Search: For - SAUDI ARAB

178 results found

Modi’s middle east deals snub Iran
Mar 27, 2019

Modi’s middle east deals snub Iran

India's newly aggressive strategy puts Gulf money and Israeli weapons first.

No table for three
Aug 21, 2014

No table for three

As the NDA government recalibrates India's Kashmir and Pakistan policies, Delhi must do a much better job explaining the logic behind the cancellation of the foreign secretary talks, widely seen as abrupt.It must let the international community, especially Pakistan's friends, including the US, China and Saudi Arabia, know India is not abandoning the peace process with Islamabad.

OPEC struggles as US steps up oil production
May 10, 2017

OPEC struggles as US steps up oil production

As per the OPEC deal, Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest crude exporter and OPEC’s biggest producer and the de facto leader had to cut output by 4,86,000 barrels per day (bpd) to a ceiling of 1,00,58,000 bpd.

Pakistan in the eye of the storm
Apr 15, 2015

Pakistan in the eye of the storm

The 12-point resolution approved by Pakistan's Parliament said that Islamabad must maintain "neutrality" in the Yemen conflict. Pakistan has good reasons to have rejected what could have become a quagmire for its forces. But, it has angered Pakistan's friends, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Emirates.

Pakistan in Yemen
Mar 31, 2015

Pakistan in Yemen

With Saudi Arabia now so fearful of a rising Iran, it is quite clearly Pakistan's payback time. And Yemen could mark the beginning of a new and more significant phase in Pakistan's involvement in the security politics of the Gulf.

Pakistan's balancing act in West Asia
Jun 10, 2014

Pakistan's balancing act in West Asia

Saudi Arabia's recent $1.5 billion grant to Pakistan re-affirms the depth of the relationship that the two countries share. It has also brought into focus their expanding defence ties and raised concerns about Pakistan's possible role in the Syrian civil war.

Pakistan’s impulsive alliance: The Saudi angle
Jun 22, 2023

Pakistan’s impulsive alliance: The Saudi angle

Saudi Arabia has been seemingly distancing itself from Pakistan, as there have been various instances of it forging strategic business ties with India

Picking sides in West Asia
Feb 25, 2019

Picking sides in West Asia

India’s tilt towards Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE is not a risk-free move.

Qatar thaw a sign of shifting sands in Gulf
Jan 08, 2021

Qatar thaw a sign of shifting sands in Gulf

On the diplomatic front, India has been careful to nurture its ties with Doha, even as our relations with the UAE and Saudi Arabia showed a dramatic upswing.

Qatar’s Stakes in an Evolving West Asia
Aug 17, 2023

Qatar’s Stakes in an Evolving West Asia

In November 2022, Qatar will become the first state in West Asia and the Arab world to host the coveted FIFA football World Cup. Doha’s winning the hosting rights has brought the country—home to only 2.9 million people, more than eight out of every ten of whom are foreign workers—out of the shadow of its large, and more powerful regional neighbours such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This brief views thi

Russia and the Iran nuclear deal
Jul 15, 2015

Russia and the Iran nuclear deal

What is interesting for Russia is how greater cooperation with Iran will affect its ties with other Middle Eastern nations, such as both Saudi Arabia and Israel, which has been a vocal opponent of a nuclear deal with Iran. Israel however does not occupy a special position in Russia's foreign relations as it does for the United States.

Saudi Aramco attack shakes up fragile global ecosystem
Sep 18, 2019

Saudi Aramco attack shakes up fragile global ecosystem

Visuals of the strike, reportedly conducted via drones and/or missiles, appear to show the plant on fire and the attack is reported to have led to a 5% drop in global oil production.

Saudi heir apparent Mohammed bin Salman’s India visit comes amidst regional and global turmoil
Feb 19, 2019

Saudi heir apparent Mohammed bin Salman’s India visit comes amidst regional and global turmoil

While the ongoing geopolitical tremors will cloud much of MBS’s visit, India and Saudi Arabia have witnessed a pivotal shift over the past decade or

Saudi moves impacting West Asian geopolitics
Apr 26, 2023

Saudi moves impacting West Asian geopolitics

By bringing China and Russia into the region and by developing strategic partnerships with important players such as India, Riyadh is signalling its intent to reduce its dependence on the US. Mohammed bin Salman is looking at a policy of multi-alignment that affords greater strategic autonomy.

Saudi succession
Jan 07, 2015

Saudi succession

The NDA government has not devoted sufficient attention to the Middle East in 2014. As New Delhi turns to the Gulf in 2015 and tends to its high stakes in the region, an intensive engagement with Saudi Arabia must be at the top of PM Narendra Modi's diplomatic priorities.

Sri Lanka: Implications of Saudi funding in China’s CPC project
Dec 27, 2022

Sri Lanka: Implications of Saudi funding in China’s CPC project

Although Saudi’s funds fit Sri Lanka’s investment needs, it could have unwittingly facilitated the Beijing-Riyadh strategic partnership.

Syria: At the threshold
Oct 27, 2011

Syria: At the threshold

Everywhere in Syria the grand conspiracy of the US, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to overthrow the Assad regime is feverishly discussed. Turkey reportedly tried to mediate in this crisis by suggesting that Muslim Brotherhood should be included in the negotiations, but Damascus refused since the Brotherhood is a religious grouping.

The Arab Spring & India: Promises and Challenges
Jul 20, 2011

The Arab Spring & India: Promises and Challenges

Saeed Naqvi, Distinguished Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, traveled to Bahrain, Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, Baghdad, Najaf, Amman, Cairo, Jerusalem and Ramallah after the Arab Spring broke out. Earlier, he visited Tunisia, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Western Sahara and Libya. In this paper, he shares his first-hand experiences and discussions with leaders and diplomats, many of whom have requested anonymity. This paper follows

The best of both worlds
Nov 15, 2013

The best of both worlds

The West has finally woken up to something that strategic analysts in India have been saying for decades: Saudi Arabia funded the Pakistani nuclear programme. In this connection, we have three questions to analyse; First, how valid is this information? Second, how is it then that Saudi Arabia gets away with so much? Third, why is Nato and Israeli intelligence taken seriously but not the Indians?

The great American divide
May 03, 2024

The great American divide

The American political landscape has been witnessing a great divide due to the growing immigration problem and the US’ support to ongoing wars.

The Gulf’s quest to reconfigure its relations with the US
Apr 22, 2022

The Gulf’s quest to reconfigure its relations with the US

A fast-changing game of geopolitics is also changing one of the US' oldest and most consequential strategic relationships in the Middle East

The Jeddah summit was as much about multipolarity as it was about Ukraine
Aug 09, 2023

The Jeddah summit was as much about multipolarity as it was about Ukraine

Ukraine and the US alike see opportunity in the Global South’s multipolarity, because the so-called ‘Global South’ is presenting itself as one

The Makkah Declaration: rhetoric and reality
Dec 15, 2005

The Makkah Declaration: rhetoric and reality

King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia is to be complimented for his vision and initiative. The vision that something was seriously amiss within the comity of Muslim nations, and the initiative to call them together in an extraordinary summit of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Conference) to cogitate on the seriousness of the situation and to come forth with meaningful remedies.

The OIC and India: signals of a re-think
Feb 02, 2006

The OIC and India: signals of a re-think

On the eve of his recent visit to India, in an interview to an Indian newspaper, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia remarked that "India should have an observer status in the Organisation of the Islamic Conference similar to that held by Russia." He added it would be "beneficial" if India's entry was proposed "by a nation like Pakistan."

The Qatari Conundrum: The Changing face of West Asia’s Political Landscape
Aug 02, 2013

The Qatari Conundrum: The Changing face of West Asia’s Political Landscape

Qatar is creating a large footprint for itself in the West Asian Qpolitical landscape. The Gulf state was previously known primarily for its oil and gas reserves, and compliance with US interests in the region. However, Qatar has in the recent past made significant efforts to assert regional pre-eminence through an aggressive foreign policy. Emir Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who recently handed over the reins of power to his son, Tamim bin

The reshaping global order is Iranian economy's best chance in decades
Jul 28, 2023

The reshaping global order is Iranian economy's best chance in decades

Iran’s oil sales are at a five-year high as the US looks the other way despite sanctions. Iran is smartly undercutting Russia in selling cheaper oil and upset Saudi Arabia’s plan to profiteer from production cuts. The new world order being shaped amid the US-China battle for global supremacy equally belongs to countries charting independent paths

The Saudi crown prince lands into India’s crown security concerns
Feb 21, 2019

The Saudi crown prince lands into India’s crown security concerns

The crux of this visit should be seen from the view of what kind of tectonic changes MBS succeeds in bringing to Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi government is tying itself up in knots
Nov 25, 2018

The Saudi government is tying itself up in knots

Journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder has triggered a power struggle and the future of the ailing Saudi king and his overambitious son could be at stake.

The Saudi pivot to Asia and India’s role
Feb 28, 2019

The Saudi pivot to Asia and India’s role

MBS’ tour is an important one as it goes beyond the bilateral ties and at a time when anti-Saudi sentiment is at an all-time high in Washington, it has sent an important signal that Riyadh is intent on diversifying its partners.

The Saudi Shockwaves
Jun 28, 2003

The Saudi Shockwaves

For over seven decades the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia took justifiable pride in the stability of its political system, the tranquility of its social scene, and the in the overall loyalty of its citizenry. The compelling simplicity of the Saudi flag reflected the cohesion. Occasional murmurs of discontent, and an eruption or two in recent decades, did not belie this judgment.

The shadow of Israel-Iran hostility amidst diplomatic détentes in West Asia
Jun 28, 2023

The shadow of Israel-Iran hostility amidst diplomatic détentes in West Asia

An unresolved and unaddressed Iran–Israel dynamic ultimately threatens any other regional normalisation

Too close for comfort
Sep 17, 2019

Too close for comfort

Crisis in the Gulf will also have major consequences for India

Ukraine's struggle for survival: Navigating with limited Western aid
Jun 28, 2024

Ukraine's struggle for survival: Navigating with limited Western aid

While the West is finally showing consistency in its aid to Ukraine, Trump’s return to power could potentially disrupt this trend.

Unleashing the power of sports diplomacy: A gamechanger
May 24, 2024

Unleashing the power of sports diplomacy: A gamechanger

Sports diplomacy has significantly influenced international relations, but to maximize its potential, concrete policies and diplomatic actions are ess

US and the Diamer-Bhasha dam in PoK
Sep 07, 2011

US and the Diamer-Bhasha dam in PoK

The US is in a dilemma over the funding of the Diamer-Bhasha dam in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. While China and Saudi Arabia have made big inroads in public perception by taking up developmental projects, the US, despite lots of assistance, is perceived not to be doing enough in this area.

US rapproachment with Iran a tectonic shift in regional balance of power
Jul 24, 2015

US rapproachment with Iran a tectonic shift in regional balance of power

Despite the sanctions, Iran has continued to act as a regional power with huge influence over the internal affairs of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain and Yemen. That's what threatens Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf kingdoms, and America's rapproachment with Iran is the beginning of a tectonic shift in the regional balance of power.

US walks a tightrope on Khashoggi report
Mar 05, 2021

US walks a tightrope on Khashoggi report

In Saudi Arabia, the Biden administration is trying to walk a fine line between a robust interpretation of US interests and a softer definition of US values. For all his flaws, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has embarked on an ambitious and perilous mission to ‘normalise’ Saudi Arabia. The process isn’t democratic and there are times when reform & repression travel side by side.