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Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An Assessment
Dec 27, 2004

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An Assessment

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An AssessmentD.S. Rajan

Vital sea lanes of communications as a core interest for China: Inferences for India’s national security
Aug 18, 2020

Vital sea lanes of communications as a core interest for China: Inferences for India’s national security

China’s energy interests, constant pursuit for natural resources, expanding commercial interests combined with a quickly growing diaspora in the Ind

Voluntary Licensing: Access to Markets for Access to Health
Apr 22, 2016

Voluntary Licensing: Access to Markets for Access to Health

The expansion of access to affordable drugs will play a central role in addressing present and future global health challenges. Given the vast social implications of increased access to medicines, the Indian patent system has historically maintained a pro-public health stand. However, the international political community is increasingly advocating for stricter patent regimes and India can no longer continue to ignore the pressure exerted by deve

Von der Leyen walks the election tightrope
Mar 28, 2024

Von der Leyen walks the election tightrope

Although Von der Leyen has proved her mettle over the years, only time will tell if she would be able to maintain her legacy in other critical areas s

Vostok-22: Challenges of Diplomatic Promiscuity
Sep 04, 2022

Vostok-22: Challenges of Diplomatic Promiscuity

But New Delhi's decision to send a contingent of the Indian Army for the September 1-7 Vostok 2022 military drill in Russia's far east has raised eyebrows, particularly in the West that is trying to isolate Moscow after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is a major exercise involving more than 50,000 troops and 5,000 weapons units, including 140 aircraft and 60 warships, with the participation of troops from China, India, Laos, Mongolia, Nicar

Vote against Iran: Abiding by 'good-behaviour norms'
Sep 28, 2005

Vote against Iran: Abiding by 'good-behaviour norms'

The debate about Iran's quest for nuclear energy is wholly enmeshed in the politics of US-Iran relationship. Iran is a signatory to the NPT and its additional protocol. It has obligations; it has rights. The focus of the west is on obligations, of Iran on rights. The North-South divide is reflected in the board of governors of the IAEA, with Russia and China supportive of the non-aligned who apprehend, as Washington Post put it,

Vote, both negative and positive
Feb 12, 2015

Vote, both negative and positive

Unlike the BJP, the focus of the AAP's campaign was not on lofty slogans, such as making a Delhi a 'smart city', but on issues that mattered to the public. No wonder it is commonly said that one should never underestimate the power of the common man.

Vulnerable in cyberspace
Dec 16, 2016

Vulnerable in cyberspace

The ‘Legion’ hacks expose the dire state of cybersecurity in India. Frequent data breaches will steadily erode the confidence of Internet users and deter them from using digital gateways

Vyapam scam: State Govt has a lot to explain
Jul 28, 2015

Vyapam scam: State Govt has a lot to explain

The sheer magnitude of Vyapam has stunned people. The Bharatiya Janata Party, in power in Madhya Pradesh for the duration of Vyapam, is clearly answerable for the mess. Its government and chief minister have a lot to explain.

Vying for investments: Nepal’s quest to become a ‘zone of investment’
May 27, 2024

Vying for investments: Nepal’s quest to become a ‘zone of investment’

Despite Nepal's aspirations to become a ‘zone of investment,’ structural and political obstacles prevent the country from achieving this goal.

Wait and watch: The most optimal strategy for sustaining Indo-Turkmen energy ties
Aug 13, 2019

Wait and watch: The most optimal strategy for sustaining Indo-Turkmen energy ties

The intervening time could be utilised to deliberate on carrying out technical and commercial feasibility studies, identifying logistical challenges a

Waiting for Godot - Aircraft carriers for India
Aug 12, 2013

Waiting for Godot - Aircraft carriers for India

Aircraft carriers for India have been somewhat of a waiting for Godot. By the time the elusive Vikramaditya joins the Indian fleet, India's lone and ageing Viraat would have completed nearly 60 years of service and reached the stage to retire.

Waiting to Explode: Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea
Aug 11, 2023

Waiting to Explode: Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

This paper aims to analyse the reasons for the rise of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, its characteristics, the primary drivers for the growing menace and international responses; it also compares the differences in modus operandi between Gulf of Guinea and Somalian piracy. Till the early 1980s, piracy was often dismissed as being “archaic Tand folklore of the past”, rarely entering the main maritime discourse. But true to its nature, ‘moder

Wake up to the real world, EU!
May 11, 2012

Wake up to the real world, EU!

It is time for the European Union to wake up to the world they actually live in and now move towards the more workable paradigm of "Shared Interests and Shared Prosperity", acknowledging that beneath every façade, nations and societies share only one common value, that of 'self-preservation' based on 'self-interest'.

Wake-up Call from the North-East
Oct 06, 2004

Wake-up Call from the North-East

Twenty-six persons were killed and over a hundred injured by two explosions in Dimapur, the only railway station in Nagaland in India's North-East, on October 2, 2004, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The same day, in a series of co-ordinated attacks in different places in Assam, also in the North-East, involving the use of hand-held weapons, hand-granades and explosives,19 persons were killed.

Waking up to the BRICS
Aug 06, 2014

Waking up to the BRICS

In spite of its modest economic weight in the initial years, the New Development Bank (NDB) can change the ethos of development finance irreversibly. Rather than replacing or supplanting existing development finance institutions, the NDB will seek to supplement existing resources.

Walk the talk on war, but consider the costs
Mar 11, 2019

Walk the talk on war, but consider the costs

India barely spends 1.5 per cent of its GDP on defence — two-thirds of it on military salaries and pensions and current costs.

Walk the talk: Prioritise SDG 5 to advance Agenda 2030
Mar 07, 2024

Walk the talk: Prioritise SDG 5 to advance Agenda 2030

The connections between SDG 5 and other goals underscore the imperative of attaining gender equality as both a moral obligation and a strategic invest

Walking the SCO tightrope
Jun 13, 2023

Walking the SCO tightrope

For steady growth in the face of fragile geopolitical contestations, New Delhi needs access to different platforms to pursue interests in multiple geographies

Walking the tightrope between Eurasia and the Indo-Pacific
Sep 10, 2018

Walking the tightrope between Eurasia and the Indo-Pacific

While the new Indo-Pacific construct continues to grab headlines, India's recent diplomatic orientation points to a renewed appreciation of what American strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski called the world’s “decisive geopolitical chessboard”: Eurasia. In order to grasp the significance of this strategic space, it is useful to compare it with the dynamics of the Indo-Pacific.

Walking the walk of values-based diplomacy
Feb 28, 2022

Walking the walk of values-based diplomacy

As the Russia-Ukraine conflict unfolds, Germany has finally undertaken epochal decisions to uphold the values of the international order by supporting

Wang visit: Beijing is not reassessing its India policy
Mar 31, 2022

Wang visit: Beijing is not reassessing its India policy

Some two years into the military standoff along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi paid a short visit to India last week.

Wanted visionary husbanding of public finances
Oct 05, 2020

Wanted visionary husbanding of public finances

The economic advantage from a revived financial sector will generate manifold benefits in investment, growth, and jobs. Every 1% of growth generates 1.2% of tax revenues.

War against ISIS: The picture is gloomy
Nov 17, 2014

War against ISIS: The picture is gloomy

In the war against ISIS, the picture is gloomy. The ISIS is unlikely to be pushed back as long as the Coalition's War against it remains only aerial. The Iraqi troops battling them were trained by the Americans, who after spending billions of dollars on their training find they are not up to the task.

War in West Asia: Expectations and trajectories for 2024
Dec 16, 2023

War in West Asia: Expectations and trajectories for 2024

With Israel’s intended strategy in the aftermath of the 7/10 attacks, the conflict is all set to go well into 2024

War on drugs: Challenges for the Punjab government
May 09, 2017

War on drugs: Challenges for the Punjab government

Most analysts agree that a dangerous mix of demand, supply and currency is responsible for Punjab’s drug menace. Punjab is both a transit point and a market for the drugs smuggled from the so-called Golden Crescent that is Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. While the heroin produced in Afghanistan is smuggled through the 553-km-long, porous India-Pakistan border, the opium, poppy husk, charas and hashish, among other drugs, come from the neighbour

War on Terrorism has to shift focus
Aug 04, 2004

War on Terrorism has to shift focus

The 9/11 Commission Report has been made public and has, since then, witnessed intense scrutiny and commentary in the international media. The Indian media and analysts have been exceptionally vocal about its findings on Pakistan¿s possible linkages with the 9/11 attackers and conspirators.

War, peace and ‘art of the deal’ in Afghanistan
Sep 09, 2019

War, peace and ‘art of the deal’ in Afghanistan

If Trump indeed wants to resume the talks now, the Taliban will drive a much harder bargain and the terms on offer will be a lot worse than what had b

Warfighting in Space: Managing risks and seizing opportunities to avoid space weaponisation
Oct 18, 2021

Warfighting in Space: Managing risks and seizing opportunities to avoid space weaponisation

Modern military forces cannot fight and win without space, and the loss of access to vital space support for terrestrial forces dramatically raises th

Warning from Volgograd
Jan 10, 2014

Warning from Volgograd

The bombings in Russia bring into notice the challenges which India also faces in tackling Islamic militancy. In fact, the Chechen insurgency has in the past been compared to the insurgency in Kashmir.

War’s Gendered Costs: The Story of Ukraine’s Women
Nov 02, 2022

War’s Gendered Costs: The Story of Ukraine’s Women

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine entered its eighth month in late October and shows no sign of abatement. The war has had massive consequences on Ukraine, and women and girls are bearing the disproportionate burden. The conflict has further exacerbated gender inequities that were already compounded by eight years of armed conflict in eastern Ukraine and, beginning in early 2020, by the COVID-19 pandemic. This report seeks to fill the gaps in litera

Was India's decision at WTO wise?
Aug 02, 2014

Was India's decision at WTO wise?

If India continues to act rigid, it will result in the failure of the Doha round and bring misfortunes for small countries and tragic outcomes for all the members of WTO. India shouldn't get carried away and link its food security and subsidy issues to the Trade Facilitation deal

Was Peshawar really another 9/11?
Dec 26, 2014

Was Peshawar really another 9/11?

The December 16, 2014 attack on an Army run school in Peshawar by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has caused global outrage. The attacks led to over 148 deaths of mostly children and some school staff.

Washington watching as Beijing’s space power grows
Sep 11, 2020

Washington watching as Beijing’s space power grows

The latest U.S. Defense Department report on Chinese military power recounts Beijing’s growing space and counterspace capabilities.

Washington's Pakistan problem
Apr 08, 2011

Washington's Pakistan problem

The latest White House assessment of the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan submitted to the US Congress has questioned Pakistan's commitment towards degrading and defeating terrorist groups like al Qaeda and Taliban.

Wassenaar Arrangement: The Case of India’s Membership
May 05, 2016

Wassenaar Arrangement: The Case of India’s Membership

India is keen to join the world's export control regimes, all four of them including the Wassenaar Arrangement, as part of its efforts at integrating with the global non-proliferation architecture. While the Wassenaar Arrangement's predecessor, the Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls, was established to control transfers of advanced dual-use technology in the North-South and East-West context, the Arrangement's objectives have

Water augmentation measures for Delhi
Sep 21, 2022

Water augmentation measures for Delhi

Delhi lacks adequate access to clean water and depends heavily on its neighbours' assistance to solve the issue.

Water for Indian cities
Jun 04, 2010

Water for Indian cities

The seminar held in ORF Delhi called for a paradigm shift in understanding the various dimensions of the water crisis facing India

Water for Indian Cities: Government Practices and Policy Concerns
Jul 31, 2023

Water for Indian Cities: Government Practices and Policy Concerns

The demand for basic infrastructure and services in Indian cities has increased phenomenally due to rapidly growing populations. Such unmet demands often adversely affect the quality of urban life, the economic productivity, as well as the process of sustainable development. The main purpose of this brief is to highlight the problems involved in improving access to water supply in Indian cities faced with a severe water shortage crisis. A case st

Water futures market for the hydrological future of South Asia
Sep 29, 2020

Water futures market for the hydrological future of South Asia

The risk associated with water availability gets complicated with global warming and climate change. This affects the scarcity value of water, and eve

Water Infrastructure and Connectivity: Growth and SDGs in Asia
Mar 04, 2016

Water Infrastructure and Connectivity: Growth and SDGs in Asia

This paper examines current water management ideologies and practices and the impact they create on strategies for pan-Asian connectivity. It suggests that 'business-as-usual' management principles and the harnessing of transboundary rivers tend to undermine efforts at achieving economic and ecological sustainability goals, as well as meeting long-term development challenges. The Mekong and Ganga basin regions, in particular, suffer from inadequa

Water is life, water is food: Leave no one behind
Oct 16, 2023

Water is life, water is food: Leave no one behind

Only by recognising the intrinsic value of water and its central role in our existence can we hope to build a more resilient and food-secure world for

Water Issues in South Asia
May 13, 2011

Water Issues in South Asia

Water security is a growing concern in South Asia today. Growing population, expanding urban centres, widespread pollution and mismanagement are pushing several countries in the region towards a water crisis. Mr. B. G. Verghese, well known journalist, author and expert on water issues, calls for better understanding and cooperation among the countries in South Asia to address the challenge of ensuring adequate and equitable availability of water

Water key to cooperation in South Asia, says B.G. Verghese
Sep 02, 2011

Water key to cooperation in South Asia, says B.G. Verghese

Initiating the discussion on "Water Security in South Asia", eminent water expert and noted writer, Mr. B. G. Verghese felt that while water is the key to cooperation in the region, climate change is the most important issue for all South Asian countries.

Water supply challenges in planned areas of cities
Nov 13, 2021

Water supply challenges in planned areas of cities

Measures need to be enforced to curtail administrative and civic misuse with regard to the ongoing water supply issue.

Water Valuation and Pricing in India: Imperatives for Sustainable Water Governance
Nov 02, 2023

Water Valuation and Pricing in India: Imperatives for Sustainable Water Governance

This paper highlights the importance of water valuation and pricing for sustainable and efficient water allocation and management in India. An efficient water-pricing mechanism could be a tool to address the impending crisis of water scarcity, which necessitates a robust, objective, and holistic valuation technique. Every unit of water consumed for economic purposes has an ecological footprint, and this opportunity cost or externality factor need

Water wars more about information than water itself
Nov 01, 2019

Water wars more about information than water itself

Information and knowledge gaps are largely responsible for creating an environment of mistrust among riparians and the various stakeholders in the river systems.