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Trends in the Transatlantic Alliance
Oct 14, 2022

Trends in the Transatlantic Alliance

Although the transatlantic alliance has shown resilience so far, several emerging trends may impact relations in the coming months

Trial by the Media
Nov 29, 2004

Trial by the Media

It¿s not the first time, nor will it be the last time. The Press and Television coverage of the Kanchi Sankaracharya, Sri Jayendra Saraswati¿s arrest in the ¿Sankararaman murder case¿, has revived the eternal debate on trial by the Indian media. If on occasions in the past, the media may have substituted fact with fiction or thereabouts, this time again, it cannot escape the opprobrium of partisan sensationalism in the name of extensive news

Trials of Kenyan President, D-P, at The Hague
Sep 19, 2013

Trials of Kenyan President, D-P, at The Hague

Given Kenya's recent diplomatic, financial and trade advancements in the international community, observers anxiously await the verdict in the trials of President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto at The Hague and the reactions of Kenyans to it.

Triangles in a Relationship
Oct 03, 2005

Triangles in a Relationship

Two months back an observer had noted that "without India wanting to make it so, an impression is gaining ground that our American commitments seem to insist on intruding on India-Iran relations."

Trinity of Big Data, RegTech, SupTech: Is it panacea or problem for financial regulators?
Apr 28, 2023

Trinity of Big Data, RegTech, SupTech: Is it panacea or problem for financial regulators?

Big Data, RegTech, and SupTech offer significant opportunities for enhancing systemic financial resilience and improving financial supervision

Trouble in Maldives
Oct 28, 2015

Trouble in Maldives

After the arrest of Vice President Ahmed Adheeb following the bomb blast in the official speed boat of President Abdulla Yameen, the police have clamped down on Male gangs that were supposedly connected to him. It will do Maldives a lot of good if the Yameen leadership gives the police a free hand in the matter so they crack down on the gangs. It would also give democracy a boost, and with that a possible reduction in drugs availability as well.

Troubled partnership
Nov 02, 2016

Troubled partnership

India and Russia tried to re-establish "the special and privileged nature" of their strategic but troubled partnership during the BRICS Goa 2016

Troubling prospects in Afghanistan
Jul 10, 2021

Troubling prospects in Afghanistan

As the reality of the U.S. withdrawal takes hold, the future will depend on Taliban-Kabul dynamics and Pakistan’s role

Trump abandons the Kurds in favour of Turkey
Oct 09, 2019

Trump abandons the Kurds in favour of Turkey

The move paves way for a Turkish ‘invasion’ of northern Syria, which has a smorgasbord of rebels, Islamists, foreign powers, Iran backed rebels, U

Trump and the art of 5G war
Jul 25, 2020

Trump and the art of 5G war

The effectiveness of the American countercharge is built on 5 pillars: Clean communication, collaboration, Washington’s investment in the success of

Trump hangs like a Damocles' Sword over US-South Korea relations
May 31, 2024

Trump hangs like a Damocles' Sword over US-South Korea relations

As the next US elections approach with both Democratic and Republican prospects equally uncertain, Seoul is alarmed by the looming possibility of Trum

Trump just dropped the mother of all bombs – on international law
Apr 17, 2017

Trump just dropped the mother of all bombs – on international law

By creating a “hub and spoke” model to counter international terrorism, the US today has a veto on its legal regime, its proscribed actors and use of military force.

Trump makes a move on immigration
Jun 24, 2020

Trump makes a move on immigration

India, in all likelihood, will downplay this move, especially as it comes at a critical moment of its ongoing tensions with China.

Trump's call to Sharif doesn't indicate any real change to US foreign policy with India
Dec 05, 2016

Trump's call to Sharif doesn't indicate any real change to US foreign policy with India

Phone calls are making waves with Nawaz Sharif and Tsai Ingwen - showing there is no indicator on which way US will go under new presidency

Trump's politics the new normal in US
Nov 19, 2018

Trump's politics the new normal in US

While the Republican Party is becoming more firmly entrenched in the rural, mainly white parts of the country, the suburban areas are going in the Democratic direction

Trump's stand on the Paris deal may help India
Jun 30, 2017

Trump's stand on the Paris deal may help India

Trump's belligerence towards the Paris accords may ironically become its undoing.

Trump, Antifa and the ever-changing notion of the “enemy”
Jun 09, 2020

Trump, Antifa and the ever-changing notion of the “enemy”

The utilitarian interest in labeling Antifa as a terrorist organisation reflects domestic political considerations. However, the lack of consensus on

Trumping China’s leadership in the fourth industrial revolution: A “New Era” in Sino-American relations
Nov 14, 2018

Trumping China’s leadership in the fourth industrial revolution: A “New Era” in Sino-American relations

The generational shift in American policy will have three critical consequences for the Middle Kingdom and its ambitions for leadership in the fourth

Trump’s appeal has its limits for India and Indian Americans
Nov 04, 2016

Trump’s appeal has its limits for India and Indian Americans

With US elections on anvil who is the safer bet for India and Indian Americans — Trump or Clinton?

Trump’s Asia visit leaves China stronger
Nov 18, 2017

Trump’s Asia visit leaves China stronger

Trump’s Asia visit was ripe with opportunities for mending political ties and reinstating credibility in the US leadership. Instead, President Trump

Trump’s election is a critical moment for India-China ties
Nov 21, 2016

Trump’s election is a critical moment for India-China ties

China will have its ear to the ground for noises from the Trump administration in its commitment towards Asian security.

Trump’s fickleness: Marginally better than Obama’s fecklessness
Apr 10, 2017

Trump’s fickleness: Marginally better than Obama’s fecklessness

Trump’s fickleness goes two ways: it is not just that American allies are no longer sure that they can count on Washington, but also that now their

Trump’s foreign economic agenda may have pitfalls for India
Nov 29, 2016

Trump’s foreign economic agenda may have pitfalls for India

Trump campaign likely to remain main drivers of his administration – trade & immigration. While latter is domestic in scope former will have ramifications

Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy: Where’s the heft?
Aug 01, 2018

Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy: Where’s the heft?

Old trade battles, no doubt, will continue, but US businesses could also adjust their model.

Trust but verify: A narrative analysis of “trusted” tech supply chains
Apr 21, 2021

Trust but verify: A narrative analysis of “trusted” tech supply chains

The contours of global supply chains in the 2020s and beyond will be shaped by the evolving understandings of “trust.”

Trust Deficit and Currency of Hope
Jul 16, 2010

Trust Deficit and Currency of Hope

It is not clear what External Affairs Minister's visit to Pakistan in mid-July can realistically achieve in bridging the trust deficit between India and Pakistan. This distrust spans sixty three years.

Trust, understanding core of India-Bangla relations: Hasina’s Advisor
Jul 13, 2018

Trust, understanding core of India-Bangla relations: Hasina’s Advisor

Bangladesh isn’t a less economically developed country; its per capita income has recorded significant growth. — Hossain Toufique Imam

Truth stranger than science fiction
Jan 19, 2012

Truth stranger than science fiction

The US's plan of reducing troop strengths abroad would be counter balanced by the new kinds of deployments. The trend now is towards intelligence weapons systems with precise missions that are network centric, capable of swift decision and superior performance in all echelons with fewer casualties.

TSAT-1A marks progress, but challenges remain in US-India defence space ties
May 31, 2024

TSAT-1A marks progress, but challenges remain in US-India defence space ties

The TSAT-1A launch opens opportunities to expand US-India defence space ties. However, other technological collaborations, like those in quantum techn

TTP-Pakistan peace talks: The pitfalls and their implications
Aug 18, 2022

TTP-Pakistan peace talks: The pitfalls and their implications

The fulfilment of TTP’s demand would indirectly help the Afghan Taliban achieve its expansionist position on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Tulbul talks: A way forward?
May 20, 2011

Tulbul talks: A way forward?

India and Pakistan held secretary level talks in Islamabad on the Tulbul Navigation Project/Wullar Barrage, after a hiatus of nearly three years, on May 12-13. The talks on the Wullar barrage-Tulbul navigation project are part of the bilateral dialogue process that was revived only recently, after a gap of over two years.

Turkey And Syria Press The Pause Button
Dec 17, 2011

Turkey And Syria Press The Pause Button

Just as Europe is beginning to look economically desperate, Turkey next door looks like the very picture of economic, political and strategic stability. The ultimate irony, ofcourse, is that after having prepared itself on every possible count for eligibility to enter Europe.

Turkey gets its finger burnt in Syria
Mar 31, 2012

Turkey gets its finger burnt in Syria

Turkey, which played a role in raising the stakes in Syria and now lowering it, deserves a close look. A mildly Islamised democratic Turkey ruled by its most charismatic Prime Minister ever, Tayyep Erdogan, was incorporated in the management of what had at one stage acquired the label of Arab Spring.

Turkey Says ‘No’ to Presidential Government
Jun 25, 2015

Turkey Says ‘No’ to Presidential Government

The general elections of 7 June 2015 were Turkey's last scheduled elections until the next one in 2019. Coming at a time when the country and its neighbours are on the brink of profound transformation, and given the increasing complexity of the socio-political situation in the Middle East, the elections results may well re-define the direction of West Asian politics for some time to come.

Turkey's Alevi Issue: Implications for sectarianism in the region
Sep 12, 2013

Turkey's Alevi Issue: Implications for sectarianism in the region

The Alevi issue in Turkey can be a potential de-stabilizing factor for the country's social and political integrity. The Alevis' common theme of Sunni hegemony with other minorities of the West Asian region is likely to perpetuate sectarianism and further polarise Turkey and neighbouring countries along this dimension.

Turkey, Syria, and the Islamic State
Mar 18, 2016

Turkey, Syria, and the Islamic State

The Syrian crisis has become a test case for Turkey's foreign and domestic policy. Determined to find a balance between its global expectations and regional objectives, Turkey aimed towards the downfall of the Assad regime, relying on its strength in the Arab streets and support to rebels to ensure a rapid outcome. This tolerance for the radical opposition in Syria, along with the failure in finding a resolution to the Kurdish issue, has contribu

Turkey- The New Target Of Pan-Islamic Jihadi Terrorism?
Dec 23, 2003

Turkey- The New Target Of Pan-Islamic Jihadi Terrorism?

November 2003 was a black month for Turkey, which has been grappling with problems arising out of its geo-strategic location in the Middle East and its Islamic identity and its close proximity to the Western world. Even before the country could recover from the terrorist blasts outside the Beit Israel and Neve Shalom synagogues in Istanbul that killed 25 innocent civilians and wounded

Turkey’s juggling act with the US and Russia
Jul 22, 2019

Turkey’s juggling act with the US and Russia

The Russian S-400 missile’s delivery to Turkey highlights the Turkish-American crisis and their ongoing rift with NATO.

Turkey’s role in halting the fall of Kabul
Jul 17, 2021

Turkey’s role in halting the fall of Kabul

Turkey and the US have at least one common interest, to stop the complete collapse of the Kabul government; to keep the Kabul government in control of

Turkmenistan: A Central Asian State without Religious Extremism
Sep 30, 2004

Turkmenistan: A Central Asian State without Religious Extremism

Central Asia is the next favoured destination of radical Islamists and terrorist groups. Several terrorist networks are said to be already active in the region and recent suicide bombings in Uzbekistan in the cities of Tashkent and Bukhara, in March and July, 2004 suggest that al-Qaeda and its allies are looking for safer havens in the wake of the increasing pressure on their networks in the Middle-East and South East Asia from the security force

Turkmenistan’s presidential elections: No surprise in the offing
Mar 10, 2022

Turkmenistan’s presidential elections: No surprise in the offing

Will a new leadership bring about the much-required change in Turkmenistan as it battles a severe economic and food crisis?

Turning the Pak nuclear debate to Delhi's advantage
Oct 20, 2015

Turning the Pak nuclear debate to Delhi's advantage

The centre of gravity of India's foreign policy seems to rest in Pakistan. India has not been able to overcome this psychological vulnerability, despite the growing strategic separation between India and Pakistan. It gets a lot worse when it comes to Pakistan's relations with America.