

South Asia’s cyclical geopolitical trends likely to continue in 2019
Jan 14, 2019

South Asia’s cyclical geopolitical trends likely to continue in 2019

The story of 2019, whatever the outcome of parliamentary elections, will essentially be about India adjusting its engagements in its neighbourhood.

South Asia’s tryst with floods: A story less-known
Sep 22, 2021

South Asia’s tryst with floods: A story less-known

As floods continue to wreak more havoc each passing monsoon, it is time for India to lead the way in effective flood management

South China Sea dispute could lead to China-Indonesia conflict
Oct 08, 2014

South China Sea dispute could lead to China-Indonesia conflict

As the pressure on the new government in Jakarta increases to overtly declare its status against the Chinese in the South China Sea, it also risks falling into the 'extended coercive diplomacy' strategy of the Chinese which focuses on the coercion of an adversary aligned with the US.

South China Sea disputes: Nearing a solution – or is it?
Jan 05, 2017

South China Sea disputes: Nearing a solution – or is it?

The likely announcement by Philippine President Duterte of the Scarborough Shoal as an environmental marine sanctuary and off limits to fishermen could prove to be the first incremental step towards defusing the South China Sea disputes and in the process endow considerable strategic advantages to Beijing.

South China Sea Monitor | Volume V; Issue 10 | Shifting Sands in the South China Sea
Nov 04, 2016

South China Sea Monitor | Volume V; Issue 10 | Shifting Sands in the South China Sea

Geopolitics of South China Sea appears to be ever-changing with approach of the Philippines towards China assuming a shift under current President Duterte

South China Sea Monitor | Volume V; Issue 12 |India & Japan: Cementing Bilateral Ties
Dec 05, 2016

South China Sea Monitor | Volume V; Issue 12 |India & Japan: Cementing Bilateral Ties

Japan protested to China after four Chinese coast guard ships sailed into territorial waters of Senkaku Islands & other roundups from South China Monitor

South China Sea verdict: Now China's international reputation at stake
Jul 26, 2016

South China Sea verdict: Now China's international reputation at stake

China must now worry about its international reputation if it flagrantly refuses to do anything and remains rigid in its approach to the SCS dispute.

South China Sea: Beijing's 'Salami Slicing' strategy
Mar 21, 2014

South China Sea: Beijing's 'Salami Slicing' strategy

The South China Sea is seeing increasing tension amongst the claimants. The Second Thomas Shoal is the latest addition to Beijing's 'Salami Slicing' strategy of slowly acquiring small reefs and islands to consolidate its contested claim.

South Korea and India: A perplexing partnership
Mar 16, 2023

South Korea and India: A perplexing partnership

As ROK and India commemorate the 50th anniversary of their ties, both countries need to move beyond the normative approach towards a robust bilateral

South Korea and Modi's Act East Policy
May 22, 2015

South Korea and Modi's Act East Policy

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to South Korea has further strengthened and expanded India-Korea strategic and economic ties. Modi's call to take the bilateral relationship to a higher level was responded positively by the South Korean leadership.

South Korea need to be tough and open to North
Apr 22, 2013

South Korea need to be tough and open to North

South Korea has to be realistic in its approach to North Korea, according to a Korean scholar. He says South Korea still has time to negotiate as North Korea is still far from possessing "tactically meaningful nuclear devices".

South Korea on a FTA spree
Aug 01, 2011

South Korea on a FTA spree

The recent South Korea-EU FTA (or the KOREU FTA) is more of a steal for the Koreans than the Europeans. While it will have a 0.08 per cent impact on the European economy, it will have a 0.84 per cent impact on the Korean economy.

South Korea shifts focus to Africa
Jun 14, 2024

South Korea shifts focus to Africa

While South Korea seeks to expand its presence in Africa, its pointed policies may risk it being labelled with the “neo-colonial” tag

South Korea's 'Act West' policy to match India's 'Act East'
May 30, 2015

South Korea's 'Act West' policy to match India's 'Act East'

The combination of Indian demography, Korean technology, its value for money aspects, and the government support has made Korean companies in India quite successful, according to the Consul-General of the Republic of Korea in Chennai, Mr. Kim Kyungsoo.

South Korea: सेना में अनिवार्य भर्ती के रास्ते पर क़दम बढ़ाता दक्षिण कोरिया का BTS बैंड
Jul 21, 2023

South Korea: सेना में अनिवार्य भर्ती के रास्ते पर क़दम बढ़ाता दक्षिण कोरिया का BTS बैंड

फ़ौज में अपनी सेवा शुरू करने के BTS के ऐलान से दक्षिण कोरिया