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The foggy trend in Europe
May 19, 2012

The foggy trend in Europe

The return of a Socialist in France since Mitterand's victory in 1981 confirms a trend in Europe which, instead of lifting the mist, is adding to the fog. The other day in the UK, Labour had trounced the Conservatives in local bodies election across the country.

The foreign policy dimension of the US presidential election
Sep 29, 2020

The foreign policy dimension of the US presidential election

Whoever wins the November election, the structural constraints that affect US foreign policy behaviour will remain. China will remain a key rival, rel

The foreign policy legacy of Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Aug 20, 2018

The foreign policy legacy of Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Atal Bihari Vajpayee emerges as a figure in the classical tradition of the 19th century European strategists like Metternich and Castlereagh—a realist committed to restraint and balance

The fractured diplomacy of countering terrorism
Feb 01, 2022

The fractured diplomacy of countering terrorism

What are the gains that diplomacy on counter-terrorism, resolutions of the UN Security Council and other such multilateral instruments bring to the table?

The future is in urban India: Talbott
Sep 20, 2006

The future is in urban India: Talbott

India is witnessing a phenomenal increase in urbanisation and it is essential that this process is studied and analysed thoroughly to provide for a better quality of life, said Mr. Strobe Talbott, President of the Brookings Institution, while formally releasing ORF Mumbai Vision 2015: Agenda for Urban Renewal, published by Observer Research Foundation in ORF Mumbai on September 20.

The future of biometrics: Opportunities and challenges
Oct 25, 2019

The future of biometrics: Opportunities and challenges

While the use of biometrics has its advantages, countries are only beginning to wrestle with the underlying challenges it poses.

The Future of Care Work Post-COVID-19
Sep 08, 2021

The Future of Care Work Post-COVID-19

Care work, both paid and unpaid, is at the heart of most economies. The care sector comprises formal healthcare, childcare services, early childhood education, disability and long-term care, and eldercare. Two-thirds of care workers globally are women, and women and girls perform more than three-quarters of all unpaid care work. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the vulnerability of care workers and deepened the gender gap. This paper a

The Future of Climate Action: In Search of a United Global South
Sep 20, 2021

The Future of Climate Action: In Search of a United Global South

Economic growth has historically been dependent on fossil fuels. Climate change mitigation, therefore, is often an obstacle for developing countries. Although efficiency in the use of energy sources has increased dramatically over the last decades, GHG emissions remain at steep levels. This brief argues that developed countries should increase pressures on the Global North for more robust emission cuts and greater provision of aid related to clim

The Future of Cyber Warfare in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 13, 2023

The Future of Cyber Warfare in the Indo-Pacific

The rapid growth in military cyber capabilities of the countries in the Indo-Pacific combined with the use of assets from the cyberwarfare toolbox—in domestic and interstate contexts—is adding uncertainty to already competitive political, military, and economic relations. This issue brief assesses the cyberwarfare context in the Indo-Pacific, and reviews the military cyber capabilities of the region’s countries and their commitment to inter

The Future of Cyberwarfare in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 13, 2023

The Future of Cyberwarfare in the Indo-Pacific

The rapid growth in military cyber capabilities of the countries in the Indo-Pacific combined with the use of assets from the cyberwarfare toolbox—in domestic and interstate contexts—is adding uncertainty to already competitive political, military, and economic relations. This issue brief assesses the cyberwarfare context in the Indo-Pacific, and reviews the military cyber capabilities of the region’s countries and their commitment to inter

The Future of India’s Development Cooperation in Afghanistan
Nov 08, 2021

The Future of India’s Development Cooperation in Afghanistan

In August 2021, Kabul fell to the Taliban, marking their return nearly 20 years since they first ruled Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. This report examines the prospects of restarting India’s engagements in Afghanistan under the current Taliban regime. It builds on the insights shared during an exclusive, virtual roundtable organised by ORF’s Centre for New Economic Diplomacy (CNED) in September 2021, and makes a case for India to consider the

The future of social protection: Is falling through the cracks the new normal?
Jan 30, 2020

The future of social protection: Is falling through the cracks the new normal?

While social protection coverage has increased in many parts of the world, it is evident that many countries, both developed and developing, struggle

The future of the Indian workforce: A new approach for the new economy
Mar 21, 2018

The future of the Indian workforce: A new approach for the new economy

India is at a crossroads. It has the largest young workforce anywhere in the world, and is the fastest growing economy today. At the same time, the economy is not creating enough jobs, and therefore not fully harnessing its “demographic dividend” in preparation for the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. To create more and better jobs, certain fundamental realities need to be recognised – the untapped opportunities in the services sector, t

The future of the Quad in the Indo-Pacific
Feb 22, 2024

The future of the Quad in the Indo-Pacific

Despite detractions, the Quad must continue to do what it is doing—to focus on delivery of its promises and to build on areas of success

The future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Oct 17, 2014

The future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

SCO members need to take a two-track approach to make it a successful regional grouping. At the macro level, it must forge a common vision and mutual trust with similar groupings such as the Collective Security Treaty Organization. At a micro level, bilateral and regional issues between member states need to be addressed.

The future of war: Less fantastic, more practical
Feb 01, 2020

The future of war: Less fantastic, more practical

Despite the hype, some of the biggest impacts from the use of AI and applied machine learning in the defence context are mundane.

The future of work: Earning to live vs. living to earn
Jul 26, 2019

The future of work: Earning to live vs. living to earn

Government regulations will continue to play a crucial role in building an enabling environment for the intersection of free-market jobs and technolog

The future of work: For man or machine?
Jan 28, 2021

The future of work: For man or machine?

Education and skills development are key factors in the ‘man or machine’ debate.

The G20 and the role of Public Development Banks in fostering sustainable agri-food systems
Oct 31, 2022

The G20 and the role of Public Development Banks in fostering sustainable agri-food systems

The G20 will need to deliver on its collaborative commitment to accelerate the investment momentum in our agri-food systems in order to build sustaina

The G20 compact with Africa: Overview, assessment, and recommendations for India
Jun 29, 2017

The G20 compact with Africa: Overview, assessment, and recommendations for India

The ‘Compact with Africa’ (CWA) is the main pillar of a renewed G20 partnership with the continent. Its objective is to attract more private investment to Africa, especially for infrastructure. African countries face the challenge of diversifying their economies and promoting industries and services that can absorb a rapidly growing labour force. Lack of investment and Africa’s massive infrastructure gap are major obstacles to this economic

The G20 Digital Agenda: Cross-Presidency Priorities
Nov 24, 2023

The G20 Digital Agenda: Cross-Presidency Priorities

The G20 Digital Agenda: Cross-Presidency Priorities white paper, co-authored by the World Economic Forum and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), underscores the importance of a cohesive digital strategy within the G20.

The G20 Digital Economy Agenda for India
Sep 13, 2022

The G20 Digital Economy Agenda for India

The role of digitalisation in the global economy has become increasingly crucial as the dependency on digital technologies has surged amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Establishing a digital economy involves utilising digitisation as the key factor of production in a broad range of economic activities. The G20 has recognised the importance of maximising benefits and minimising challenges from the development of the digital economy. Over the years, it h

The G20 showed India’s foreign policy is exploring new territory
Sep 17, 2023

The G20 showed India’s foreign policy is exploring new territory

New Delhi has shed its past baggage with the West but Russia’s embrace of China poses a challenge.

The G20 Trumped
Jul 10, 2017

The G20 Trumped

President Trump’s implicit assessment of the value of the G20 Hamburg summit was best illustrated by letting his daughter replace him.

The Galwan Valley India-China skirmish is a gamechanger for New Delhi
Jun 18, 2020

The Galwan Valley India-China skirmish is a gamechanger for New Delhi

This time around, it is probably fair to say that no “Wuhan spirit” can salvage bilateral relations.

The Game of chess
Nov 11, 2003

The Game of chess

Moves and counter-moves in Indo-Pak relations, like in a game of chess, continue to leave the actors in a mood to fight further. However, unlike in a game of chess, no endgame seems to be in the offing. This vicious circle of moves, counter moves, stalemate, warmongering, dialogues and so on is a direct impact of a precarious lack of an ultimate solution to the basic issue in Indo-Pak relations.

The gathering storm
Jul 20, 2013

The gathering storm

It is a troubled world that we live in today. However, so far India has been a sea of tranquility and it is too early to say if there is a link between the storm brewing on both flanks, but the security agencies, indeed the entire country, have a task on their hands.

The gathering storm
Jul 20, 2013

The gathering storm

Nuclear weapons, the ultimate symbol of power, are no assurance or guarantees against blowback from religious radicalism. Only when the State decides to put a stop to this and takes a lead against the beliefs and practices of radicalism, will society learn to follow and resist.

The gender dimensions of global value chains
Jul 16, 2022

The gender dimensions of global value chains

Research suggests that higher women’s participation in global value chains will prove to be economically beneficial for the world.

The gender imbalance at COP27
Dec 08, 2022

The gender imbalance at COP27

COP27 should strive to be a platform that keeps women at the heart of intergovernmental climate negotiations

The General is helpless
Aug 03, 2005

The General is helpless

Two immediate observations can be made from Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's address to the nation on July 22, 2005. One, he is not willing to take strong and decisive action against extremist and terrorist groups in Pakistan. Two, he cannot take such an action.

The Geoeconomics of Climate Finance
Nov 22, 2021

The Geoeconomics of Climate Finance

The global climate finance architecture tends to restrain emerging economies from mobilising and accessing global private commercial capital for energy transition. This brief explores the different global financial regulations that influence climate capital flows between countries, and argues that institutions must enhance their role in facilitating the optimal allocation of capital. It evaluates the role of Multilateral Development Banks from a

The Geopolitical Imperative for Reorganising Global Supply Chains
Aug 14, 2023

The Geopolitical Imperative for Reorganising Global Supply Chains

Global supply chains are being restructured to achieve distinct geopolitical goals, given the strategic vulnerability of such networks due to being controlled by a few nations. Countries that are prominent sourcing hubs for some supply chains could potentially ‘weaponise’ their economic influence for larger geopolitical gains. This brief argues that although multiple global efforts have been initiated to address such threats, efforts

The geopolitics of China's new energy route
Jun 20, 2013

The geopolitics of China's new energy route

China's new gas pipelines from Myanmar will provide an alternative route for Beijing to import energy supplies. This is important for China given US maritime supremacy in the region. But the strategic advantage that Beijing gains out of the pipelines in the long-term depends on developments inside Myanmar and China's relations with it.

The Global Carbon Incentive Fund as a Response to the Climate Crisis
Aug 23, 2021

The Global Carbon Incentive Fund as a Response to the Climate Crisis

The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, often hailed as a diplomatic triumph, aims to limit temperature increases to below 2 degrees Celsius (C), preferably to 1.5 degrees C, compared to pre-industrial levels. However, with the United Nations (UN) having failed to establish a method for putting a price on carbon, greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise, and global temperatures increased by more than 1.2 degrees C in 2020. Already, experts warn

The Global Financial System: A post-GFC Report Card
Aug 23, 2023

The Global Financial System: A post-GFC Report Card

The International Financial Architecture has come under much scrutiny following the 2008 global financial crisis. There have been demands for major reforms to the IFA; but despite the steps taken so far, much more needs to be done to ensure global financial stability.

The Global Governance of the Energy Transition: Lessons for the Indo-Pacific and Latin America
Jul 03, 2024

The Global Governance of the Energy Transition: Lessons for the Indo-Pacific and Latin America

Amid disruptive international crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine, ensuring a secure energy supply for development requires focused efforts by individual countries and the international community. This report examines the global governance of the energy transition from the perspectives of the Latin American and Indo-Pacific regions. Despite their geographic distance, the two regions share similarities in their econ

The Global Security Initiative: China Buttresses its Defence Diplomacy
Jun 18, 2024

The Global Security Initiative: China Buttresses its Defence Diplomacy

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has historically been a key instrument of state power in modern China, from the time founder Mao Zedong famously said that power flows “from the barrel of a gun.” Today, in the era of Xi Jinping, China is strengthening its defence diplomacy through Xi’s so-called Global Security Initiative (GSI) that envisions a growing role for the Party-state’s arms like the PLA and the Ministry of Public Security. T

The Global War Against Terrorism: A Progress Report
Feb 23, 2005

The Global War Against Terrorism: A Progress Report

The idea was to capture the different dimensions of the war on terror as has been perceived and to locate the war in the larger geo political context in order to appreciate and understand the consequences, according to Dr Ashley Tellis, a well-known senior US policy analyst.

The Global War against Terrorism: Are We Safer Today?
May 26, 2004

The Global War against Terrorism: Are We Safer Today?

There has rarely been a period in modern history, when the world has not been confronted with terrorism; somewhere or the other, in some form or another, for some reason or the other. As a mean of coercion through violence, terrorism ebbs and flows and keeps undergoing many mutations.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Germany’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
May 21, 2020

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Germany’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Germany’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has earned it almost all-round approval. This special report argues that there is indeed much that German policy has gotten right. But it is also important to keep an eye on the limitations and failings, for which Germany – and other countries that seek to emulate it – might end up paying a very dear price. In contrast, a timely correction of some aspects of German policy could help pre-empt bo

The great American betrayal
Mar 11, 2013

The great American betrayal

The Obama Administration is putting it out as though the withdrawal is a great achievement. But the reality is shoddier - we are witnessing yet another western retreat from Afghanistan, one that can have baleful consequences for others.

The great American divide
May 03, 2024

The great American divide

The American political landscape has been witnessing a great divide due to the growing immigration problem and the US’ support to ongoing wars.

The Great Electoral Debate 2004: A Snapshot
Mar 29, 2004

The Great Electoral Debate 2004: A Snapshot

The forthcoming general election is being watched with bated breath and ever increasing curiosity by different observers. Although the election arithmetic remains more or less the same as it was in 1999, the sheer intensity in which the election is being fought and the issues that are being contested in the public debate may have some implications on the future of Indian politics.

The great Indian exam debacle
Jul 21, 2017

The great Indian exam debacle

The “marks moderation” debate, which made headlines this summer, [1] resulted in a frenzied, but incomplete, media coverage. There has been litigation as well, stalling the declaration of high-school results of students of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), and various state boards. This brief aims to demonstrate how the reliance on a simplistic metric—of a 101-