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India’s ‘onshoring’ vision with GIFT City
Feb 26, 2024

India’s ‘onshoring’ vision with GIFT City

India’s GIFT City aspires to integrate its economy into the global financial system, ensure capital flow and connectivity with global financial mark

India’s ‘surgical strikes’ and the SAARC Summit
Oct 12, 2016

India’s ‘surgical strikes’ and the SAARC Summit

In aftermath of the Indian army’s ‘surgical-strikes’ on ‘terror launch-pads’ inside Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) has claimed it's first c

India’s ‘true gesture of goodwill’ towards Maldives
May 21, 2024

India’s ‘true gesture of goodwill’ towards Maldives

Despite turbulent ties with Maldives, India recently extended budgetary support of nearly US$ 50 million

India’s “big government” targets high growth
Mar 11, 2024

India’s “big government” targets high growth

Making the correct trade-offs can support higher growth over the long term as can implementing a foundational reform agenda

Indications of industrial revival
Aug 19, 2014

Indications of industrial revival

On the job creation front, there is need for higher manufacturing growth and the creation of 'decent' jobs and not just menial jobs of security guards and peons as around 10 million people will be enter the job market each year over the next decade.

Indifference to price rise can irk voters in Tamil Nadu
Jul 15, 2010

Indifference to price rise can irk voters in Tamil Nadu

Given the existing alliance pattern involving the ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu and its partnership in the Congress-led UPA coalition at the Centre, people's perception of issues like price rise could become a double-jeopardy for the alliance in any election.

Indigenise defence production to cut out corruption
May 11, 2012

Indigenise defence production to cut out corruption

India must learn to quickly indigenise defence production to cut out both dependence on external sources and corruption that is endemic to the system and to provide employment to Indians along with a sense of pride. This will not happen overnight and there will be obstructions by vested interests.

Indigenous Technology as a strategic moat for India
May 24, 2023

Indigenous Technology as a strategic moat for India

Technology is vital to enabling accelerated socio-economic growth, effective governance, and relief delivery at scale. Many economies are adopting and developing technology-first frameworks to strengthen their population’s social welfare net, and support economic growth. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed both the challenges and opportunities in India that can be addressed and driven by multidimensional technology frameworks. With the rebalancin

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far
Jun 09, 2023

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far

The Canadian government, instead of robustly standing up to extremism, has found it easier to pander to some of the most violent and aggressive groups. This is partly because of how these extremist groups have increased their influence over state institutions

Indo US Differences over F-16: एफ-16 पर बाइडेन ने पलटा ट्रंप का फैसला; क्‍या है भारत की बड़ी चिंता?
Sep 14, 2022

Indo US Differences over F-16: एफ-16 पर बाइडेन ने पलटा ट्रंप का फैसला; क्‍या है भारत की बड़ी चिंता?

अमेरिका ने पाकिस्तान को एफ-16 युद्धक विमान को अपग्रेड करने का फैसला भारत के खिलाफ है. ऐसे में यह सवाल भी उठता है कि बाइडेन प्रशासन का भारत के प्रति क्‍या नजरिया है. क्‍या बाइडे

Indo US Differences over F-16: एफ-16 पर बाइडेन ने पलटा ट्रंप का फैसला; क्‍या है भारत की बड़ी चिंता?
Sep 14, 2022

Indo US Differences over F-16: एफ-16 पर बाइडेन ने पलटा ट्रंप का फैसला; क्‍या है भारत की बड़ी चिंता?

अमेरिका ने पाकिस्तान को एफ-16 युद्धक विमान को अपग्रेड करने का फैसला भारत के खिलाफ है. ऐसे में यह सवाल भी उठता है कि बाइडेन प्रशासन का भारत के प्रति क्‍या नजरिया है. क्‍या बाइडे

Indo-Iranian cooperation in Afghanistan faces challenges
May 08, 2013

Indo-Iranian cooperation in Afghanistan faces challenges

Iran's standoff with neighbouring and Western nations does pose a problem for India which has to balance its relations with Iran against its interest in deepening relations with the US. Collaborating with US initiatives in Afghanistan that exclude Iran might persuade the latter to remove the preferential treatment given to India at Chabahar.

Indo-Iranian stalemate over Farzad B
May 16, 2017

Indo-Iranian stalemate over Farzad B

Iran is not an easy customer, and this has been proven time and again with India’s projects in the country.

Indo-Israeli relations set to improve
Jun 20, 2014

Indo-Israeli relations set to improve

It is likely that Indo-Israel ties will expand in the political, economic and strategic realms. Israel's Ambassador to India, Alon Ushpiz, stressed that the bilateral relationship has surpassed a "buyer-seller relationship," and Israel's long experience of working jointly with Narendra Modi has yielded tangible results.

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor
May 28, 2009

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor

There is a fundamental transformation in the Japanese assessment of India's role in the shaping of new Asian security architecture. There has been a perceptible change in the nature of the bilateral partnership since the turn of the century. Rather than being centred on economic interactions. Indo-Japanese ties today cover a far wider spectrum of subjects...

Indo-Japanese relations since the May 2013 joint Statement
Sep 27, 2013

Indo-Japanese relations since the May 2013 joint Statement

Both India and Japan consider the visit of Emperor Akihito as a very significant landmark capable of giving further impetus to the growing partnership. The fact that the Imperial dignitaries make very rare visits overseas nowadays due to their health conditions, further heightens the importance of their forthcoming sojourn.

Indo-Japanese Relations: Hype & Reality
Jun 13, 2005

Indo-Japanese Relations: Hype & Reality

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan visited New Delhi for talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and other Indian leaders in the last week of April,2005. In interviews given before the visit, he did not characterise the emerging relationship between India and Japan as a strategic partnership. However, he spoke of a convergence of strategic interests.

Indo-Myanmar border fencing initiative: Assessing imperatives and challenges
May 18, 2024

Indo-Myanmar border fencing initiative: Assessing imperatives and challenges

The Indo-Myanmar border's complex topography and shared ethnic ties on either side complicate the border fencing initiative

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers
May 07, 2020

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers

The plight of the Nepali migrant labourers stuck in foreign countries like India advertently questions the interest of these labourers to travel abroa

Indo-Nepal relations
Dec 01, 2003

Indo-Nepal relations

Nepal's outgoing Ambassador in India, HE Mr Bhekh Bahadur Thapa, gave an impassioned call to all countries in the South Asian region to cooperate in curbing, if not eliminating, the culture of violence and fighting insurrectionists. 'Weapons do not respect sovereign borders'

Indo-Pacific and financing SDG 4: Another brick in the wall?
Jan 24, 2024

Indo-Pacific and financing SDG 4: Another brick in the wall?

Although financing infrastructure in the developing economies of the Indo-Pacific region has become an increasing international priority, quality educ

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Reaches Supply Chain Agreement
Jun 09, 2023

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Reaches Supply Chain Agreement

That IPEF member countries have come so far since the group’s establishment a year ago suggests that there is a near unanimous view about supply chain vulnerabilities.

Indo-Pacific Strategy 2022: An Analysis
May 23, 2022

Indo-Pacific Strategy 2022: An Analysis

The US recently released the Indo-Pacific strategy, indicating its continued interest in the region and allaying the fears of its allies in South Asia

Indo-Pacific: Ancient waters and emerging geometries
Aug 01, 2019

Indo-Pacific: Ancient waters and emerging geometries

With Beijing stepping up naval shipbuilding in recent years — including aircraft carriers — it seems the PLAN is intent on increasing strategic re

Indo-Pak Dialogue Process: Moving Forward
May 19, 2004

Indo-Pak Dialogue Process: Moving Forward

The process of rapprochement between India and Pakistan began during the SAARC summit at Islamabad in January 2004. The two estranged neighbors set aside the bitterness of the recent past and decided to work together for peace and stability. That such a beginning could be made is itself a major achievement.

Indo-Pak Economic Ties: Ground Realities
Nov 26, 2004

Indo-Pak Economic Ties: Ground Realities

Analyses and discussions in matters relating to Indo-Pakistan economic relations continue to be marked by considerable wishful-thinking, superficial analysis and illusions. This article, in the form of questions and answers, tries to project the problem in its proper perspective.

Indo-Pak Nuclear CBMs: Time to Move Forward
Jun 16, 2004

Indo-Pak Nuclear CBMs: Time to Move Forward

As part of the Indo-Pak Composite Dialogue process, the two countries will hold official-level talks in nuclear confidence building measures (CBMs) on June 19-20, 2004. This is a welcome development since the last round of such discussions was held at the ill-fated Lahore summit in February 1999, even though the CBMs agreed upon were rather general in nature and, at least in spirit, the Pakistan army was not a willing party to them.

Indo-Pak relations and the Chinese model
Apr 10, 2012

Indo-Pak relations and the Chinese model

The pressures to change in Pakistan are real. It is not inconceivable that over a period of time, Islamabad will recognise that there are alternatives for Pakistan to exercise regional influence.

Indo-Pak relations under new Govt
May 09, 2014

Indo-Pak relations under new Govt

There is very little doubt that there would be a change of Government in Delhi from June, 2014. It is also most likely that the new Government will be that of the National Democratic Alliance. The BJP is the largest single party among the NDA constituents who will present the new Prime Minister.

Indo-Pak ties: From incrementalism to big vision
Dec 20, 2012

Indo-Pak ties: From incrementalism to big vision

As a precursor to the wider project of energy cooperation between Central Asia and South Asia, India and Pakistan must take baby steps towards energy trading as part of their ongoing trade liberalisation. Petro-products delivered by Indian refineries in the north and west to Punjab and Sindh regions would save Pakistan at least $14 per barrel of oil.

Indo-Pak ties: Increasing people-to-people contact is the way forward
Feb 12, 2013

Indo-Pak ties: Increasing people-to-people contact is the way forward

A desire to find a solution to the conflict that plagues both India and Pakistan was the common thread that run through the discussion at ORF on the bilateral relations and the way forward between Indian experts and retired military officials from Pakistan.

Indo-Pak Ties: Terror, Water, Afghanistan
Jun 27, 2010

Indo-Pak Ties: Terror, Water, Afghanistan

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's vision of making borders with Pakistan irrelevant seems to have made a measured beginning on the ground.

Indo-Pak ties: Time for bolder steps
Aug 29, 2011

Indo-Pak ties: Time for bolder steps

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's initiatives at Sharm-el-Sheikh (Egypt), Thimpu and Chandigarh to improve relations with Pakistan, viewed with much skepticism at the time, were far-sighted. It is time now for even bolder steps.

Indo-Pak water issues: room for cooperation?
Jul 26, 2011

Indo-Pak water issues: room for cooperation?

In a scenario, where there is virtually no interaction between dispassionate sections of the populace who have no vested interested in conflict and acrimony, it is not very tough to up the ante and exacerbate tensions on an issue that should actually encourage cooperation.

Indo-Pak: Time right for serious business
Apr 04, 2012

Indo-Pak: Time right for serious business

Though domestic politics will continue to pose challenges to Dr Manmohan Singh's image, his firm commitment to Indo-Pak engagement has put both countries on course for at least a manageable relationship, if not a cordial one, based on mutual interests rather than vicissitudes and emotions.