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1736 results found

Shunning Rohingya refugees is a bad geopolitical strategy for India
Oct 16, 2017

Shunning Rohingya refugees is a bad geopolitical strategy for India

India’s relationships with Bangladesh, Myanmar and China hang in the balance.

Singapore President's visit: A boost to Swaraj's 5s vision
Feb 19, 2015

Singapore President's visit: A boost to Swaraj's 5s vision

The recent New Delhi visit of Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations, was very much fruitful to give a boost to Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj's 5s vision and enhance the skill development and cultural ties between the countries.

Sino-Indian Border Deadlock: Time to rewrite India playbook
Aug 31, 2020

Sino-Indian Border Deadlock: Time to rewrite India playbook

India’s border dispute with China, which goes back to the 1950s, primarily owes to the absence of an internationally accepted boundary between them, and of an agreement on where runs the Line of Actual Control. The border, as a result, is patrolled and managed by the military forces of both sides. After initial efforts to resolve the dispute failed, the two sides signed a set of agreements aimed at stabilising the LAC and normalising their rela

Sino-Indian Border Infrastructure in the Indian Defense Ministry’s Year End Review
Jan 11, 2024

Sino-Indian Border Infrastructure in the Indian Defense Ministry’s Year End Review

Given the state of bilateral relations between India and China, New Delhi is doubling down on its efforts regarding strategic border infrastructure.

Sino-Indian Competition in the Indian Ocean Region intensifies
Oct 16, 2020

Sino-Indian Competition in the Indian Ocean Region intensifies

As competition intensifies in the Indian Ocean Region, India loses touch with Sri Lanka and solidifies relations with the Maldives.

Six ways on how to improve Sino-Indian ties, post-Wuhan
May 02, 2018

Six ways on how to improve Sino-Indian ties, post-Wuhan

The summit has shown the world that China and India may have troubled relations, but their leaders also have the maturity to recognise when things are going out of hand.

Sleeping with terrorists
Oct 30, 2004

Sleeping with terrorists

A collusive relationship between politicians and Naxalites or the People's War (PW) and Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI), which have merged on September 21, 2004, to form the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist), is clearly visible in Bihar, as in several other parts of the country.

Social Media and Political Leaders: An Exploratory Analysis
Jul 21, 2023

Social Media and Political Leaders: An Exploratory Analysis

Politicians have always used the media to communicate with the electorate. What makes social media unique is the scale, speed, and minimal cost at which leaders can do this task. This paper analyses the relationship between political leaders and the microblogging site, Twitter. It provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the use of Twitter by two contemporary Indian political leaders—Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi. It describ

South Asia South Asia Weekly 54
Jan 12, 2009

South Asia South Asia Weekly 54

It appears that the LTTE debacle and the protest voices emerging from Tamil Nadu as an aftermath has no effect on the bilateral relationship of India and Sri Lanka if a recent visit of the Indian Foreign Secretary Shiv Shankar Menon to Sri Lanka is any indication.

South Asia Weekly 101
Dec 07, 2009

South Asia Weekly 101

The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee report on Sri Lanka released this week recommends that the US needs to adopt a fresh approach to this South Asian nation owing to its strategic importance in the Indian Ocean region.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XI; Issue 48
Dec 03, 2018

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XI; Issue 48

This week we focus on India and Bhutan relations, healthcare in Myanmar — and other roundups from the subcontinent.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 18
May 07, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 18

Exploring Sino-Myanmar relations, Maldives' political crisis and other recent developments from South Asia.

South Korea and India: A perplexing partnership
Mar 16, 2023

South Korea and India: A perplexing partnership

As ROK and India commemorate the 50th anniversary of their ties, both countries need to move beyond the normative approach towards a robust bilateral

South Korea and Modi's Act East Policy
May 22, 2015

South Korea and Modi's Act East Policy

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to South Korea has further strengthened and expanded India-Korea strategic and economic ties. Modi's call to take the bilateral relationship to a higher level was responded positively by the South Korean leadership.

South Korea shifts focus to Africa
Jun 14, 2024

South Korea shifts focus to Africa

While South Korea seeks to expand its presence in Africa, its pointed policies may risk it being labelled with the “neo-colonial” tag

Special neighbours, Unique partners
Jun 24, 2012

Special neighbours, Unique partners

Prime Minister Manmohan?s Singh's visit to Myanmar helped launch the construction of an enduring economic and political relationship between the two nations.

Sri Lanka Crisis: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (IMF) के साथ श्रीलंका के बनते-बिगड़ते रिश्ते!
Apr 25, 2022

Sri Lanka Crisis: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (IMF) के साथ श्रीलंका के बनते-बिगड़ते रिश्ते!

ज्यों ज्यों श्रीलंका आर्थिक निराशा में डूबता जा रहा हैं, �

Sri Lanka is the key to India's interests
Jan 14, 2015

Sri Lanka is the key to India's interests

The election of a new government in Colombo provides New Delhi a great opportunity to reset its relations with Sri Lanka. Both countries need to set aside the contentious past and see how they can construct a 21st century relationship based on economic ties and the awareness of the need to understand each other's security concerns.

Sri Lanka might lose the peace dividend
Jul 19, 2012

Sri Lanka might lose the peace dividend

New Delhi must stop viewing its foreign relations with Colombo from the Chennai prism alone just as it was a mistake to view our relations with Bangladesh through Kolkata's priorities. Tamil aspirations in Sri Lanka are important but there are other abiding interests too.

Sri Lanka needs economic integration with India
Nov 22, 2023

Sri Lanka needs economic integration with India

A closer economic relationship with India will prove beneficial to Sri Lanka if it intends to recover from the ongoing economic crisis 

Sri Lanka, India and changing political dynamics
Sep 25, 2020

Sri Lanka, India and changing political dynamics

Zooming out and looking at South Asian geopolitics, India appears to be reaching out, repairing and resetting relations with several of its smaller ne

Sri Lanka: A ‘virtual province’ or investment risk for India?
Jun 05, 2024

Sri Lanka: A ‘virtual province’ or investment risk for India?

The recent decision to award a wind power project to an Indian private sector player has sparked a wave of accusations in Sri Lanka, with claims that

Sri Lanka: Death sentence for Indians stresses urgent need to resolve fishers' problems
Nov 01, 2014

Sri Lanka: Death sentence for Indians stresses urgent need to resolve fishers' problems

It may be time for both the Centre and the Tamil Nadu Government to actively consider the alternate, 'deep-sea fishing', away from the Sri Lankan waters, if India's Palk Strait fishers and bilateral relations were not to run aground.

Sri Lanka: India reaches out to the Tamils
Sep 11, 2010

Sri Lanka: India reaches out to the Tamils

Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao's tour of the war-ravaged areas in the North and East of Sri Lanka has come as a perceptible first step towards the Indian Government repairing relations with the Tamil community in the island-nation.

Sri Lanka: Issues with India Need Early Resolution
Mar 18, 2011

Sri Lanka: Issues with India Need Early Resolution

The recent faux pas of Prime Minister D M Jayaratne's allegation of 'LTTE camps in Tamil Nadu' had the potential to damage bilateral relations with the Indian neighbour,

Sri Lanka: Keeping the Palk, Straight
Dec 07, 2012

Sri Lanka: Keeping the Palk, Straight

No other dispute, including the sensitive 'ethnic row', impacts as much on India-Sri Lanka relations than the 'fishing issue', particularly over the medium and long terms. Much as the Government of India is keen on seeing a negotiated settlement to the ethnic issue, the political solution would still have to be thrashed out by the stake-holders in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka: Taking the momentum forward
Oct 15, 2010

Sri Lanka: Taking the momentum forward

Though the Delhi visit of President Rajapaksa was CW Games-centric, it also caused raising of eyebrows in the strategic community in New Delhi, wondering if the re-elected President, who is scheduled to visit China later this month, is seeking to strike a parity in bilateral relations with the two Asian giants.

Sri Lanka: Trincomalee in development discourse
Aug 03, 2012

Sri Lanka: Trincomalee in development discourse

In a masterly stroke aimed at improving bilateral economic relations on the one hand, and job opportunities for the Tamil victims of the ethnic war, New Delhi and Colombo have agreed to set up Special Economic Zones (SEZ) for Indian engineering.

Sri Lanka: ‘Internationalising’ fisheries issue with India will have consequences
Dec 18, 2021

Sri Lanka: ‘Internationalising’ fisheries issue with India will have consequences

Will internationalising the bilateral fishers’ issue adversely affect the India-Sri Lanka relations?

Sri Lanka’s debt limbo
Feb 21, 2023

Sri Lanka’s debt limbo

The current crisis in Sri Lanka presents an opportunity for India to cement its position as Sri Lanka’s strategic all-weather ally and ameliorate it

Standing up to China: Modi govt has changed the terms of engagement with Beijing
Apr 07, 2017

Standing up to China: Modi govt has changed the terms of engagement with Beijing

Sino-Indian relations have entered uncharted territory as New Delhi seeks to engage Beijing strictly on reciprocity.

Stars, stripes and chakras: The future of US-India defence ties
Dec 27, 2012

Stars, stripes and chakras: The future of US-India defence ties

The ongoing challenge for the Indian and US governments is to define what exactly the "strategic relationship" is in form and function, in which context a defence relationship will mature.

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security
May 24, 2023

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security

This brief examines state responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking the cases of India, Israel, Brazil, Hungary and the United States. It studies the language utilised by the government leaders in these countries and finds extensive war-time semantics. The brief explores the interrelationship of such rhetoric with the legitimisation of extreme measures through the construction of an issue as an “existential threat”— a process analysts call

Steel in Xi's message
Mar 26, 2013

Steel in Xi's message

A healthy respect for China's power under Xi and an appreciation of what it means for international relations, rather than romantic notions about building an Eastern Bloc against the West, must guide Indian diplomacy in Durban.

Stepping stones: Is a Seoul-Tokyo rapprochement in the making?
May 26, 2023

Stepping stones: Is a Seoul-Tokyo rapprochement in the making?

The geopolitical realities are proving to be a strong catalyst for improved relations between Japan and South Korea

Strategic Clarity Via Ukraine
Mar 17, 2022

Strategic Clarity Via Ukraine

Strategic clarity is often a by-product of wars and as nations count their dead, they also recognise their true friends as well as the limits of their liberal illusions about managing relationships with adversaries who see violence as perfectly legitimate instrumentality in pursuit of power and ambition.

Strategic implications of Myanmar’s domestic politics
Sep 05, 2017

Strategic implications of Myanmar’s domestic politics

India has been a beneficiary of Myanmar's democratisation. However, the positive trend in their bilateral relationship can be affected by the emerging

Strong ties with US in India's interest
Jul 14, 2014

Strong ties with US in India's interest

Like China did in the early 1980s, India needs to exploit the opportunity of good relations with the US to become a stronger economic and military power. Indeed, as a decisive leader, Modi could well transform the relationship with the US and enable it to reach its full potential.

Super Hornets may pip Rafales in Indian Navy’s Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Procurement
Jul 22, 2022

Super Hornets may pip Rafales in Indian Navy’s Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Procurement

Purchase of F/A-18 Super Hornets can herald the beginning of a closer long-term relationship with the US, which shall be beneficial for India and espe

Superpowers' great equalisers
Dec 08, 2021

Superpowers' great equalisers

For a stable and fair international relations system, strong relations between Russia and India are important in maintaining a balance in the changing

Sustainable agriculture, climate change and nutrition: a complex challenge
Sep 06, 2023

Sustainable agriculture, climate change and nutrition: a complex challenge

Your reflection published by Observer Research Foundation brings a complex view between food security, climate change, sustainable agriculture and land use. Is there awareness of this inseparable relationship?

Tackling Pakistan’s anti-India security strategy
Feb 04, 2022

Tackling Pakistan’s anti-India security strategy

A thaw in the India-Pakistan relations remains highly unlikely if Pakistan continues to back anti-India policies

Tackling Terror: Calibrated restraint, incremental pressure needed
Apr 30, 2005

Tackling Terror: Calibrated restraint, incremental pressure needed

The view from Dhaka was summed up in a journal thus: ¿The cumulative case against a dependable relationship between India and Bangladesh is a very strong one¿ since Bangladesh suffers from ¿a serious lack of bargaining power¿ and hence needs ¿a viable strategy of alliances with China, Burma, Nepal and Pakistan¿. Adventurism is its logical outcome.

Tactical gaps in Indo-Russia ties despite Putin-Modi’s bonhomie
Jun 05, 2017

Tactical gaps in Indo-Russia ties despite Putin-Modi’s bonhomie

Speculation was rife that the bilateral relationship had lost its strategic sheen and had become a transactional one, where Russia was just a convenient one-window stop for some military equipment.

Taiwan faces more isolation from PRC pressure
Jul 06, 2017

Taiwan faces more isolation from PRC pressure

In aftermath of China scaling up pressure on countries whom it has relations with, Taiwan has started to be isolated as these nations have started to