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187 results found

Municipal bonds: A sustainable source of finance for Indian cities
Jun 10, 2020

Municipal bonds: A sustainable source of finance for Indian cities

There have been various factors that have limited the growth of the municipal bond market, but importantly it reflects the state of finances in the in

Needed, a robust knowledge partnership between India and UK
Mar 07, 2022

Needed, a robust knowledge partnership between India and UK

India and the UK have a history of commitment to further educational ties as India is one of the biggest contributors to the British Higher Education system. As of 2019-2020, there are over 53,000 Indians enlisted in the UK educational institutions.

New elite takes the helm in China
Mar 21, 2023

New elite takes the helm in China

Discussions are taking place amongst China’s elites on the restructuring of CPC and state institutions to make them respond to the demands of the Po

New geographies are transcending old divides
Jul 26, 2019

New geographies are transcending old divides

In a world buffeted by multiple headwinds, it appears that we have a dearth of progressive leadership. How can individuals and institutions rise abo

Only global agencies can save the world From Covid-19
Mar 31, 2020

Only global agencies can save the world From Covid-19

If rich nations want to preserve the liberal order, they must invest in the institutions that can help poorer countries survive this crisis.

Our fragile world: Conflict, Pandemic, and vaccine inequity
Mar 17, 2022

Our fragile world: Conflict, Pandemic, and vaccine inequity

The COVID-19 response is forcing us to reimagine global institutions and their commitments.

Pakistan in the 2012 Failed States Index: All that glitters is not gold?
Jul 26, 2012

Pakistan in the 2012 Failed States Index: All that glitters is not gold?

Although Pakistan does definitely have stability concerns, it was able. And, although the government and the institutions have generally weak legitimacy within the population, this does not necessarily translate in the rejection of the idea of Pakistan as a national entity.

Pakistani Madrasas: Questions & Answers
Aug 06, 2005

Pakistani Madrasas: Questions & Answers

Madrasas are Islamic religious seminaries, which were originally meant to train young persons, who wanted to take to religion as a profession. They wanted to work as clerics in mosques and as members of the staff in Islamic charitable institutions. In view of the limited career opportunities open to the students of the madrasas, only those who were keen to become religious clerics joined them. Till 1977,

Panchayats and pandemic
Apr 25, 2020

Panchayats and pandemic

With panchayats emerging as front warriors in the collective fight against COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Minister’s address to key members of rural self-

Political opposition in Russia in 2018: Composition, challenges and prospects
Aug 21, 2023

Political opposition in Russia in 2018: Composition, challenges and prospects

Russia recently witnessed the re-election of its long-serving president. A constitutionally mandated term limit suggests this would be Vladimir Putin’s last presidential term. As Russia enters a period of power transition, it is likely that a number of political actors will become relevant during this phase. This brief looks at the groups that form the opposition—those operating within the formal institutions and the major players outside it�

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy
Dec 22, 2023

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy

Incorporation of health diplomacy in the existing training institutions for diplomats and other professionals could add value to position India at the

Post-Osama Pakistan: Can the civil-military balance change?
May 16, 2011

Post-Osama Pakistan: Can the civil-military balance change?

It is high time that enlightened Pakistanis realize that the real threat to the existence of the Pakistani state comes from their own army which has usurped authority due to debilitated political institutions and geo-political concerns of western powers.

Raising the regional cooperation dimension in Africa
Jul 27, 2023

Raising the regional cooperation dimension in Africa

India can work with regional financial institutions to expand successful Africa Summits, economic outreach, and improve LOC delivery through collabora

Regional dimensions of global response to COVID-19
May 19, 2020

Regional dimensions of global response to COVID-19

The regional approach to collectively combat the pandemic may have allowed global institutions such as the United Nations and its agencies to engage r

Regulating fees will not improve quality of Indian HEIs
Dec 11, 2019

Regulating fees will not improve quality of Indian HEIs

India’s demographic dividend will pay off only if the youth are either enrolled in higher education programmes or made job-ready with effective skil

Reinvention and principled diplomacy — Biden on East and Southeast Asia
Nov 10, 2020

Reinvention and principled diplomacy — Biden on East and Southeast Asia

What would be crucial to note is whether there is a salving of positions taken towards China by Trump, as US policy towards China still stands to dete

Restoring the balance
Dec 19, 2018

Restoring the balance

India must remain invested in strengthening democratic institutions in the Maldives

Rethinking China’s non-market economy status beyond 2016
Jul 24, 2023

Rethinking China’s non-market economy status beyond 2016

The effect of the 15th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the expiry of several provisions of its WTO Accession Protocol was the object of heated debate between major trading partners in 2016. Yet the question of China’s graduation to the market-economy status, and its implications on the anti-dumping investigations in the importing countries, remains. This paper explores the divergent legal interpretat

Retrieving ground in Afghanistan
Jun 08, 2017

Retrieving ground in Afghanistan

The legitimacy of its institutions, including the unity government and the security forces, must be enhanced

Ride the storm
Jun 05, 2024

Ride the storm

The multilateral order, built on the debris of the Second World War, is no longer fit to address this situation. Global institutions are missing in action just when they are needed the most

Social marginalisation in urban India and role of the State
Jun 05, 2015

Social marginalisation in urban India and role of the State

Social marginalisation in urban India can be overcome by identifying committed non-State individuals/institutions, and supporting them so that they are able to successfully contribute to the government's reform process.

Social Marginalisation in Urban India and the Role of the State
Sep 15, 2023

Social Marginalisation in Urban India and the Role of the State

Urban inequality is a blight experienced by many cities, even in the developed world.In developing countries like India, these social and economic inequalities become even morepronounced, with living conditions in certain populations crossing the line to the abysmal. Inthese cities, agencies responsible for addressing welfare concerns are unable to do so, as theythemselves grapple with a host of challenges. This paper argues that any positive tra

Space militarisation inevitable
Mar 24, 2015

Space militarisation inevitable

At the launch of the ORF Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Initiative, experts felt that space is unlikely to become an exception to the security-seeking nature of the international system. They felt States should accept space militarisation as a reality and develop institutions to regulate its use for both peaceful and military purposes.

Strengthening municipal leadership in India: The potential of directly elected mayors with executive powers
Sep 04, 2018

Strengthening municipal leadership in India: The potential of directly elected mayors with executive powers

The question of municipal leadership is of great significance in urban governance in India. There are various models of the position of chief executive of an urban local body (ULB), predominantly tilting towards the ‘strong mayor’ model either through ‘presidentialisation’ of the office or through a ‘mayor-in-council’[1] system. In India, it is the ‘state appointed municipal commissioner’ model that holds sway, sitting over a popu

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives
Jul 20, 2010

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives

Because of the tacit and overt alliance between the constituents of policymaking institutions and the violent non-state actors in Pakistan, it is imperative to review the current strategies and policies to evolve a more comprehensive set of actions.

The case for an alliance of Techno-Democracies
Oct 19, 2021

The case for an alliance of Techno-Democracies

This alliance and its leadership will be essential to safeguarding democratic institutions, norms, and values, and be a driver for sustainable and equ

The challenge of ​education in India
Feb 15, 2018

The challenge of ​education in India

India has the third largest higher education system in the world, and is behind only the US and China in this area. Our higher educational institutions churn out around 2.5 million graduates every year. However, this caters to just about 10 per cent of India’s youth and the quality of this output is considered below par.

The China effect? Behind India’s mysterious U-turn at the IMF
Jun 20, 2020

The China effect? Behind India’s mysterious U-turn at the IMF

Previous attempts at building alternate multilateral institutions like the New Development Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have been hij

The Enduring Link Between Conflict and Hunger in the 21st Century
Oct 14, 2021

The Enduring Link Between Conflict and Hunger in the 21st Century

The economic consequences of the ongoing pandemic have pushed millions of people into hunger and poverty. Yet, in some parts of the world, critical levels of widespread hunger, or famine, had already made a resurgence long before the outbreak of COVID-19. This brief studies the famine-like situation in four countries in two continents—Yemen, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and North Korea—to demonstrate the direct link between conflicts and modern fam

The Fundamental Principles of Covert Military Action: Lessons from India’s 1971 Experience
Jun 25, 2024

The Fundamental Principles of Covert Military Action: Lessons from India’s 1971 Experience

The success of the Indian covert actions in 1971 that led to the liberation of Bangladesh has a legendary place in India’s security consciousness. This paper retells the story of India’s covert actions in East Pakistan between January and December 1971. It lays down some essential rules and principles for successful covert actions that remain applicable even today. These include the need for a culture of covert action that guides the developm

The Future of Care Work Post-COVID-19
Sep 08, 2021

The Future of Care Work Post-COVID-19

Care work, both paid and unpaid, is at the heart of most economies. The care sector comprises formal healthcare, childcare services, early childhood education, disability and long-term care, and eldercare. Two-thirds of care workers globally are women, and women and girls perform more than three-quarters of all unpaid care work. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the vulnerability of care workers and deepened the gender gap. This paper a

The Future of India’s Development Cooperation in Afghanistan
Nov 08, 2021

The Future of India’s Development Cooperation in Afghanistan

In August 2021, Kabul fell to the Taliban, marking their return nearly 20 years since they first ruled Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. This report examines the prospects of restarting India’s engagements in Afghanistan under the current Taliban regime. It builds on the insights shared during an exclusive, virtual roundtable organised by ORF’s Centre for New Economic Diplomacy (CNED) in September 2021, and makes a case for India to consider the

The Future of Work and the role of education in shaping it
Mar 04, 2023

The Future of Work and the role of education in shaping it

Educational institutions can play a huge role in helping learners find a supportive community, figure out how to learn new things, and continually rei

The Geoeconomics of Climate Finance
Nov 22, 2021

The Geoeconomics of Climate Finance

The global climate finance architecture tends to restrain emerging economies from mobilising and accessing global private commercial capital for energy transition. This brief explores the different global financial regulations that influence climate capital flows between countries, and argues that institutions must enhance their role in facilitating the optimal allocation of capital. It evaluates the role of Multilateral Development Banks from a

The Global Financial System: A post-GFC Report Card
Aug 23, 2023

The Global Financial System: A post-GFC Report Card

The International Financial Architecture has come under much scrutiny following the 2008 global financial crisis. There have been demands for major reforms to the IFA; but despite the steps taken so far, much more needs to be done to ensure global financial stability.

The International Rules Based Architecture: Identifying Indian Priorities
Jul 06, 2013

The International Rules Based Architecture: Identifying Indian Priorities

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF), in partnership with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom, organised a multi-stakeholder workshop on the 'International Rules-Based Governance' on March 15, 2013. The objective of the workshop was to arrive at a better understanding of the order of priorities for India within the international rules-based architecture.Three areas of focus were identified, namely: Corporate governance ben

The malaise of multilateralism and how to manage it
Jan 23, 2020

The malaise of multilateralism and how to manage it

Why multilateralism is in such a mess today boils down to three reasons: disillusionment with globalisation, lacklustre narratives in support of multi

The Mohajir: Identity and politics in multiethnic Pakistan
Nov 06, 2019

The Mohajir: Identity and politics in multiethnic Pakistan

Upon the creation of Pakistan in 1947, millions of refugees and migrants from India made Karachi their new home, settling alongside the native Sindhi population. They identified themselves as mohajirs and have since been part of the long process of assimilation into Pakistan’s multiethnic, multilingual, Islamic republic. The political mobilisation of the group has led to the formation of a number of Mohajir parties, the strongest of which remai

The paranoia over Ford Foundation
Apr 28, 2015

The paranoia over Ford Foundation

There is an irony in the government's crackdown on Ford Foundation that seems to have escaped most observers. In the 1960s, the principal critics of the Foundation were the Indian Left. Now, the government and critics of foundations and NGOs fail to realise one thing. Now we are a self-confident, resilient society with institutions that have gained considerable depth. We are also a transparent and open society.

The politics of the redback: Chinese economic statecraft and global finance
Nov 22, 2017

The politics of the redback: Chinese economic statecraft and global finance

An internationally accepted ‘redback’ and financial institutions under Beijing give China the requisite arsenal to project economic influence and

The spirit of ‘compromis à la belge’
Jan 10, 2024

The spirit of ‘compromis à la belge’

As the country that hosts the EU institutions with Brussels known as the EU’s de facto capital, Belgium has been instrumental in the EU’s evolutio

The tragedy of Brazil and a warning for other democracies
Jan 13, 2023

The tragedy of Brazil and a warning for other democracies

Sustaining democracy and faith in democratic institutions is an everyday task and arduous one at that.

The unfinished business of decentralised urban governance in India
Feb 10, 2020

The unfinished business of decentralised urban governance in India

Until the early 1990s, India’s urban local bodies (ULBs) were under the complete control of the states, having little functional, financial and administrative autonomy. The 74th Amendment Act of 1992 sought to make ULBs self-governing institutions. Many salutary provisions were made in the Act and there have been certain positive outcomes since it came into effect in April 1993. However, many key issues have remained unresolved and at present,

The World Bank data manipulation controversy: A cause for worry
Nov 01, 2021

The World Bank data manipulation controversy: A cause for worry

The integrity of global financial institutions has come under scrutiny as indication of data manipulations tilted in favour of China has been uncovere

Towards Universal Access to Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies: The Role of Policy, National Incomes, and Social Behaviour
Aug 14, 2023

Towards Universal Access to Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies: The Role of Policy, National Incomes, and Social Behaviour

Goal seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) commits the international community to providing access to clean cooking fuels and technologies to all by 2030. Progress has been slow, however, and in about 40 of the UN’s 189 member countries for which data is available, more that 80 percent of the populations continue to lack such access. Using case studies, this brief analyses the role of a country’s policies, i

Trump’s exemptionalist US foreign policy
Jul 17, 2018

Trump’s exemptionalist US foreign policy

Under President Trump, the United States seems to adopting an unprecedented antagonistic stance against the institutions, commitments, and unpronounced precedents alike, of the liberal world order that the US itself put in place in the aftermath of the Second World War.