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264 results found

India's ASAT capability has been around for some time now
Mar 28, 2019

India's ASAT capability has been around for some time now

ASAT weapons, while useful to knock out communications and imaging satellites, are not all that effective against those flying at higher orbits.

India-Pakistan Relations after Mumbai Attacks
Sep 23, 2009

India-Pakistan Relations after Mumbai Attacks

The Paper makes a critical appraisal of India-Pakistan relations and explores their future trajectory in the aftermath of the Mumbai terrorist attack of November 2008. The rising tide of terrorism within Pakistan after 9/11 and the importance of South Asia to the United States made Pakistan selectively withdraw support to terrorist groups. This, in turn, helped India's efforts to initiate the Composite Dialogue in 2004.

India-US Defence Relations: In Search of a Direction
Jul 23, 2023

India-US Defence Relations: In Search of a Direction

The strong reactions to the non-inclusion of American firms in a major Indian military procurement tender, in the backdrop of proposed aggressive weapons sales by the Americans, paint a contrasting picture that could influence India-US defence relations in the near future. This Paper looks at the entire gambit of Indo-US Defence relations and, based on past experiences and ongoing deliberations, the challenges ahead.

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship
Feb 10, 2021

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship

This brief examines India’s defence procurement record for fundamental platforms, weapons, and systems, as well as planned acquisitions and projects under development. The new Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP 2020) assumes greater salience not only against India’s chequered acquisition history, but also the increasingly constrained resource environment and deteriorating regional security scenario. The brief offers a set of broad recommendat

India’s Membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group
May 17, 2016

India’s Membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group

India seeks to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group with the objective of playing a more proactive role in the nuclear non-proliferation realm. Political issues remain, however, particularly with regard to its status outside the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This brings to fore questions on the relationship between the Treaty and the Group with regard to their scope, mandate and membership. An assessment of prospective benefits

India’s Nuclear Revolution, 25 Years after Pokhran
May 12, 2023

India’s Nuclear Revolution, 25 Years after Pokhran

On Pakistan, India should be more willing to use conventional military options and call out Pakistan’s nuclear bluff

India’s responsible nuclear exceptionalism towards effective export controls
Jun 11, 2024

India’s responsible nuclear exceptionalism towards effective export controls

The 50th anniversary of PNE highlights India's role as a responsible nuclear power, committed to full compliance and advancing global non-proliferatio

Indo-Nepal relations
Dec 01, 2003

Indo-Nepal relations

Nepal's outgoing Ambassador in India, HE Mr Bhekh Bahadur Thapa, gave an impassioned call to all countries in the South Asian region to cooperate in curbing, if not eliminating, the culture of violence and fighting insurrectionists. 'Weapons do not respect sovereign borders'

Information wars and regime stability. How can nations respond?
Apr 14, 2021

Information wars and regime stability. How can nations respond?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, as dis-/misinformation and manipulation are versatile weapons and they adapt to the target, and there is no de

Instead of Sydney, Quad Gathers in Hiroshima
Jun 01, 2023

Instead of Sydney, Quad Gathers in Hiroshima

With U.S. domestic politics calling President Biden home early, the Quad capitalized on their visits to Hiroshima for the G-7 to meet on May 20.

Integrated rocket force: Imperfect but a step in the right direction
May 27, 2023

Integrated rocket force: Imperfect but a step in the right direction

Although the primary reason for the establishment of India’s Rocket Force is China’s rapidly expanding missile and nuclear forces, the IRF contras

Iran and the U.S.
Jun 27, 2005

Iran and the U.S.

Making his first public speech since being elected President, Mahmoud Ahmadinezad said in Mashhad on July 21 that he would not allow a violation of Iran's legal rights on peaceful use of nuclear technology. He reaffirmed that Iran would never pursue weapons of mass destruction.

Iran and the U.S.
Jul 27, 2005

Iran and the U.S.

Making his first public speech since being elected President, Mahmoud Ahmadinezad said in Mashhad on July 21 that he would not allow a violation of Iran's legal rights on peaceful use of nuclear technology. He reaffirmed that Iran would never pursue weapons of mass destruction.

Is India ready to be a part of the Non Proliferation Regimes?
May 20, 2011

Is India ready to be a part of the Non Proliferation Regimes?

With the ongoing multi-polarisation of global politics, new powers would emerge which would in turn increase global insecurity and lead to a greater demand for nuclear weapons even by the countries that as of now do not possess them, cautioned Prof. Rajesh Rajagopalan during an ORF roundtable on nuclear non proliferation.

Is Syria, the next Libya?
Aug 29, 2013

Is Syria, the next Libya?

Who used chemical weapons against whom? Is Assad regime guilty? We may never know. What is certain is that one more country in the Middle East will be reduced to an ungovernable territory. Welcome home Al-Qaeda!

Japan begins rethinking security
Aug 10, 2022

Japan begins rethinking security

Tokyo has acknowledged that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would be “an emergency situation” for Japan and has stepped up engagement accordingly.

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics
Mar 26, 2015

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics

Japan is facing extremely dangerous situation in North East Asia where North Korea is developing nuclear weapons. It is also witnessing China's excessive assertiveness in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. So, situations like these will influence the way Japan will shape its security policy, says eminent Japanese scholar Prof. Shinichi Kitaoka.

Kashmir’s militancy: Weapon-less but far from the end
Dec 14, 2020

Kashmir’s militancy: Weapon-less but far from the end

Militancy in Kashmir is facing shortage in weapons supply but still sees high recruitment, which is a cause for worry

Keeping a close eye on China’s nuclear capabilities
Nov 22, 2021

Keeping a close eye on China’s nuclear capabilities

A Pentagon report highlights a transformation in both the quantity and the quality of its arsenal, which India must note

Likely impact of emerging technologies on India’s nuclear arsenal
May 10, 2023

Likely impact of emerging technologies on India’s nuclear arsenal

The use and deployment of nuclear weapons must firmly remain in the hands of human beings and never be delegated to any technological marvel, no matte

Look beyond politics on N-issue
Nov 21, 2018

Look beyond politics on N-issue

Nuclear weapons cannot be a panacea for tackling security challenges to India’s sovereignty

Loose Nukes in Russia: A Catastrophe Waiting to Happen
Nov 23, 2003

Loose Nukes in Russia: A Catastrophe Waiting to Happen

A nightmare scenario facing the world today is that of nuclear weapons in the possession of terrorists. As US President George Bush remarked during his recent UK trip, ¿the greatest threat of our age is nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons in the hands of terrorists.¿ Terrorist groups, as they have proved time and again in the past with conventional weapons

Madrid Impressions I: Pakistan, the Nuclear Walmart
Mar 29, 2005

Madrid Impressions I: Pakistan, the Nuclear Walmart

At the international summit on Terrorism, Democracy and Security held at Madrid from March 8 to 11,2005, which I attended, the foremost concern in the minds of the participants was the likelihood of an act of catastrophic terrorism involving the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Managing nuclear risks: The emerging technologies challenge
May 27, 2019

Managing nuclear risks: The emerging technologies challenge

The impact of technological changes on nuclear risks needs to be addressed much more directly.

Managing Security An Agenda for the New Government
Oct 30, 2004

Managing Security An Agenda for the New Government

Former Prime Minister Vajpayee¿s government may not have left India shining, but to its credit, it notched up several major achievements on the national security font. Foremost among these was declaring India a nuclear weapons state, a move that unquestionably enhanced India¿s quest for strategic autonomy.

Mangalyaan mission plays vital role in India's development plans
Nov 11, 2013

Mangalyaan mission plays vital role in India's development plans

Today, world powers are debating a regime to regulate outer Space activities. India cannot let itself be left out of any Space regime as happened over nuclear weapons. In order to be heard in the discussions of any new rule-making effort, India needs to demonstrate its capabilities in Space research and technology, something that the Mangalyaan amply did.

Maritime Security & Maritime Counter-Terrorism
Dec 07, 2004

Maritime Security & Maritime Counter-Terrorism

Post-9/11, counter-terrorism experts all over the world have been focussing attention on three new aspects of counter-terrorism: counter-terrorism relating to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), maritime counter-terrorism and counter-terrorism relating to energy security. Each of these requires a new approach and a new thinking.

Modi in Cairo: Pulling India–Egypt ties out of a deep freeze
Jun 27, 2023

Modi in Cairo: Pulling India–Egypt ties out of a deep freeze

Modi’s visit to Egypt offers a strong platform to build a relationship in the changing world order

Modi’s middle east deals snub Iran
Mar 27, 2019

Modi’s middle east deals snub Iran

India's newly aggressive strategy puts Gulf money and Israeli weapons first.

Moves to enhance response to CBR attacks
Dec 27, 2011

Moves to enhance response to CBR attacks

The recent Indian government's decision to equip 800 police stations in 80 cities with radiation monitors is a clear indication of how serious the threats posed by chemical, biological and radioactive (CBR) weapons is being taken.

Naval missile systems and the limits of artificial intelligence
Sep 17, 2016

Naval missile systems and the limits of artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is considered to be an indispensable component of new-age naval weapons like hypersonic missiles.

Navigating Considerations of Global Governance, National Strategies, and Ethics in Biowarfare
Aug 07, 2023

Navigating Considerations of Global Governance, National Strategies, and Ethics in Biowarfare

Biological weapons can come from naturally occurring microbes and viruses; but innovations in genomic editing are opening up new, potentially more threatening avenues for their development. These innovations can cause or spread disease or resist known therapeutic approaches. Addressing such threats of biowarfare requires obtaining reliable and informative taxonomies for the pathogens and timely and effective responses. This, in turn, calls for co

Nepal: Peace at Peril ?
Jan 23, 2004

Nepal: Peace at Peril ?

Amid all political and economic impasses Nepal¿s incumbent Government under Prime Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa, announced ¿amnesty¿ to the Maoist insurgents on December 18, 2003 and called them to surrender along with their weapons, relatives and friends before February 12, 2004.

Nepal: Peace process back on track
Apr 16, 2012

Nepal: Peace process back on track

After a long spell of mistrust among political actors, the peace process in Nepal has returned to a constructive and progressive stage. This week the Maoist-led government of Dr Baburam Bhattarai ordered the Nepal Army and the Armed Police Force to take total charge of Maoist cantonments, the former fighters and their weapons.

New strategic order: Nuclear conundrum
Sep 30, 2017

New strategic order: Nuclear conundrum

If military strength is the final argument in international politics, nuclear weapons are its most emphatic manifestation.

Apr 29, 2013


The absence of a standard formulation on the no-first-use of nuclear weapons in the latest Chinese defence white paper has raised questions about a likely evolution in Beijing's nuclear doctrine.

Not-so-toothless norms for outer space
Oct 06, 2022

Not-so-toothless norms for outer space

Potential norms against ASAT tests can be used to hold states liable for possible damages

Nuclear bomb not the ultimate answer to national security: Mani Shankar Aiyar
Jun 07, 2011

Nuclear bomb not the ultimate answer to national security: Mani Shankar Aiyar

Senator Douglas Roche has urged the India to lead the movement for disarmament of nuclear weapons, saying India under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh was serious about nuclear disarmament.

Nuclear debates in West Asia since Pokhran II
May 09, 2023

Nuclear debates in West Asia since Pokhran II

A desire for nuclear weapons is an old aim in West Asia, which could materialise in the coming days due to weak non-proliferation norms

Nuclear games at Lop Nur
Apr 20, 2020

Nuclear games at Lop Nur

People’s Republic of China (PRC) leaders have denied the reports, which should hardly come as a surprise.

Nuclear Iran and the US: A Status Report
Sep 15, 2003

Nuclear Iran and the US: A Status Report

Since the early 1990's the nuclear non-proliferation regime, the centerpiece of which is the NPT, has grappled with an increasing number of threshold nuclear weapons states. The most recent case is of Iran which is believed to be pursuing a program for weapons of mass destruction. This is complicated by the fact that the US has a troubled relationship with Iran. This Issue recommends that the US and other western powers adopt a cooperative approa

Nuclear race comes to South Asia
Jun 17, 2014

Nuclear race comes to South Asia

There is a definite need for India to reconsider its doctrine or a strategy to counter and/or deter use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons weapons by Pakistan for non-strategic (say battlefield) purposes.

Nuclear rethink: A change in India's nuclear doctrine has implications on cost & war strategy
Aug 19, 2019

Nuclear rethink: A change in India's nuclear doctrine has implications on cost & war strategy

A nuclear doctrine states how a nuclear weapon state would employ its nuclear weapons both during peace and war.

Nuclear Security: India and the NTI Ranking
Aug 23, 2023

Nuclear Security: India and the NTI Ranking

In light of the 2014 NTI Index which ranks India 23rd out of 25 countries with weapons-usable nuclear materials, this issue brief highlights problem areas in the Index and proposes suggestions for improving the Indian nuclear security regime.

Of Democracy and Terrorism
Oct 09, 2003

Of Democracy and Terrorism

Whoever thought that ¿terrorising¿ the people of one¿s own country through dictatorial methods is equivalent to terrorism, as generally understood, is learning a new lesson in Iraq. With the failure to prove that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass-destruction even months after the despot¿s exit, the US is finding that to the average Iraqi, it is not a ¿liberator¿ but an ¿occupier¿.

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Bomb: Brothers and Arms
Mar 31, 2010

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Bomb: Brothers and Arms

Although concrete evidence about Saudi intentions to acquire nuclear weapons' capabilities is not there the story continues to attract international commentary

Pakistan’s Schools of Terror
Apr 10, 2023

Pakistan’s Schools of Terror

Terror training schools, teaching hundreds of new and young recruits in suicide missions and use of sophisticated weapons like AK-47, Mi-5 and Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs), have been active in many parts of Pakistan, including Punjab, North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Waziristan and Pak-occupied Kashmir.