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1736 results found

Ottawa’s folly: A travesty of statecraft
Sep 23, 2023

Ottawa’s folly: A travesty of statecraft

Statecraft needs more than just diplomacy. This bilateral crisis with India exposes Trudeau to be lacking in these key qualities.

Pakistan Army Chief: शहबाज़ सरकार ने आसिम मुनीर को क्‍यों नियुक्त किया सेना प्रमुख?
Jul 28, 2023

Pakistan Army Chief: शहबाज़ सरकार ने आसिम मुनीर को क्‍यों नियुक्त किया सेना प्रमुख?

Pakistan Army Chief आइए जानते हैं कि आखिर ले. अजहर अब्‍बास कौन है. सेना प्रमुख के लिए उनकी दावेदारी क्‍यों मजबूत मानी जा रही थी. क्‍या पाकिस्‍तान सरकार ने सेना प्रमुख की नियुक्ति में निय

Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s downfall is unlikely to change India-Pakistan ties
Mar 28, 2022

Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s downfall is unlikely to change India-Pakistan ties

Khan’s possible ouster is unlikely to bring any radical change in India-Pakistan relations. The bilateral relationship has plateaued since PTI came to power.

Pakistan's balancing act in West Asia
Jun 10, 2014

Pakistan's balancing act in West Asia

Saudi Arabia's recent $1.5 billion grant to Pakistan re-affirms the depth of the relationship that the two countries share. It has also brought into focus their expanding defence ties and raised concerns about Pakistan's possible role in the Syrian civil war.

Pakistan's quick U-turn on its trade ban on pharmaceutical products with India
Sep 07, 2019

Pakistan's quick U-turn on its trade ban on pharmaceutical products with India

Pakistan’s knee-jerk decision to suspend all trade relations with India could have only created a barrier of access to medicines for the Pakistani p

Pakistan, in Modi's eyes
Apr 22, 2014

Pakistan, in Modi's eyes

If the reports that Narendra Modi has sent emissaries to Pakistan are true, they indicate a recognition of the need to reassure leaders across the border that, were he to become prime minister, he would not be throwing a grenade at the bilateral relationship.

Pakistan-Israel Cladenstine Ties
Sep 21, 2005

Pakistan-Israel Cladenstine Ties

That is, in short, the general Israeli reaction to the initiative recently taken by General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan to bring into the open Pakistan's hitherto clandestine relations with Israel. Nobody denies the previous existence of clandestine contacts between the two countries, which recently culminated in an open,

Pakistan: Ceasefire violations could undo peace moves
Jul 18, 2014

Pakistan: Ceasefire violations could undo peace moves

The continuing ceasefire violations on the India-Pakistan border could become a stumbling block in the renewed attempts by the leadership of the two neighbours to improve their relationship.

Pakistan: Military ties with Russia strengthen
Jul 03, 2015

Pakistan: Military ties with Russia strengthen

Throughout the Cold War - and afterwards - Russia's relations with Pakistan remained almost non-existent. However, with the United States and NATO pulling out its troops from Afghanistan in 2013,

Pakistan: The Sharifs pick a new sheriff and nemesis
Nov 25, 2022

Pakistan: The Sharifs pick a new sheriff and nemesis

Would the appointment of a new army chief change the relationship between the military and the Pakistani government?

Pakistan: शरीफ़ भाइयों ने चुना नया ‘सेनाध्यक्ष’ और ‘दुश्मन’!
Jul 28, 2023

Pakistan: शरीफ़ भाइयों ने चुना नया ‘सेनाध्यक्ष’ और ‘दुश्मन’!

क्या नए सेनाध्यक्ष (army chief) की नियुक्ति से पाकिस्तानी फौज और

Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons limit India’s conventional military options
Jun 25, 2024

Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons limit India’s conventional military options

Pakistan’s TNWs could deter India's conventional military superiority, preventing territorial gains. The threat of tactical nuclear escalation might

Pandemic Reopens Contentious Issues in Nepal-India Ties
Jan 12, 2021

Pandemic Reopens Contentious Issues in Nepal-India Ties

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted two features of the Nepal-India economic relationship: Nepal’s ballooning trade deficit, and unrestricted cross-border movement of people of both countries. Attributing the trade deficit entirely to supply-side constraints is neither accurate nor conducive to the overall health of the relationship. This brief suggests ways towards more sustainable trade relations between India and Nepal, among them, India r

Papua New Guinea: A tale of two visits
May 26, 2023

Papua New Guinea: A tale of two visits

PM Modi and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visits to PNG reflect the increasing importance of the Pacific Island countries in the strategic

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation
Aug 24, 2017

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation

Paradiplomacy as it is conducted by sub-state governments introduces the idea of decentralisation of political power to make regional governments prominent actors in the international sphere. This paper examines the scope for subnational diplomacy in India, as the country seeks to appreciate the significance of federalism and regionalism in promoting local interests, as well as identity, in current international politics. Regional governments ope

Paradiplomacy: Can India learn from Macau and China?
Oct 20, 2016

Paradiplomacy: Can India learn from Macau and China?

Paradiplomacy forms a quintessential part of the country’s foreign policy analysis in conducting international relations

Partnerships Matter: That City on the Hill; A Ship Adrift; A Lighthouse in the Tempest
Jul 07, 2023

Partnerships Matter: That City on the Hill; A Ship Adrift; A Lighthouse in the Tempest

India is the breakout partner for the US, defying what may once have seemed an improbable relationship.

Peace at the Borders
Jun 27, 2011

Peace at the Borders

It is time that India seriously consider "outsourcing" some aspects of its foreign policy to its border provinces. Encouragement of deeper cooperation between border states in both India and Pakistan -especially the two Punjabs, the two Kashmirs, and Rajasthan (India) and Sind (Pakistan) -- could be a good beginning for bettering relations.

Peace Pipeline: The Next Dimension
May 29, 2004

Peace Pipeline: The Next Dimension

Nothing, with the exception of the Kashmir issue, has been more debated, researched and written about in the context of Indo Pak relations than the issue of the Iran-Pakistan-India Natural Gas pipeline in the last decade. From Onshore to Offshore options and international consortia and guarantees to people to contact, almost everything and anything has been tossed around and evaluated, yet to no avail. The pipeline still remains a pipe dream.

Pipedreams over Pipelines
Apr 01, 2005

Pipedreams over Pipelines

During a recent discussion on Indo-US relations, a former senior adviser to the Government of India, who retired some years ago, expressed his surprise that the community of non-governmental strategic analysts in New Delhi had failed to forewarn the policy-makers of the Government of India over the likelihood of opposition from the US to the construction of a gas pipeline from Iran through Pakistan till the Indian border to sell gas to Pakistan a

PM could script a new chapter in Dhaka
Sep 01, 2011

PM could script a new chapter in Dhaka

Dr. Manmohan Singh's visit to Dhaka early September would undoubtedly be a 'game changer' for the India-Bangladesh relations which has been swaying between optimism and scepticism for quite sometime.

PM Hasina’s second India sojourn: Paving the future of New Delhi-Dhaka ties
Jun 28, 2024

PM Hasina’s second India sojourn: Paving the future of New Delhi-Dhaka ties

What does the future hold for this long-standing relationship?

PM Modi eyes US-Russia ‘de-hyphenation’
Aug 03, 2023

PM Modi eyes US-Russia ‘de-hyphenation’

India’s policymakers signal that historically strong ties with Russia should not become an obstacle to an equally strong relationship with the US

PM Modi spells out his vision
Sep 30, 2014

PM Modi spells out his vision

Given the ground realities - where China's power exceeds ours by orders of magnitude - we need allies. That is where relationships with the US, Japan, ASEAN and Australia come in.

PM's  Myanmar visit to strengthen Look East policy
Feb 28, 2014

PM's Myanmar visit to strengthen Look East policy

As Manmohan Singh meets Myanmar's President in the sidelines of the Bimstec summit, this will give an opportunity for the two leaders to further deepen bilateral ties. As part of the two neighbours growing relations, a border security pact is expected to be signed during Dr Singh's visit.

Pointers to Pakistan's Strategy
Sep 14, 2005

Pointers to Pakistan's Strategy

The composite dialogue between India and Pakistan has reached a critical juncture. In the past 20 months, there have been countless discussions on a variety of issues that have been plaguing the relationship between the two neighbours.

Post troops withdrawal, regional mechanism needed to deal with Afghan situation
Dec 01, 2012

Post troops withdrawal, regional mechanism needed to deal with Afghan situation

Prof. Feng Zhongping, Vice President of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, feels that US's rebalancing strategy in Asia is not entirely designed to contain China but also based on economic considerations.

Post-poll, BJP need to tread carefully in J-K
Dec 30, 2014

Post-poll, BJP need to tread carefully in J-K

Given its unique position, the politics and governance of J&K have always depended on the good relations between the governments in New Delhi and Srinagar. When they have been disrupted, as happened in the 1983-87 period, it was disastrous for the state and the country.

Powershift in Colombo is Delhi's opportunity
Jan 12, 2015

Powershift in Colombo is Delhi's opportunity

As a new government led by Maithripala Sirisena takes charge in Colombo, New Delhi has a valuable opportunity to arrest the drift in bilateral relations over the last few years. The Modi government, less constrained internally than the UPA government, is in a good position to rebuild the partnership with Sri Lanka that occupies a vital position on India's maritime frontiers to the south.

Prachanda’s visit to Beijing- A tough balancing act?
Nov 07, 2023

Prachanda’s visit to Beijing- A tough balancing act?

Despite making headway in other aspects of its ties with China, Nepal’s inability to raise key concerns with the latter may prove costly in the long

Press leak, tweet, beheadings and ICJ — What's behind Indo-Pak standoff?
May 19, 2017

Press leak, tweet, beheadings and ICJ — What's behind Indo-Pak standoff?

As Indo-Pak relations hit rock bottom, the civil-military standoff in Pakistan has flared into the open. Could there be a link between the two?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bangladesh visit boost ties
Apr 05, 2021

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bangladesh visit boost ties

The key takeaway of the visit was the assurance of the friendship and recognition of the importance that India and Bangladesh give to the bilateral re

Priorities for Prime Minister Hasina's New Term in Bangladesh
May 09, 2024

Priorities for Prime Minister Hasina's New Term in Bangladesh

Sohini Bose, Ed., “Priorities for Prime Minister Hasina's New Term in Bangladesh,” ORF Special Report No. 225, May 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

Prioritising Indian connectivity: ‘Mission Purvodaya’ and Nepal in perspective
Dec 28, 2021

Prioritising Indian connectivity: ‘Mission Purvodaya’ and Nepal in perspective

India is concentrating more on connectivity projects to strengthen the India-Nepal relations and to cater to its security needs in the Northeast

Prosperity through connectivity: ‘Positive transformation’ in India-Sri Lanka ties 
Aug 08, 2023

Prosperity through connectivity: ‘Positive transformation’ in India-Sri Lanka ties 

The recent visit by Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has opened new opportunities to further consolidate India-Sri Lanka ties

Protecting India's interests in the Middle East: Militancy and non-state actors
Apr 07, 2017

Protecting India's interests in the Middle East: Militancy and non-state actors

Although the trajectory of India's relations with the Middle East remains a grey area, in the future, it can become a defining relationship to global security.

Putin's Delhi visit: A new journey of rediscovery
Dec 09, 2014

Putin's Delhi visit: A new journey of rediscovery

Russian President Putin's Eurocentric approach and having a Europeanist as his primary foreign policy advisor seem to be impacting on his policy towards Asia. The clout that the Orientalists and Indologists once had in the Kremlin is well and truly gone, and the relationship is that much weaker for it.

Qatar thaw a sign of shifting sands in Gulf
Jan 08, 2021

Qatar thaw a sign of shifting sands in Gulf

On the diplomatic front, India has been careful to nurture its ties with Doha, even as our relations with the UAE and Saudi Arabia showed a dramatic upswing.

Quicken the Pace of Ties with Japan
Aug 25, 2010

Quicken the Pace of Ties with Japan

The conclusion on August 21 of the fourth round of the India-Japan strategic dialogue at Foreign Minister level provides the peg to assess the current state of India-Japan relations. These relations are headed in the right direction, but it has taken time to change their compass and the pace has been tardy.

Rapprochement express
Jul 01, 2011

Rapprochement express

The cultural and economic synergies between West Bengal, North East and Bangladesh can usher in a new chapter in the relations between the latter and all of India.

Reading between the lines of President Kovind’s visit to Bangladesh
Dec 28, 2021

Reading between the lines of President Kovind’s visit to Bangladesh

The recent presidential visit to Bangladesh showcases the robust India-Bangladesh relations despite minor hiccups over the last couple of months.

Reaffirming Indo-US ties
Sep 22, 2019

Reaffirming Indo-US ties

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to America indicates that the India-US strategic relationship has the potential to become the defining partnership of this century

Real touchstone is action on 26/11 accused
May 21, 2013

Real touchstone is action on 26/11 accused

The democratic transition in Pakistan has coincided with the last year of the UPA government's second term in India. As the government battles one controversy after another, the looming elections in 2014 may act as a distraction wherein improving relations with Pakistan may not be a priority for the government at present.