Search: For - Syria

181 results found

Iran deal: War games in the Middle East
May 08, 2018

Iran deal: War games in the Middle East

It is yet another unnerving week in the Middle East. What happens if Trump does not give a nod to the deal?

Iran steps up fight against Extremism
Dec 15, 2014

Iran steps up fight against Extremism

Iran recently organised the first international conference on 'World against Violence and Extremism (WAVE)' as per the proposal made by President Hassan Rouhani at the UN General Assembly in September. Most significantly, the conference brought together the Foreign Ministers of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen - four of the most troubled states in the region.

Iranian missile strikes: Tehran places its geopolitical playing cards upfront
Jan 18, 2024

Iranian missile strikes: Tehran places its geopolitical playing cards upfront

There is no doubt that Iranian security policy is now bent on laying out on the table and publicising its entire gamut of strategic and tactical playing cards for all to see

Is another war looming over West Asia?
Feb 26, 2018

Is another war looming over West Asia?

The series of counterattacks between Israel and Syria over the last few days have rung alarm bells across West Asia. The events prove, thus far a rela

Is Egypt back to square one?
Jul 22, 2013

Is Egypt back to square one?

The eviction of Muslim Brotherhood from power in Cairo may have significant implications on the course of the civil war in Syria too. The shape of regional politics has definitely taken a new turn.

ISIS returnees could pose problem to India
Nov 12, 2015

ISIS returnees could pose problem to India

The terror-cadres who have returned home pose a serious threat to India, as they might serve as potential recruiters for the Syrian rebels and start sending young fighters to Syria, says media-veteran-turned-academic, Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami.

Kurdish militants take control of border crossing
Oct 31, 2013

Kurdish militants take control of border crossing

Kurdish militants in Syria seized a border crossing with Iraq from Islamist rebels linked to al-Qaeda which had held the crossing since March, according to activists and an Iraqi official.

Lebanon: Caught in the Regional Crossfire
Aug 23, 2023

Lebanon: Caught in the Regional Crossfire

Lebanon, the smallest nation in continental Asia, is also one of the most populous. A relatively stable, secure and democratic state, its geographical location and the growing regional crisis are leading to pressing internal and external threats that Beirut must face. This issue brief examines these contemporary threats to Lebanese security: the Syrian Civil War, the rise of the Islamic State, domestic terrorism and sectarianism, and the nation's

Maldives’ new government must address Islamic fundamentalism
Sep 26, 2018

Maldives’ new government must address Islamic fundamentalism

Close to two dozen Maldivian nationals are believed to have died in Syria, fighting for the Islamic State.

Military approach not enough to deal with IS
May 11, 2015

Military approach not enough to deal with IS

Only a military approach is not enough to solve the problem of Islamic State. A crucial part of the overall strategy to deal with the IS should include creation of an inclusive state apparatus inside Iraq and Syria, felt speakers at a conference on "Transformations in West Asia: Regional Perspectives" organised at ORF.

Million Arab Lives, Small Price For Freedom
Aug 27, 2011

Million Arab Lives, Small Price For Freedom

A million deaths in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and heaven knows how many more to follow in Syria, and wherever else, is but small sacrifice to keep the flame of freedom burning eternally and all flames need fuel.

Millions of refugees terrified of COVID19 invasion in West Asia
Apr 02, 2020

Millions of refugees terrified of COVID19 invasion in West Asia

In the conflict-ridden countries of West Asia, while everyone is hoping for the storm to pass before it destroys their already fragile economies, thos

New balance of powers
Jul 17, 2015

New balance of powers

The Iran nuclear deal could mark a strategic realignment between the US and its traditional Sunni allies in the region. The Arab countries have been vocal in criticising Washington's policies in Egypt, Syria and Iraq, which they say have given an upper hand to "Iranian allies".

No end likely soon to European refugee crisis
Sep 29, 2015

No end likely soon to European refugee crisis

The current refugee crisis in Europe is unlikely to end soon as one third of Syria's 20 million population are potential migrants, if the situation in the country itself will not change, says Jakob von Weizsaecker, Member of the European Parliament.

Pakistan's balancing act in West Asia
Jun 10, 2014

Pakistan's balancing act in West Asia

Saudi Arabia's recent $1.5 billion grant to Pakistan re-affirms the depth of the relationship that the two countries share. It has also brought into focus their expanding defence ties and raised concerns about Pakistan's possible role in the Syrian civil war.

Paris: An attack on western way of life, values
Nov 16, 2015

Paris: An attack on western way of life, values

The serial terror attacks in Paris on Friday was the third terror incident in recent times and by far the largest ever in France. These attacks were on the French or Western way of life, for its support to the US in Syria, and are meant to instil fear in the French.

Picking sides in West Asia
Feb 25, 2019

Picking sides in West Asia

India’s tilt towards Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE is not a risk-free move.

Protecting India's interests in the Middle East: Militancy and non-state actors
Apr 07, 2017

Protecting India's interests in the Middle East: Militancy and non-state actors

Although the trajectory of India's relations with the Middle East remains a grey area, in the future, it can become a defining relationship to global security.

Protesting veterans overshadow NATO summit
May 25, 2012

Protesting veterans overshadow NATO summit

War on terror was the rationale for the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. What was the rationale for the destruction of Libya and now persistent destabilization of Syria?

Putin gives lessons in world politics
Mar 18, 2014

Putin gives lessons in world politics

The US would be foolish to deepen the new Cold War atmosphere by trying to isolate Russia over Ukraine developments. As for China, that option is simply not open to them any more. The reason is that the Americans need cooperation from Moscow to deal with Syria, Iran and Afghanistan.

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats
Oct 05, 2018

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats

The ground situation in Iraq and Syria, while still ripe for an ISIS return, has also created ripples in traditional security structures of countries

Russia is back
Sep 24, 2013

Russia is back

The war in Syria, the alleged use of chemical weapons by its President, Bashar al-Assad, a Russian ally, has turned out to be a perfect opportunity for Putin to reassert the role of Russia, 21 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union.

Russia’s manoeuvring of conflicts for enhancing military exports
Dec 01, 2016

Russia’s manoeuvring of conflicts for enhancing military exports

Contrary to Western assessments that Russia’s military intervention in Syria would only deepen the economic crisis it is already facing in lieu of conflicts

Territorial Disputes: Can Japan and Russia Reconcile?
Sep 14, 2023

Territorial Disputes: Can Japan and Russia Reconcile?

The Ukraine crisis may have effectively ended the rapprochement between the USand Russia, and in turn affecting relations such as those of Japan and Russia. Prior to this crisis,and the subsequent Western sanctions on Russia, Tokyo and Moscow had been reaching out toeach other, and hope flickered for a resolution to the territorial dispute over the NorthernTerritories or Southern Kurils. This paper argues that with nationalist governments in powe

The Arab Spring at 10: A more complex West Asia
Dec 19, 2020

The Arab Spring at 10: A more complex West Asia

The Arab Spring taught everyone that democracy, transition and political movements are not a spectator sport, but require rigour, time, planning and c

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia
Jan 04, 2018

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia

With the territorial defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, analysts are pondering the kind of organisational form the group would take next. The influence of the so-called Islamic State in South Asia may be minimal, but India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan, have all had the shadow of ISIS’ global footprint land on their doorstep. This brief sheds light on how the influence of ISIS spread across South Asia, specifically after 2014, when pro-I

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal
Jun 29, 2020

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal

While the Afghan government has begun the release of Taliban prisoners and the US prepares for a drawdown in troop numbers, the Taliban’s ties to th

The heavy burden of defying conventional wisdom
Aug 04, 2012

The heavy burden of defying conventional wisdom

People's power, if not checked, would devour all Monarchies unless "all of us clasp each other's hands". That is when Al Jazeera traded its credibility to join the regional Jihad. Because of this summersault, the network has been the most effective tool in Libya and Syria.

The Key to Iraqi Peace: Zarqawi or Saddam?
May 26, 2005

The Key to Iraqi Peace: Zarqawi or Saddam?

There has been speculation galore regarding Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the head of the Al Qaeda in Iraq, ever since the US Marines carried out a flushing-out operation to smoke out foreign terrorists allegedly operating from the Sunni stronghold of Qaim, which is located in a desert area where the Euphrates river crosses from Syria into Iraq.

The Kurdish question and regional stability
Dec 13, 2013

The Kurdish question and regional stability

In West Asia, regional powers increasingly fear that the external dynamics of the regional political landscape coupled with the restive internal dynamics of Turkey, Syria and Iraq could potentially unify fractured Kurdish movements and destabilise the region at large.

The nuances of Russia’s response to the Israel-Hamas War
Oct 28, 2023

The nuances of Russia’s response to the Israel-Hamas War

Given the complexity of the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, Russia will most likely expand its diplomatic efforts to bring the tensions to

The Russia-China congruence at the UNSC
Aug 01, 2023

The Russia-China congruence at the UNSC

Russia-China’s voting congruence at the UNSC on issues relating to Syria and North Korea sets a vexing precedent for cooperative multilateralism

The significance of Baghdadi’s end
Oct 30, 2019

The significance of Baghdadi’s end

Militarily down, the IS remains ideologically alive. Counter-terrorism must adapt to its techniques

The Storm in the Arab Spring
Mar 03, 2012

The Storm in the Arab Spring

Tunisia, Eygpt, Syria?events may seem to be following a pattern but the changing dynamics in West Asia point to far more complex political and strategic games being played: The US role, Saudi phobia, Israeli and Iranian intrigues. Oil. And, to top it all, the Shia-Sunni face-off. Is Turkey being lured in as a possible Joker in the pack? Welcome to another Great Game.

The Strategist: How Abu Mus’ab al-Suri Inspired ISIS
Aug 03, 2016

The Strategist: How Abu Mus’ab al-Suri Inspired ISIS

This paper takes a look into the life and work of Abu Mus’ab al-Suri, jihadist theorist, and argues that he should be considered the architect of the extant Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). This is done by way of an examination of his own writings, as well as secondary literature on al-Suri, al-Qaeda, and ISIS. A key point that emerges out of this analysis is that ISIS is likely to continue its two-pronged strategy: of individual attacks

The terror state: Innovative solutions to new threats
Dec 18, 2018

The terror state: Innovative solutions to new threats

The question of tackling global terrorism efficiently and proactively is rendered even more complex by other issues.

Trump abandons the Kurds in favour of Turkey
Oct 09, 2019

Trump abandons the Kurds in favour of Turkey

The move paves way for a Turkish ‘invasion’ of northern Syria, which has a smorgasbord of rebels, Islamists, foreign powers, Iran backed rebels, U

Trump’s fickleness: Marginally better than Obama’s fecklessness
Apr 10, 2017

Trump’s fickleness: Marginally better than Obama’s fecklessness

Trump’s fickleness goes two ways: it is not just that American allies are no longer sure that they can count on Washington, but also that now their

Understanding ISIS: From conception to operations
Aug 24, 2017

Understanding ISIS: From conception to operations

This paper bridges the gap in Indian public discourse on the aims of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or Islamic State) and where it stands today as the most formidable terrorist organisation of the 21st century. It explores ISIS from the perspective of the Middle East, rather than coming from an Indian foreign policy and security point of view, of which there is no dearth in literature. Such an approach is crucial in understanding the terr

Understanding the Indian foreign fighter lacuna
Jan 31, 2020

Understanding the Indian foreign fighter lacuna

The lack of Indian Foreign Fighters is hetero-causal encompassing historic, community based, bureaucratic and government factors.