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Indian experts surprised by the election result in Sri Lanka
Jan 15, 2015

Indian experts surprised by the election result in Sri Lanka

Prof. S.D. Muni, a Sri Lankan expert, says that it was unlikely that the 13th Amendment would be implemented, but the spirit of the amendment, i.e., accommodation, would play a much larger role relative to Rajapaksa's rule.

Indian Federalism @75: The foundation of a strong democracy
Aug 15, 2022

Indian Federalism @75: The foundation of a strong democracy

A robust federal structure needs to be in place to deliver effective governance and development in a country as diverse as India.

Indian federalism and health systems’ resilience amid COVID-19
Aug 05, 2022

Indian federalism and health systems’ resilience amid COVID-19

Although Centre-state cooperation is crucial for Indian federalism, the competition amongst them cannot be discounted

Indian Federalism under Strain: Time for a Relook?
May 11, 2023

Indian Federalism under Strain: Time for a Relook?

Federalism has been part of the public discourse in India for many decades, before and after independence in 1947, but it has gained greater importance since the 1990s when the country's national polity saw the advent of the coalition era. With the states now asserting their position in areas which were considered the prerogative of the Centre, this Paper strives to analyse some of the related issues and suggests possible paths for the future

Indian fishing is in troubled waters?
Jul 27, 2012

Indian fishing is in troubled waters?

Maritime security concerns of nations, big and small, are for real. Livelihood issues too are for real. Neither can be compromised in the face of the other.

Indian food security and the WTO deal
Jan 27, 2014

Indian food security and the WTO deal

A host of issues that were crucial to the interests of developing countries, and to a large extent India's, were off the table at Bali. For instance, rich country farm subsidies. The US has still not budged from its position vis-à-vis farm subsidies, despite years of push from poor countries, including in Africa.

Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar Goes to Russia
Nov 12, 2022

Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar Goes to Russia

New Delhi’s relations with Moscow continue to be good, but the long-term prognosis is complicated, especially by China.

Indian Foreign Minister Visits Australia Amid Deepening Relations
Feb 23, 2023

Indian Foreign Minister Visits Australia Amid Deepening Relations

There is a lot riding on the relationship for both New Delhi and Canberra given that both have a inherent interest in balancing China and ensuring a stable Indo-Pacific strategic order.

Indian foreign policy after the elections: All eyes on China
Apr 04, 2019

Indian foreign policy after the elections: All eyes on China

Whatever comes after India’s election, the role of China will loom large in Indian foreign policy.

Indian Foreign Policy and Its Aspirations: Institutional Design Matters
Dec 16, 2020

Indian Foreign Policy and Its Aspirations: Institutional Design Matters

The MEA’s restructuring is an exercise to prepare for the aspirations of a 21st-century India

Indian foreign policy needs civil society experts. MEA must step up, go beyond conference model
Apr 11, 2023

Indian foreign policy needs civil society experts. MEA must step up, go beyond conference model

Much of PP&R's engagement with civil society remains limited to event-oriented modes. There is a fundamental problem in the extant approach.

Indian Frontier Administrative Service: An unexplored ace in India’s deck
Sep 28, 2020

Indian Frontier Administrative Service: An unexplored ace in India’s deck

If resurrected today, the role of the IFAS needs to be redefined, that is not to be an exact copy of the 1950s IFAS. The IFAS of the current day and a

Indian generics emerge as a life-saver in COVID-hit China
Dec 21, 2022

Indian generics emerge as a life-saver in COVID-hit China

With the rise in COVID cases in China, the popularity of anti-COVID drugs from India seems to have also ratcheted up

Indian government’s 2G restrictions in Kashmir fail to curb online extremism
May 27, 2020

Indian government’s 2G restrictions in Kashmir fail to curb online extremism

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, extremist groups find workarounds to the digital blockade as ordinary citizens endure restricted access

Indian govt has rushed into the Kartarpur corridor in inexplicable haste
Nov 30, 2018

Indian govt has rushed into the Kartarpur corridor in inexplicable haste

For a country that has faced repeated betrayals from Pakistan, it is another historical blunder for our government to again place faith in it.

Indian Healthcare: Attack Surfaces, Personal Digital Data Protection, and Cyber Resiliency
Dec 28, 2022

Indian Healthcare: Attack Surfaces, Personal Digital Data Protection, and Cyber Resiliency

To make India a Global Medical Value Hub, we must create sustainable and equitable health for the present and future generations, and maintain prepare

Indian industrial sector could drive energy demand through 2035
Jan 28, 2014

Indian industrial sector could drive energy demand through 2035

The chief economist of BP Group, Mr. Christof Ruehl, says the industrial sector is less flexible in India than in China and that this could drive the energy demand in 2012-2035 period. He also predicts that China's industrialisation will continue even if it changes its economy structure.

Indian Infrastructure: Leveraging past experiences for future growth
Aug 18, 2022

Indian Infrastructure: Leveraging past experiences for future growth

With the emergence of a large number of private players across economic sectors, quality infrastructure development to support business operations has

Indian International Relations Studies: The need for integration with global scholarship
Dec 21, 2017

Indian International Relations Studies: The need for integration with global scholarship

This article makes a case for increased engagement of India’s scholars of international relations (IR), especially of the theoretical variety, with the global IR community. While India has increasingly been integrating itself in global economic and political orders, its IR scholarship is yet to become truly global. This article outlines the structural and domestic-level causes for the relative absence of theoretical IR works in India while argu

Indian investments in Africa: Scale, trends, and policy recommendations
May 24, 2017

Indian investments in Africa: Scale, trends, and policy recommendations

Indian investments in Africa, from both public and private sector entities, have increased considerably in the last decade. Yet despite the growing importance of Indian investments in Africa, only a few empirical studies have been carried out on the subject. This paper undertakes a disaggregated analysis of Indian foreign direct investment outflows to Africa from 2008 to 2016, and presents three main findings. First, it confirms earlier analyses

Indian media and China: Growing maturity in discourse
Apr 05, 2017

Indian media and China: Growing maturity in discourse

The media has a role and a responsibility in creating proper understanding between neighbouring countries.

Indian militaries theatre command plans: Where does the proposed overhaul stand?
Jul 10, 2023

Indian militaries theatre command plans: Where does the proposed overhaul stand?

Four years after creating the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) post, the landmark plan of integrated theatre commands still needs to be implemented

Indian Muslim clerics’ call for action to overcome vaccine hesitation during Ramadan
Apr 17, 2021

Indian Muslim clerics’ call for action to overcome vaccine hesitation during Ramadan

Enforcing a sense of discipline among 170 million people, sharply divided on sectarian and linguistic lines, is never an easy task as it requires volu

Indian national security and defence in 2019: Modi ticks three boxes
Dec 27, 2019

Indian national security and defence in 2019: Modi ticks three boxes

Political will, which is otherwise scarce in New Delhi, is precisely what Modi demonstrated whether it was Balakot, the Kinetic Direct Ascent Anti-Sat

Indian Ocean Region: What India does, China now wants to do better
Jan 19, 2022

Indian Ocean Region: What India does, China now wants to do better

The recent visit made by the Chinese Foreign Minister to Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Comoros showcases its renewed interest in the Indian Ocean Region

Indian Ocean Seabed Defence: Lessons from Europe
Sep 11, 2023

Indian Ocean Seabed Defence: Lessons from Europe

Contemporary seabed warfare in Europe should be viewed as a warning for Indian Ocean littoral states, especially sophisticated regional maritime powers such as India and Australia. The Ukraine–Russia conflict has brought seabed warfare to the fore, as seabed critical infrastructure is once again the target of international conflict. This brief surveys European seabed warfare developments since 2021, how various European actors are responding, a

Indian politics has decoupled winnings from victories
May 17, 2018

Indian politics has decoupled winnings from victories

The bigger question the Karnataka verdict poses to us is: in the emerging disruptive trend of India’s democracy does voter choice matter at all?

Indian Polity at the Crossroads, Again?
Aug 06, 2004

Indian Polity at the Crossroads, Again?

A decade and more after the ¿reforms regimen¿ caused a rethink of the ¿national agenda¿, the Indian polity may be at the crossroads again. If cascading fiscal compulsion was behind the earlier re-think, this time round it has more to do with the evolving polity and ageing personalities.

Indian Regional Parties: Do They Genuinely Represent Regional Aspirations?
Nov 10, 2011

Indian Regional Parties: Do They Genuinely Represent Regional Aspirations?

While Non-Congress parties spare no opportunity to accuse the Congress Party of psychophancy and a feudal culture, regional parties are not far behind. In fact, they have perfected the art of dynastic politics, beating the Congress Party.

Indian rice export ban: Implications for global markets and food security
Dec 22, 2023

Indian rice export ban: Implications for global markets and food security

India’s rice export ban is unlikely to lead to a global food crisis, given the extent of the reduction in supply to global markets and the concomita

Indian stand at NETmundial surprises many
May 03, 2014

Indian stand at NETmundial surprises many

India was among the few governments that did not sign the NETmundial outcome statement. It certainly seems that the weight and development of a billion people sits heavy on the shoulders of the government. The question is: does it need to lead them to the world wide web, or can they find it themselves?

Indian startup ecosystem: Sunrise sectors and social entrepreneurship on the horizon
Feb 21, 2023

Indian startup ecosystem: Sunrise sectors and social entrepreneurship on the horizon

While significant steps have been taken in recent years to boost the startup ecosystem, a lot more still needs to be done for India to emerge as a glo

Indian startups and Chinese venture capital: The strategic dimension
Sep 11, 2019

Indian startups and Chinese venture capital: The strategic dimension

How does it play out in the larger technology war involving the US and China?

Indian startups gets a surged Chinese VC investment; space startups remains neglected
Feb 26, 2020

Indian startups gets a surged Chinese VC investment; space startups remains neglected

The absence of any perceptible shift in Chinese VC enthusiasm for Indian space startups requires explanation, given how optimistic Chinese VCs have be

Indian subcontinent staring at water shortages, says new study
Mar 08, 2013

Indian subcontinent staring at water shortages, says new study

The Indian subcontinent could be hit by water shortages in few years as increasing populations and growing development demands are placing tremendous pressure on the Indus Basin, according a recently released report, on Indus Basin