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219 results found

Why Iraq needs more attention in India’s West Asia policy calculus
Dec 07, 2022

Why Iraq needs more attention in India’s West Asia policy calculus

Baghdad can figure in India’s energy calculations more significantly given the geopolitical developments in recent times.

Why is India's West Asia policy ineffective?
Jul 23, 2014

Why is India's West Asia policy ineffective?

Does Indian Foreign Policy towards West Asia have to be as fragmented as the region? Probably not. One could start by enunciating a few guidelines that are minimalist; that we are against religious extremism, toppling established states and condemning disproportionate use of force by Israel.

With fruitful Israel visit, Modi capitalises on shifting narrative in West Asia
Jul 07, 2017

With fruitful Israel visit, Modi capitalises on shifting narrative in West Asia

Amid changing narratives in West Asia, PM Modi has successfully de-hyphenated India's Israel and Palestine policy.

World focus on West Asia, but terrorism is on the ascent in South East Asia
Apr 22, 2015

World focus on West Asia, but terrorism is on the ascent in South East Asia

The ISIS has the potential to become the unifying terrorist force in the South East Asia region, posing a bigger threat to the region, according to terrorism expert Mr. Vikram Rajakumar. He also pointed out the emerging pro and anti ISIS factions in the region, counter balancing the ISIS.

2003 : Jihadi Terrorism in Central Asia
Jan 27, 2004

2003 : Jihadi Terrorism in Central Asia

While the year 2003 saw many acts of terrorism in South, South-East and West Asia, as well as in Chechnya in Russia, very few major acts of terrorism were reported from Central Asia. In fact, ever since the US-led coalition went into action against Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Central Asian Republics (CARs) have remained largely free of major acts of terrorism

30 years of bilateral ties: What Indo-Israeli relations look like
Sep 12, 2022

30 years of bilateral ties: What Indo-Israeli relations look like

India's de-hyphenation policy in West Asia has been instrumental in sustaining bilateral ties with Israel.

Afghanistan: ISI crony on attack-mode as Taliban readies for political role
Sep 16, 2011

Afghanistan: ISI crony on attack-mode as Taliban readies for political role

A decade after the 'Twin Towers' came crashing down in New York, the US has given its blessings for the Taliban to open its political office in the distant West Asian State of Qatar.

Al-Qaeda, ISIS and India's challenges
Jul 10, 2015

Al-Qaeda, ISIS and India's challenges

There are two epicentres of terrorism today. One is in the AfPak region, a byproduct of the Cold War. Another epicentre which has risen in the recent times is in West Asia, which in some ways represents the first post-Cold War conflict between various competing forces.

Analysing Iranian Defence Minister’s visit to India
Feb 08, 2021

Analysing Iranian Defence Minister’s visit to India

Iran may become an important point of contact — diplomatically — in the near future, and the reason behind this will not be energy security for In

Another looming crisis in the Middle East: Climate change
Nov 16, 2023

Another looming crisis in the Middle East: Climate change

The climate crisis has become a leading concern in the Middle East and the upcoming COP28 climate conference in the UAE serves as a pivotal platform t

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil
Jun 10, 2024

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil

China’s primary chase in West Asia remains economic and it will continue to push for economic integration despite the region’s challenges.

ASEAN-GCC Summit: Forging new partnerships
Nov 18, 2023

ASEAN-GCC Summit: Forging new partnerships

The ASEAN GCC partnership is well-intentioned but needs improved cooperation and even interest across members on both sides

Bracing for Trump’s vision of international security
Mar 11, 2024

Bracing for Trump’s vision of international security

Trump’s approach to transatlantic security, the US’s allies in the Indo-Pacific, and security concerns in West Asia will be shaping his vision of

Burgeoning Terrorism in Africa: A Critical Overview
Sep 28, 2021

Burgeoning Terrorism in Africa: A Critical Overview

The spillover of terrorist activity from West Asia to Africa has had devastating consequences for the continent

Can Russia roll back the caliphate in Iraq and Syria?
Nov 13, 2015

Can Russia roll back the caliphate in Iraq and Syria?

Russia's military intervention in Syria in September, 2015, is a new gambit by its president, Vladimir Putin. It could change the course of history, and even geography, in that region or bog down Russia in a West Asian quagmire.

Caught in US-Iran tangle
Jul 23, 2018

Caught in US-Iran tangle

Trump Tantrum: US sanctions on Iran threaten to hit India’s strategic interests in West Asia

China's looking at its Trump card
Dec 20, 2016

China's looking at its Trump card

An erratic US President Trump, with a poor grasp of policy, can give Beijing a free run not only in South-east Asia, but Central and West Asia as well

Contesting neighbours, revised geopolitical playbooks
Oct 27, 2020

Contesting neighbours, revised geopolitical playbooks

The engagement by India and China in the West Asia region is a good example of their metamorphosing approaches

Decoding the ISISDecoding the ISIS
Jun 21, 2014

Decoding the ISISDecoding the ISIS

Extremists' groups like the ISIS have capitalised on Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's ethno-sectarian politics. And, the resurgence of ethnic animosities has long-standing implications for Iraq and the West Asian region as a whole.

Democratisation, the Indian Example
Jun 09, 2004

Democratisation, the Indian Example

With Iraq back on the chess-board of international diplomacy, there is Once again the talk of democratizing individual West Asian nations, if not West Asia as a region. Going by the neighbourhood experience in recent times, it has also raised the question if West Asia is ready to be democratized, if it is not through the barrel of the American gun.

Don't hyphenate Israel
Jun 15, 2015

Don't hyphenate Israel

Israel being India's most trusted ally in West Asia and among the three or four closest friends in the world, Prime Minister Modi's visit to Israel needs to be a standalone, a single country trip. The India-Israel relationship is important enough, even sacred enough, to merit that respect.

Expanding horizons
Feb 13, 2018

Expanding horizons

India’s West Asia engagement must focus on strengthening its presence as an economic and security partner

Five recommendations for US to make its South Asia policy effective
Nov 06, 2014

Five recommendations for US to make its South Asia policy effective

US President Obama's top priority now is the crisis in West Asia, ISIS and Ebola, and India-US relations though, not inconsequential, is not on Washington's top priority now, according to Michael Kugelman of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC.

How northern Syria became a cage for the Islamic State’s core
May 04, 2023

How northern Syria became a cage for the Islamic State’s core

Is ISIS a mere shadow of what it was or is it still a potent force?

I2U2 brings hi-tech food, clean energy projects
Jul 16, 2022

I2U2 brings hi-tech food, clean energy projects

The emergence of this new grouping is clearly an outcome of the Abraham Accords of Aug 2020 and the possibilities that they have created for Israel and the UAE to be on the same platform with India and the US. As President Biden moves to Saudi Arabia for the second leg of his visit to West Asia, we are likely to see a push towards integrating Israel through trade, technology, direct flights and people-to-people contact even with countries where f

Impact of Israel-Hamas conflict on terrorist radicalisation in India
Dec 26, 2023

Impact of Israel-Hamas conflict on terrorist radicalisation in India

With pan-Islamic and Pakistan-based terrorist organisations weaponising the deluge of footage from the Gaza Strip, their propaganda will impact terror

India confident of Annapolis conference success
Nov 22, 2007

India confident of Annapolis conference success

Elevating India's standing in world politics, it has been invited to the next week's Annapolis conference on West Asia, convened by the United States, and it would be taking part in the conference, the Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of India for West Asia and Middle East Peace Process, Mr. C.R. Gharekhan announced here today.

India has a role in UN Security Council
Apr 22, 2005

India has a role in UN Security Council

Professor Joseph Nye,Dean, John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, who visited ORF recently, gave an e-mail Interview to Dr. Harinder Sekhon, Senior Fellow, on US foreign policy trends, especially in West Asia and the future of Indo-US relations.

India must lead the new energy dialogue
Dec 26, 2023

India must lead the new energy dialogue

India has demonstrated its leadership in navigating towards clean and sustainable energy. In this context, India assuming the leadership in carbon fin

India’s HADR diplomacy: Earthquake relief in Türkiye and Syria
Feb 17, 2023

India’s HADR diplomacy: Earthquake relief in Türkiye and Syria

Providing relief and aid to the extended neighbourhood of West Asia bodes well for the kind of diplomacy India is aiming to conduct in the future

India’s Participation in the NSG: Capturing the Debate
Apr 27, 2015

India’s Participation in the NSG: Capturing the Debate

The paper examines how the Nuclear Suppliers Group has evolved over the years and the role the Group defines for itself. It also attempts to provide a more nuanced understanding of the consequences of India's NSG-membership.

Interpreting the unprecedented political transition in Sudan
Sep 18, 2020

Interpreting the unprecedented political transition in Sudan

Political instability in Sudan can affect the entire north and northeast Africa as well as the West Asian region.

Iran bargain brings global benefits, but some out in cold
Feb 26, 2014

Iran bargain brings global benefits, but some out in cold

Opening up to Iran would give the US some leverage over Tehran, while also ensuring that its current allies in West Asia do not take it for granted. Meanwhile, once Iranian oil flows into the market, oil and gas will get cheaper, and US companies will get more opportunities to invest in Iran.

Iran opportunity
Jun 16, 2015

Iran opportunity

Iran is critical for stabilising India's northwestern marches, providing access to Central Asia and in meeting India's future energy needs. The pursuit of these separate but significant interests in the West Asia is bound to produce multiple contradictions. Managing them will be a great challenge for Indian diplomacy.

Iraq Policy of the United States: Dimensions of Failure
Jan 25, 2007

Iraq Policy of the United States: Dimensions of Failure

The invasion and occupation of Iraq in March-April 2003 by a 'Coalition of the Willing' led by the United States was the second part of the response to the outrage conducted by a non-state actor on September 11, 2001. This was perceived in Washington as a gift from history, an opportunity to reshape a region of crucial relevance to the politics and economics of the western world. The impulse for drastic action was greater because notwithstanding

Iraq's deepening crisis and India's interests
Jun 19, 2014

Iraq's deepening crisis and India's interests

India's interests in Iraq and the region should be seen in the larger context of the seven million Indians working in West Asia, of which nearly 18,000 are in Iraq. Safety and security of this population should dominate the Indian policy.

Mapping Skills: A Roadmap for India and the UAE
Jul 06, 2020

Mapping Skills: A Roadmap for India and the UAE

The presence of almost nine million Indian nationals in the Gulf region makes India a key source of human capital for the six GCC nations. The majority of these Indians are blue-collar workers engaged in low-paying jobs. As countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) move up the technology ladder, they are increasingly seeking workers with specific, certified skills. This report outlines a pilot project for the mapping, harmonisation and accred

Mecca summit: Peace initiative or one-upmanship
Aug 18, 2012

Mecca summit: Peace initiative or one-upmanship

Any evaluation of Shia politics in West Asia would be flawed until it takes into account the considerable influence that the holy city of Najaf exerts on Baghdad, Teheran, the Hezbullah and the majority of Bahrainis.

Military approach not enough to deal with IS
May 11, 2015

Military approach not enough to deal with IS

Only a military approach is not enough to solve the problem of Islamic State. A crucial part of the overall strategy to deal with the IS should include creation of an inclusive state apparatus inside Iraq and Syria, felt speakers at a conference on "Transformations in West Asia: Regional Perspectives" organised at ORF.

Money matters: Discussing the economics of the INSTC
Apr 24, 2017

Money matters: Discussing the economics of the INSTC

India, Iran and Russia have decided to begin using the part-ready International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), a multimodal network of sea, rail and road routes between India, Iran, Central Asia and Russia. As the broader politics in the region undergo new configurations that may put to question the project’s prospects, and the evolving security situation demands continuous appraisal, it is time to refocus discussion on the economics o

New northern sea route could alter equations
Jun 18, 2013

New northern sea route could alter equations

Once the northern sea route from Europe to China becomes active, the strategic balance between the Indian and Arctic Oceans could change. Would this change be enough to mean easier or cheaper availability of oil and gas from West Asia to Europe, China and India? Would it reduce the strategic relevance of the Ocean to the West and mean a direct confrontation there between India and China?

Non-state actors will be key players in future
Oct 28, 2009

Non-state actors will be key players in future

Mr Efraim Halevy, a former Mossad chief and National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel, addressed the ORF faculty on developments in West Asia

Nuclear Developments in Iran: Comprehending the Indian View
Apr 21, 2015

Nuclear Developments in Iran: Comprehending the Indian View

This paper examines Indian policies and decisions on Iran's nuclear programme and reveals a number of critical factors which have influenced New Delhi on this matter in varying degrees.

Nuclear Negotiations with Iran: A Reality Check
Aug 23, 2023

Nuclear Negotiations with Iran: A Reality Check

Nuclear development in Iran has been an issue of great concern, not only to its neighbours in West Asia, but also for the global powers, in the interests of regional and global stability. At present, efforts are being made to find a solution to the crisis. The interim nuclear deal signed between Iran and P5+1 (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany) on 24 November 2013, and the complementary Framework for Coopera

Patenting 'One-World Order' ?
Feb 17, 2004

Patenting 'One-World Order' ?

Whoever in India that says West Asia is Middle-East, Jammu and Kashmir is ¿Indian Kashmir¿ and painting the face with the national Tricolour at cricket stadia is the height of patriotism have got it all wrong. If anything, they are fast tracking towards a ¿patented one-world order¿, knowingly or otherwise, with India¿s soul and resilience of the past centuries being tormented, without trace or knowledge.

Reviving the Cairo-Delhi Axis
Dec 04, 2022

Reviving the Cairo-Delhi Axis

Present-day geopolitics has provided a unique opportunity for both India and Egypt to bolster their relations