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Unbated PWG Naxal Violence in Chhatisgarh
Dec 04, 2003

Unbated PWG Naxal Violence in Chhatisgarh

A wave of pre-election violence, intimidation and destruction unleashed by Naxalites of the People¿s War Group (PWG) has been continuing in the post election phase in the central Indian State of Chhattisgarh. Legislative Assembly polls were held there on December 1, 2003. Polling could not be held in parts of Konta constituency, Dantewada district,

Unbundling state effectiveness: Current perspectives
Aug 20, 2018

Unbundling state effectiveness: Current perspectives

Decentralisation, with all its limitations, is the way to go for India to make the state effective in fulfillment of its sovereign functions.

Unbundling the coal-climate equation
Oct 07, 2015

Unbundling the coal-climate equation

Ahead of the Paris climate summit, India announced on October 2 its INDCs for climate change mitigation and adaptation. While this commitment has drawn fulsome praise from many, the green ayatollahs have predictably ignored its herculean clean energy ambitions and focused on Indian dependence on coal. It is time to lay bare the 'coal hypocrisy' of these privileged 'western greens'.

Uncertainties and concerns about the forthcoming Nigerian elections
Feb 04, 2015

Uncertainties and concerns about the forthcoming Nigerian elections

With barely two weeks left, there is still no clarity on the details of the forthcoming elections in Nigeria. Will Nigeria hold Presidential elections on February 14 and the Governors of the States poll on February 28 as scheduled?

Uncertainty about Yemen's future
Aug 21, 2013

Uncertainty about Yemen's future

As Yemen's two-year transitional period comes to an end, there is increased anticipation regarding Yemen's future. Main points of contention in the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) were pertaining to the solutions to the southern issue.

Uncle Sam's bear hug
Jul 19, 2005

Uncle Sam's bear hug

Through most of the Cold War and for over a decade after it ended, the phrase that best described Indo-US relations was ¿estranged democracies¿, coined by Dennis Kux, a former US diplomat. The two democracies, the world¿s largest and the world¿s most populous, regarded each other with wary suspicion.

Unclogging city traffic: Lessons from Moscow
Apr 01, 2017

Unclogging city traffic: Lessons from Moscow

As India tries to achieve the goal of making smart cities that offer smart mobility, valuable lessons can be learned from existing practices.

Under China's Shadow, India Looks to Australia
Feb 11, 2013

Under China's Shadow, India Looks to Australia

More than the growth of the Indian diaspora in Australia or two-way commerce, the potential for naval cooperation and reshaping the political geography of the Indo-Pacific excites the relationship's strategic proponents.

Under the Radar, Above the Norm: The Evolving Dimensions of Thai-Japanese Cooperation
Mar 27, 2024

Under the Radar, Above the Norm: The Evolving Dimensions of Thai-Japanese Cooperation

Japan-Thailand relations are understated, yet dynamic and continuing to evolve. The two have worked towards fortifying their ties across various sectors, including defence, investments, and energy, undergirded by a mutual commitment to regional stability and economic prosperity. A paramount interest is navigating the geopolitical complexities of the times, amid growing external threats that necessitate deeper security cooperation comprising bilat

Underground parking in Indian cities
Jan 29, 2024

Underground parking in Indian cities

Since cities have little control over automobile policy, they must accommodate more automobiles within their geographical limits by employing better p

Undermining institutions, underwriting OBOR: Beijing and the crisis of global governance
Sep 21, 2021

Undermining institutions, underwriting OBOR: Beijing and the crisis of global governance

Will the world end up underwriting the further rise of China by allowing the CPC to take over global institutions?

Undersea Cables are Increasingly Critical and Vulnerable
Mar 27, 2024

Undersea Cables are Increasingly Critical and Vulnerable

Undersea cables must be understood as critical infrastructure, and their vulnerability – to intentional tampering and accidental damage – acknowledged.

Understanding Africa’s policy conundrums in a changing global order
Aug 30, 2018

Understanding Africa’s policy conundrums in a changing global order

Trends in Africa are diverging. While East Africa shows growing signs of authoritarianism and suppression of dissent, in Southern Africa — liberatio

Understanding America’s Enduring Interest in the Indo-Pacific
Feb 14, 2023

Understanding America’s Enduring Interest in the Indo-Pacific

Amidst the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war, the continuing attention being given by the United States (US) to the Indo-Pacific region has been remarkable, belying widespread expectations that it would refocus its resources. This brief posits that the US interest in its Indo-Pacific strategy has not diminished as the region continues to represent an important pillar of overall US geostrategy. Its involvement in the region is not simply being

Understanding America’s response to India’s equalisation levy
Jul 18, 2020

Understanding America’s response to India’s equalisation levy

American conservatism’s push for unilateralist solutions outweighs the imperfect solution of the equalisation levy

Understanding Anar Ullah Bangla, a new terrorist outfit
Sep 20, 2013

Understanding Anar Ullah Bangla, a new terrorist outfit

Last month, the security forces of Bangladesh unearthed the existence of a new terrorist group called Ansar Ullah Bangla. The discovery of this group surprised many since the country for a few years has been having an active counter-terror operation in place.

Understanding China’s message to our country
Jun 04, 2020

Understanding China’s message to our country

After Doklam, China seems to want to ‘expose’ once again how India’s Quad allies are concerned only about the shared waters of the Indo-Pacific

Understanding continuing decline in Indian exports
Oct 08, 2015

Understanding continuing decline in Indian exports

For India to become a part of the global value chains, a better intellectual property regime is needed. Further, India needs to take measures to be a part of the mega regionals which are going to shape the future of global trade architecture such as TPP and RCEP.

Understanding disease and shaping public health policy in a time of pandemic
May 23, 2023

Understanding disease and shaping public health policy in a time of pandemic

A pandemic of the viral disease COVID-19 has reached millions of people around the world with significant rates of mortality. With no specific treatments or vaccines in the immediate horizon, limiting contact with infected persons, the use of masks, and hand hygiene offer the only mitigation for now. This has led most countries to adopt severe isolation measures, which have in turn caused disruption of economic activity and increased unemployment

Understanding emerging contours of powers and hegemony
Sep 28, 2010

Understanding emerging contours of powers and hegemony

Dr. Sergey Kurginyan noted that the world at present faces the threat of descending into a vortex of chaos and whoever succeeds in managing this chaos effectively will be able to take control of the future of the international system as the new hegemon.

Understanding India, UK perspectives on Afghanistan
Mar 21, 2013

Understanding India, UK perspectives on Afghanistan

To understand the different perspectives of the UK and India on the evolving situation in Afghanistan and the implications of the Arab Spring, Observer Research Foundation organised an interaction with experts from the Foreign Commonwealth Office on March 21, 2013.

Understanding Jihadism in Pakistan
Jul 23, 2023

Understanding Jihadism in Pakistan

Pakistan is often accused of being a state sponsor of terrorism. This article bases itself in the belief that though the problem of ?Jihadism? may well have originated from some of Pakistan?s security paranoias, it is now assuming proportions far larger than Pakistan itself. At this stage, Jihadism will be a problem for Pakistan itself as much as for the rest of the world. At the same time, the ability of the Pakistani state to counter this pheno

Understanding the BCIM Economic Corridor and India’s Response
Jun 16, 2016

Understanding the BCIM Economic Corridor and India’s Response

The Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor (EC) has been receiving increased public attention in the last few months because of a strong push by China. When implemented, the project promises mega cites, infrastructure, jobs and better living standards for people living in its fold. Is the BCIM EC really a gamechanger? Or will this project, like others proposed by China under its One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative, result in

Understanding the centrality of women voters in the 2020 US election
Oct 09, 2020

Understanding the centrality of women voters in the 2020 US election

As Biden draws on the experience of the 2018 midterms to expand his appeal with women, Trump is prioritising mobilisation — and not persuasion, for

Understanding the confusion over the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine
Jun 29, 2020

Understanding the confusion over the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine

India can further consolidate its stature as the “pharmacy of the world,” despite the jury still being out on HCQ’s effectiveness.

Understanding the downturn in India’s exports
Feb 16, 2016

Understanding the downturn in India’s exports

India is currently facing a massive exports slowdown, one of its worst in recent years. Exports slumped for the 13th consecutive month in December 2015 by 15 percent and major exported goods from India have shown negative growth. Half the story relates to external forces: as global growth slows down, India's export markets contract, too. The other half, however, is a story of supply: for many reasons-lack of infrastructure, amongst them-India has

Understanding the dynamics of Baloch nationalism
Nov 23, 2009

Understanding the dynamics of Baloch nationalism

The state of Pakistan, dominated by Punjabis, has responded to Baloch nationalism with brutal methods of suppression

Understanding the Economic Issues in Sri Lanka’s Current Debacle
Jul 20, 2023

Understanding the Economic Issues in Sri Lanka’s Current Debacle

Sri Lanka, which in the 1970s was being hailed as a development success story for a low-income nation, is now mired in a financial and economic disaster, its worst yet since independence in 1948. Despite notable investments in infrastructure projects, and a largely stable growth rate from 2013 to 2019, the Sri Lankan story was marred by a series of untimely and mismanaged economic measures that led to the current meltdown. External factors have c

Understanding the Emerging Contours of Power and Hegemony
Mar 15, 2011

Understanding the Emerging Contours of Power and Hegemony

Observer Research Foundation and the Experimental Creativity Centre (ECC), Moscow, completed the second leg of their collaborative research project on the theme "Understanding the Emerging Contours of Power and Hegemony - Contemporary Geo-political Narratives" in New Delhi on March 15-16, 2010.

Understanding the Gender Dimensions of Energy Poverty
Jun 08, 2021

Understanding the Gender Dimensions of Energy Poverty

Among the estimated 1.3 billion people across the world who have no access to electricity, 70 percent are women. This brief discusses the impact of energy poverty on India’s rural women. As women are primarily responsible for securing food and energy for their family, they are the ones who are worst affected by the lack of access to clean and modern energy. The brief calls for a more holistic approach in research and policymaking on energ

Understanding the Impact of GSP Withdrawal on India’s Top Exports to the US
Aug 12, 2020

Understanding the Impact of GSP Withdrawal on India’s Top Exports to the US

This brief analyses the impacts of the withdrawal of the United States’ Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) programme on India’s exports, domestic production and employment.[1]  Until 5 June 2019, when the GSP withdrawal came into effect, India was the largest beneficiary of the GSP of which it had been part since 1974. A decline in exports to the US was anticipated as items under zero-tariff rate were subjected to a higher rate after wi

Understanding the neurobiological processing of violent extremists
Aug 07, 2019

Understanding the neurobiological processing of violent extremists

Radicalisation is a spectrum graph where the mass of non-violent extremists have accumulated at the bell curve on the horizontal axis. A smaller numbe

Understanding the Rejuvenation of China’s Revolutionary Impulse
Sep 15, 2022

Understanding the Rejuvenation of China’s Revolutionary Impulse

Various explanations have been proffered for Chinese President Xi Jinping’s renewed emphasis on ideology. The popular narratives attribute it to either Xi’s power ambitions, or a reaction rooted in his personal trauma during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. Meanwhile, an alternative discourse projects the rise of ideology politics as a response to a possible legitimacy crisis facing the Communist Party of China (CPC). This paper weighs i

Understanding the risks posed by COVID-19: A Public Health perspective
May 24, 2023

Understanding the risks posed by COVID-19: A Public Health perspective

Four months since the outbreak of COVID-19, some vital unknowns about the pandemic remain, including IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) and immunity from reinfection. A clearer understanding of the risks posed by COVID-19, informed by science and data in the Indian context, will help the country in mustering an effective strategy to hurdle the crisis. The government must undertake mass antibody testing and scale up healthcare capacity across the count

Understanding the significance of Community Conserved Areas in India vis-à-vis GBF
May 22, 2023

Understanding the significance of Community Conserved Areas in India vis-à-vis GBF

The recognition of Community Conserved Areas will enable a process-oriented approach towards achieving the targets under the Global Biodiversity Frame

Understanding the situation in Pakistan
Mar 11, 2009

Understanding the situation in Pakistan

Most experts who attended the focus group discussion on the situation in Pakistan at ORF felt that South Punjab is going to be next stronghold of terrorism in Pakistan

Understanding the South Asian fighters phenomenon in the Russia-Ukraine war
Apr 17, 2024

Understanding the South Asian fighters phenomenon in the Russia-Ukraine war

The shortage of manpower in Russia, along with the allure of higher wages and citizenship, continue to serve as pull factors for migrants from South A

Understanding the Unique Nature of Political Violence in Bengal
Jul 21, 2023

Understanding the Unique Nature of Political Violence in Bengal

In many countries across the world, democracy and political violence can be inseparable. Even the most advanced western democracies have not escaped this pitfall. For the young republic that is India, political violence is commonly linked to electoral politics and in many instances, is episodic. States such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Kerala, for example, have had a long history of violent incidents erupting during elections. West Bengal

Understanding the US-India contention over ICT imports duty & concerns over China’s increasing market share
Dec 13, 2019

Understanding the US-India contention over ICT imports duty & concerns over China’s increasing market share

With its emphasis on decreasing India’s ICT import duties across the board, the US is in a way batting with China against India, not realising that

Understanding Trump and Biden’s courtship of the white voter 
Sep 17, 2020

Understanding Trump and Biden’s courtship of the white voter 

While Trump attempts to expand his base from blue-collar whites to suburban white voters, Biden’s courtship of that crucial voting block stands ecli

Unending Lokpal debate: Is there a hidden agenda?
Jun 28, 2011

Unending Lokpal debate: Is there a hidden agenda?

Some observers believe after closely watching the activities of Anna Hazare and his civil society team that it is nothing short of the beginning of a political movement for changing the Government. Only time will tell whether such thinking is right or wrong.

Unending politics of portraits
May 11, 2018

Unending politics of portraits

Whatever be MA Jinnah's connection with Aligarh Muslim University, penniless refugees who came to India post-Partition deserve better than to once again be faced with religious zealots who are keen on putting Jinnah on a pedestal that he is most undeserving of

Unequal Accommodation: A National Stockholm Syndrome?
Apr 19, 2005

Unequal Accommodation: A National Stockholm Syndrome?

Both India and Pakistan would have reasons to be satisfied with the joint statement issued at the end of President General Pervez Musharraf's visit to New Delhi from April 16 to 18, 2005, for talks with our Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh.

UNESCO caught in the Japan-Korea crossfire
Jun 02, 2015

UNESCO caught in the Japan-Korea crossfire

Historical issues straining Japan-Korea ties have severely limited the two countries to leverage their strategic and economic convergences to strengthen their partnership which could contribute a lot for regional peace and stability.

UNHRC takes 'Global War' to the ground
Mar 31, 2014

UNHRC takes 'Global War' to the ground

In Geneva UNHRC session, while West resolution against Sri Lanka, that satisfied none - possibly starting with the movers and shakers of the world that the US and Europe think they are - managed to muster 23 votes, those 'not in favour' added up to a higher 24, comprising 12 against and 12 'abstentions'