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The transcending arc of India-US relations since Pokhran II
May 09, 2023

The transcending arc of India-US relations since Pokhran II

India and the US have come a long way since the setback in their relations after the Pokhran II nuclear test

The trends shaping the post-COVID19 world
May 11, 2020

The trends shaping the post-COVID19 world

Six geopolitical lines will define the contours of the emerging global order

The tricky path to a global climate agreement
Dec 01, 2014

The tricky path to a global climate agreement

In Lima and Paris, the global community must ensure that obsession with the legal nature of the post-Kyoto agreement does not detract from achieving what is eminently possible. The next year will in any case determine whether or not climate multilateralism will work.

The Trump card: Answer to India’s economic slowdown?
May 29, 2020

The Trump card: Answer to India’s economic slowdown?

Can India jumpstart its economy by expanding bilateral trade relations with the US to reverse negative economic trends?

The Trump challenge to India Iran ties
Jun 11, 2018

The Trump challenge to India Iran ties

The Narendra Modi government has shown signs that it doesn’t mean to let Trump’s stance on Iran derail the oil trade with it

The truth is out there
May 22, 2012

The truth is out there

Is the R&AW or any other intelligence service infallible? The answer is no. Is the R&AW competent? The answer is yes. Does it need continuous reform and upgrading? Of course, yes.

The Tsunami & the LTTE
Jan 11, 2005

The Tsunami & the LTTE

Sri Lanka has suffered the most human fatalities (30,000 plus) and infrastructure and other property damage after Indonesia in the catastrophic Tsunami disaster of December, 26, 2004.

The Tsunami - Some Security Aspects
Jan 04, 2005

The Tsunami - Some Security Aspects

Some security aspects of the widespread tragedy caused by the Tsunami of December 26, 2004, have not received the attention they deserve.

The Tsunami and After
Jan 04, 2004

The Tsunami and After

According to the Tsunami Laboratory at Novosibirsk in Siberia, there were 796 tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean region during the last century. Of these, only 117 caused human casualties and property damage. In the case of a majority of them, the human casualties and the property damage were near the source of the tsunami only.

The tussle for the Iranian Presidency
May 13, 2005

The tussle for the Iranian Presidency

Iranians take their soccer seriously. Iran's victory over Bahrain last week in the World Cup qualifier resulted in an outburst of rejoicing rarely seen in Teheran. Men and women (some without head scarves) danced on the streets and tore up posters of candidates in the June 17 presidential elections. The police did not interfere. Credible foreign observers have not confirmed reports of police brutality carried by some opposition news channels in t

The twin-connection: Revitalising sister-city relationships
Apr 08, 2024

The twin-connection: Revitalising sister-city relationships

As the world faces unprecedented challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and disparities, sister-city relationships can help nurture a harmoniou

The tyranny of technology: Time to change old systems to align with new realities
Dec 10, 2015

The tyranny of technology: Time to change old systems to align with new realities

In order to achieve the SDGs, it is time to re-evaluate the global patents regime. India and other developing countries need to explore policies and practices for creating a culture and system that encourages innovation.

The tyranny of the written word
Nov 19, 2011

The tyranny of the written word

Digital technologies have the potential to annihilate the rich sources of oral history. It is time that we stopped looking at digital technology with rose-tinted glasses

The U.S. Escalates Chips War With China
Apr 03, 2023

The U.S. Escalates Chips War With China

Global geopolitics is in a state of intense flux. China’s rise has led to greater competition in the international system, with the United States and the post-War global order coming under increasing challenge. China’s high economic growth rate in the past several decades has meant bigger military budgets. In turn, its military rise threatens security in the Indo-Pacific region where China seeks to dominate, from the Himalayas to South China

The U.S. search for a new role in West Asia
Jul 27, 2022

The U.S. search for a new role in West Asia

Realpolitik may have trumped the Biden administration’s rather vocal positions on principles in the region

The UK Shifts to the Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for India-UK Ties
Feb 15, 2021

The UK Shifts to the Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for India-UK Ties

When the United Kingdom (UK) releases the highly anticipated integrated review of its foreign, defence, security and development policy in March, it will mark the first formal iteration of the UK’s Indo-Pacific strategy. This brief explores the dynamics that are driving the UK’s tilt to the Indo-Pacific. It identifies three key drivers that are prompting the shift: a reappraisal of China, the economic fallout of Brexit, and the UK’s close t

The Ukraine Conflict: Pathways to Peace
Jan 27, 2023

The Ukraine Conflict: Pathways to Peace

Now in its twelfth month, the Ukraine crisis is caught in a protracted winter of war rather than one of frozen hostility or attempted peace. Most prognoses point towards continuing military action instead of dialogue in the near term. This is primarily because Russia and Ukraine have made their maximalist positions clear. But is the door to dialogue completely shut, or is there room for ‘strategic accommodation’ through creative peace diploma

The Ukraine conundrum
Feb 10, 2022

The Ukraine conundrum

The ongoing tussle is germane to the geopolitical mapping of future Europe

The Ukraine crisis and India: Balancing triumph and tribulation
Feb 10, 2022

The Ukraine crisis and India: Balancing triumph and tribulation

Would India be able to keep up its balancing act between the great powers as tensions soar high on the Ukraine front?

The Ukraine Crisis and Latin America’s response
Mar 10, 2022

The Ukraine Crisis and Latin America’s response

Latin American countries remain divided over their stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine as Russia finds consonance with leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua,

The Ukraine crisis: How it ends matters
Jun 27, 2023

The Ukraine crisis: How it ends matters

Ukraine and Russia have entered the defining stage of military confrontation, which should become decisive for the further proceeding of the war.

The Ukraine Crisis: Impact on Indian defence policy
Mar 11, 2023

The Ukraine Crisis: Impact on Indian defence policy

The Ukrainian conflict has compelled India to wean itself off Russian military capabilities

The Ukraine crisis: Its impact on India
Feb 22, 2022

The Ukraine crisis: Its impact on India

India has to tread a fine line in this imbroglio: Taking care of the welfare and evacuation of Indian students and the possibility of oil price hike

The Ukraine crisis: Women are fighting a different kind of war
Apr 22, 2022

The Ukraine crisis: Women are fighting a different kind of war

Increasing reports of sexual and physical violence against women are surfacing in the wake of the Ukrainian crisis.

The Ukraine war and its bearing on China
Apr 16, 2022

The Ukraine war and its bearing on China

In the wake of the Ukrainian war, Europe is trying to end its dependency on both Russia and China

The Ukraine War and the Paradox of Central and Eastern European Security
Apr 13, 2022

The Ukraine War and the Paradox of Central and Eastern European Security

The ongoing Ukraine war will deteriorate CEE’s security environment but at the same time, strengthen its security architecture

The Ukraine war has shaken up a delicate post-Cold War order
Feb 24, 2023

The Ukraine war has shaken up a delicate post-Cold War order

Sharpened global polarization has made it harder for India to pursue multi-alignment effectively

The Ukraine War: Recent Russian airstrikes and NATO’s response
Nov 29, 2022

The Ukraine War: Recent Russian airstrikes and NATO’s response

With Ukraine’s power grid facing devastating attacks from Russia, NATO will need to ramp up assistance and follow through on its commitments

The Ukraine War: Shaping The Information Battlespace
May 10, 2023

The Ukraine War: Shaping The Information Battlespace

The claims and counterclaims are less about the two protagonists in this war than it is about moulding the world’s opinion.

The Ukraine war’s impact on Western arms production
Dec 27, 2022

The Ukraine war’s impact on Western arms production

With the NATO facing shortages in weapons and rapidly declining stockpiles, the protracted conflict has exposed the limits to the West’s arms produc

The Ukrainian crisis: How real is the Russian threat?
Feb 09, 2022

The Ukrainian crisis: How real is the Russian threat?

Russia, in its quest to expand its sphere of influence, will continue to put the West and Ukraine to the test

The umpire takes all
Jul 30, 2018

The umpire takes all

While the opposition and his coalition partners will keep Imran Khan in check, Pakistan’s Army will call the shots

The un-stated major premise
Oct 20, 2005

The un-stated major premise

United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is to be complimented for her candour. Her press conference in Moscow with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov unavoidably focussed on Iran's nuclear plans and Mr. Lavrov said Iran had the right under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) to the nuclear fuel cycle. Dr. Rice said, "this is not a question of rights but whether or not the fuel cycle can be trusted in Iran."

The unbearable sadness of “being happy”: Biases in the World Happiness Report
Apr 08, 2023

The unbearable sadness of “being happy”: Biases in the World Happiness Report

Built-in biases are reflected in the findings of the World Happiness Report, which is heavily tilted in favour of the Global North

The unfinished business of decentralised urban governance in India
Feb 10, 2020

The unfinished business of decentralised urban governance in India

Until the early 1990s, India’s urban local bodies (ULBs) were under the complete control of the states, having little functional, financial and administrative autonomy. The 74th Amendment Act of 1992 sought to make ULBs self-governing institutions. Many salutary provisions were made in the Act and there have been certain positive outcomes since it came into effect in April 1993. However, many key issues have remained unresolved and at present,

The UNGA’s vote on Russian aggression against Ukraine
Mar 07, 2022

The UNGA’s vote on Russian aggression against Ukraine

The inability of the UNSC to take concrete measures against Russia raises questions on the relevance of the United Nations

The unintended consequences of conflict: Erosion of cultural heritage in the Kashmir Valley
Oct 09, 2019

The unintended consequences of conflict: Erosion of cultural heritage in the Kashmir Valley

The Centre must proceed with caution as ill–timed and hasty measures can damage the efforts of integration.

The unravelling of Pax Americana
Aug 25, 2021

The unravelling of Pax Americana

Afghanistan has eroded US power and credibility. A transactional America will now encounter transactional friends

The UNSG High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation outlines the challenge: Here’s what we need to work on for the solution
Jul 12, 2019

The UNSG High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation outlines the challenge: Here’s what we need to work on for the solution

In this age of contestation, the Panel's report falls short in contributing to coherence and stability.

The UPA seems determined to ignore vital defence reforms
Nov 26, 2013

The UPA seems determined to ignore vital defence reforms

In 2011, the government set up a task force to examine the processes and procedures related to national security in India and come up with recommendations to fix the problems and plug any gaps that emerged. The panel, chaired by former Cabinet Secretary Naresh Chandra, submitted its report to the Prime Minister. Now the bureaucratic grapevine suggests that the report may soon meet the fate of other similar endeavours: getting shelved.

The urgent challenge of Artificial Intelligence regulation
Nov 29, 2023

The urgent challenge of Artificial Intelligence regulation

States are not ready to commit to a global regulatory regime for AI. At best, they may be willing to enter into bilateral or minilateral regimes to re

The urgent need to be prepared for the syndemic challenge of COVID-19 and malaria
Apr 25, 2021

The urgent need to be prepared for the syndemic challenge of COVID-19 and malaria

On World Malaria Day, we analyse the risks malaria endemic countries face with the twin challenge of both COVID-19 and malaria

The urgent need to counter terrorism on the internet
May 28, 2019

The urgent need to counter terrorism on the internet

The nexus between technology and terror requires urgent attention if any tangibles are to be drawn from the territorial victories over the Islamic Sta

The Uri aftermath: A game of snakes and ladders
Oct 03, 2016

The Uri aftermath: A game of snakes and ladders

Post-India's surgical strikes in aftermath of Uri attack more questions than answers for Pakistan's ruling establishment?

The US and changing geopolitics of the Red Sea
Jul 16, 2022

The US and changing geopolitics of the Red Sea

A great power scramble for the Red Sea region is witnessed as recent geopolitical events have boosted the strategic relevance of the region.

The US and China theatre under Biden starts in Alaska
Mar 23, 2021

The US and China theatre under Biden starts in Alaska

Far from being a failure, the Alaska meeting seems to have begun the process of resetting US-China relations in a positive direction once again.

The US has no feasible strategy to protect its diplomats in Afghanistan
Aug 02, 2021

The US has no feasible strategy to protect its diplomats in Afghanistan

To be sure, America cannot abruptly sever all diplomatic and humanitarian engagement, owing to the grave socio-economic and security consequences it w