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The rising role of Buddhism in India’s soft power strategy
Aug 20, 2023

The rising role of Buddhism in India’s soft power strategy

The Modi-led government is placing a strong accent on the use of soft power in India’s foreign policy. One of the more novel manifestations of these initiatives has been engagement in Buddhist diplomacy. The Buddhist faith, due to its emphasis on peaceful co-existence and its wide pan-Asian presence, lends itself well to soft-power diplomacy. This brief will examine India’s attempts at leveraging its historical and present-day associations wi

The rising sun in India-Japan relations
May 01, 2021

The rising sun in India-Japan relations

New Delhi should be confident that Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is willing to accord primacy to bilateral ties

The risks of Russia’s nuclear posturing
May 22, 2024

The risks of Russia’s nuclear posturing

While the odds of any tactical nuclear strike by Russia remain low at present, Moscow’s nuclear signalling has set a dangerous precedent.

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre
Oct 17, 2021

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre

Countries in the Global South are keen on leveraging cyberspace for their economic development, and thus, have a considerable interest in the security

The road to China is through Kabul
Mar 04, 2017

The road to China is through Kabul

New possibilities on regional cooperation are emerging, which India should not hesitate to explore

The Road to Inclusive Democracy: Measuring the Political Participation of Women in India (1951-2019)
Jul 20, 2023

The Road to Inclusive Democracy: Measuring the Political Participation of Women in India (1951-2019)

This paper analyses historical trends in women’s participation in Indian democracy as voters, contestants, and legislators, using data on state assembly elections between the first one in 1951, and 2019. The paper finds that India is witnessing a strengthening of its democracy as measured in terms of an unprecedented growth in the political participation of women in these three roles. In these 73 years of Indian democracy, the turnout of women

The road to justice for many Syrians begins in Germany
Dec 08, 2020

The road to justice for many Syrians begins in Germany

Germany activated the principle of universal jurisdiction enshrined in the German Code of Crimes, which allows it to prosecute international crimes no

The road to peace in Kashmir: Public perception of the contentious AFSPA and PSA
Aug 16, 2018

The road to peace in Kashmir: Public perception of the contentious AFSPA and PSA

The troubled state of Jammu and Kashmir is governed by two controversial laws – the Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act (AFSPA) of 1990 and its predecessor, the Jammu & Kashmir Public Safety Act (PSA), 1978. In the past few years, state security forces have been enforcing these two laws against suspected militants and insurgents with increasing severity. This paper argues that the combined enforcement of these two laws has s

The Rohingya Crisis and its Impact on Bangladesh-Myanmar Relations
May 10, 2023

The Rohingya Crisis and its Impact on Bangladesh-Myanmar Relations

The mass exodus of the Rohingyas from Myanmar to Bangladesh in 2017 has caused ramifications in the two countries’ bilateral relations. The underlying currents between the two nations have become more apparent following two failed repatriation efforts since the exodus. The public display of dissatisfaction and blame-game have only fuelled the tensions. This brief examines how far the Rohingya issue has affected the connectivity, trade and secur

The Rohingya Crisis: Challenges in the repatriation process
Jun 24, 2023

The Rohingya Crisis: Challenges in the repatriation process

While Myanmar bears the responsibility for safeguarding the rights of the Rohingyas, collective efforts are essential to reach a just resolution to th

The Rohingya crisis: Indonesia’s immigration issue
Jan 18, 2023

The Rohingya crisis: Indonesia’s immigration issue

The strengthening of the Bali Process along with concrete actions will enable Indonesia to deal with the growing Rohingya issue

The Role of Agriculture in Modern China
Jun 19, 2024

The Role of Agriculture in Modern China

China is often viewed through the lenses of commerce, geopolitics, and political economy. At the fringes of these lies Chinese agriculture—and its domestic and global impact. This brief analyses the evolution of Chinese agriculture, from the revolutionary Maoist period to the present. It describes the Chinese government’s strategy to ensure food self-sufficiency for an increasingly voracious consumer base. In particular, it examines the produ

The Role of China-Made Frigates in the Pakistan Navy’s Power Projection Matrix
Jun 15, 2023

The Role of China-Made Frigates in the Pakistan Navy’s Power Projection Matrix

This brief evaluates the capabilities of the Chinese-origin frigates acquired by Pakistan, and explores the potential implications of their induction on the operational approach of the Pakistan Navy. The brief argues that the Pakistan Navy’s acquisition of Chinese-origin frigates must be viewed as part of its attempted transformation from a force adopting an offensive sea-denial strategy to one gearing towards enhanced regional

The Role of Commercial Ties in Advancing India-Taiwan Relations
Aug 30, 2023

The Role of Commercial Ties in Advancing India-Taiwan Relations

India and Taiwan have historically maintained ‘unofficial’ ties. There have been notable shifts in recent years, as seen in the creation of representative offices in both that serve de facto as embassies. Today the two are aiming to foster more robust economic ties. The COVID-19 pandemic, China’s assertive behaviour, and the growing significance of Taiwan in regional geopolitics, have prompted India to pay greater attention to the island na

The Role of Lithium-Based Energy Storage in India’s Climate Goals
May 12, 2023

The Role of Lithium-Based Energy Storage in India’s Climate Goals

Energy storage is key to both effective integration of renewable energy systems with the electricity grid, and accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). This brief discusses the technological trends in lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries, and assesses the energy storage needs of the Indian power and transportation sectors. It looks at the geographic distribution of lithium and cobalt in onshore and offshore locations across

The role of monetary policy in climate change mitigation
May 24, 2023

The role of monetary policy in climate change mitigation

Climate change is one of the most significant challenges defining the 21st century, and ways to deal with it occupy an important space in current policymaking discourse. Central banks in different parts of the world have recently started playing a part in articulating strategies to combat climate change. This brief explores the position of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in this regard. It outlines the physical and transition risks associated wit

The Role of Perceptions in India-Germany Relations
Jul 20, 2023

The Role of Perceptions in India-Germany Relations

India and Germany, on their own, are important countries in their respective regions. Together, they have developed and diversified their partnership since the end of the Cold War. Yet, popular perceptions have historically failed to match what the governments are doing. This paper argues for better perception-building between the two countries, given its proven role in nurturing international relations, especially for countries like Germany wher

The Role of SDGs in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery
Jan 07, 2021

The Role of SDGs in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has had widespread global economic impacts, and countries are gearing up for recovery. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be crucial. Given that the SDGs incorporate the four pillars of capital — human, social, natural and physical — these targets will be useful in the post-pandemic economic recovery process. This brief utilises econometric analysis to illustrate how the implementation of the SDGs is a stat

The Role of Women’s Nutrition Literacy in Food Security in South Asia
Aug 17, 2023

The Role of Women’s Nutrition Literacy in Food Security in South Asia

Gender inequality is a major cause and effect of hunger and poverty, with women and girls comprising 60 percent of the global hungry. Women face multiple challenges (such as limited access to education and employment opportunities) that curtail their economic autonomy and weaken their bargaining position within the family, consequently impacting household food security. The pandemic has worsened this situation. It is crucial to apply a ge

The Rose Revolution is over
Jun 26, 2024

The Rose Revolution is over

The Rose Revolution, in Georgia, which aimed to bring peace, order and justice, is over. Outcomes are still significant but also questionable.

The Russia-China congruence at the UNSC
Aug 01, 2023

The Russia-China congruence at the UNSC

Russia-China’s voting congruence at the UNSC on issues relating to Syria and North Korea sets a vexing precedent for cooperative multilateralism

The Russia-Ukraine conflict: A war of attrition
Aug 01, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine conflict: A war of attrition

For Ukraine to win this war, successful diplomatic and military approaches, a stable economic recovery, and the aid of partners are needed.

The Russia-Ukraine War, Economic Sanctions, and Global Headwinds
Jul 22, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine War, Economic Sanctions, and Global Headwinds

The negative impact of the Russia-Ukraine war and attendant economic sanctions have been seen in different parts of the world, raising a new set of ch

The Russia-Ukraine War: The Last Crisis to Break the UN Camel’s Back?
May 21, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine War: The Last Crisis to Break the UN Camel’s Back?

The United Nations (UN) has recently been plagued by several crises—the COVID-19 pandemic, the Taliban’s return in Afghanistan, and the Ukraine war—that have tested its ability to deliver on humanity’s projects of peace and security, sustainable development, human rights, and humanitarian response. Indeed, its actions and inactions in the Ukraine war have triggered an existential dilemma. India must use this moment of creative destruction

The Russia–Ukraine War: Ukraine’s resistance in the face of hybrid warfare
Jun 06, 2022

The Russia–Ukraine War: Ukraine’s resistance in the face of hybrid warfare

Both the Ukrainian and Russian control and command systems are under heavy cyberattacks as an intense digital war ensues within the folds of the Ukrai

The Saudi government is tying itself up in knots
Nov 25, 2018

The Saudi government is tying itself up in knots

Journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder has triggered a power struggle and the future of the ailing Saudi king and his overambitious son could be at stake.

The Saudi pivot to Asia and India’s role
Feb 28, 2019

The Saudi pivot to Asia and India’s role

MBS’ tour is an important one as it goes beyond the bilateral ties and at a time when anti-Saudi sentiment is at an all-time high in Washington, it has sent an important signal that Riyadh is intent on diversifying its partners.

The Saudi Shockwaves
Jun 28, 2003

The Saudi Shockwaves

For over seven decades the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia took justifiable pride in the stability of its political system, the tranquility of its social scene, and the in the overall loyalty of its citizenry. The compelling simplicity of the Saudi flag reflected the cohesion. Occasional murmurs of discontent, and an eruption or two in recent decades, did not belie this judgment.

The SCO and the conflict between India and Pakistan
Dec 08, 2020

The SCO and the conflict between India and Pakistan

Organisations don’t exist on their own; they consist of participants, and their success or failure is determined by the extent to which the goals of

The Scots say it all
Sep 25, 2014

The Scots say it all

The 55-45 percent Scotland referendum against independence has revived the on-again-off-again discourse of the kind among Sri Lankan Tamils (SLT), one more time. Rather, certain Tamil web campaigns have cited even a 'No' vote in Scotland to justify their demand for a referendum in the SLT community.

The SDG India Index — Can bold global ambition be translated into effective ground reality?
Jan 15, 2019

The SDG India Index — Can bold global ambition be translated into effective ground reality?

The Index is a good start, but future developments will need to be watched with a critical eye.

The sea leg of India’s nuclear triad post Pokhran II
May 11, 2023

The sea leg of India’s nuclear triad post Pokhran II

Pakistan and China’s nuclear capabilities along with the added challenges and risks of a complex and uncertain environment in the Indo-Pacific are v

The Sea Muggers are back in Malacca Straits
Mar 24, 2005

The Sea Muggers are back in Malacca Straits

The 2004 annual piracy report published by the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) had noted that the Tsunami tidal waves that hit Sumatra in Indonesia might have destroyed the piracy related infrastructure. Some of the pirates may have even perished in the disaster. Besides, there was also a large naval presence and may have acted as a deterrent against piracy activity in the Malacca Straits.

The second chance
Oct 04, 2014

The second chance

Rekindling a romance is never easy. However, if the expansive agenda unveiled by Modi and Obama is matched by bureaucratic purposefulness in Delhi and Washington, India and America have a second chance at building a strategic partnership of considerable consequence.

The second golden decade of BRICS: Back to the origins
Sep 02, 2017

The second golden decade of BRICS: Back to the origins

Even if BRICS faces problems of consensus in the future, New Delhi will be able to concentrate on its efforts of promoting the Indian agenda.

The second Russia-Africa Summit: A continent at a crossroads
Aug 08, 2023

The second Russia-Africa Summit: A continent at a crossroads

Africa’s representation in the Summit can be hailed as a statement from the continent: Blind loyalty to one state is no longer the norm

The Shangri La Dialogue: 4 key themes of US focus on Asia-Pacific
Jun 10, 2015

The Shangri La Dialogue: 4 key themes of US focus on Asia-Pacific

There is a shift in rhetoric from former Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel's statement that the US has been "clear and consistent" on not taking positions on "competing territorial claims" to Ashton Carter's clear insistence on American action in the event of assertive activities of one country.

The shift to proportional representation: Is it time for India?
Aug 20, 2023

The shift to proportional representation: Is it time for India?

Democracies constantly evolve to meet the demands of changing times and the requirements of their citizens. This continuous unfolding includes reforms in the electoral system, such as in India. Debate and discussion over the issue of First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) versus Proportional Representation (PR) electoral systems have been ongoing for decades. The issue regained momentum after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance

The shocking gender gap in India
Nov 04, 2014

The shocking gender gap in India

India ranks 114 out of 142 countries in the Global Gender Gap index this year. Except Pakistan, most of the South Asian countries rank higher than India. What the index shows is a reflection of reality that no matter how rapidly India grows, women's status in society needs faster improvement.

The Siachen Story: The Inadvertent Role of Two German Explorers in Starting the Race to the World’s Highest Battlefield
Apr 08, 2024

The Siachen Story: The Inadvertent Role of Two German Explorers in Starting the Race to the World’s Highest Battlefield

Amit Krishankant Paul, The Siachen Story: The Inadvertent Role of Two German Explorers in Starting the Race to the World’s Highest Battlefield, April 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

The significance of Baghdadi’s end
Oct 30, 2019

The significance of Baghdadi’s end

Militarily down, the IS remains ideologically alive. Counter-terrorism must adapt to its techniques

The significance of China and Africa in Russia’s foreign policy
Apr 26, 2023

The significance of China and Africa in Russia’s foreign policy

Russia’s foreign policy underlines the significant role that both China and African countries will play

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 1
Jun 13, 2020

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 1

The good news is, the current crisis in Ladakh bears some resemblance to these prior standoffs, all of which were peacefully resolved. The bad news is