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1768 results found

Osama's death: The Key Question
May 03, 2011

Osama's death: The Key Question

The killing of Osama bin Laden, one of the most prized assets of Pakistan Army, is likely to exacerbate differences among the top and middle-rung Army leadership which has been quite uncomfortable with the US over the Raymond Davis affair and the Drone attacks. The key question is what effect this event will have on the Army and the ISI.

Pak accountability bill: More harm than good
May 19, 2012

Pak accountability bill: More harm than good

The Pakistan Accountability Act, moved in the US Congress this week, lacks the necessary coercive elements required to persuade Pakistan or to alter its strategic calculus in the context of Afghanistan. It very well realises its importance to the US for successful completion of the counter-insurgency campaign and sustaining troops.

Pak Army Reshuffle & After
Oct 05, 2004

Pak Army Reshuffle & After

As expected, President General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan announced a major reshuffle of the senior officers of the Pakistan Army of the rank of Generals and Lts.General on October 2 and 3, 2004.

Pak Army should give up politics
May 11, 2005

Pak Army should give up politics

There is only one way in which Pakistan can survive as a nation-state. That is, the Pakistan Army will have to confine itself to being an armed force and not usurp the powers and responsibilities of the legislature and executive branch of the government. The mission objective of an armed force is to safeguard the integrity and sovereignty of the country and not run it. The people of Pakistan have a choice here.

Pak Army to retain its power base
May 27, 2008

Pak Army to retain its power base

Pakistan Army is in the throes of a dramatic transformation both in its profile and approach but is no where near relinquishing its stranglehold over the political and corporate landscape of Pakistan. The office-cadre is much more conservative but not radical,

Pak Army using Islam: Cohen
Nov 06, 2003

Pak Army using Islam: Cohen

The present generation of the Pakistani army is not so much Islamic as political and materialistic, said Professor Stephen Cohen, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and renowned authority on Pakistan Army. Speaking at the USI as part of a joint ORF-USI lecture, Profession Cohen said the Pakistani army was only using Islam for its political objectives and this has not compromised the professional orientation of the army.

Pak Army's positive attidue changing scene in South Asia
May 05, 2012

Pak Army's positive attidue changing scene in South Asia

India has expressed its willingness to extend technical assistance for improving infrastructure in Pakistan. Pakistan is bound to realise that holding on to terrorism as an instrument of State policy would not be in its interests as Pakistan would be the real sufferers in the long run.

Pak Army's Second Kargil
Apr 13, 2004

Pak Army's Second Kargil

Waziristan last month ostensibly to hunt down al Qaida and Talibanelements has been a visible failure which could dramatically alterthe already existing fault lines in the force divided betweenloyalty to Musharraf, nation and religion.South Waziristan is one of the seven areas -Khyber, Kurram,Orakzai, Mohmand, Bajaur, North and South Waziristan - which wereclubbed together as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)by the British who wanted

Pak army's Waziristan problem
Nov 02, 2012

Pak army's Waziristan problem

There are conflicting reports about Pakistan army's decision to launch a military offensive against Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan and other terrorist strongholds in North Waziristan.

Pak helping terror regroup
Nov 12, 2003

Pak helping terror regroup

More than Afghanistan and Iraq, it is Pakistan which reflects the failure of the American foreign policy. Or is it naïve on my part to say so since the possibility of Pakistan being sheltered and supported as a nation that spawns terror groups willingly by Washington could in fact be the reality? Why would Washington, or for that matter others, ignore two recent events in Pakistan which clearly point at the regrouping of terror groups under the

Pak Jihadis have Dirty Bomb
Jul 10, 2003

Pak Jihadis have Dirty Bomb

On April 3 this year, a one-day conference was organised in Washington by the South Asian Studies department of the John Hopkins University. One of the sessions was on Pakistan, specifically on the safety of its nuclear installations.

Parliament clears women's Bill
Feb 02, 2012

Parliament clears women's Bill

Senate's recent decision to pass the 'National Commission on the Status of Women Bill, 2012' was a step forward for the women's rights movement in Pakistan.

Partition 1947 and its bitter legacy
Aug 23, 2019

Partition 1947 and its bitter legacy

The division of India remains a long litany of tragedy for the consequences it threw up in the times following August 1947.

Peace at the Borders
Jun 27, 2011

Peace at the Borders

It is time that India seriously consider "outsourcing" some aspects of its foreign policy to its border provinces. Encouragement of deeper cooperation between border states in both India and Pakistan -especially the two Punjabs, the two Kashmirs, and Rajasthan (India) and Sind (Pakistan) -- could be a good beginning for bettering relations.

Peace Pipeline: The Next Dimension
May 29, 2004

Peace Pipeline: The Next Dimension

Nothing, with the exception of the Kashmir issue, has been more debated, researched and written about in the context of Indo Pak relations than the issue of the Iran-Pakistan-India Natural Gas pipeline in the last decade. From Onshore to Offshore options and international consortia and guarantees to people to contact, almost everything and anything has been tossed around and evaluated, yet to no avail. The pipeline still remains a pipe dream.

Peshawar massacre: What now?
Dec 22, 2014

Peshawar massacre: What now?

The Peshawar attack offers the Pakistan leadership a corner to turn around - it only needs to first define who is a terrorist? But is the military and civilian leadership of Pakistan capable, and willing, to take on the terrorist groups, especially TTP? The rhetoric and actions on the part of the leadership raise serious doubts about the will.

Pipedreams over Pipelines
Apr 01, 2005

Pipedreams over Pipelines

During a recent discussion on Indo-US relations, a former senior adviser to the Government of India, who retired some years ago, expressed his surprise that the community of non-governmental strategic analysts in New Delhi had failed to forewarn the policy-makers of the Government of India over the likelihood of opposition from the US to the construction of a gas pipeline from Iran through Pakistan till the Indian border to sell gas to Pakistan a

Playing along with General
Apr 28, 2005

Playing along with General

The National Assembly in Pakistan is the highest political institution, a representative body of the people of Pakistan, at least on paper. While the Indian political leadership and public were engaged in finding new ways to firm up the peace process, the National Assembly,

Playing games with Kashmir
Apr 14, 2005

Playing games with Kashmir

While bus and cricket diplomacy is being played out with unbridled passion across borders, a dispassionate and more realistic discourse on human rights violations in Kashmir should form part of the new-found bon homie between India and Pakistan. There is a reason why such an assessment is important.

PM tried his best
Oct 01, 2013

PM tried his best

Posturing for domestic audiences on Pakistan in election year is easy. But dealing with the challenges emanating from an increasingly unstable Pakistan will not be. And if we don't draw the right lessons from Manmohan Singh's failures, there will be no end to the tragedy of India's Pakistan policy.

Portents of revised LoC ceasefire
Jun 05, 2018

Portents of revised LoC ceasefire

The timing of the recent India-Pakistan agreement can’t be a coincidence, and the Modi government needs to watch its back.

Positioning The Resistance Front (TRF) in Kashmir’s militancy landscape
Dec 15, 2021

Positioning The Resistance Front (TRF) in Kashmir’s militancy landscape

TRF attempts to paint a secularised image to secure more recruits and resources. It is yet to be seen whether this strategy will help it gain momentum

Post-Election Challenges for the New Government in Kabul
Aug 23, 2023

Post-Election Challenges for the New Government in Kabul

This issue brief explores the prospects and problems for the new government in Afghanistan with respect to: the two new leaders and their respective positions; the Taliban; and the regional countries China, India, Iran and Pakistan.

Post-War Sri Lanka: A Resurgent Nation
Jul 12, 2010

Post-War Sri Lanka: A Resurgent Nation

South Asia comprises of eight countries-Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Except for India and to an extent, Pakistan given our obsession with it, we know very little about other countries of South Asia.

Power crisis adds to Pak woes
May 24, 2012

Power crisis adds to Pak woes

An unrelenting power crisis is adding to Pakistan's woes. Power shortage has hit Punjab the hardest, shutting down industrial units and market places for days together and bringing people out on to the streets.

Prepare for a turbulent winter
Nov 15, 2004

Prepare for a turbulent winter

Jammu & Kashmir will emerge as one of the key areas of conflict and is likely to witness an increased US interest during the second term of President George W Bush. The reasons are not far to seek. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has been Mr Bush's strong ally in the war against terror and will continue to be so. President Bush's return to the White House,

Preparing for the Future: The Need for India to Develop Hybrid Warfare Capabilities
Apr 17, 2023

Preparing for the Future: The Need for India to Develop Hybrid Warfare Capabilities

Hybrid warfare is an emerging global challenge, with military and non-military elements. This has given rise to the need to develop national capabilities to combat amorphous adversaries by utilising intelligence, information, cyber, electronic, conventional, and unconventional warfare techniques. This paper discusses the nuances of hybrid warfare, explores the hybrid warfare capabilities of India’s key adversaries (Pakistan and China),

President Asif Ali Zardari: Can he measure up to the challenges?
Sep 09, 2008

President Asif Ali Zardari: Can he measure up to the challenges?

Asif Ali Zardari, 53, the 12th President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is not new to politics, nor is he to the Machiavellian twists and turns necessary to survive in the intensely fratricidal politics of Pakistan where the final shots are called by the Chief of Army Staff.

Press leak, tweet, beheadings and ICJ — What's behind Indo-Pak standoff?
May 19, 2017

Press leak, tweet, beheadings and ICJ — What's behind Indo-Pak standoff?

As Indo-Pak relations hit rock bottom, the civil-military standoff in Pakistan has flared into the open. Could there be a link between the two?

Priorities of Peace Process
Jul 14, 2005

Priorities of Peace Process

One of the critical issues that seem to have missed the Indian-Pakistan peace process is terrorism. Pakistan has quietly managed to keep the issue on the backburner by raising the issues of Baglihar dam and Kashmir.

PTA revokes 'obscene' SMS ban
Nov 25, 2011

PTA revokes 'obscene' SMS ban

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) placed itself in a highly embarrassing situation with its decision to ban the usage of 'obscene' words in text messages. Stiff resistance from users,

Pulwama attack: In anger and anguish
Feb 15, 2019

Pulwama attack: In anger and anguish

Terrorist attacks of this nature do not happen overnight. They take time to organise and plan.

Puppets on a string
Jul 06, 2006

Puppets on a string

Army and the intelligence agencies have always shaped the political process in Pakistan and things won't be any different after the 2007 general election ---- President Pervez Musharraf is all set for his re-election in 2007. He has already declared his intention to be re-elected by the present set of elected representatives.

Quake Impact on Jihadi Terrorism
Oct 13, 2005

Quake Impact on Jihadi Terrorism

No accurate estimate is as yet available on the human losses and material damage suffered by the Al Qaeda and other jihadi terrorist organisations belonging to Osama bin Laden's International Islamic Front (IIF) as a result of the earthquake, which struck Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan on October 8, 2005.

Rafale purchase points to India's failed defence indigenisation plans
Apr 27, 2015

Rafale purchase points to India's failed defence indigenisation plans

The chance of an all-out two-front war with nuclear-armed Pakistan and China are near zero; local skirmishes are always possible. The difference between planning for all-out war and a limited one is hundreds of thousands of crores of the taxpayer's precious money .

Rating Modi's foreign policy
Sep 14, 2016

Rating Modi's foreign policy

PM Modi's queue for a reality check to balance diplomacy, with domestic interests, for keeping the economic interests higher.

Re-examining India’s Nuclear Doctrine
Jul 08, 2015

Re-examining India’s Nuclear Doctrine

This paper follows the proceedings of a workshop organised by ORF in August 2014 to re-examine India's nuclear doctrine. The workshop explored the challenges posed to India by Pakistan's introduction of battlefield nuclear weapons or Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNWs), New Delhi's interest in acquiring a Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) system, and the growing threat perception from China.

Re-imagining the neighbourhood through subregional connectivity
Mar 25, 2020

Re-imagining the neighbourhood through subregional connectivity

Delhi has envisioned various subregions in and around the subcontinent. Re-integrating the subcontinent by re-discovering the old as well as building

Real touchstone is action on 26/11 accused
May 21, 2013

Real touchstone is action on 26/11 accused

The democratic transition in Pakistan has coincided with the last year of the UPA government's second term in India. As the government battles one controversy after another, the looming elections in 2014 may act as a distraction wherein improving relations with Pakistan may not be a priority for the government at present.

Rebuilding Indo-Pak relations through people-to-people interactions
Feb 21, 2019

Rebuilding Indo-Pak relations through people-to-people interactions

It is important to humanise the ‘other’ and move away from the stereotypical ‘enemy’ perception that have dominated Indo-Pak relations.

Reconciling with the Taliban: The Good, the Bad and the Difficult
May 23, 2023

Reconciling with the Taliban: The Good, the Bad and the Difficult

Efforts toward a peaceful reconciliation with the Taliban have failed and Afghanistan and the United States remain engaged in a bitter war against the insurgent group. The US has shown willingness and capability to go after Taliban leaders on Pakistani soil, upsetting its relations with Islamabad and ending Pakistan's game of plausible deniability. Under its new leader, Haibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban continue their onslaught against the

Regional powers can save Afghanistan: Hussain Haqqani
Jan 07, 2014

Regional powers can save Afghanistan: Hussain Haqqani

Former Pakistan Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Hussain Haqqani, has urged regional powers to begin dialogue to prevent Afghanistan from slipping into a civil war situation after the US pullout later this year.

Reimagining the triangle
Apr 20, 2015

Reimagining the triangle

If India is the glue that binds the Sino-Pak alliance, as many argue, Delhi should have the capacity to weaken that bond through its own policies. Delhi has managed to alter the triangular dynamic with Pakistan and America by expanding its partnership with Washington. There might be similar possibilities awaiting Modi in Beijing.

Rekindle Indo-Iran ties
Jan 21, 2014

Rekindle Indo-Iran ties

India and Iran are, in their own way, natural allies, a fact underscored by the increasing anti-Shia nature of Pakistan. We need them more than they need us and so we must begin the process getting Teheran off its great sulk against us.

Religious connectivity in Indo-Pak context
Jul 20, 2011

Religious connectivity in Indo-Pak context

In the aftermath of 9/11, fissures between the 'Islamic' and 'non-Islamic' world - a categorisation which is rather nebulous - have 'vindicated' the claims of many individuals on the Indian and Pakistani side that faith is a cause of conflict between both countries.