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Modi government chooses rhetoric over substance in Kashmir
Feb 09, 2018

Modi government chooses rhetoric over substance in Kashmir

Ideology and political gain seem to play a role in the Modi government’s Pakistan policy. If it was ideology, India ought to have declared Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism instead of going around the world asking others to do so.

Modi government has two choices in dealing with J&K’s Pulwama attack
Feb 15, 2019

Modi government has two choices in dealing with J&K’s Pulwama attack

Given the state of India-Pakistan relations, India doesn’t have much diplomatic leverage with Islamabad at this juncture.

Modi isn’t the only ‘Chowkidar’, he can learn from Hooda report
Apr 25, 2019

Modi isn’t the only ‘Chowkidar’, he can learn from Hooda report

A key element of the 44-page document entitled ‘India’s National Security Strategy’ (INSS) is the view that India must be prepared for unilateral, limited military actions against terror groups in Pakistan.

Modi must get India out of COVID-19 crisis to make foreign policy work
May 21, 2020

Modi must get India out of COVID-19 crisis to make foreign policy work

There are many metrics to measure the Modi foreign policy of the past year.

Modi reimagines the Indian military
Sep 09, 2019

Modi reimagines the Indian military

By announcing the creation of a chief of defense staff, New Delhi hopes to modernise India’s armed forces.

Modi's diplomatic master stroke
May 28, 2014

Modi's diplomatic master stroke

India has signalled that it will embed its regional policy within the framework of SAARC. This should reduce the disquiet among our neighbours arising from the sheer size of India and its economy. This has a history since India's Pakistan policy of today is rooted in Vajpayee's visit to Islamabad to attend the 12th SAARC summit.

Modi's Pak Pivot
Jul 14, 2015

Modi's Pak Pivot

The Chinese and Russians have replaced the US and the West as the lead singers in the international orchestra for Indo-Pak amity. Instead of telling them to mind their own business, Modi appears to have recognised that he can use the weight of Beijing and Moscow to facilitate India's engagement with Pakistan.

Modi's third date with Obama
Sep 28, 2015

Modi's third date with Obama

New Delhi can't really expect that the Americans can or will solve India's problems with Pakistan. India can better leverage support from the US and other international partners only when it has a strong and sustainable engagement of its own with Pakistan.

Modi-Sharif meeting: A small move in larger reckoning
Jul 13, 2015

Modi-Sharif meeting: A small move in larger reckoning

To characterise the Modi-Sharif meeting and joint statement in Ufa as a "breakthrough" would be a gross exaggeration. It is another move - a positive move, but only one small move in the larger reckoning - in the elaborate chess game of India-Pakistan relations.

Most–read commentaries, 2018
Dec 30, 2018

Most–read commentaries, 2018

Our 20 most–read commentaries this year.

Moving forward on Kashmir
Oct 01, 2004

Moving forward on Kashmir

In agreeing to explore with Pakistan a final settlement of the Kashmir question as part of a normalisation of bilateral relations, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has pushed the India-Pakistan dialogue into what could be an exciting, if not decisive, phase.

Multi-front battle on sales reforms
Jan 28, 2011

Multi-front battle on sales reforms

As the Pakistani People's Party (PPP) Government struggles to get the Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST) passed into legislation, an international team of IMF experts are scheduled to meet with political parties this week to be the mediators for a much-needed consensus.

Musharraf & His Theatre
Apr 15, 2005

Musharraf & His Theatre

India and Pakistan are currently engaged in a war of attrition through the use of the soft power of the electronic media and skilful psychological warfare in the hope of thereby making each other's traditional position on the Kashmir issue increasingly untenable and thus making possible a forward movement in their bilateral negotiations on the subject.

Musharraf and his terrorism policy
Jul 05, 2004

Musharraf and his terrorism policy

When Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf speaks, he gets lots of attention in Washington DC and other capitals in the western world. For the past three years, he has been saying that he was determined to root out terrorism from the world. He was quickly dubbed as a staunch ally by the Bush administration.

Musharraf seeks out Ummah
Jul 24, 2003

Musharraf seeks out Ummah

President Pervez Musharraf¿s recent trans-national tour¿four western nations and three African nations¿has significant implications for him, and Pakistan.

Musharraf's loss, jihadis' gain
Oct 26, 2005

Musharraf's loss, jihadis' gain

The October 8 earthquake devastated large parts of Kashmir on both sides of the border, and left thousands dead and millions homeless. It also exposed the Pakistan Army's abysmal lack of experience in handling civilian disasters, a clear absence of higher leadership in coordinating and conducting rescue and relief operations in areas that have been traditionally trodden by the troops.

Myanmar operation strengthens Modi's no-nonsense reputation
Jun 15, 2015

Myanmar operation strengthens Modi's no-nonsense reputation

One needs to be cautious in pronouncing that the recent Myanmar Operation by the Indian army is a new, all-purpose security and counter-insurgency/counter-terrorism doctrine for every eventuality, circumstance and geography. In the case of Pakistan and the Kashmir theatre, for example, things will not be as simple.

NATO arrives in Kashmir
Oct 28, 2005

NATO arrives in Kashmir

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) announced over the weekend a major airlift of relief supplies for Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir.

Navy needs a capacity boost to become ‘net security provider’
May 23, 2024

Navy needs a capacity boost to become ‘net security provider’

India faces a medium-term challenge from the Chinese PLA Navy, which has been active in terms of sending vessels on regular patrols in the Indian Ocean.

Nawaz Sharif and India
Jul 17, 2013

Nawaz Sharif and India

Nawaz Sharif's return as the Prime Minister of Pakistan in early June this year marks a signpost from where a more meaningful relationship between India and Pakistan could be forged. The bilateral relationship had of late been mired in mistrust and often meaningless rhetoric. The previous civilian government in Pakistan was paralysed by its own ineptitude. An equally incoherent position in New Delhi has allowed the crucial relationship to drift.

Need for re-defining 'bail jurisprudence'
Nov 15, 2011

Need for re-defining 'bail jurisprudence'

The very day a trial court in India, New Delhi to be precise, denied bail to the accused in the 2-G scam case, another in distant London was awarding sentences to three Pakistani cricketers for match-fixing at the end of an equally much-publicised trial.

Needed: A trilateral of northern states
Jul 16, 2011

Needed: A trilateral of northern states

Suggesting that a trilateral grouping between Punjab, Kashmir and Rajasthan to improve ties with its neighbouring Pakistan provinces, the author says border provinces had shown time and again that they are the most solid bridge between India and Pakistan.

Jun 26, 2005


India¿s neighbourhood is on the boil. Pakistan is struggling to resolve its self-imposed dilemma of balancing politically aroused religious extremism and calls for domestic stability and international civility. Bangladesh seems all set to follow the Pakistani model if the series of bomb blasts all over the country last month were any indication.

Nepal's democratic hopes, and Indian and Chinese interests
Nov 07, 2013

Nepal's democratic hopes, and Indian and Chinese interests

While the Chinese have kept us embroiled with their visa tactics in Arunachal, intrusions in Ladakh as part of an unsettled boundary issue, and nuclear plants to Pakistan, they have long endeavoured to seek access and presence south of the Himalayas. They appear to be succeeding in Nepal.

New blitzkrieg or no war
Jun 05, 2017

New blitzkrieg or no war

The Indian Army is more than a match for its Pakistani counterpart, but tardy modernisation means it has little punching power. Plus, there dangles the threat of a nuclear response.

New Delhi’s options in the face of Beijing’s stance on Kashmir
Aug 23, 2019

New Delhi’s options in the face of Beijing’s stance on Kashmir

China’s bid to ‘internationalise’ the issue could push India to hurt its larger neighbour’s interests.

New Delhi’s salience in the Afghan matrix
Sep 17, 2020

New Delhi’s salience in the Afghan matrix

The possible return of the Taliban, backed by Pakistan, is a challenge. But don’t count India out

New friends
Dec 29, 2017

New friends

The Maldives became the second country in South Asia, after Pakistan, to enter into a free trade agreement with China. The Yameen government pushed the FTA through the nation's Parliament, the Majlis, stealthily, with the opposition not attending the parliamentary session.

New Pak PM's key challenges
Jul 06, 2012

New Pak PM's key challenges

Raja Pervez Ashraf became Pakistan's 25th Prime Minister eight months before the country goes to polls. His predecessor, Yousaf Raza Gilani, was disqualified by the Supreme Court on June 19, 2012 for failing to implement court's directions to investigate corruption charges against President Asif Ali Zardari.

New Prime Minister, New Challenges
Aug 21, 2004

New Prime Minister, New Challenges

Pakistan's Prime Minister-designate Shaukat Aziz has been elected to the National Assembly with a thumping majority. His victory is being projected as a peaceful transition of power¿from Jamali to Shujaat to Aziz-- and as a sign of democracy maturing in Pakistan.

Next steps in peace process
Feb 15, 2006

Next steps in peace process

The next steps towards peace with Pakistan need to be thought out carefully to prevent the dialogue process from getting derailed or losing steam - two possibilities which seem to be staring in the face of policy makers on either side of the border.

No country for good peace deals
Aug 31, 2019

No country for good peace deals

Taliban commanders may continue to fight the Afghan government in spite of any deal that may be signed with the US. So, is there really a point in mak

No place to call home: The plight of Afghans
Jun 09, 2022

No place to call home: The plight of Afghans

In addition to the Taliban’s failure in administrating Afghanistan, border skirmishes with Iran and Pakistan have further added to the plight of the

No second innings for Imran Khan
Jun 01, 2023

No second innings for Imran Khan

Can Imran Khan make his way back into the centre-stage of Pakistan’s politics?

No table for three
Aug 21, 2014

No table for three

As the NDA government recalibrates India's Kashmir and Pakistan policies, Delhi must do a much better job explaining the logic behind the cancellation of the foreign secretary talks, widely seen as abrupt.It must let the international community, especially Pakistan's friends, including the US, China and Saudi Arabia, know India is not abandoning the peace process with Islamabad.

No tolerance for terror — Biden on South Asia
Nov 10, 2020

No tolerance for terror — Biden on South Asia

Even as Biden backs the Afghan peace process, he favours a more gradual and ‘responsible’ withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

Northwest turbulence
Mar 04, 2015

Northwest turbulence

What Delhi needs is a strategy that will generate some influence for India in shaping the future of the critical northwest sub-region. Such a strategy will necessarily involve sustained dialogue with Pakistan, a recalibration of the Afghan policy, encouragement to the peace talks between Kabul and Rawalpindi and the readiness to engage all powers who have a stake in the region's stability.

Nuclear race comes to South Asia
Jun 17, 2014

Nuclear race comes to South Asia

There is a definite need for India to reconsider its doctrine or a strategy to counter and/or deter use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons weapons by Pakistan for non-strategic (say battlefield) purposes.

Obama must win even if America loses
Dec 31, 2009

Obama must win even if America loses

The inadequacy of Barack Obama's Afghanistan and Pakistan strategy stems from the exigencies of the calendar of the next presidential elections in America,

Obama's confused policies
Dec 17, 2009

Obama's confused policies

Pakistan's cooperation against extremist groups has been selective, targetting those threatening its own stability but avoiding action against the Afghan Taliban seen as strategic assets for controlling Afghanistan once the US withdrew

Offshore migration services: A slippery slope for the Global South
May 13, 2024

Offshore migration services: A slippery slope for the Global South

The UK’s Rwanda Act has big implications for not just the West but for the Global South

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?
Oct 14, 2019

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?

Influenced by Pakistan, OIC — a prominent organisation of Islamic countries — has consistently commented on the situation in Kashmir much to Indi

Oil trade helps fuel peace engagements
Jul 26, 2012

Oil trade helps fuel peace engagements

Though India and Pakistan have been working on improving bilateral trade, the recent meeting of Experts' Group on Trade in Petroleum and Petrochemical Products come in the wake of the ongoing energy crisis in Pakistan.

One strike isn’t enough to establish deterrence
Feb 26, 2019

One strike isn’t enough to establish deterrence

If the Balakot strike is not to join the dismal achievement of previous Indian attacks, it has to be part of a deterrence strategy.