Search: For - CHINA

4505 results found

Is China modifying the weather? India has concerns
Mar 15, 2024

Is China modifying the weather? India has concerns

As weather has historically been used as a weapon in warfare, India must assess the geopolitical and strategic implications of China’s growing weath

Is China nervous?
Jul 29, 2013

Is China nervous?

It is the unease arising from China's domestic, political and economic considerations at a time of the ascendancy of a new political leadership in Beijing that could contribute to Chinese adventurism and recourse to hyper-nationalism.

Is China practising new form of imperialism in Africa?
Feb 10, 2015

Is China practising new form of imperialism in Africa?

Many see China to be practicing a new form of imperialism in Africa as it imports primary goods from Africa and exports manufacturing goods to Africa, without transferring skills to the continent. And China-Africa ties are not free from challenges. There is also immense potential.

Is China really building missiles with artificial intelligence?
Sep 22, 2016

Is China really building missiles with artificial intelligence?

In August, a Chinese daily reported that China’s aerospace industry was developing tactical missiles with inbuilt intelligence.

Is China resuming nuclear testing?
Jan 10, 2024

Is China resuming nuclear testing?

With China potentially overturning the moratorium on nuclear testing, India must augment its military strength in the nuclear and missile domains to t

Is China the world’s loan shark?
Jul 18, 2019

Is China the world’s loan shark?

Developing countries owe Beijing a lot more money than is commonly realized. This is how empires start.

Is China's assertiveness landing it in a strategic trap?
May 10, 2012

Is China's assertiveness landing it in a strategic trap?

China's aggressive postures in the disputed South China Sea regions have not only increased the unease and apprehensions of the affected countries but have also drawn it to the US strategic trap, placing China in a no-win situation.

Is China's dealings with the world set to change?
Dec 02, 2014

Is China's dealings with the world set to change?

At a major conference on foreign affairs in Beijing recently, President Xi Jinping called on his colleagues to create a "more enabling environment" for China's development, seeking to distance China from its brash and assertive posture.

Is China’s loss, India’s gain? An examination of the US tariff war
Nov 20, 2018

Is China’s loss, India’s gain? An examination of the US tariff war

The unilateral tariff imposition by the United States on various countries has started a trade war that threatens to adversely affect the world’s major economies. This paper finds that no country, including the US itself, is likely to benefit from a tariff war. In India, some analysts had expected that the country’s export penetration in the US and elsewhere will increase, as China loses out. An analysis of trade data, however, shows that whi

Is Hong Kong China’s Crypto Sandbox?
Apr 21, 2023

Is Hong Kong China’s Crypto Sandbox?

China's digital assets experiment in Hong Kong is an area of interest for the world as it can aid in crafting better policy

Is India ready to play the ‘Tibet Card’ in its battle with China?
Jul 17, 2020

Is India ready to play the ‘Tibet Card’ in its battle with China?

Talk of a “Tibet card” in India’s hands is not new, but is New Delhi likely to play it?

Is India the New China in Africa?
Jun 18, 2021

Is India the New China in Africa?

Promising a more inclusive and transparent development model, New Delhi is looking to become the region’s biggest partner.

Is India-China agreement to stop sending more troops a good sign?
Sep 24, 2020

Is India-China agreement to stop sending more troops a good sign?

India & China want things to stabilise, but we aren’t close to achieving status quo ante of April in eastern Ladakh.

Is Italy reshaping China-EU relations?
Apr 01, 2019

Is Italy reshaping China-EU relations?

A stronger partnership with China could attract the additional capital inflows that Italy sorely needs, given constrained lending by its banks.

Is the India-China conflict intractable?
Nov 15, 2021

Is the India-China conflict intractable?

China’s refusal to resolve the border dispute, and force Delhi to accept Beijing’s primacy, cannot be acceptable to India

Is the latest draft of the “South China Sea Code of Conduct” really a milestone?
Sep 20, 2018

Is the latest draft of the “South China Sea Code of Conduct” really a milestone?

China is consolidating its position in the South China Sea by building artificial islands, so when the time to conclude the actual Code of Conduct com

Is the South China Sea issue flaring up again?
Feb 27, 2019

Is the South China Sea issue flaring up again?

The United States has stepped up its Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs) in the South China Sea as a response to China’s efforts to further en

Is the South China Sea issue flaring up again?
Feb 27, 2019

Is the South China Sea issue flaring up again?

The United States has stepped up its Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs) in the South China Sea as a response to China’s efforts to further en

Is the US retreating from Asia, giving way to China?
Dec 07, 2017

Is the US retreating from Asia, giving way to China?

Trump’s “toned down” stance on the South China Sea issue, his emphasis on “America first” policy and his soft attitude towards China have made many Japanese leaders suspect that the US is retreating from Asia.

Is there a future for the China-Japan-Korea Trilateral?
Jan 04, 2024

Is there a future for the China-Japan-Korea Trilateral?

China’s messaging at the recent Foreign Ministers' meeting suggests that the CJK trilateral does not have an optimistic future

Is Trump making a departure from the one-China policy?
Dec 12, 2016

Is Trump making a departure from the one-China policy?

Trump's phone-call to Taiwanese President has led the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson issue a statement calling on the US to adhere to its one-China policy commitment

Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China
Jul 27, 2013

Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China

Settling territorial disputes and balancing multilateral relationships are the twin challenges before India and China, opined speakers at the ORF seminar on 'Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China' held in Kolkata on July 27, 2013.

Japan and China seeking a limited truce?
Oct 09, 2014

Japan and China seeking a limited truce?

The forthcoming APEC annual summit, to be held in Beijing in November, provides an opportunity for both Shinzo Abe and Xi Jingping to meet for the first time and perhaps move in the direction of working out at least a limited "detente" in their relations.

Japan's new Asian diplomacy: Is it China-driven?
Jan 28, 2013

Japan's new Asian diplomacy: Is it China-driven?

Japan's new Prime Minister understands very well that peace and strategic stability in East Asia would depend on how effectively Japan and the US maintain their security alliance. And the Obama administration is supportive of Abe's moves and would be interested in initiating regular triangular security talks with Tokyo and Seoul.

Japanese expert says India's cooperation with Russia, China is revisionist orientation
Aug 20, 2015

Japanese expert says India's cooperation with Russia, China is revisionist orientation

From the beginning of the 21st century, India's foreign policy got a strategic orientation. Until then, it lacked coherence due to the absence of an overall plan or document stating the foreign policy objectives, says Professor Takenori Horimoto of The Open University of Japan.

Japan’s China conundrum amidst the Ukraine crisis
Jun 22, 2022

Japan’s China conundrum amidst the Ukraine crisis

As regional threats ratchet up, Japan is posturing itself to counter the set of challenges posed by China.

Joe Biden is behind the curve on China’s expansionism
Dec 17, 2020

Joe Biden is behind the curve on China’s expansionism

As the Biden administration would take time to settle down, the first half of 2021 will be crucial for Beijing to lay down new terms of engagement. It is shaping the battleground before Biden can come up with his own strategic response.

Keep shifts in the West’s China consensus under watch
Jul 31, 2023

Keep shifts in the West’s China consensus under watch

New Delhi has  geopolitical opportunities in China rethinks underway in Germany and other countries

Keeping a close eye on China’s nuclear capabilities
Nov 22, 2021

Keeping a close eye on China’s nuclear capabilities

A Pentagon report highlights a transformation in both the quantity and the quality of its arsenal, which India must note

Keeping an eye on China’s expanding nuclear stack
Aug 19, 2021

Keeping an eye on China’s expanding nuclear stack

Even if there is contention about the scope and prospective size of Beijing’s capabilities, India needs to be watchful

Kerry’s visit to China, climate change, and India’s energy choices
Aug 26, 2023

Kerry’s visit to China, climate change, and India’s energy choices

In the face of worsening climate challenges and limited green finance, the high cost of renewable energy and large land footprint make nuclear power a

Legislating patriotism in China
Aug 16, 2023

Legislating patriotism in China

China introduces a Patriotic Education Bill in an effort to shore widespread support for its policies in uncertain times, from both inside and outside

Lehman crashed. But India, China and later, USA rose from 2008's debris
Sep 15, 2018

Lehman crashed. But India, China and later, USA rose from 2008's debris

The global economic crisis of 2008, triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, gave Asia a chance to rise, and let nationalist leaders, including Donald Trump, emerge

Lessons for India from the Ukraine crisis: Is India prepared to take on China?
Mar 09, 2022

Lessons for India from the Ukraine crisis: Is India prepared to take on China?

The Russia-Ukraine crisis displays the hollowness of the rules-based order and exposes the immediate threat that China poses to India

Let's accept it, China has risen
Jun 12, 2014

Let's accept it, China has risen

The visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to India this week, so early in the Modi innings, is a good sign as both leaderships seem anxious to be able to better deal with the many challenges ahead. Clearly, China is challenging other major powers for a role in India at a time when its economy needs to grow at 10 per cent to recover from three years of economic slowdown.