Search: For - cybersecurity

233 results found

Indian Army's year of technological advancement in 2024
Feb 03, 2024

Indian Army's year of technological advancement in 2024

While the Indian Army’s emphasis on integrating advanced tools reflects a proactive response to evolving challenges, a broader transformation warran

Indian TechFin: क्या हमारे पास उपलब्ध नियम-क़ायदे पर्याप्त हैं?
Dec 28, 2022

Indian TechFin: क्या हमारे पास उपलब्ध नियम-क़ायदे पर्याप्त हैं?

भारतीय टेकफिन के उत्थान ने विनियामक चुनौतियां पेश की हैं

International implications of hack-for-hire services
Aug 09, 2023

International implications of hack-for-hire services

If not tackled promptly, India’s reputation as a hotspot of the hack-for-hire industry could jeopardise its role as an upcoming leader in global cyb

Is Hong Kong China’s Crypto Sandbox?
Apr 21, 2023

Is Hong Kong China’s Crypto Sandbox?

China's digital assets experiment in Hong Kong is an area of interest for the world as it can aid in crafting better policy

Momentum in the India-Australia Relationship on Display With 2+2 Strategic Dialogue
Nov 27, 2023

Momentum in the India-Australia Relationship on Display With 2+2 Strategic Dialogue

Canberra and New Delhi look at each other as vital partners playing critical roles in maintaining peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific.

Mutually Assured Diplomacy: Governance, ‘unpeace’ and diplomacy in cyberspace
Oct 19, 2019

Mutually Assured Diplomacy: Governance, ‘unpeace’ and diplomacy in cyberspace

Those working on the diplomatic challenges of cyberspace stability and internet governance have their work cut out.

New challenges, flexible partnerships—election season commences in South Asia
Sep 05, 2023

New challenges, flexible partnerships—election season commences in South Asia

As the Maldives, Bhutan, and Bangladesh head toward elections, they continue to commit to democracy

Nurturing Responsible Young Netizens through Digital Civics
Dec 05, 2022

Nurturing Responsible Young Netizens through Digital Civics

To ensure that the youth become effective ‘Digital Citizens’ of India, cybersecurity awareness focusing on digital civics and cyber hygiene needs

Protecting enterprise secrets and intellectual property in a volatile world
Oct 24, 2020

Protecting enterprise secrets and intellectual property in a volatile world

As technology evolves and new solutions emerge, governments have taken greater interest in regulatory matters, particularly in Indo-Pacific economies

Secure ICT is impossible without trustworthy suppliers
Nov 10, 2021

Secure ICT is impossible without trustworthy suppliers

To navigate rising cybersecurity threats, Trust Centres are crucial in determining the level of trustworthiness of ICT vendors

Securing digital terrain
Mar 17, 2015

Securing digital terrain

The Sony hack is a textbook example of the fog of cyberwar. The whole incident is a telling manifestation of the many aspects of cybersecurity: the question of state behavior in cyberspace; the threat to business advancing public-private cooperation in combating such attacks; and the question of motive

Security Nexus: ‘तक़नीक, जल और सुरक्षा का ताना बाना’
Jan 09, 2023

Security Nexus: ‘तक़नीक, जल और सुरक्षा का ताना बाना’

उभरती हुई टेक्नोलॉजी और चौथी औद्योगिक क्रांति, क्या भारत

Social Media and Political Leaders: An Exploratory Analysis
Jul 21, 2023

Social Media and Political Leaders: An Exploratory Analysis

Politicians have always used the media to communicate with the electorate. What makes social media unique is the scale, speed, and minimal cost at which leaders can do this task. This paper analyses the relationship between political leaders and the microblogging site, Twitter. It provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the use of Twitter by two contemporary Indian political leaders—Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi. It describ

Tech-driven counterterrorism: Navigating new frontiers
Mar 29, 2024

Tech-driven counterterrorism: Navigating new frontiers

There is a growing need for adaptive counter-terrorism strategies and global collaboration to navigate the intersection of technology and terrorism ef

Technology policymaking in India: The need for a paradigm shift
Jan 15, 2022

Technology policymaking in India: The need for a paradigm shift

To emerge as tech power in the future, India needs to rethink its approach towards policymaking

Terrorist Resources, Proclivity for Attacks, and an Effective Counterterrorism Framework
Jul 17, 2023

Terrorist Resources, Proclivity for Attacks, and an Effective Counterterrorism Framework

This paper proposes a counter-terrorism (CT) framework in terms of three types of CT policies—i.e., offensive, defensive, and confidence-building measures (CBMs)— targeted at a terror outfit that is either resource-constrained or resource-abundant. It argues that defensive measures are a ubiquitous element of CT, as these can prove effective irrespective of whether the targeted terrorist group is resource-abundant or resource-constrained. On

The AIIMS cyberattack reflects India’s critical vulnerabilities
Dec 03, 2022

The AIIMS cyberattack reflects India’s critical vulnerabilities

In the quest for digitalisation, India has become an easy target for cyberattacks due to poor cybersecurity

The ASEAN, PIF, and IORA drive the agenda of the Quad Leaders’ Meeting in Hiroshima
May 25, 2023

The ASEAN, PIF, and IORA drive the agenda of the Quad Leaders’ Meeting in Hiroshima

China’s growing footprint in Southeast Asia, the Pacific and Indian Ocean has prompted closer cooperation between the Quad and organisations such as

The Colombo Security Conclave: What is it and what does it mean for Australia?
May 16, 2023

The Colombo Security Conclave: What is it and what does it mean for Australia?

With the support of the CSC, Australia can enhance its engagement with the Northeast Indian Ocean region

The Crypto Winter: क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाज़ार में छाया सन्नाटा, FTX का पतन और भरोसे का संकट!
Dec 27, 2022

The Crypto Winter: क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाज़ार में छाया सन्नाटा, FTX का पतन और भरोसे का संकट!

ऐसा लगता है कि लगातार बढ़ती भरोसे की कमी संकटों के दौर के �

The Future of Cyber Warfare in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 13, 2023

The Future of Cyber Warfare in the Indo-Pacific

The rapid growth in military cyber capabilities of the countries in the Indo-Pacific combined with the use of assets from the cyberwarfare toolbox—in domestic and interstate contexts—is adding uncertainty to already competitive political, military, and economic relations. This issue brief assesses the cyberwarfare context in the Indo-Pacific, and reviews the military cyber capabilities of the region’s countries and their commitment to inter

The Future of Cyberwarfare in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 13, 2023

The Future of Cyberwarfare in the Indo-Pacific

The rapid growth in military cyber capabilities of the countries in the Indo-Pacific combined with the use of assets from the cyberwarfare toolbox—in domestic and interstate contexts—is adding uncertainty to already competitive political, military, and economic relations. This issue brief assesses the cyberwarfare context in the Indo-Pacific, and reviews the military cyber capabilities of the region’s countries and their commitment to inter

The G20 Digital Agenda: Cross-Presidency Priorities
Nov 24, 2023

The G20 Digital Agenda: Cross-Presidency Priorities

The G20 Digital Agenda: Cross-Presidency Priorities white paper, co-authored by the World Economic Forum and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), underscores the importance of a cohesive digital strategy within the G20.

The Growing Tech Focus of the Quad
Jul 09, 2022

The Growing Tech Focus of the Quad

Writing new rules of the road for critical and emerging technologies is a key imperative for the Quad.

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection
Oct 26, 2022

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection

The general impetus seems to be control of data flows by nation states and not protection of data and privacy

The near future of international law in cyberspace: Contentions and realities
Jan 15, 2022

The near future of international law in cyberspace: Contentions and realities

International stability can be endangered if the fine points of how international law applies to cyber operations are not determined

The Quad and the wicked problem of tech standards
Jun 01, 2022

The Quad and the wicked problem of tech standards

The 5Gi case displays India’s ambition to play a significant role in the formation of the global tech regime.

Trinity of Big Data, RegTech, SupTech: Is it panacea or problem for financial regulators?
Apr 28, 2023

Trinity of Big Data, RegTech, SupTech: Is it panacea or problem for financial regulators?

Big Data, RegTech, and SupTech offer significant opportunities for enhancing systemic financial resilience and improving financial supervision

Turbulent times for China's Big Tech is far from over
Nov 19, 2021

Turbulent times for China's Big Tech is far from over

China is instating new measures such as blockchain standardisation and amendment of the Anti-Monopoly Law in an effort to further rein in the Big Tech

Twenty-five years of Pokhran: Safeguarding India’s nuclear infrastructure from cyber threats
May 10, 2023

Twenty-five years of Pokhran: Safeguarding India’s nuclear infrastructure from cyber threats

India must proactively secure its nuclear infrastructure from cyberattacks to remain “a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology”

UN Security Council reform: A Caribbean view
Dec 14, 2023

UN Security Council reform: A Caribbean view

For CARICOM, a reformed Security Council is vitally important in beating back hard power-related action that undermines the Caribbean’s security

Using AI and blockchain tech for transparency in urban governance
Jun 22, 2018

Using AI and blockchain tech for transparency in urban governance

People are going to ask government for answers, and the solutions will lie in getting transparency through new-age systems.

Virtual diplomacy: Building a successful hybrid future
Jul 20, 2023

Virtual diplomacy: Building a successful hybrid future

Virtual diplomacy has incredible benefits, but it cannot replace traditional in-person meetings, as a virtual setting comes with its own set of consid

Vulnerabilities, equities, and progress
Apr 14, 2021

Vulnerabilities, equities, and progress

The ease and speed with which cyberweapons can be recycled heighten risks in ways that are incomparable to other domains of conflict.