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India’s quest for a Small Satellite constellation
Jul 25, 2022

India’s quest for a Small Satellite constellation

Apart from training, the Indian Armed Services need Small Satellites for net-centric missions.

India’s race to quantum supremacy
Dec 06, 2021

India’s race to quantum supremacy

India’s quantum policies are excellent on paper, but more needs to be done to make them practically relevant

India’s regional power status under a cloud
Feb 28, 2018

India’s regional power status under a cloud

India’s talk of an ‘Act East’ policy or an Indian Ocean presence sounds hollow when its ability to shape outcomes in its own neighbourhood is so limited

India’s reluctance in joining the RCEP — A boon or a bane in the long-run?
Feb 10, 2021

India’s reluctance in joining the RCEP — A boon or a bane in the long-run?

The success of not signing the RCEP should be measured by the extent to which India is able to align the goals of its foreign trade policy.

India’s response to state fragility in Africa
Oct 27, 2017

India’s response to state fragility in Africa

New Delhi is increasingly positioning itself as a significant player in African peace, security and development. Examining the question of how India responds to state fragility in Africa, this brief finds that India’s engagement is mostly transactional: working around, rather than on, sources of political fragility. Development and security interventions tend to operate in silos, but might change if Indian commercial investments are threatened

India’s responsible nuclear exceptionalism towards effective export controls
Jun 11, 2024

India’s responsible nuclear exceptionalism towards effective export controls

The 50th anniversary of PNE highlights India's role as a responsible nuclear power, committed to full compliance and advancing global non-proliferatio

India’s revamped interests defines Chabahar and its relations with Iran
Mar 07, 2020

India’s revamped interests defines Chabahar and its relations with Iran

New Delhi now ought to prove its logistical capabilities in accomplishing the full potential of the port to maintain its credibility in the global con

India’s rising population and urbanisation
Jul 11, 2023

India’s rising population and urbanisation

Let World Population Day be a conscious reminder that India must offer a better future for its citizens by investing in decentralised urbanisation

India’s road to regionalism
May 29, 2020

India’s road to regionalism

BIMSTEC is the only forum that brings together India’s strategic peripheries — South, East and North — under one single grouping.

India’s rocky road to the Indo-Pacific
Aug 02, 2018

India’s rocky road to the Indo-Pacific

While India rhetorically endorses the idea of the Indo-Pacific, three issues prevent actual operationalisation of the concept for New Delhi.

India’s Role in the Emerging Dynamics of the Indo-Pacific
Jan 26, 2022

India’s Role in the Emerging Dynamics of the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific region will shape the trajectory of global politics for most of the 21st century

India’s role in the world order is keenly being watched
Apr 06, 2023

India’s role in the world order is keenly being watched

‘Dogmas of Delhi’ mustn’t beat our ability to innovate and experiment  at the level  of big ideas

India’s Rural Youth and SDGs: A case study on Kanchan Ben’s ‘tailored’ skills
Jul 15, 2022

India’s Rural Youth and SDGs: A case study on Kanchan Ben’s ‘tailored’ skills

India must upskill the rural youth through education programmes and skilling initiatives to enhance entrepreneurial abilities and employability.

India’s Russia Defense Gambit
Jan 11, 2024

India’s Russia Defense Gambit

The uncertainty and possible further disruptions in the defense supply chain out of Russia could accelerate India’s diversification and indigenization efforts.

India’s SCO presidency: Leading global action against drug trafficking
Apr 03, 2023

India’s SCO presidency: Leading global action against drug trafficking

New Delhi must leverage its SCO presidency to ensure greater cooperation amongst the member countries against drug trafficking

India’s SCO presidency: Leveraging opportunities
Oct 17, 2022

India’s SCO presidency: Leveraging opportunities

New Delhi must adopt a positive role during the SCO presidency and use the forum for the betterment of the whole of Eurasia

India’s security choices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sep 02, 2021

India’s security choices during the COVID-19 pandemic

While the virus is threatening to rise again in a ‘third wave,’ China has literally dug in at high altitudes in its quest to secure real estate an

India’s self-inflicted foreign policy challenges in 2020
Jan 05, 2020

India’s self-inflicted foreign policy challenges in 2020

While the Modi government secured some notable gains during its time in office thus far, challenges lie ahead this year and beyond.

India’s Semiconductor Pursuit
Jan 29, 2022

India’s Semiconductor Pursuit

New Delhi is clearly making a push to expand its capabilities in the critical semiconductor industry.

India’s Seychelles military base roadblock has a China subtext
Mar 23, 2018

India’s Seychelles military base roadblock has a China subtext

China is a new entrant into the Indian Ocean, and there is a lot of concern over its development of ports and infrastructure and links with various countries. India must not overstate China's significance.

India’s shape of recovery
Dec 15, 2020

India’s shape of recovery

The shape of India’s recovery shows a multi-speed recovery with different sectors recovering at different paces, with the poor and marginalised bein

India’s Shifting Governance Structure:From Charter of Promises to Service Guarantee
Jul 25, 2012

India’s Shifting Governance Structure:From Charter of Promises to Service Guarantee

Once synonymous with inefficiency and slothfulness, India's public service delivery system is finally being overhauled and put on the path of reforms. Ironically, these reforms are being spearheaded by a set of state governments. This paper attempts to capture the key trends of this impressive development which has far reaching consequences for democracy and governance in the country.

India’s short-sighted stand will damage its credibility in Southeast Asia
Aug 09, 2019

India’s short-sighted stand will damage its credibility in Southeast Asia

India’s silence on developments in the South China Sea is highly unlikely to win it a lasting friendship with China but has the potential to do it some lasting damage.

India’s skillful posturing with the US
Oct 20, 2018

India’s skillful posturing with the US

India and the US may have policy differences on Russia and Iran, but keep big-picture focus on defense cooperation

India’s Small Satellite Mission: Time for the Next Leap Forward
Apr 04, 2015

India’s Small Satellite Mission: Time for the Next Leap Forward

The paper analyses small satellite activities within India in various institutions and identifies the opportunities as well as the gaps.

India’s Smart Cities Mission, 2015-2021: A Stocktaking
Aug 16, 2021

India’s Smart Cities Mission, 2015-2021: A Stocktaking

The Smart Cities Mission (SCM), launched in 2015, seeks to improve the quality of life in 100 cities and towns of India. Overall, its progress has been uneven, with many cities yet to achieve the desired levels of transformation. This report evaluates the first five years of the Mission, and draws lessons from its successes and failures. It discusses the physical and financial status of the projects taken up so far, and identifies the mos

India’s social welfare deficits make it vulnerable in the fight against COVID-19
Mar 26, 2020

India’s social welfare deficits make it vulnerable in the fight against COVID-19

India could have much done better to have not been in this position of high risk. Deficits in India’s social welfare are old and basic problems and

India’s soft power advantage in the great game of Afghanistan
Jul 01, 2019

India’s soft power advantage in the great game of Afghanistan

Ideologically and strategically, India seems to be utilising its soft powers better than Pakistan in dealing with their resourceful neighbour, Afghani

India’s South China Sea policy has not changed. Now, as before, there’s no appetite to challenge China
Sep 16, 2019

India’s South China Sea policy has not changed. Now, as before, there’s no appetite to challenge China

India’s back-to-back moves to boost relations with Japan and Russia, particularly in security matters, appear to indicate it wants a bigger naval role in the contested South China Sea to counter a rising China. The reality is far different

India’s South China Sea posture is still in its infancy
May 17, 2023

India’s South China Sea posture is still in its infancy

Overstating Indian activism in the Western Pacific creates a false narrative that is harmful to balanced policymaking.  

India’s space cybersecurity mesh: Criticality and call of purple revolution
Mar 20, 2023

India’s space cybersecurity mesh: Criticality and call of purple revolution

It is high time to integrate India’s innovative perspectives, technical intelligence, and engineering abilities to secure its space journey

India’s Space Program: The commercial domain
May 10, 2019

India’s Space Program: The commercial domain

The establishment of a new private institution has spotlighted New Delhi’s ongoing efforts to build out the commercial aspect of its space program.

India’s space revolution
Dec 15, 2021

India’s space revolution

The Modi government’s forethought is reflected in the recent push to privatise the domestic space industry which till now had been predominantly a p

India’s Stakes in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan
Aug 01, 2023

India’s Stakes in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan

The Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan in August 2021 changed the strategic dynamics in the region. For India, the new regime and its attendant risks—especially the threat of terrorism—quickly put it in an unenviable position. This brief assesses India’s policy towards Afghanistan since August 2021. It will cover how India has articulated its Afghan policy, domestically and in multilateral organisations, and its incremental

India’s stance on the new global biodiversity framework
Dec 22, 2022

India’s stance on the new global biodiversity framework

China’s missed opportunity presents India with an opportunity to offer credible climate leadership

India’s standoff with China is not about helping Bhutan – but in its own national interest
Jul 14, 2017

India’s standoff with China is not about helping Bhutan – but in its own national interest

The two countries need to pause and think through every step they take, lest they get caught in an unending cycle of conflict.

India’s strategic petroleum reserves: Cost and benefit 
Dec 11, 2021

India’s strategic petroleum reserves: Cost and benefit 

Is the cost of maintaining India’s strategic petroleum reserves justified?

India’s strategic unicorn in Chabahar
Dec 12, 2017

India’s strategic unicorn in Chabahar

The security dimension of Chabahar is based on a preferential approach towards Indian interests rather than one based on exclusivity by Iran

India’s strategy in the China-Russia-USA triangle
Dec 20, 2019

India’s strategy in the China-Russia-USA triangle

Delhi wants to remain an Eurasian power, swinging between East and West according to its priorities. Its military ties with Moscow. The economic importance of Beijing. America as a strategic counterweight – as long as it works.