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Russia Ukraine Tension: कीव में बर्फबारी, बिजली संकट से बढ़ी चिंता!
Jul 28, 2023

Russia Ukraine Tension: कीव में बर्फबारी, बिजली संकट से बढ़ी चिंता!

यूक्रेन जंग के बीच कीव में भारी बर्फबारी ने लोगों की चिंता बढ़ा दी है. कीव में भारी बर्फबारी के बीच यहां लोगों को भारी बिजली संकट का सामना करना पड़ रहा है. क्‍या इस बर्फबारी क�

Russia Ukraine War: रूस के ख़िलाफ़ यूक्रेन की क़ानूनी लड़ाई!
Jul 26, 2023

Russia Ukraine War: रूस के ख़िलाफ़ यूक्रेन की क़ानूनी लड़ाई!

रूस के दावों की वैधानिकता को कमज़ोर करने के लिए यूक्रेन ब�

Russia-Ukraine War: यूक्रेन संकट के प्रति नेपाल की प्रतिक्रिया!
Jul 31, 2023

Russia-Ukraine War: यूक्रेन संकट के प्रति नेपाल की प्रतिक्रिया!

क्या नेपाल अपनी गैर संरेखण नीति को छोड़ रहा है और वेस्टर्न

Russia-Ukraine War: रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच जारी युद्ध को रोकने की कोशिशें कहां हो रही हैं?
Jul 26, 2023

Russia-Ukraine War: रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच जारी युद्ध को रोकने की कोशिशें कहां हो रही हैं?

रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच जारीwar को समाप्त करने और शांति स्थाप�

Russia-Ukraine War: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध में ‘कूटनीति’ की कमी!
Jul 18, 2023

Russia-Ukraine War: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध में ‘कूटनीति’ की कमी!

क्या कूटनीति ही एकमात्र वास्तविक विकल्प है जो संघर्ष का �

Russia’s Low-Risk, High-Reward Strategy for its Return to Africa
Oct 12, 2023

Russia’s Low-Risk, High-Reward Strategy for its Return to Africa

Africa has become essential to Russia’s geostrategic posture as Moscow seeks to overcome the backlash to its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. However, in the face of isolation and a contracting economy, Russia has realised that cultivating an entry point in Africa through conventional means such as foreign direct investment (FDI), trade, development assistance, or cultural and educational exchanges may not be its best option. Instead, Mosc

Russia’s media landscape and challenges of the smartphone age
Dec 12, 2019

Russia’s media landscape and challenges of the smartphone age

Ways of creating and consuming information keep on changing rapidly all over the world. Russia is no exception.

Russia’s tryst with the fourth wave of COVID-19
Nov 17, 2021

Russia’s tryst with the fourth wave of COVID-19

The Russian government is in a tight spot amidst worsening COVID-19 numbers and vaccine scepticism

SAARC vs BIMSTEC: The search for the ideal platform for regional cooperation
Aug 17, 2023

SAARC vs BIMSTEC: The search for the ideal platform for regional cooperation

The failure of SAARC to nurture cooperation in South Asia has pushed regional players to search for an alternative.  BIMSTEC, grouping the nations in the Bay of Bengal region, is popularly favoured as the viable option. Two decades since its inception, however, BIMSTEC’s successes have been minimal. How workable is BIMSTEC as an option for pursuing regional cooperation in South Asia? Are SAARC and BIMSTEC competitors or do they complement each

Saintliness versus efficiency
Nov 16, 2017

Saintliness versus efficiency

Saintliness is rigid in adapting to the world. Effectiveness — getting results on the ground, requires flexibility in implementation.

Salvaging Lebanon
Aug 10, 2020

Salvaging Lebanon

The lack of a strong governmental architecture may not be the fault of Lebanon alone, but the corruption is.

Scaling circular economy
Jun 13, 2024

Scaling circular economy

Implementing a circular economy can reduce discarded products, but policymakers must expand the contractual model's scope for maximum benefit.

Science Fiction as the Blueprint: Informing Policy in the Age of AI and Emerging Tech
Jan 17, 2024

Science Fiction as the Blueprint: Informing Policy in the Age of AI and Emerging Tech

This issue brief examines the complex interplay between science fiction and technology development in the age of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and brain-computer interfaces. As the line between science and fiction continues to blur, this brief argues for strategically using science fiction narratives to inform and guide technology development and policymaking. Drawing upon historical precedents of scien

SCO शिखर सम्मेलन में मिलेंगे मोदी, जिनपिंग और शाहबाज़, क्या है इसके मायने?
Sep 13, 2022

SCO शिखर सम्मेलन में मिलेंगे मोदी, जिनपिंग और शाहबाज़, क्या है इसके मायने?

SCO सम्मेलन में पीएम मोदी जिनपिंग-शाहबाज ऐसे समय एक मंच साझा कर रहे हैं जब दोनों देशों के साथ भारत के बेहतर संबंध नहीं है. सीमा विवाद को लेकर चीन के साथ संबंध तनाव है वहीं आतंकव�

SDG एजेंडे पर आधारित पर 10 ट्रिलियन डॉलर वाली भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था की राह?
Jul 30, 2023

SDG एजेंडे पर आधारित पर 10 ट्रिलियन डॉलर वाली भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था की राह?

भारत के एक पावरहाउस अर्थव्यवस्था बनने की राह ‘समता, दक्ष�

SDG- 4: गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा और विकसित होती दुनिया में इसका महत्व!
Sep 15, 2022

SDG- 4: गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा और विकसित होती दुनिया में इसका महत्व!

महामारी ने शिक्षा व्यवस्थाओं में मौजूद संरचनात्मक दोषो�

SDGs and Structural Vulnerabilities: The Case of BIMSTEC Countries
Feb 21, 2022

SDGs and Structural Vulnerabilities: The Case of BIMSTEC Countries

This paper studies the case of the countries of BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) to investigate if progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) plays an instrumental role in addressing structural vulnerabilities. It finds that it does. Despite improvements in certain SDGs such as increasing per-capita income levels, improving healthcare, and providing universal

SDGs, Indian Cities and Seismic Sustainability
May 24, 2023

SDGs, Indian Cities and Seismic Sustainability

Goal 11 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals aims to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” Its targets include the promotion of resilience to disasters such as earthquakes. Many of India’s cities that lie in high-intensity zones—determined by ‘seismic microzonation’—are extremely vulnerable to earthquakes. Such cities, therefore, must move towards developing and adopting policies that pro

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China
Aug 02, 2017

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China

Several emerging trends like increasing congestion of global commons, especially in the maritime domain and the rapid development of disruptive techno

SEBI के हालिया फैसले क्या कॉरपोरेट गवर्नेंस की लड़खड़ाती क़वायद की ओर इशारा करती है?
Jul 30, 2023

SEBI के हालिया फैसले क्या कॉरपोरेट गवर्नेंस की लड़खड़ाती क़वायद की ओर इशारा करती है?

चेयरपर्सन और MD की भूमिकाओं को अलग-अलग करने की ज़रूरतों को �

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge
Aug 11, 2023

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge

This paper looks at debates from the days of the British Raj until now that have shaped India's strategic thought on Afghanistan. It highlights the impact of India's territorial construct on its strategic imagination and argues that India's Afghan policy is determined by its political geography. Afghanistan has proved to be a security lynchpin in South and A Central Asia over the last two decades. Home to a variety of militant networks with regi

Securing critical undersea infrastructure
Jun 13, 2024

Securing critical undersea infrastructure

The challenges of disruption of critical undersea infrastructure loom large. Thus, significant emphasis needs to be placed on the security and protect

Securing food delivery
Jan 02, 2012

Securing food delivery

The national food security legislation may be well-intentioned but it can turn out to be a logistical nightmare if its delivery system is not designed optimally. Optimal delivery mechanism is the core element which will make or break this ambitious programme with serious fiscal implications over the longer term.

Securing its Interests: Explaining South Korea’s Slow Pivot to China
Mar 06, 2023

Securing its Interests: Explaining South Korea’s Slow Pivot to China

East Asia has become an increasingly volatile region amid China’s posturing and territorial claims on land and in the sea. The US pivot to Asia, meant to contain China, is based on a slew of strategic partnerships with its regional allies and partners, such as South Korea. The US-South Korea relationship is an important pillar in checking China’s rise, but in recent years, Seoul appears to be gravitating towards Beijing. This brief se

Securing Two Oceans: Bolstering India-Australia Defence Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
Jul 21, 2023

Securing Two Oceans: Bolstering India-Australia Defence Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Countries such as India and Australia are redefining their Indo-Pacific policies amidst the growing belligerence of China in the region. The two have a common interest in stability, while standing firmly against any militarisation. Their willingness to partner closely with like-minded countries in the Indo-Pacific lays the foundation for stronger defence and security cooperation between the two middle-power democracies and Indian Ocean li

Shaping a Just Transition to Clean Fuel-Based Energy Sources
May 10, 2023

Shaping a Just Transition to Clean Fuel-Based Energy Sources

The ongoing global energy crisis has highlighted countries’ vulnerabilities to energy shocks due to an overdependence on fossil fuels. Clean energy sources are an ideal option for states looking to hedge against the risks associated with fossil fuels. Moreover, recent technological advances and falling costs have placed renewables at the centre of the global energy landscape. Developing countries are now on the cusp of a histori

Sharif's TTP challenge
Oct 01, 2013

Sharif's TTP challenge

Going by the frequency and nature of the TTP attacks, the militant group seems to be playing a larger game aimed at drawing the armed forces deeper into a protracted conflict in the tribal areas with the US withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in mind. For the Nawaz Sharif government, and the military, the options are fast running out.

Six headwinds Modi will face in Season 2
May 27, 2019

Six headwinds Modi will face in Season 2

In a constantly-evolving discourse and a politically and economically disruptive world, new ideas will demand a greater control over Modi’s actions.

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?
Apr 23, 2024

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?

Peter Pellegrini’s recent presidential victory could mean Slovakia mirroring Hungary's stance on Ukraine, potentially troubling the EU

Social Media and Political Leaders: An Exploratory Analysis
Jul 21, 2023

Social Media and Political Leaders: An Exploratory Analysis

Politicians have always used the media to communicate with the electorate. What makes social media unique is the scale, speed, and minimal cost at which leaders can do this task. This paper analyses the relationship between political leaders and the microblogging site, Twitter. It provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the use of Twitter by two contemporary Indian political leaders—Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi. It describ

Soft Coup, hard fall in Pakistan
Apr 29, 2019

Soft Coup, hard fall in Pakistan

The first cabinet reshuffle is intimation of the govt's impending demise. The army has taken back control of vital portfolios. They will find a new puppet PM. Till then, Imran Khan's options are severely limited.

Software services industry in transition
Aug 03, 2023

Software services industry in transition

As AI gains prominence in the software services industry, how India's tech companies deal with this will determine employment generation in this secto

South Asia South Asia Weekly 16
Apr 27, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 16

Both internal as well as external skepticism about the Rajapaksa government's warmth towards 'hard-line' countries like Pakistan, China and Iran is bound to grow with the impending visit of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmedinejad.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 49
Dec 08, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 49

The week saw India, specifically Tamil Nadu, adopting a rigid stand against the remarks made by the Sri Lankan Army Chief Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka during his interview with Sunday Leader. In his interview, Fonseka described Tamil Nadu politicians like Nedumaran and Vaiko as "jokers".

South Asia South Asia Weekly 51
Dec 22, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 51

The week saw the President of Sri Lanka taking decision to proscribe the LTTE if it fails to release the remaining Tamils of the North living in its captivity, before 2009. According to an estimate,

South Asia Weekly 95
Oct 25, 2009

South Asia Weekly 95

Several thousand Tamil refugees have started seeking asylum in Australia and Canada. Both the countries, however, are wary of accepting the asylum seekers for security reasons.

South Korea: सेना में अनिवार्य भर्ती के रास्ते पर क़दम बढ़ाता दक्षिण कोरिया का BTS बैंड
Jul 21, 2023

South Korea: सेना में अनिवार्य भर्ती के रास्ते पर क़दम बढ़ाता दक्षिण कोरिया का BTS बैंड

फ़ौज में अपनी सेवा शुरू करने के BTS के ऐलान से दक्षिण कोरिया

South-South cooperation for maternal health: Advancing India's role
Apr 05, 2024

South-South cooperation for maternal health: Advancing India's role

With India’s assumption as the voice of the Global South, its progress in the maternal mortality ratio and maternal and child health can serve as a

Sovereignty Vs. Sovereign Rights: De-escalating Tensions in the South China Sea
Aug 14, 2023

Sovereignty Vs. Sovereign Rights: De-escalating Tensions in the South China Sea

Competing maritime territorial claims in the South China Sea resulting in frequent provocations and standoffs are well-documented. China’s increasingly assertive stance over its claims has led to increased militarisation of the region, making it a potential flashpoint. To better understand the complex SCS question vis-a-vis the extent of, and jurisdiction over this maritime space, this brief explores the distinction between the principl

Space Based Solar Power: Time to Put it on the New US-India S&T Endowment Fund?
Apr 02, 2011

Space Based Solar Power: Time to Put it on the New US-India S&T Endowment Fund?

With the Japanese crisis triggering worldwide re-thinking on the feasibility of pursuing nuclear energy to meet growing global energy demands, it is time that India, US and others looked at the option of Space Based Solar Power (SBSP).

Space militarisation inevitable
Mar 24, 2015

Space militarisation inevitable

At the launch of the ORF Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Initiative, experts felt that space is unlikely to become an exception to the security-seeking nature of the international system. They felt States should accept space militarisation as a reality and develop institutions to regulate its use for both peaceful and military purposes.

Space missions amidst a pandemic: Automation and the private sector’s role
Apr 23, 2020

Space missions amidst a pandemic: Automation and the private sector’s role

To offset risks and disruptions, it should now become a priority for ISRO to pursue pre-launch automation with greater vigour.

Sports in Indian cities: Rethinking the use of astroturfs
Nov 07, 2023

Sports in Indian cities: Rethinking the use of astroturfs

The adoption of astroturf in sporting facilities poses a health hazard to humans and aggravates climate issues, thus, urban planning must focus on gre

Sri Lanka Crisis: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (IMF) के साथ श्रीलंका के बनते-बिगड़ते रिश्ते!
Jul 31, 2023

Sri Lanka Crisis: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (IMF) के साथ श्रीलंका के बनते-बिगड़ते रिश्ते!

ज्यों ज्यों श्रीलंका आर्थिक निराशा में डूबता जा रहा हैं, �

Sri Lanka: India reaches out to the Tamils
Sep 11, 2010

Sri Lanka: India reaches out to the Tamils

Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao's tour of the war-ravaged areas in the North and East of Sri Lanka has come as a perceptible first step towards the Indian Government repairing relations with the Tamil community in the island-nation.

Sri Lanka: चीन के नज़रिये से श्रीलंका के कर्ज़ संकट की व्याख्या!
Jul 30, 2023

Sri Lanka: चीन के नज़रिये से श्रीलंका के कर्ज़ संकट की व्याख्या!

जैसे ही कर्ज़ जाल सबंधी आलोचना तेज़ होती जा रही है, चीनी प�