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G20: Prospects for climate cooperation
Sep 22, 2023

G20: Prospects for climate cooperation

The real challenge is to translate the call for climate cooperation iterated at the G20 Summit in New Delhi into deeds given the divergent development

G20: दशा, दिशा और देश
Oct 30, 2021

G20: दशा, दिशा और देश

आज 2008 की विपत्ति से कई गुणा ज़्यादा बड़ी विपदा ने दुनिया क�

G20: वैश्विक दक्षिण की जलवायु संबंधी वित्तीय आवश्यकताओं को पूर्ण करने का मौका
May 10, 2023

G20: वैश्विक दक्षिण की जलवायु संबंधी वित्तीय आवश्यकताओं को पूर्ण करने का मौका

विकसित देशों की ओर से जलवायु वित्त प्रदान करने को लेकर की

G20’s Debt Service Suspension Initiative: A historical comparison
Jun 28, 2022

G20’s Debt Service Suspension Initiative: A historical comparison

With the rise of global debt levels in recent times, the current requirement of debt restructuring programmes is to ameliorate debt transparency.

GDP को लैंगिक तौर पर समावेशी कैसे बनाएं: G20 के लिए सिफ़ारिशें
Jul 12, 2023

GDP को लैंगिक तौर पर समावेशी कैसे बनाएं: G20 के लिए सिफ़ारिशें

ये पॉलिसी ब्रीफ a बिना वेतन वाले घरेलू और देखरेख से जुड़े कामों को सकल घरेलू उत्पाद यानी GDP में जोड़ने की अहमियत को रेखांकित करता है. साथ ही GDP मापने के लिए लैंगिक रूप से ज़्या�

Gender attitudes in India: Changes in the 21st century
Mar 07, 2024

Gender attitudes in India: Changes in the 21st century

Despite significant strides towards equality, traditional perceptions of gender roles still influence many aspects of life, from educational opportuni

Gender Issues: जी-20 के केंद्र में है लिंग के आधार पर डिजिटल डिवाइड (विभाजन) का मुद्दा!
Jul 29, 2022

Gender Issues: जी-20 के केंद्र में है लिंग के आधार पर डिजिटल डिवाइड (विभाजन) का मुद्दा!

जी-20 द्वारा शुरू की गयी कई पहलों के बावजूद, चौड़े लैंगिक वि

Gendering the G20: Empowering women in the digital age
Jun 28, 2017

Gendering the G20: Empowering women in the digital age

Women make up a majority of the four billion people excluded from the digital economy. Policy narratives assert that the digital economy has the potential to transform the world of work. Conversely, there are concerns that the existing ‘digital divide’ within and across nations will simply exacerbate existing social inequalities and reinforce gender hierarchies. G20 member states have repeatedly committed to bridging pervasive gender gaps in

Geopolitics of International Health Regulations and the role of India’s G20 Presidency in IHR Reforms
Nov 07, 2022

Geopolitics of International Health Regulations and the role of India’s G20 Presidency in IHR Reforms

With India looking forward to its G20 presidency in 2023, it becomes a vital actor in pushing international health reforms

George Floyd protests and the 2020 US presidential election
Jun 04, 2020

George Floyd protests and the 2020 US presidential election

From rising impatience with the ‘Black faces in high places’ approach to dampening conservatives’ ‘Blue Lives Matter’ clarion, George Floyd�

Getting acquainted with Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election candidates
Aug 08, 2023

Getting acquainted with Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election candidates

Each of the three candidates bring something new to the table, granting the Taiwanese voters ample alternatives in the upcoming presidential elections

Global challenges too big for G20 Buenos Aires Summit to address
Nov 29, 2018

Global challenges too big for G20 Buenos Aires Summit to address

It will, however, be an important platform to underscore the commitment of major powers for global economic stability

Global Health Governance in an Uncertain World: A Proposed Framework for the G20
Jan 30, 2023

Global Health Governance in an Uncertain World: A Proposed Framework for the G20

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, reforming the global health governance system has become a key area of concern for the G20 and other multilateral platforms. This comes at a time when the world has increasingly become volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. As a grouping of developed and developing countries, the G20 must prioritise addressing global health challenges by identifying its direct and indirect determinants. This brief

Global Innovation Index 2019: Key takeaways for India
Aug 30, 2019

Global Innovation Index 2019: Key takeaways for India

A proper understanding of India’s thriving R&D services industry and its impact on national innovation capability needs to be developed.

Global perspectives: G20 leaders summit
Jul 04, 2017

Global perspectives: G20 leaders summit

The G20 is at a crossroads. It should choose the path that will allow it to stay relevant to its core purpose.

Going beyond the conventional: NATO Summit 2022
Jul 14, 2022

Going beyond the conventional: NATO Summit 2022

The major focus of the NATO Summit 2022 was on diversifying and solidifying relationships beyond NATO along with reducing the US dependency

Good and bad of National Telecom Policy 2012
Jun 08, 2012

Good and bad of National Telecom Policy 2012

The New Telecom Policy if implemented in letter and spirit has the potential to fundamentally transform governance.

Gujarat poised for 20% growth, concludes seminar
Feb 01, 2005

Gujarat poised for 20% growth, concludes seminar

Gujarat has the required natural resources, human potential and entrepreneurial spirit to become the engine of India¿s economic growth and achieve a growth rate of 20%.

Halfway to 2030:Unravelling Global food security challenges
Jan 12, 2024

Halfway to 2030:Unravelling Global food security challenges

To end the intergenerational cycle of poverty and eradicate all types of malnutrition, policymakers must intensify their efforts

Harnessing digital financial inclusion under the G20 Digital Economy Agenda 2023
Feb 08, 2022

Harnessing digital financial inclusion under the G20 Digital Economy Agenda 2023

Under India’s G20 presidency in 2023, it has the opportunity to advance digital financial inclusion in the agenda to allow an inclusive COVID-19 rec

Health Perspective of the G20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration
Oct 25, 2023

Health Perspective of the G20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration

The New Delhi Declaration’s policy commitments in the health sector emphasise the role of the G20 in revising the existing financial and global heal

Healthcare (still) is a rich man's game in 2024: Navigating global trends
Dec 16, 2023

Healthcare (still) is a rich man's game in 2024: Navigating global trends

Throughout history, healthcare has often been a privilege of the affluent, a trend that continues into 2024 despite technological advancements

High on Revenue, Low on Capital: India’s Defence Budget 2023-24
Feb 11, 2023

High on Revenue, Low on Capital: India’s Defence Budget 2023-24

This brief examines India’s defence budget for 2023-24. It outlines the economic context for India’s latest defence allocations, and examines the drivers of growth, the broad distribution of resources among the defence forces, and the impact of such distribution on modernisation and the domestic defence industry. The brief posits that the new defence budget, coming on the back of a hefty mid-year upward revision of the previous alloca

Highlights from the 8th Petro India 2009 conference
Nov 24, 2009

Highlights from the 8th Petro India 2009 conference

There is uncertainty in the availability of domestic coal and in this context there is probably a need to rethink India's energy security strategy based on domestic coal

How can the G20 build stronger digital health systems?
Oct 17, 2023

How can the G20 build stronger digital health systems?

Besides strengthening existing initiatives, the G20 could consider eight new measures to advance digital health across its member states

How can the G20 help bolster Africa's digital economy?
Jul 01, 2017

How can the G20 help bolster Africa's digital economy?

The G20 partnership with Africa on issues of e-commerce and the digital economy should be designed in a way that is informed by lessons from the past.

How India is catching up with China with the launch of Chandrayaan-2
Jul 22, 2019

How India is catching up with China with the launch of Chandrayaan-2

Chandrayaan-2, India's indigenous moon mission will set off for space, India's next mission will surely be to send humans to moon.

How Modi 2.0 is paving new ways for paradigm changes in water governance in India
Feb 29, 2020

How Modi 2.0 is paving new ways for paradigm changes in water governance in India

Water needs a multidisciplinary approach that exceeds the capacity of reductionist engineering and myopic neoclassical economics.

How the events of 2016 paved way for eventual abrogation of Article 370
Aug 12, 2019

How the events of 2016 paved way for eventual abrogation of Article 370

Some roots lie in July 2016, when the Valley erupted following the gunning down of terrorist Burhan Wani.