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India: Parliament session facing washout?
Jul 31, 2015

India: Parliament session facing washout?

The twenty-four days long Monsoon session of Parliament, which began on July 21, looks like facing a total washout as the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Congress-led opposition seem to be in no mood to relent from their respective publically stated positions.

India: Parliament under pressure - to work
Aug 12, 2011

India: Parliament under pressure - to work

The monsoon session of Parliament began on Monday August 1, 2011. The eigth session of the 15th Lok Sabha (Lower House) and the 223rd session of Rajya Sabha (Upper House) are expected to produce more legislative business compared to the performance of the two Houses in the recent past.

India: PM Modi begins to govern
Jun 06, 2014

India: PM Modi begins to govern

On 26 May, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Narendra Modi assumed office after he was sworn-in as the country's 15th Prime Minister by President Pranab Mukherjee.

India: Political class losing its credibility even more?
Dec 02, 2011

India: Political class losing its credibility even more?

For almost two years now, or nearly two-third of the ruling UPA-II's time in power, the two Houses of Parliament have been witnessing logjams, walkouts and adjournments with very little legislative business being conducted.

India: Prime Minister's visit opens up new chapter with Nepal
Aug 08, 2014

India: Prime Minister's visit opens up new chapter with Nepal

From all accounts, the two-day visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Nepal on August 2-3 was a success. It was also a demonstration of the BJP-led government's neighbourhood policy which seems to be at the core of country's foreign policy.

India: Realpolitik vs founding principles, BJP seeks road to power ?
Jun 21, 2013

India: Realpolitik vs founding principles, BJP seeks road to power ?

Eager to discover the road to Delhi's throne, India's main opposition party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), is trapped in a cleft, not knowing whether to follow the dictates of 'realpolitik' or stick to its original principles as formulated by the party's elders in close consultation with the Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh (RSS) mentor.

India: Republic is 65 years young - or, old?
Jan 31, 2014

India: Republic is 65 years young - or, old?

In next four months, there is going to be a new government in New Delhi. The upcoming general elections are likely to be one of the most bitter and hard-fought battles in country's over six decades of Independence.

India: Single engineering entrance exam at the eye of a storm
Jun 15, 2012

India: Single engineering entrance exam at the eye of a storm

The controversy over the proposed single entrance examination for all engineering studies, including those at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), has brought serious issues into the open.

India: The first 100 days of the Modi government
Sep 05, 2014

India: The first 100 days of the Modi government

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which was sworn-in on May 26, has completed 100 days in power.

India: Understanding the structural drivers for political defections
Jan 13, 2021

India: Understanding the structural drivers for political defections

A deeper analysis of the working of the party structures and leadership style is necessary to unravel the fundamental factors that create the breeding

India: UPA seeks to regain initiative
Aug 10, 2012

India: UPA seeks to regain initiative

A battered UPA-II, battling to shrug off the 'policy paralysis' tag, appears to be regaining confidence after it managed to get its presidential and vice-presidential candidates elected.

India: Vignettes from 2022 and beyond
Dec 30, 2022

India: Vignettes from 2022 and beyond

2022 was driven forward by the government’s relentless energy, drive, innovation, and rapid self-correction

India: Will Assembly polls herald early elections to Parliament?
Mar 23, 2012

India: Will Assembly polls herald early elections to Parliament?

Are national parties on decline? Can a non-Congress, non-BJP coalition come to power in New Delhi after the next General Elections due in 2014? Or even before, if a political crisis or coalition-accident leads to mid-term elections?

India@76 in the global health landscape: Leadership, potential, and prudence
Aug 14, 2023

India@76 in the global health landscape: Leadership, potential, and prudence

India’s focus on inclusive health solutions, emphasis on collaboration, and dedication to research and innovation position it as a beacon of hope in

India@76: Batting hard for an African seat in the G20
Aug 14, 2023

India@76: Batting hard for an African seat in the G20

In its efforts to be the voice of the Global South, India has continued to push for an African Union seat at the G20 during its presidency

Indian and European engagement patterns in Sub-Saharan Africa
Apr 01, 2021

Indian and European engagement patterns in Sub-Saharan Africa

A cross-analysis of the three regions indicates multiple complementarities between India and Europe vis-à-vis Africa — and that there are good reasons to initiate triangular cooperation in certain sectors.

Indian armed forces and 70 years of independence
Aug 16, 2017

Indian armed forces and 70 years of independence

As we celebrate our 70th Independence Day this month, there is much to ponder over.

Indian armed forces joint doctrine: Elusive quest for integration
May 26, 2017

Indian armed forces joint doctrine: Elusive quest for integration

The doctrine’s ambitious purpose, in principle, is to help provide a framework for an integrated approach to warfare by all the three branches of the Indian armed forces. However, the JDIAF makes little substantive progress toward force integration among the three services.

Indian Army's year of technological advancement in 2024
Feb 03, 2024

Indian Army's year of technological advancement in 2024

While the Indian Army’s emphasis on integrating advanced tools reflects a proactive response to evolving challenges, a broader transformation warran

Indian Army’s drone use: Satellite navigation in GPS-denied environments
Dec 05, 2023

Indian Army’s drone use: Satellite navigation in GPS-denied environments

The Indian Army needs to move with great alacrity to secure drone capabilities that are operable in GPS-denied combat environments to counter any atta

Indian capitalism and bilateral investment treaties
May 24, 2023

Indian capitalism and bilateral investment treaties

Given India’s emergence as an exporter, not just an importer, of capital, there is a need to revisit the stand on bilateral investment treaties

Indian cities and air pollution
Jun 04, 2019

Indian cities and air pollution

While steps are being taken to reduce air pollution at the national and state levels, cities could improve the national performance by introducing com

Indian cities and floods
Oct 22, 2019

Indian cities and floods

There is a need to look at city bariatrics — and articulate policies that disincentivise demographic density towards better urban sustainability.

Indian cities and the need for scrapyards
Oct 07, 2023

Indian cities and the need for scrapyards

The vehicle scrappage policy should be implemented as it would allow for greater mobility and enable municipal sweepers to keep the roads clean

Indian cities—Stunted by partial democratisation
Dec 29, 2021

Indian cities—Stunted by partial democratisation

The Indian government should address the challenge of municipal inequity, and ensure that better opportunities are available to enhance urban governan

Indian civil aviation industry at crossroads: Former DGCA chief
Mar 05, 2018

Indian civil aviation industry at crossroads: Former DGCA chief

The civil aviation sector can create lots of jobs — India can expect four million people to be employed by the industry, by 2030.

Indian Consumption Expenditure Survey: Focusing beyond the trends
Mar 29, 2024

Indian Consumption Expenditure Survey: Focusing beyond the trends

By studying India’s consumption patterns over time, effective policies can be undertaken to boost India’s economic growth

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship
Feb 10, 2021

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship

This brief examines India’s defence procurement record for fundamental platforms, weapons, and systems, as well as planned acquisitions and projects under development. The new Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP 2020) assumes greater salience not only against India’s chequered acquisition history, but also the increasingly constrained resource environment and deteriorating regional security scenario. The brief offers a set of broad recommendat

Indian democracy and the changing political landscape
Aug 15, 2022

Indian democracy and the changing political landscape

The diversity of India's political set up means that no electoral majority is cast in stone and no ideological hegemony can enjoy the permanence.

Indian economy crying for reforms. Will Modi reinvent himself and deliver?
Dec 07, 2019

Indian economy crying for reforms. Will Modi reinvent himself and deliver?

Mismanagement at home and increasing protectionism abroad have ensured that India has dropped out of that group of fast-growing emerging economies

Indian economy in a crisis
Mar 09, 2013

Indian economy in a crisis

Author and economic analyst M.R. Venkatesh says the controversies and court cases relating to the 2-G scam might have impeded FDI inflow. It shows that even agreements made with the Government in India are not fool-proof, he argues.

Indian economy — Struggling towards recovery
Sep 02, 2021

Indian economy — Struggling towards recovery

Breaking down the journey towards the high GDP growth in Q1FY22.

Indian economy: All is not well
Feb 25, 2019

Indian economy: All is not well

Agriculture remains stressed as food inflation remains low. India Inc. is not doing well either.