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Urgent need for new architecture for India’s neighbourhood policy
Oct 10, 2016

Urgent need for new architecture for India’s neighbourhood policy

With the crippling of the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC), India’s quest for a new architecture for its neighbourhood policy

Urgent need to enhance India's maritime capacity
Aug 08, 2012

Urgent need to enhance India's maritime capacity

The limited development of India's maritime capacities is a cause for strategic concern, especially considering the impact on the nation's economy, which is currently dependent on sea-borne trade for its well being.

Urgent need to improve India's border infrastructure
Sep 06, 2010

Urgent need to improve India's border infrastructure

India needs to improve its border infrastructure in the background of the changing geopolitics of Asia that will increasingly be shaped by Sino-Indian relations, pointed out a panel discussion on "India's Border Infrastructure" at ORF.

Urgent need to introduce drastic reforms in the IAS
Apr 09, 2010

Urgent need to introduce drastic reforms in the IAS

Do we need the IAS? This was the subject of an interaction organized by Observer Research Foundation Chennai Chapter on Saturday, 4 September, 2010, in the light of 'IT czar' N R Narayana Murthy's call for abolishing the system of generalised administrators under the Indian Administrative Service (IAS)

Urgent steps must for Delhi Metro security
Aug 21, 2010

Urgent steps must for Delhi Metro security

Exceptional and urgent measures must be put in place to ensure the security of the Delhi Metro rail network in the run-up to the Commonwealth Games scheduled for October this year.

Uri as inflection point
Oct 03, 2016

Uri as inflection point

India's oscillating foreign policy from 'Jhappi' to 'Katti' under the pump in the aftermath of Uri

US -Russia Relations at a Crossroads
Aug 02, 2013

US -Russia Relations at a Crossroads

Láffaire Snowden, the Moscow CIA station chief's name being published by Russia; tit-for-tat lists of alleged human rights violators released by the two countries; Syria, Iran, Ballistic Missile Defence, nuclear arms reductions—these are the issues concerning US-Russia relations that have dominated the headlines in the last few weeks. It would appear that the Cold War is upon us again! However, seen from another perspective, there are some sig

US 2024 presidential elections: A stocktaking
Jan 04, 2024

US 2024 presidential elections: A stocktaking

It seems like the 2024 US election is riding on issue-centric campaigns, given the limited impact of persona from either party

US aid to Pakistan: the broader debate
Nov 02, 2010

US aid to Pakistan: the broader debate

There is little doubt that fragile states often need external assistance to survive. In the past decade Pakistan has become one such case. A struggling economy, chronic poverty, poor provisions of public services, internal violence

US Ambassador releases America in the Asian Century
Aug 13, 2013

US Ambassador releases America in the Asian Century

The Ambassador of the United States to India, Ms Nancy J Powell, on Tuesday released ORF's new publication, America in the Asian Century. The book consists of papers by ORF scholars on US's policy and relations with all important Asian countries.

US and China: Decoupling in the era of COVID19
Jun 09, 2020

US and China: Decoupling in the era of COVID19

Questions about the utility of globalisation are not new. Could the COVID-19 outbreak be the final nail on the coffin for an idea that drove the world economy in the past three decades?  In theory, countries would produce what they specialised in, leaving it to the market to ensure everyone got a better price for it. As 2020 began, the pandemic spread from one province of China and soon disrupted production across the world. Countries banned the

US and the Diamer-Bhasha dam in PoK
Sep 07, 2011

US and the Diamer-Bhasha dam in PoK

The US is in a dilemma over the funding of the Diamer-Bhasha dam in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. While China and Saudi Arabia have made big inroads in public perception by taking up developmental projects, the US, despite lots of assistance, is perceived not to be doing enough in this area.

US apology?
Jul 04, 2012

US apology?

Reports say US and Pakistan have found the formulation that will satisfy Pakistan's political establishment without embarrassing the White House. The language is likely to be flexible enough for Pakistan and the US to interpret it in their own way.

US churns the South China Sea
Aug 27, 2020

US churns the South China Sea

The new US position has been a shot in the arm for the ASEAN, but they are acutely aware of Beijing’s clout.

US contemplating reversal of its Pakistan policy
Jun 04, 2012

US contemplating reversal of its Pakistan policy

The United States is contemplating a total reversal of its highly ineffective Pakistan policy. This was stated by Prof Christine Fair, Assistant Professor at Georgetown University's Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Service while delivering a talk on "The situation in the Af-Pak region" at Observer Research Foundation on June 4, 2012.

US COVID aid to India: What lessons can we learn from this crisis?
Apr 27, 2021

US COVID aid to India: What lessons can we learn from this crisis?

After initial fumbles, US clearly planned the path ahead beginning April 2020. India could have learnt from this.

US election and the debate war: How consequential?
Oct 26, 2012

US election and the debate war: How consequential?

Even as the Republican camp resurges and stands a chance of putting their man in the White House, they are aware that some of Obam's strengths remain formidable and that the Democratic camp will leave no stone unturned to guard those safe zones.

US elections and the "Russian threat"
Aug 11, 2016

US elections and the "Russian threat"

The “Russian threat” seems to have emerged as one of the principal foreign policy issues in the US elections, though this is not the first time th

US elections — Why some US states like Trump's tantrums
Nov 09, 2016

US elections — Why some US states like Trump's tantrums

US Presidential election has been a very unpredictable one with polls swinging wildly due to Trump and his candidacy that includes his diatribes

US elections: Are Indian foreign policy pundits missing the big picture?
Sep 27, 2016

US elections: Are Indian foreign policy pundits missing the big picture?

The US elections are less than two months away and the campaign is reaching its pinnacle.

US elections: Decoding the role of Indian Diaspora
Oct 23, 2015

US elections: Decoding the role of Indian Diaspora

While India watches the elections with interest, whether it is a Republican or a Democrat who comes to power, US-India ties are set to improve because of bipartisan consensus in the US that the relationship has to grow stronger in view of shared concerns and interests in the Indo Pacific.

US elections: For the cynical, of the cynical
Sep 26, 2016

US elections: For the cynical, of the cynical

The most watched upcoming US elections promises to be an edge of the seat thriller has its first faceoff

US elections: Why India is nonchalant
Nov 09, 2016

US elections: Why India is nonchalant

New Delhi needs the incoming US administration to address the threat of Pakistan based terror in the aftermath of the US election result

US Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: An Assessment of the Trump Era
Oct 28, 2020

US Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: An Assessment of the Trump Era

There is no dearth in analyses that sound the alarm on the current United States (US) administration’s policy in the Indo-Pacific. This paper conducts an evaluation of the US’ engagement in the region, and finds it to be contrary to alarmist predictions. President Donald Trump’s administration has reaffirmed commitments towards traditional allies, built on the predecessor president’s courtship of nascent partners, and encouraged partners

US export of Mahanian thought and India’s alignments in the Indian Ocean
Dec 09, 2019

US export of Mahanian thought and India’s alignments in the Indian Ocean

Seeking to share the burden in the Indian Ocean, Washington is eager for New Delhi to assume the role of a regional goods provider

US faces a renewed Shi'ite challenge
Jan 22, 2024

US faces a renewed Shi'ite challenge

The US today is on the horns of a dilemma in the Middle East.

US faces slowdown
Aug 16, 2011

US faces slowdown

While in India, China and many other countries, the main worry is the inflation, the US, the biggest economy in the world, is not facing inflation but a colossal public debt which crossed the government's stipulated limit recently. Currently the US debt stands at $14.6 trillion.

US government funds “sister” organisations of terror groups it fights
Jul 28, 2020

US government funds “sister” organisations of terror groups it fights

The bewildering reality of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds has special pertinence for India given the well-organised attacks on Capi

US in a changing order
Sep 29, 2020

US in a changing order

It will be a world where neither America nor China can set the terms

Feb 22, 2005


President George Bush announced on February 17, 2005, his nomination of John Negroponte, an officer of the US Foreign Service, who is presently the US Ambassador to Iraq, as the first US Director of National Intelligence (DNI). He would assume charge after he is confirmed by the Senate.

US keen on investing in alternate energy sources: US official
Jul 02, 2015

US keen on investing in alternate energy sources: US official

The US is keen on investing in alternate energy sources, especially in Southern India where there is high potential for such innovations, says Samuel F Rothenberg, Political/Economic Officer at the US Consulate-General in Chennai. He said around $1 billion has been earmarked by the US Exim Bank to ensure the implementation of such plans.

US leaving Afghanistan? There is plenty of time for script to change
Mar 02, 2013

US leaving Afghanistan? There is plenty of time for script to change

Neither Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel nor John Kerry, the new Secretary of State, will find it easy to sketch a credible exit strategy from the Afghan war which according to Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz has already cost $700 billion. Surely this vast expenditure has to be explained in terms of some gains for Washington.

US makes impressive moves in Asia Pacific
Dec 02, 2011

US makes impressive moves in Asia Pacific

In the Asia-Pacific region, the US has made its return in an effective manner and this is likely to continue without any time limit. By marking his attendance at the Bali conference, President Obama became the first US President to attend a summit of East Asian leaders, a region that China sees as its rightful sphere of influence.

US Midterm Elections: अब यूक्रेन जंग में बाइडेन को मदद करने से नहीं रोक पाएंगे ट्रंप
Nov 15, 2022

US Midterm Elections: अब यूक्रेन जंग में बाइडेन को मदद करने से नहीं रोक पाएंगे ट्रंप

Joe Biden help Ukraine यूक्रेन की मदद को लेकर बाइडन प्रशासन की बड़ी चिं�

US must reciprocate Indian stand on Internet governance
Jun 25, 2015

US must reciprocate Indian stand on Internet governance

Even as Washington expects India to be a net security provider in the Indo-Pacific region, the country is offering itself as a key partner in managing the cyber oceans. The US must now reciprocate.

US Navy under Biden gets its first woman chief
Jul 31, 2023

US Navy under Biden gets its first woman chief

In nominating Adm Franchetti to the highest position of the US Navy, the Biden administration has pushed for a more diverse American military

US needs a federal data protection law right now: Marietje Schaake
Jan 29, 2021

US needs a federal data protection law right now: Marietje Schaake

If this is a moment that will change the Internet, how will that process proceed from here? And for whom will it change?

US needs to bridge its deep social cleavages
Jul 07, 2022

US needs to bridge its deep social cleavages

The US possesses enormous geopolitical and technological power. But even a country as unique as the US will get no free pass to get to the future