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1576 results found

The problem with the ‘Africa is rising’ narrative
Oct 12, 2020

The problem with the ‘Africa is rising’ narrative

Africa remains the least-industrialised continent, so the idea that it can somehow parachute itself and compete in the post-industrial global marketpl

The race to become Africa’s preferred gateway is heating up
Jun 28, 2018

The race to become Africa’s preferred gateway is heating up

Gateway status depends on the type of business a company is looking to engage in and over what term horizon. It is important for each country to under

The reluctant pilgrim: President Biden visits Saudi Arabia
Jul 12, 2022

The reluctant pilgrim: President Biden visits Saudi Arabia

As high oil prices hit consumers, President Biden is compelled to change his stance toward Saudi Arabia and rekindle relations.

The road to 2024 is uphill for Trump
Aug 01, 2023

The road to 2024 is uphill for Trump

Republicans could well end up with a nominee who might have been convicted more than once

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre
Oct 17, 2021

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre

Countries in the Global South are keen on leveraging cyberspace for their economic development, and thus, have a considerable interest in the security

The Road to Inclusive Democracy: Measuring the Political Participation of Women in India (1951-2019)
Jul 20, 2023

The Road to Inclusive Democracy: Measuring the Political Participation of Women in India (1951-2019)

This paper analyses historical trends in women’s participation in Indian democracy as voters, contestants, and legislators, using data on state assembly elections between the first one in 1951, and 2019. The paper finds that India is witnessing a strengthening of its democracy as measured in terms of an unprecedented growth in the political participation of women in these three roles. In these 73 years of Indian democracy, the turnout of women

The Role of Agriculture in Modern China
Jun 19, 2024

The Role of Agriculture in Modern China

China is often viewed through the lenses of commerce, geopolitics, and political economy. At the fringes of these lies Chinese agriculture—and its domestic and global impact. This brief analyses the evolution of Chinese agriculture, from the revolutionary Maoist period to the present. It describes the Chinese government’s strategy to ensure food self-sufficiency for an increasingly voracious consumer base. In particular, it examines the produ

The Role of SDGs in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery
Jan 07, 2021

The Role of SDGs in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has had widespread global economic impacts, and countries are gearing up for recovery. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be crucial. Given that the SDGs incorporate the four pillars of capital — human, social, natural and physical — these targets will be useful in the post-pandemic economic recovery process. This brief utilises econometric analysis to illustrate how the implementation of the SDGs is a stat

The Role of the State in Facilitating an India-First Technological Imperative
Jul 21, 2023

The Role of the State in Facilitating an India-First Technological Imperative

The role of the state is paramount in incentivising and facilitating a continental-scale indigenous technology and intellectual property development ecosystem in India. The world's two largest economies, US and China, have amply demonstrated the payoffs of this approach through tangible socio-economic development. This paper documents successful strategies from both economies that India can emulate in its own context. It argues that multi

The Search for a Model Land Legislation: The New Land Bill and its Challenges
Jul 23, 2023

The Search for a Model Land Legislation: The New Land Bill and its Challenges

While the draft Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill 2011 makes a genuine push for a better land acquisition regime in the country, the proposed legislation fails on many fronts to address some of the vexed issues related to land acquisition. This Paper looks at the key challenges to this legislation.

The Search for Sustainable Solutions to Debt Accumulation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Jul 21, 2023

The Search for Sustainable Solutions to Debt Accumulation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Like in some other regions of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated external debt accumulation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This could have massive, adverse impacts on growth as governments prioritise debt servicing commitments over key development expenditures such as healthcare and education. For the countries in SSA with relatively lower GDP, this could mean getting caught in a vicious cycle of low output and mounting debt. A pa

The shift to proportional representation: Is it time for India?
Aug 20, 2023

The shift to proportional representation: Is it time for India?

Democracies constantly evolve to meet the demands of changing times and the requirements of their citizens. This continuous unfolding includes reforms in the electoral system, such as in India. Debate and discussion over the issue of First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) versus Proportional Representation (PR) electoral systems have been ongoing for decades. The issue regained momentum after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance

The skilling gap
Jul 20, 2015

The skilling gap

The private sector can best fill the skilling gap. The information technology industry did this to grow and continues to do. Old economy companies in steel, cement, chemicals, engineering and construction are less willing to fund this public good. They complain that trained employees leave for better opportunities and skilling becomes a never-ending drain on company resources.

The Skilling Imperative in India: The Bridge Between Women and Work
Aug 14, 2023

The Skilling Imperative in India: The Bridge Between Women and Work

Equipping women with employable skills is a far greater challenge than skilling men, as most women in India work low-skill and low-paying jobs in the informal economy. It is a gap that needs to be addressed urgently, as skilling can expand work opportunities for women and increase their participation in the workforce. This brief analyses the participation of women in skills training programmes, underlining the biases that lead to women being trai

The Technological Revolution and Its Impact on Gender Relations with a Special Focus on India and Africa
Sep 14, 2023

The Technological Revolution and Its Impact on Gender Relations with a Special Focus on India and Africa

The technology revolution of the 20th century minimised the importance of geographical, economic, social and political barriers and reduced transaction and information costs thus boosting productivity and growth, making governance more transparent and empowering the citizen. It propelled not only democracy, but also the market economy. Its impact on social relations, especially on gender relations, was significant, with the commodification of lab

The trade-off with US
Sep 27, 2016

The trade-off with US

The need for India-US trade to grow in bid to combat the recessionary tendency of the economy for a mutually engaging relationship

The Trump card: Answer to India’s economic slowdown?
May 29, 2020

The Trump card: Answer to India’s economic slowdown?

Can India jumpstart its economy by expanding bilateral trade relations with the US to reverse negative economic trends?

The US sanctions Russia: The “thousand cuts” tactic inflicts collateral damage
Mar 16, 2022

The US sanctions Russia: The “thousand cuts” tactic inflicts collateral damage

The sanctions imposed on Russia is weighing down the global economy as supply chains are affected.

The US-Iran nuclear deal talks: No breakthrough in sight
Jul 14, 2022

The US-Iran nuclear deal talks: No breakthrough in sight

There is a need to ratchet up negotiations between the US and Iran to find common ground and successfully conclude the nuclear deal talks.

The war against fossil fuel subsidies: Is victory in sight?
Jul 27, 2023

The war against fossil fuel subsidies: Is victory in sight?

The primary reason behind the difficulty in phasing out subsidies arises from the fact that energy subsidies are deeply rooted in the political econom

The war in Ukraine and its economic fallout
Mar 24, 2022

The war in Ukraine and its economic fallout

New Delhi’s decision to import oil from Moscow has disappointed the US and UK, but urging us not to do so as that would help the Russian economy is blatant hypocrisy.

The Xi Plan: The Political Factors Driving China’s COVID-19 Strategy
Dec 19, 2022

The Xi Plan: The Political Factors Driving China’s COVID-19 Strategy

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is seeking to promote a political model with centralisation and one-party rule at the core to achieve economic growth and stability. This brief assesses the extent to which the CCP’s policymaking mechanisms and internal politics have influenced China’s strategy to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ‘Minus Everyone’ Formula
May 28, 2023

The ‘Minus Everyone’ Formula

As long as Imran is there—whether in jail, exile, or even forced retirement—he will pose a threat to the Pakistan Army

Three trends in geopolitics and geoeconomics in 2021
Jan 04, 2021

Three trends in geopolitics and geoeconomics in 2021

The story of 2021 in the global economy will continue to be dominated by the pandemic — but examining these trends will help us understand the struc

Tightening the reins: Regulating stablecoins
Aug 24, 2023

Tightening the reins: Regulating stablecoins

By regulating stablecoins, authorities can strike a balance between innovation and safeguarding the interests of users and the global economy.

Time to Boost India-Bangladesh Trade and Economic Relations
Jul 28, 2023

Time to Boost India-Bangladesh Trade and Economic Relations

Among India's neighbours, Bangladesh occupies a special position not only because of India's role in its liberation but because geographically, too, it surrounds Bangladesh from three sides. The beginning of close economic relations between the two countries can be traced back to 1971. After its independence, Bangladesh's requirements of consumer goods, especially food, came from India. Over the years, the country has sought easier access to Indi

Time to face up to cyber threats
Jan 02, 2017

Time to face up to cyber threats

Cyber insecurity is now a global risk no different from the warming climate or forced displacement. Is such insecurity a business risk or a "public bad"?

Timing is everything: COVID-19 caseload pattern and mitigation strategies in 4 US hot spots
Apr 14, 2020

Timing is everything: COVID-19 caseload pattern and mitigation strategies in 4 US hot spots

Even as states on the US East Coast and West Coast are banding together to figure out a reopening plan, new cases continue to overwhelm the US hospita

Too many reds have left the skies in the red
Dec 22, 2014

Too many reds have left the skies in the red

The turbulent history of the civil aviation sector and the threat of a bumpy future given its current situation are not good for the economy or the image of India as a rising economic power through private entrepreneurship.

Tough India more likely under Modi
Apr 05, 2014

Tough India more likely under Modi

Narendra Modi's view of foreign affairs is likely to be shaped by the outlook of his contacts in the world of commerce. This is not a bad thing, because, the key to any "tough" or decisive policy rests on the state of the Indian economy. But toughness as policy is fraught with all manner of danger, like Nehru's "tough" policy with China in 1962.

Towards a larger Indian shipping industry
Mar 24, 2020

Towards a larger Indian shipping industry

Myopic policies have robbed Indian shipping companies of a level playing field to transport the country’s EXIM cargoes and caused losses to the econ

Towards a sustainable smart city: The case of Aizawl
Aug 17, 2018

Towards a sustainable smart city: The case of Aizawl

India’s hill cities are unique poles of development. While they have managed to record some degree of economic growth, increasing urban population and unfavourable topography have also made such growth haphazard and unsustainable. In turn, this has threatened the quality of the built environment and of urban life in these cities. This report studies the case of the hill city of Aizawl, the administrative capital of Mizoram, which is part of the

Towards public financing of elections and political parties in India: Lessons from global experiences
Nov 24, 2017

Towards public financing of elections and political parties in India: Lessons from global experiences

Democracy costs a lot of money. To fight elections and run their routine activities, political parties in India seek donations from all possible sources including ‘illegal’ and ‘interested’ money. This has serious ramifications in preserving the integrity of Indian democracy. An increasing number of countries, meanwhile, have taken the path of public subsidies and direct funding of parties and political activities — aiming to reduce dep

Tracking India’s Progress in Clean Water and Sanitation: A Sub-National Analysis
Jun 01, 2020

Tracking India’s Progress in Clean Water and Sanitation: A Sub-National Analysis

This paper creates an index to track the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation) across India’s states. The SDG 6 index incorporates both supply-side indicators and demand management variables, as well as institutional interventions. In this paper, state-wise indices are constructed to identify their respective performances in the domains of access to clean water and provision of sanitation facilitie

Transformative elections bring post-identity politics
Apr 23, 2014

Transformative elections bring post-identity politics

The 2014 general elections are all about the economy, jobs, good governance and rising aspirations. Survey after survey conclusively agree that for most voters what matters is stable employment, steady income, corruption free governance and a decisive leadership.

Trump makes a move on immigration
Jun 24, 2020

Trump makes a move on immigration

India, in all likelihood, will downplay this move, especially as it comes at a critical moment of its ongoing tensions with China.

Two divides redefine South Korea’s politics
Jun 21, 2022

Two divides redefine South Korea’s politics

Creating opportunities for women in different spheres to tackle gender inequality has invoked fear amongst young Korean men about losing opportunities

UAE: समुदाय की सेहत और अर्थव्यवस्था के बीच संतुलन की ईमानदार व सफल कोशिश
Aug 31, 2021

UAE: समुदाय की सेहत और अर्थव्यवस्था के बीच संतुलन की ईमानदार व सफल कोशिश

बीते दो साल से यूएई सरकार की महामारी के खिलाफ़ बेहतरीन प्�

Ukraine and slowing Indian growth: Back to basics
Mar 03, 2022

Ukraine and slowing Indian growth: Back to basics

The Ukraine crisis coupled with the disruption caused by the pandemic could have adverse effects on the Indian economy