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India can learn from Brazil's experiences in poverty alleviation
Oct 25, 2013

India can learn from Brazil's experiences in poverty alleviation

In Brazil, extreme poverty has reduced from 15% to 5%, poverty from 34% to 22% and Gini index from 69% to 54% in the period of 1999-2009. So, knowledge sharing between Brazil and India in matters related to public policy and welfare programmes is of high merit.

India cannot ignore military reforms in China ushered in by Xi Jinping
Oct 26, 2017

India cannot ignore military reforms in China ushered in by Xi Jinping

Reform of the Central Military Commission underscores Xi’s absolute dominance in the army, which helped put the Communist Party of China (CCP) in power. No other CCP leader, including Mao, has controlled the military to the same extent as Xi does today.

India could use its historic free speech judgment to reset its position on internet governance. Will it?
Apr 21, 2015

India could use its historic free speech judgment to reset its position on internet governance. Will it?

India must play a leadership role in the development of global Internet policy. The government needs to respond to the demands of its citizens and reset its position on international Internet governance issues, in line with the progressive developments that have occurred at home. In essence, India should be doing a better job at linking the local to the global.

India declares unilateral ceasefire on Indo-Bangladesh borders
Mar 19, 2010

India declares unilateral ceasefire on Indo-Bangladesh borders

The visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had put relations on a higher plane and the overall situation in Bangladesh had turned for the better in 2006

India has a bigger worry than LAC. China now expanding military footprint in Indian Ocean
Jun 12, 2020

India has a bigger worry than LAC. China now expanding military footprint in Indian Ocean

The Navy needs a strategy of distant power projection. By employing a plan for sustained presence in the Western Pacific, New Delhi can show its resolve to Beijing.

India has a problem on Capitol Hill
Oct 24, 2019

India has a problem on Capitol Hill

The much-anticipated Congressional hearing on “Human Rights in South Asia” turned into an attack by Democratic lawmakers on India’s Kashmir poli

India has a role in UN Security Council
Apr 22, 2005

India has a role in UN Security Council

Professor Joseph Nye,Dean, John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, who visited ORF recently, gave an e-mail Interview to Dr. Harinder Sekhon, Senior Fellow, on US foreign policy trends, especially in West Asia and the future of Indo-US relations.

India has failed to cash in on its relationship with America
Feb 04, 2014

India has failed to cash in on its relationship with America

There is a significant difference between the texture of the relationship that the US enjoys with other democracies like UK, Germany, France and Japan, and the one it has with India. And neither are we able to cash in on it to the extent the Chinese and the Pakistanis managed.

India in the Era of ‘Silicon Diplomacy’
Aug 17, 2023

India in the Era of ‘Silicon Diplomacy’

The global shortage in semiconductors that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic, resulted in heavy losses for many economic sectors. The fragility of the supply chain and the innate dependencies within, have made semiconductor collaboration essential to maintain the industry’s efficiency. This brief examines how semiconductors have become a fulcrum for building potential technology alliances. It outlines ongoing diplomatic initiatives

India in the Indo-Pacific: A Kautilyan Strategy for the Maritime Mandala
Aug 14, 2023

India in the Indo-Pacific: A Kautilyan Strategy for the Maritime Mandala

This brief seeks to apply ancient Indian strategic thought in the study of the country’s contemporary maritime relations. It argues that India should shift its maritime strategy from a largely continental posture to one that focuses on the country’s maritime mandala. Using concepts from the ancient Indian political treatise, Arthashastra, this brief contends that a “return of history” via the Indo-Pacific, and re-emerging multipolarity, r

India Inc. — #RespondingWithResponsibility
Jun 23, 2020

India Inc. — #RespondingWithResponsibility

The pandemic has not only thrown on us a large number of socio-economic complexities — but the issues emerging in the post-pandemic period cannot be

India is ill-prepared for the changing dynamics in Afghanistan
Feb 16, 2019

India is ill-prepared for the changing dynamics in Afghanistan

India has a range of interests to protect in Afghanistan. For far too long New Delhi’s reliance on Washington’s role as a security provider has been its major vulnerability.

India is still healing – growth momentum to follow
Dec 06, 2021

India is still healing – growth momentum to follow

The government has to choose in a trade-off between nurturing medium-term growth via cheap credit and compromising the political present if inflation

India is still losing to China in the border infrastructure war
Oct 01, 2018

India is still losing to China in the border infrastructure war

Unless India accelerates the pace of the physical border infrastructure build-up, New Delhi will face serious difficulties in any future confrontation with China.

India is — and will remain — a growth story in the foreseeable future
Sep 10, 2018

India is — and will remain — a growth story in the foreseeable future

Standing on the foundations of growth and its future potential, some economies are more vulnerable — and some more valuable — than others. India stands on the valuable stack.

India needs to be ‘vigilant, pro-active’ in regional trade viz China
May 13, 2019

India needs to be ‘vigilant, pro-active’ in regional trade viz China

In order to get an accurate picture of trade in India’s neighbourhood, one has to look beyond Free Trade Agreements.

India should get a little more creative with its Gilgit-Baltistan policy
Mar 20, 2017

India should get a little more creative with its Gilgit-Baltistan policy

It could even consider participating in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, subject to Islamabad fulfilling a few conditions.

India should take on more responsibilities in Indo-Pacific
Nov 24, 2014

India should take on more responsibilities in Indo-Pacific

It is clear that countries in the region would like to see India play a greater security role in the Indo-Pacific - that is India should be more proactive, rather than reactive. India should take advantage of the opportunities, and take on responsibilities.

India still needs to work with Russia on Afghanistan
Apr 24, 2023

India still needs to work with Russia on Afghanistan

Proximity changes the priorities for India in a conflict on the doorstep.

India to chair UN group on 'killer robots', open new page on arms control diplomacy
Dec 19, 2016

India to chair UN group on 'killer robots', open new page on arms control diplomacy

India was selected as the chair of the first group of governmental experts (GGE) constituted to deliberate the issue of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and their impact on international security

India will be one of top 5 global pharma innovation hubs
Mar 18, 2009

India will be one of top 5 global pharma innovation hubs

The global economic slowdown presents an opportunity for the Indian industry to work on low cost medicines

India will come apart if secular contract is torn
Jan 07, 2022

India will come apart if secular contract is torn

Shockingly, some campaigns are being led by people who are camouflaging their murderous rhetoric by wearing the saffron robes of Hindu renunciants. Last month, the theme of many speeches at a religious conclave in Haridwar was the need to ‘finish off’ Muslims. It would be easy to ignore this as the ranting of fringe Hindutva elements, but it’s no longer clear whether they are the fringe or the vanguard.

India will keenly watch Russia elections
Feb 01, 2012

India will keenly watch Russia elections

The Indian public sphere is unlikely to engage comprehensively with the happenings in the run up to the Russian presidential elections. On the other hand, the Indian establishment will keenly follow political developments in Russia as the importance of the election outcome.

India will prioritise data for development at G20
Dec 14, 2022

India will prioritise data for development at G20

To share and benefit from development data, it must be accessible, of high-quality, and offered in real time. India at the helm of G20 has much to offer as this will build on principles governing PM Modi’s Digital India initiative

India yet to stabilise as a nation state
Nov 12, 2013

India yet to stabilise as a nation state

There is a blithe assumption in India that national construction will happen on its own. That is simply not true. The states and the Union government need ever closer cooperation and coordination in a host of issues. Sadly, what we are confronted by are leaders who are busy shoring up their vote banks, a sure recipe for a crisis somewhere down the line.

India's 2022: Capacity utilisation and economic revival
Dec 29, 2021

India's 2022: Capacity utilisation and economic revival

With the looming third wave, the Indian government would have to revive consumption demand and control inflation simultaneously.

India's ASAT capability has been around for some time now
Mar 28, 2019

India's ASAT capability has been around for some time now

ASAT weapons, while useful to knock out communications and imaging satellites, are not all that effective against those flying at higher orbits.

India's challenges lies in handling spillovers of Trump policies elsewhere
Nov 09, 2016

India's challenges lies in handling spillovers of Trump policies elsewhere

What President Trump means for India has already been dissected to the point where adding anything new becomes impossible.

India's climate change strategy: Expanding differentiated responsibility
Oct 07, 2014

India's climate change strategy: Expanding differentiated responsibility

For Lima and Paris climate change negotiations to succeed in achieving consensus, the issue of equitable response to the climate crisis must be creatively reimagined. And, to negotiate action on climate change despite many challenges, India should promote a more fine-tuned form of differentiated responsibility -- not just between countries, but within them as well.

India's coherence dilemma in Africa's fragile contexts
Aug 17, 2016

India's coherence dilemma in Africa's fragile contexts

There seems to be a disconnect between India’s peace-building approach and its African development partnerships.

India's dilemmas in Afghanistan
Aug 02, 2019

India's dilemmas in Afghanistan

New Delhi should become more proactively involved in the peace process and not shy away from drawing its own red-lines