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Hong Kong twilight
May 23, 2020

Hong Kong twilight

The protests In Hong Kong on Sunday will really tell us how the future will unfold. If millions participate, then it means Beijing is not going to fin

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India
Oct 08, 2020

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India

China has enacted a National Security Law for the special administrative region of Hong Kong. The provisions of the law can be used to curb peaceful dissent and enhance Beijing’s control over the region. It has the potential to not only change Hong Kong’s legal and political autonomy, but also alter its status as a global financial centre. This paper offers an overview of the national security law and its implications for the ‘one country,

How India, too, is on a quest for undersea dominance, to counter the Chinese navy’s growing presence
Aug 31, 2018

How India, too, is on a quest for undersea dominance, to counter the Chinese navy’s growing presence

As China and the US pursue development of unmanned underwater drones, the Indian navy is also adjusting its strategy to include autonomous vehicles in its armoury against China’s growing undersea footprint in the Indian Ocean

How India’s 13-A reference applies to the whole of Sri Lanka
Sep 14, 2022

How India’s 13-A reference applies to the whole of Sri Lanka

Over the past three decades, since 13-A came into force, there has been no inclination in the non-Tamil areas for provincial autonomy. Power devolutio

How the war in Ukraine is stress testing West Asia’s geopolitics
Nov 21, 2022

How the war in Ukraine is stress testing West Asia’s geopolitics

Gulf capitals are attracted towards the concept of ‘strategic autonomy’, one that is attractive on paper but challenging in practice

Inclusive digital policies are key to mould women leaders
Apr 01, 2024

Inclusive digital policies are key to mould women leaders

The digital revolution opens new avenues for women's economic participation, however, to ensure true inclusion, this revolution must be steered by gen

Inclusive growth and the employment challenge
Feb 28, 2018

Inclusive growth and the employment challenge

India’s strong growth in recent years has outstripped job creation and poverty remains a key challenge. In the face of the changing world of work, how can perceived economic problems become opportunities?

India and Cambodia expanding bilateral relations on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit
Nov 22, 2022

India and Cambodia expanding bilateral relations on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit

New Delhi’s determination to adhere to a rules-based order and autonomy places Cambodia at a better junction to navigate its path vis-a-vis China

India chasing a fleeting manufacturing dream
Jun 07, 2020

India chasing a fleeting manufacturing dream

With the current rise in automation — a trend that has gained strength due to COVID-19 — the manufacturing sector’s ability to absorb traditiona

India is still losing to China in the border infrastructure war
Oct 01, 2018

India is still losing to China in the border infrastructure war

Unless India accelerates the pace of the physical border infrastructure build-up, New Delhi will face serious difficulties in any future confrontation with China.

India to chair UN group on 'killer robots', open new page on arms control diplomacy
Dec 19, 2016

India to chair UN group on 'killer robots', open new page on arms control diplomacy

India was selected as the chair of the first group of governmental experts (GGE) constituted to deliberate the issue of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and their impact on international security

Indian rice export ban: Implications for global markets and food security
Dec 22, 2023

Indian rice export ban: Implications for global markets and food security

India’s rice export ban is unlikely to lead to a global food crisis, given the extent of the reduction in supply to global markets and the concomita

India’s Grand Strategy: A Framework for the Future that Builds on Bharat’s Ancient Statecraft of Peace, Prosperity, and Planet
Jun 26, 2024

India’s Grand Strategy: A Framework for the Future that Builds on Bharat’s Ancient Statecraft of Peace, Prosperity, and Planet

Aspiring to become a US$30-trillion economy by 2047, surrounded by hostile nations, and leading the idea of multipolarity in a bipolar world, India needs to articulate a grand strategy that has been missing in its statecraft. With the necessary conditions for such an endeavour in place, it is time for Bharat, under Narendra Modi’s third term as prime minister, to thread the three core aspects of executing such a grand strategy: articulating the

Is China hyping its 'intelligent' cruise missile capability?
Sep 05, 2016

Is China hyping its 'intelligent' cruise missile capability?

Beijing’s latest gambit is the release of a media report on the development of cruise missiles with artificial intelligence and autonomous capabilities.

Japan’s Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific during the post-Cold War Period
Oct 09, 2010

Japan’s Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific during the post-Cold War Period

Despite domestic political changes, the alliance with the US continues to be the cornerstone of Japan's security policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Although Japan has taken some siginificant steps in the direction of normal statehood, the domestic constituency in favour of full strategic autonomy is still very weak. Japan's dilemma between its growing security concerns and the limitations laid by its Constitution will continue to be a major chall

Latin America: The last frontier for India’s foreign policy
Jun 06, 2022

Latin America: The last frontier for India’s foreign policy

Trade and investment opportunities galore in Latin America; India should formulate a proper policy to make the most of it.

Life in Kashmir After Article 370
Jan 28, 2020

Life in Kashmir After Article 370

This special report analyses insights gathered by the author from different sections of the Kashmir public regarding the impact of the abrogation of Article 370 on their lives. The interviews were supplemented by secondary sources, primarily news reports in the national and international media after 5 August 2019, when the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government of India abrogated the enforcement of Article 370 of the Constitution, which sinc

Lost in transit: Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA)
Jan 08, 2022

Lost in transit: Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA)

With metro rail adding one more layer to urban mass transit, an autonomous UMTA is necessary to increase the modal share of public transport in urban

Machine-driven weapons need an international system of accountability
Feb 22, 2019

Machine-driven weapons need an international system of accountability

In the absence of clear norms on human accountability and attribution for autonomous weapons, we could see states like Pakistan deploy LAWS for operations outside their borders.

Mali: Will it disintegrate?
Apr 23, 2012

Mali: Will it disintegrate?

On April 6, the Tuaregs rebelled against the Mali state, captured large areas in the northern region (Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu) and declared autonomy by forming a new "Azawad" state.

Managing on-street parking in Indian cities
Mar 14, 2024

Managing on-street parking in Indian cities

The surge in vehicle ownership has created a persistent on-street parking challenge amidst increasing demand for parking space

Managing Security An Agenda for the New Government
Oct 30, 2004

Managing Security An Agenda for the New Government

Former Prime Minister Vajpayee¿s government may not have left India shining, but to its credit, it notched up several major achievements on the national security font. Foremost among these was declaring India a nuclear weapons state, a move that unquestionably enhanced India¿s quest for strategic autonomy.

Modi's world
Apr 09, 2014

Modi's world

If elected to power, Narendra Modi's success on the diplomatic front will depend on an emulation of the last BJP prime minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who successfully carved out foreign policy autonomy from his party's antediluvian world view.

ModiGovt@4: Institutions take a big hit
May 25, 2018

ModiGovt@4: Institutions take a big hit

Notwithstanding various government claims of its achievements, relationship between different institutions, both autonomous as well as official, and t

Moment of reckoning for India’s electric two-wheeler industry
Oct 28, 2023

Moment of reckoning for India’s electric two-wheeler industry

India can grasp world leadership in EVs, and the opportunity is at hand. It's the right time for policymakers and the industry to embark on this path

Multi-dimensional threats challenge Indian security
Apr 11, 2014

Multi-dimensional threats challenge Indian security

New security challenges confront India today. Newer areas of conflict and contestation are emerging on the horizon. These challenges call for dynamic and autonomous response mechanisms.

Musk’s China visit: A win for Musk and China and a snub for India?
May 17, 2024

Musk’s China visit: A win for Musk and China and a snub for India?

Elon Musk’s recent visit to China after postponing his India trip has prompted many to call the move a snub, but there is more to this than meets th

Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi Verdict and Its Aftermath
Dec 21, 2021

Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi Verdict and Its Aftermath

The world frets as Aung San Suu Kyi is tried on multiple grounds. Has the tombstone of Myanmar democracy been laid?

Netaji’s mayoral tenure: People-centric administration through nationalistic ethos
Jan 24, 2024

Netaji’s mayoral tenure: People-centric administration through nationalistic ethos

Analysing Netaji’s efforts during his mayoral tenure offers motivation across the socio-political spectrum to give due importance to municipal affai

On Iran and Trump, India has landed between a rock and a hard place
May 14, 2018

On Iran and Trump, India has landed between a rock and a hard place

If India aspires to be a 'leading power', it may soon have to choose between its strategically autonomous goals, and those which the Trump administration has in mind for the region.

Overcoming inconsistencies in comprehensive mobility plans of Indian cities
Feb 27, 2024

Overcoming inconsistencies in comprehensive mobility plans of Indian cities

Amidst urban growth, equipping cities with the most optimal, cost-efficient, and effective mass rapid transport systems is imperative

Perspectives on financing urban resilience in India
May 28, 2024

Perspectives on financing urban resilience in India

Without proper urban planning, India will incur significant costs in the future

Pie in the sky: The artificial ace
Aug 23, 2020

Pie in the sky: The artificial ace

A spectacular dogfight scoreline is tantalising, but still leaves a lot unsaid about the future of AI and autonomous warfare.

Pioneering progress: Exploring the frontiers of AI-driven growth
Feb 08, 2024

Pioneering progress: Exploring the frontiers of AI-driven growth

AI is undeniably causing disruptions across the board. However, a shift in narrative is required to view AI as a constructive force, focusing on its p

PLA joint exercises in Tibet: Implications for India
Feb 26, 2020

PLA joint exercises in Tibet: Implications for India

Since 2015, China has been undertaking a thorough restructuring of its military, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping. This has involved significant changes in the operational structure of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), with the modernisation and optimisation of the military to bring about better jointness and overall efficiency. This paper examines the PLA reforms as they pertain to training and jointness in the Tibet Autonomous R

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy
Dec 22, 2023

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy

Incorporation of health diplomacy in the existing training institutions for diplomats and other professionals could add value to position India at the

Post COVID19 Green Mobility: Time for a long-term vision for Electric Vehicles in India
May 11, 2023

Post COVID19 Green Mobility: Time for a long-term vision for Electric Vehicles in India

The Electric Vehicle (EV) segment in India has gathered momentum in recent years, but a mismatch in intent and action has resulted in limited on-ground adoption of EVs. However, the expected growth of the automobile sector (especially in the personal-mobility space), due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and people’s increased understanding of vehicular emissions, creates immense scope for the exponential growth of the EVs industry in India. Ess

Preparing Indian Cities for a Shift to E-Mobility
Apr 12, 2021

Preparing Indian Cities for a Shift to E-Mobility

India is driving a transition to e-mobility in a bid to meet its commitments to the Paris climate agreement. Meeting the e-mobility targets will have multiple benefits, including cleaner air, improved health, and a reduced oil import bill. India’s cities will play a key role in achieving the e-mobility transition through planning and the implementation of local policies, but they must first overcome certain challenges. Assistance from the centr

Protests in Uzbekistan’s Karakalpakstan: A Soviet legacy
Jul 15, 2022

Protests in Uzbekistan’s Karakalpakstan: A Soviet legacy

The proposal to downgrade the autonomous status of Karakalpakstan has led to widespread protests in Uzbekistan.

Reskilling without a sunset clause
Jan 04, 2019

Reskilling without a sunset clause

Reskilling is all the rage as toilers of every creed scramble to upgrade skills so that they can remain valuable when tasks most suitable to machine l

Responding to the arrival of Artificial Intelligence
Dec 06, 2016

Responding to the arrival of Artificial Intelligence

The progress of AI has been attributed to three main factors — the availability of Big Data from sources such as social media, e-commerce, governmen

Revenge of the geeks — The secret ingredient of high performance teams & ‘stubborn minorities’
Jun 08, 2018

Revenge of the geeks — The secret ingredient of high performance teams & ‘stubborn minorities’

The future of work is deeply tied to the ties that bind great teams inside the workplace. Until robot overlords upend the world, we humans will be per

Saudi moves impacting West Asian geopolitics
Apr 26, 2023

Saudi moves impacting West Asian geopolitics

By bringing China and Russia into the region and by developing strategic partnerships with important players such as India, Riyadh is signalling its intent to reduce its dependence on the US. Mohammed bin Salman is looking at a policy of multi-alignment that affords greater strategic autonomy.

Setting the guardrails for AI in weapons
Jan 30, 2024

Setting the guardrails for AI in weapons

Any governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) needs to consider the deadliest applications of AI

Small Satellites for India’s Security: A Techno-Entrepreneurial View
Jan 25, 2016

Small Satellites for India’s Security: A Techno-Entrepreneurial View

The past decade has witnessed the proliferation of small satellite technology in various domains including the military, academe and commerce. is paper explores the idea of utilising small satellites technology (of the order weighing less than 150kg) for specic aspects of India's space security interests. It will describe some of the programmes and missions of global leaders in space security, and examine specic applications of small satellite te