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Turning the tide: Biden’s domestic agenda finally getting results
Aug 13, 2022

Turning the tide: Biden’s domestic agenda finally getting results

In the ongoing struggle between the Democrats and Republicans, while the former is celebrating its wins, the latter is looking out for ways to downpla

TV Ads: Some regulation necessary, but TRAI notification not adequate
May 08, 2013

TV Ads: Some regulation necessary, but TRAI notification not adequate

At an ORF discussion on advertising regulation on television, while there seemed to be agreement that some regulation is necessary to prevent excessive advertising and harmful or offensive content from airing, the TRAI's notification was badly timed and not adequate to the needs of the industry.

TV media as the new mom and dad
May 14, 2013

TV media as the new mom and dad

It was not a big surprise that the Bill that came into force as the 'The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013' on April 3 retained the age of consent at 18, taking away from the teenagers the right to make their sexual choices; a right that they had actually possessed for the last three decades.

Twin awakening
Feb 27, 2023

Twin awakening

Major powers compete among themselves in shoring up their global heft and capabilities, as developing world is struggling to cope with consequences

Twin crises in the Gulf: Implications for India
Apr 30, 2020

Twin crises in the Gulf: Implications for India

Countries in the Gulf region are facing a proverbial perfect storm: oil demand falling to its lowest levels in decades, disagreements within the group of oil-exporting nations on supply cuts, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The plummeting of oil prices is affecting these countries’ fiscal positions, business sentiments, and economic growth. India has stakes in all this; after all, the country has strong economic, commercial and diaspora ties with th

Twin State assembly elections a test for  Prime Minister?
Oct 10, 2014

Twin State assembly elections a test for Prime Minister?

The electorate of two Indian states -- Maharashtra and Haryana -- is going to cast their votes on October15 to choose their government for the next five years. The big question is whether it is going to be government(s)

Twisted ideology is a dangerous game
Nov 20, 2015

Twisted ideology is a dangerous game

The world too has dealt with different forms of terror in the past from Black September to Baader Meinhof and Red Army Faction, none is more dangerous an adversary than the Islamic jihadist who goes beyond semantic aberration.

Twitter Diplomacy: A Brief Analysis
May 11, 2023

Twitter Diplomacy: A Brief Analysis

In the past few years, Twitter has served as a versatile form of political public square for domestic and world affairs. The use of Twitter, largely propelled by the prominence of social media in the current environment for the discharge of diplomatic functions, has become an integral part of contemporary international relations. Indeed, Twitter has created its own form of diplomacy by incorporating itself to augment traditional diplomatic functi

Two Anniversaries China would like to forget
May 01, 2019

Two Anniversaries China would like to forget

The months of March and April 2019 marked two important anniversaries. The 30th anniversary of the passing away of a former General Secretary of the C

Two Blows to India-Pakistan Ties
Jul 16, 2011

Two Blows to India-Pakistan Ties

The latest terrorist attack on Mumbai and careless comments by an Indian minister on the scrapping of aids by the United States may set back ties with Pakistan.

Two decades of celebrating inequity
Feb 19, 2011

Two decades of celebrating inequity

Twenty years after the launch of economic reforms, India has visibly changed. But the 'common man' is still confused and struggling even though most people in the low income group can afford a TV, mobile phone, scooter and even a room or two in a poor residential area.

Two nations take lead in securing Indo-Pacific century
Jun 25, 2013

Two nations take lead in securing Indo-Pacific century

The changing distribution of power and the Chinese challenge to US primacy demands that countries like India and Australia bear larger responsibility for security. The future of the Indo-Pacific can't be tied solely to the twists and turns of the dynamic between Washington and Beijing.

Two perspectives: The Canadian and Mexican response to the Ukrainian Crisis.
Apr 04, 2022

Two perspectives: The Canadian and Mexican response to the Ukrainian Crisis.

Whilst Canada has adopted a similar stance to that of the US on Russia's aggression against Ukraine, Mexico's neutral stance on it points to the coun

Two-speed regionalism
Jun 24, 2015

Two-speed regionalism

Instead of agonising over the failures of the Saarc, Delhi has recognised that two-speed regionalism is quite common around the world. Also, India has often looked beyond the Saarc to benefit from trans-regional cooperation, like BIMSTEC

U.S. Election: A horse race in the final stretch
Oct 26, 2012

U.S. Election: A horse race in the final stretch

Ohio remains the key for the Romney campaign. Without Ohio, Romney will likely lose. If Obama continues to hold on to Ohio, he can win reasonably comfortably. So, in the final stretch, Obama is ahead by a nose, but it is still too close to call.

U.S. policies in the Eurasian region
Dec 12, 2005

U.S. policies in the Eurasian region

There is a preponderance of storms around the Black Sea. Its ancient beaches are littered with shipwrecks from the classical world. Some American geologists insist the great Biblical flood occurred there.

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within
Apr 29, 2020

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within

The nature, frequency, and messaging in the communication that the government is taking, boasts of information, connectivity, and authenticity — all

UAE's evolving role as a key actor in the Middle East and beyond
Jul 02, 2024

UAE's evolving role as a key actor in the Middle East and beyond

From funding the restoration of Mosul’s cultural heritage to pledging aid for Gaza's reconstruction, the UAE's actions reflect a nuanced blend of hu

Ufa BRICS Summit boost for Indian economy
Jul 21, 2015

Ufa BRICS Summit boost for Indian economy

There are three major takeaways for India from the Ufa BRICS Declaration. First, the focus on increasing trade-ties amongst BRICS nations, second, strengthening cooperation amongst BRICS in areas of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICTs) and third, India's role at the United Nations.

UIDAI-NPR row: Identity politics of a different kind
Apr 07, 2012

UIDAI-NPR row: Identity politics of a different kind

The tussle between the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and the National Population Register (NPR) is not about turf. It's about bureaucracy's control over us.

UK Deploys Aircraft Carrier in the Indian Ocean
Apr 30, 2021

UK Deploys Aircraft Carrier in the Indian Ocean

The upcoming “global deployment” is intended to reinforce the U.K.’s tilt toward the Indo-Pacific region.

Ukraine and slowing Indian growth: Back to basics
Mar 03, 2022

Ukraine and slowing Indian growth: Back to basics

The Ukraine crisis coupled with the disruption caused by the pandemic could have adverse effects on the Indian economy

Ukraine Conflict: Putin’s desperation and cracks within Russia are beginning to show
Oct 12, 2022

Ukraine Conflict: Putin’s desperation and cracks within Russia are beginning to show

The tide of the war has turned against Moscow. But the Russian president and his close advisers do not acknowledge that reality and have resorted to nuclear sabre rattling

Ukraine crisis affects Tokyo's efforts to improve ties with Moscow?
Mar 31, 2014

Ukraine crisis affects Tokyo's efforts to improve ties with Moscow?

Going by Japan's response to the Ukraine crisis, it appears that Tokyo attaches more importance to its alliance with the US than to the prospects of a robust Russo-Japanese partnership. And, with President Obama scheduled to make a visit to Japan in April, Abe is keen to maintain full solidarity with the US.

Ukraine crisis and its impact on the transatlantic relations
Jun 16, 2022

Ukraine crisis and its impact on the transatlantic relations

The end of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and accordingly changing Euro-Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific theatres will together determine its impact on the

Ukraine crisis: Are Cold War clouds gathering again?
Mar 28, 2014

Ukraine crisis: Are Cold War clouds gathering again?

For Ukraine, joining EU or NATO would not be prudent as well as joining the Eurasian Union as it would not serve Ukraine's national interest. A close association with Russia as well as special partnership with EU may be a better option.

Ukraine crisis: China gains at the cost of Europe
Apr 03, 2015

Ukraine crisis: China gains at the cost of Europe

Former Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Goran Persson, feels that India should take an active role in negotiating between the European Union and Russia, who are fighting over Ukraine. He believes that new developments will mean that China-Russia relations will prosper at the cost of Russia-Europe relations.

Ukraine has got another lifeline but it may be clutching at straws
Apr 24, 2024

Ukraine has got another lifeline but it may be clutching at straws

A new US aid package for Kyiv can’t mask the fact that its American support has been wearing out

Ukraine is about the future of Europe
Oct 13, 2015

Ukraine is about the future of Europe

President of Germany's Green Party affiliated Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Ralf Fuecks, thinks that Ukraine has to "return to sovereignty within certain safeguards" and that "an agreement with Russia is possible". He hinted this could be in the form of a free trade zone and a more comprehensive economic cooperation.

Ukraine stand-off a lose-lose situation
Jan 28, 2022

Ukraine stand-off a lose-lose situation

Regime change policies are the staple of Anglo-American interventions in various parts of the world, including Ukraine.

Ukraine's counteroffensive and Moscow's response
Sep 23, 2022

Ukraine's counteroffensive and Moscow's response

With the approaching winter and referendum announcements by LPR and DPR, Kremlin is likely to double down on its efforts to secure its presence in the

Ukraine's future not in either East or West
Aug 25, 2014

Ukraine's future not in either East or West

It may be the strategy of Russia to bleed Ukraine dry, says Dr Andrew Kuchins, an expert on Russia. Ukraine has had 5-6 per cent negative economic growth this year. He says even a 30 plus billion dollar package from the IMF and others may not be enough to put Ukraine back on its feet again.

Ukraine's struggle for survival: Navigating with limited Western aid
Jun 28, 2024

Ukraine's struggle for survival: Navigating with limited Western aid

While the West is finally showing consistency in its aid to Ukraine, Trump’s return to power could potentially disrupt this trend.

Ukraine's task for the year 2024: To maintain support and break the course of the war
Mar 13, 2024

Ukraine's task for the year 2024: To maintain support and break the course of the war

Ukraine must convince its allies to continue military, financial and other support regardless of a change in power in their governments

Ukraine-like change not acceptable to EU, says official
Apr 10, 2015

Ukraine-like change not acceptable to EU, says official

The past 18 months of the crisis in Ukraine has brought back memories of the Yugoslavian crisis, says Mr. Césare Onestini, the Deputy Head of delegation of the European Union in India.

Ukraine-Russia and Hamas-Israel wars: Adaptation is key
Oct 10, 2023

Ukraine-Russia and Hamas-Israel wars: Adaptation is key

Adaptation remains critical in wars as seen throughout history and the current conflicts between Moscow and Kyiv and between Hamas and Israel are no d

Ukraine-Russia conflict: Impact on South Asia
Feb 24, 2023

Ukraine-Russia conflict: Impact on South Asia

The Ukraine crisis has exacerbated the economic turmoil in the South Asian economies

Ukraine: A year under fire
Mar 16, 2023

Ukraine: A year under fire

Kyiv's Western allies express their readiness to support Ukraine “as long as it takes”, but this does not answer the main question: How much suppo

Ukraine’s lawfare against Russia
Nov 11, 2022

Ukraine’s lawfare against Russia

Ukraine is astutely engaging in lawfare to undermine the legitimacy of Russia’s claims. India could follow suit and deal with its security challenge

UN committee pulls up Pakistan for racial discrimination
May 01, 2009

UN committee pulls up Pakistan for racial discrimination

Pakistan's record in fulfilling its international commitments to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination came under strong criticism when its periodic report on implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination came up for examination

UN honour for Bangladesh: Demands new approach in visualizing the country
Oct 05, 2010

UN honour for Bangladesh: Demands new approach in visualizing the country

On September 19, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed received a UN award for the country's extraordinary performance in reducing child mortality rate, a millennium developmental goal (MDG).

UN snubs Trump's Jerusalem move. What to expect next
Dec 27, 2017

UN snubs Trump's Jerusalem move. What to expect next

The UN General Assembly resolution called Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital “null and void”. The Resolution reaffirmed 10 earlier Security Council resolutions on Jerusalem, from 1967 onwards, requiring, inter alia, that the city’s final status must be decided in direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.