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Is there any link between demonetisation and J&K 'peace'?
Nov 21, 2016

Is there any link between demonetisation and J&K 'peace'?

The attacks in Jammu and Kashmir are so few that correlating them with demonetisation would be a tricky exercise.

Israel and Palestine to resume peace talks
Jul 24, 2013

Israel and Palestine to resume peace talks

After three years of being at a standstill, peace talks are to resume between Israel and Palestine, according to US Secretary of State John Kerry. He said in a statement, "I am pleased to announce that we've reached an agreement that establishes a basis for resuming final status negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis."

Japan’s Role in the Cambodian Peace Settlement
Jul 22, 2023

Japan’s Role in the Cambodian Peace Settlement

A detailed study of Japan's role in the peace settlement of the Cambodian issue is important as it was one of the earliest political efforts made by Tokyo in a region which had been known for its antipathy to Japan due to the strong historical memories of the Second World War. Southeast Asia posed one of the most serious challenges to Japan's post-war diplomacy which had to wrestle not only with the bitter legacies of the war, but also with the r

Kashmir: A Dialogue for Peace
Jun 08, 2007

Kashmir: A Dialogue for Peace

Excerpts from a lecture delivered by Sardar Abdul Qayuum Khan on April 28, 2007 at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, and the open discussion that followed his presentation. Sardar Sahib led a delegation of 23 persons from PoK, which included senior political leaders from different parties. A galaxy of well-known diplomats, academics, media persons and analysts attended the meeting, which was chaired by Shri. M. Rasgotra, former Foreig

Keeping peace in a war zone
Jun 26, 2015

Keeping peace in a war zone

It is important to examine how female peacekeepers themselves experience gender and other relations while on duty where the power differential in relation to locals is in their favour, but remains different in relation to their male colleagues.

Leveraging India's wisdom for transforming UN peacekeeping
May 29, 2024

Leveraging India's wisdom for transforming UN peacekeeping

India, with its cultural heritage rooted in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, must use this opportunity to build more effective peacebuilding and peacekeeping pr

Leveraging India’s soft power for conflict resolution and peacebuilding
Jun 13, 2023

Leveraging India’s soft power for conflict resolution and peacebuilding

India, with its culture and wisdom of well-being, nonviolence, and harmonious co-existence, can play a crucial role in conflict resolution and peacebu

Maldives: Towards a free and peaceful poll
Sep 05, 2013

Maldives: Towards a free and peaceful poll

There is a need for all-party coordination committees at the island and atoll-levels, besides at the highest level, to ensure a smooth presidential polls on September 7. There is also a greater need for coordination between the police and the EC officials at all levels.

Mecca summit: Peace initiative or one-upmanship
Aug 18, 2012

Mecca summit: Peace initiative or one-upmanship

Any evaluation of Shia politics in West Asia would be flawed until it takes into account the considerable influence that the holy city of Najaf exerts on Baghdad, Teheran, the Hezbullah and the majority of Bahrainis.

Military-militant nexus in Pakistan and implications for peace with India
Apr 06, 2009

Military-militant nexus in Pakistan and implications for peace with India

On November 26, 2008, 10 terrorists who attacked Mumbai undid in less than 60 hours what governments of two sovereign nations had been struggling for over four years to achieve-peace and stability in the region. These terrorists were from Pakistan, recruited, trained and armed by Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), a terrorist group with visible presence across the country.

Moderate Taliban can be won over for peace, say Afghan spokespersons
Apr 26, 2011

Moderate Taliban can be won over for peace, say Afghan spokespersons

Emphasising that majority of Taliban cadre can be won over for establishing peace in their war-torn country, Afghan government spokespersons said the peace initiative would become successful once ordinary Afghans realise that international forces are not going to remain in the country indefinitely.

Mutually Assured Diplomacy: Governance, ‘unpeace’ and diplomacy in cyberspace
Oct 19, 2019

Mutually Assured Diplomacy: Governance, ‘unpeace’ and diplomacy in cyberspace

Those working on the diplomatic challenges of cyberspace stability and internet governance have their work cut out.

Myanmar needs to resolve Rohingyas issue for peace in region
Jul 15, 2013

Myanmar needs to resolve Rohingyas issue for peace in region

Whether the Bodh Gaya bombings are found to be linked to Myanmar's sectarian violence or not, the perpetual communal tension in Myanmar is doing no good for the country's future. An early resolution to the issue is in the interest of Myanmar and the region at large. Myanmar needs to take upon itself the responsibility of finding a lasting resolution to the sectarian violence sooner than later.

NATO and India: Partners for a peaceful, free, and democratic world
Feb 23, 2024

NATO and India: Partners for a peaceful, free, and democratic world

NATO and India share common values of freedom and democracy and an interest in a stable and secure Indo-Pacific

Naxalites misused peace process
Aug 22, 2005

Naxalites misused peace process

Confusion and vacillation have been the marked features of the Andhra Pradesh government¿s policy towards the Naxalites of the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist), which it proscribed on August 17, along with seven of its front organisations in the wake of the killing of nine persons,

Nepal: Peace at Peril ?
Jan 23, 2004

Nepal: Peace at Peril ?

Amid all political and economic impasses Nepal¿s incumbent Government under Prime Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa, announced ¿amnesty¿ to the Maoist insurgents on December 18, 2003 and called them to surrender along with their weapons, relatives and friends before February 12, 2004.

Nepal: Peace process back on track
Apr 16, 2012

Nepal: Peace process back on track

After a long spell of mistrust among political actors, the peace process in Nepal has returned to a constructive and progressive stage. This week the Maoist-led government of Dr Baburam Bhattarai ordered the Nepal Army and the Armed Police Force to take total charge of Maoist cantonments, the former fighters and their weapons.

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace
Aug 11, 2023

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace

This paper analyses the debate surrounding federal restructuring in Nepal and the position taken by various political stakeholders. It argues that an early political consensus on federalism is imperative; otherwise, the country may slip into greater ethnic conflict. Nepal is currently experiencing perhaps one of the most turbulent phases in its contemporary political history. In 2008, Nthe 240-year-old institution of monarchy—for long seen a

New Egypt Trumps Israel on Peace Process
May 02, 2011

New Egypt Trumps Israel on Peace Process

Winds of change in the Arab world left Israel initially distraught with the fall of Mubarak. But then the mood changed. Changes elsewhere were seen as popular quest for empowerment in which, for once, Arab-Israeli peace was not the centre piece.

New leader must for the High Peace Council
Dec 31, 2011

New leader must for the High Peace Council

With the news of back channel negotiations between the Taliban and the United States coming to light, the Karzai government's fear of the hijacking of the reconciliation process with the Taliban by foreign partners might not be ill found.

Next steps in peace process
Feb 15, 2006

Next steps in peace process

The next steps towards peace with Pakistan need to be thought out carefully to prevent the dialogue process from getting derailed or losing steam - two possibilities which seem to be staring in the face of policy makers on either side of the border.

No country for good peace deals
Aug 31, 2019

No country for good peace deals

Taliban commanders may continue to fight the Afghan government in spite of any deal that may be signed with the US. So, is there really a point in mak

No war, no peace: The aftermath of the 'surgical strikes' raises concerns
Nov 11, 2016

No war, no peace: The aftermath of the 'surgical strikes' raises concerns

There is disquiet among India’s policy making circles that are being done to address a domestic constituency in aftermath of surgical strikes in PoK.

Noises of peace in Nepal
Mar 31, 2004

Noises of peace in Nepal

Noises of peace are once again emanating in Maoist insurgency hit-Nepal. The Maoists have expressed their desire to sit at the negotiating table, while, at the same time, creating a blood bath in different parts of the Himalayan Kingdom.

Obama's priority: Successful Chicago Summit, not Afghan peace
May 05, 2012

Obama's priority: Successful Chicago Summit, not Afghan peace

The basic purpose for Obama to have undertaken the nocturnal visit to Kabul is to show the Republicans as the misguided war mongers who thrust two wars on a nation in recession. True, Afghanistan was a war of choice but now unpopular at home. He would like to appear to be the leader who called back the troops.

Oil trade helps fuel peace engagements
Jul 26, 2012

Oil trade helps fuel peace engagements

Though India and Pakistan have been working on improving bilateral trade, the recent meeting of Experts' Group on Trade in Petroleum and Petrochemical Products come in the wake of the ongoing energy crisis in Pakistan.

Pakistan releases Taliban for role in Afghan peace process
Dec 10, 2012

Pakistan releases Taliban for role in Afghan peace process

In the Afghanistan peace process, Pakistan's significance lies more in its capability to play a destructive role than a constructive one. It is capable of scuttling the peace process and can stoke violence by supporting groups like the Haqqani network and engineer attacks against the government or foreign troops in Afghanistan.

Pakistan: Ceasefire violations could undo peace moves
Jul 18, 2014

Pakistan: Ceasefire violations could undo peace moves

The continuing ceasefire violations on the India-Pakistan border could become a stumbling block in the renewed attempts by the leadership of the two neighbours to improve their relationship.

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks
Sep 30, 2020

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks

Calls for immediate ceasefire for a comprehensive political solution have fallen flat. Seemingly because Pakistan has used the Taliban as a lever to k

Picking up the tab for peace
Sep 29, 2015

Picking up the tab for peace

As the world today looks up to India as a net security provider, Delhi needs to recast its peacekeeping strategy by modernising its decision-making structures, expanding domestic defence capabilities, and strengthening its military diplomacy.

Power sharing holds the Afghan peace balance
Jul 28, 2014

Power sharing holds the Afghan peace balance

The significance of the agreement brought out between rival Afghan presidential candidates, Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani, should not be overlooked. It has ensured that Afghanistan's democratic transition does not come to a premature halt. A timely resolution of the immediate predicaments could guarantee that it remains a durable one.

Priorities of Peace Process
Jul 14, 2005

Priorities of Peace Process

One of the critical issues that seem to have missed the Indian-Pakistan peace process is terrorism. Pakistan has quietly managed to keep the issue on the backburner by raising the issues of Baglihar dam and Kashmir.

Punjab: Can It Be a Bridge to Peace Between India and Pakistan?
Oct 10, 2011

Punjab: Can It Be a Bridge to Peace Between India and Pakistan?

New Delhi and Islamabad dominated dialogue have failed to come up with any solution to vexed issues like Kashmir. May be sub-regions like Punjab and other border provinces like Rajasthan-Sind.

R. K. Mishra Memorial Lecture:  Building Partnerships for Lasting Peace in South Asia
Dec 29, 2011

R. K. Mishra Memorial Lecture: Building Partnerships for Lasting Peace in South Asia

The Third R. K. Mishra Memorial Lecture was delivered by His Excellency Mr. Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, on October 5, 2011 in New Delhi. Outlining his vision for a peaceful and stable South Asia, President Karzai stressed that all the regional players would have to work together towards achieving this goal. This is the text of the lecture and proceedings of the event.

Searching for an elusive peace
Nov 16, 2018

Searching for an elusive peace

India must remain engaged with the multiple processes underway on Afghan reconciliation

Securing peace in Afghanistan: A primer on Japan’s role
May 24, 2023

Securing peace in Afghanistan: A primer on Japan’s role

The so-called ‘War on Terror’ launched by the United States following the September 11, 2001 attacks in its soil has had far-reaching implications to the pursuit of peace across many parts of the world. One of the crucial areas where the war is being fought is Afghanistan, which has been both a breeding ground of terrorism and a victim of violent terrorist attacks itself. This brief analyses the role played by Japan, a major ally of the US, i

Selling Arms for buying Peace
Sep 27, 2004

Selling Arms for buying Peace

Pakistan¿s port city of Karachi has been buzzing with military activity beginning September 2004. There have been two important events: first the inauguration by President Musharraf of the third IDEAS-2004 defence exhibition at the Expo Centre, Karachi.

Selling Arms for buying Peace
Sep 27, 2004

Selling Arms for buying Peace

Pakistan¿s port city of Karachi has been buzzing with military activity beginning September 2004. There have been two important events: first the inauguration by President Musharraf of the third IDEAS-2004 defence exhibition at the Expo Centre, Karachi.

Shujaat Bukhari's assassination is aimed at disrupting any move towards peace
Jun 15, 2018

Shujaat Bukhari's assassination is aimed at disrupting any move towards peace

The message in the murder is the obvious one. Kashmir’s terrain has changed, all the past verities no longer prevail. In the new situation, you are either for us, or against us, there is no middle ground.