Search: For - Donald Trump

294 results found

Europe’s security challenge
Feb 20, 2024

Europe’s security challenge

Even if Donald Trump does not win the presidency, it is unlikely that enthusiasm for supporting Ukraine would be high in the US’s political ranks

Examining Manila's Contemporary West Philippine Sea Strategy
May 23, 2024

Examining Manila's Contemporary West Philippine Sea Strategy

As China pursues its expansionist ambitions in the greater South China Sea, Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is working to enhance his country’s ability to exercise its sovereignty and sovereign rights. Towards this end, Manila is expanding its strategic options through robust external partnerships and national policy recalibrations to secure its lawful waters in what it calls the West Philippine Sea. There are concerns, however, abou

Fighting Trumpism
Nov 07, 2020

Fighting Trumpism

It has transformed frustrations into a nihilistic anger. But it is not the real America.

France to continue close ties with US despite uncertainties in Trump policies: Foreign Minister
Jan 11, 2017

France to continue close ties with US despite uncertainties in Trump policies: Foreign Minister

France will continue to work closely with the new US administration irrespective of uncertainty in President-elect Donald Trump's policies.

From ‘Pivot to Asia’ to Trump’s ARIA: What drives the US’ Current Asia policy?
Feb 19, 2020

From ‘Pivot to Asia’ to Trump’s ARIA: What drives the US’ Current Asia policy?

After President Donald Trump’s 2017 visit to Asia, the Indo-Pacific region assumed greater significance in the United States’ foreign policy calculus, as articulated in the ‘Indo-Pacific Strategy Report’ released by the US Department of Defence. On 31 December 2018, Trump passed the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act (ARIA), which authorises US$1.5 billion in spending for a range of US programmes in East Asia and Southeast Asia to “develop

G7 Summit | Modi and Trump meet in the shadow of subcontinent’s changing geopolitics
Aug 26, 2019

G7 Summit | Modi and Trump meet in the shadow of subcontinent’s changing geopolitics

Donald Trump’s engagement with the Kashmir issue has a lot to do with his need to secure Pakistan’s backing for his Afghanistan policy.

Geo-Economics: The art of Trumpnomics
Nov 02, 2020

Geo-Economics: The art of Trumpnomics

A hostile relationship with China, coming out of a consistent aggressive trade policy, is arguably going to be the most enduring legacy of the Trump P

Geo-technology: 5G and who builds the digital future, builds all of the future
Nov 02, 2020

Geo-technology: 5G and who builds the digital future, builds all of the future

Technology has been a fulcrum point for Trump’s disruption of the status-quos with China, with 5G leading the way

Geopolitics is shifting. India must be prepared
Dec 19, 2019

Geopolitics is shifting. India must be prepared

Continued efforts at looking beyond immediate horizons is required.

Global policeman: How should India read Trump’s declaration for the Indo-Pacific
Dec 31, 2018

Global policeman: How should India read Trump’s declaration for the Indo-Pacific

The Indian engagement with the US, whether in the form of America’s Indo-Pacific strategy or the four-nation Quad also implies that the regional nat

Govt's move to protect industry ignores both economic theory and history
Feb 27, 2018

Govt's move to protect industry ignores both economic theory and history

Those who wish to blindly ape the Donald Trump-era United States' trade policy clearly have never bothered to think hard about the economic consequences of their actions in India

Great power politics is back with a twist
Dec 30, 2021

Great power politics is back with a twist

This year made it clear that the US-China strategic competition is not merely the figment of Donald Trump's imagination

Group instinct & the white tribals of America
May 21, 2018

Group instinct & the white tribals of America

While the rust belt voted Trump, it wasn’t because of its economic plight. The reasons were born of political tribalism.

Has President Trump lost the plot in the Middle East?
Nov 04, 2017

Has President Trump lost the plot in the Middle East?

Not only are the important regional players getting into a huddle to discuss the implications of President Trump’s actions, but are also re-calibrat

How an India-Japan alliance can help counter Chinese dominance
Feb 12, 2018

How an India-Japan alliance can help counter Chinese dominance

Japan is now being pushed to a leadership role in Asia following the election of Donald Trump as US President

How US sanctions are fatal to Iran’s COVID19 fight
Apr 09, 2020

How US sanctions are fatal to Iran’s COVID19 fight

More than the inaction of the Iranian government, questions have been raised regarding the role of US sanctions in crippling Iran’s economy, infrast

Human Rights and US Foreign Policy: Implications for India and China
Apr 28, 2021

Human Rights and US Foreign Policy: Implications for India and China

Human rights issues have been a cornerstone of US foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. This paper examines Washington’s human rights focus on India and China under former President Donald Trump, and identifies trends under the current Joe Biden administration. The paper notes an emergent US bipartisan approach to refocus on Beijing’s human rights record following a period of policy dissonance owing to concerns to protect its economic

Hurdles ahead for the Unites States
Nov 17, 2020

Hurdles ahead for the Unites States

As Biden tries to consolidate his governance agenda, he will find that the challenges within his own party might be far more difficult to tackle

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US
Feb 20, 2020

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US

In exploring a limited deal to dampen trade tensions, India must refrain from handing Trump a political endorsement ahead of the 2020 presidential ele

India's challenges lies in handling spillovers of Trump policies elsewhere
Nov 09, 2016

India's challenges lies in handling spillovers of Trump policies elsewhere

What President Trump means for India has already been dissected to the point where adding anything new becomes impossible.

India, Trump and the future matrix
Nov 14, 2016

India, Trump and the future matrix

With Trump elected as President of the US, the waning economic order — WTO — is even more under threat and now resembles like the League of Nations of pre-war era.

India-US Defence Trade Continuity Under Trump
May 12, 2023

India-US Defence Trade Continuity Under Trump

This brief explores the factors informing the Donald Trump administration’s continuity on the US’s defence trade with India. The administration’s impetus to maintain US-India defence trade stems from factors like the ‘reverse revolving door’ policy that has increased the influence of US defence contractors, its ‘Buy American’ policy to boost US arms exports, and defence trade being construed as an incremental means to correct the bi

India-US homeland security cooperation in the time of Modi and Trump
Aug 29, 2017

India-US homeland security cooperation in the time of Modi and Trump

Bilateral ties between India and the United States have strengthened remarkably in recent years and nowhere has cooperation been greater than in the area of security. Despite certain divergences, both countries realise that there is a need for cooperation in combating terrorism to keep their homelands safe from extremist threats. Ever since the election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in May 2014, India has invested political capital in improving

India-US relations: Too big to fail
Jun 29, 2019

India-US relations: Too big to fail

A new desire to cut down the “noise” about disputes was clearly visible on both the sides.

India-US relationship: Is the top-down structure sustainable?
Jul 06, 2018

India-US relationship: Is the top-down structure sustainable?

How will the US establishment come to terms with the fact that for the better part of the 21st century, India will be the larger economic partner? Has Delhi realised the potential and consequences of this shift?

India’s Move on Kashmir Puts Pakistan on the back foot
Aug 08, 2019

India’s Move on Kashmir Puts Pakistan on the back foot

India’s decision to revoke Article 370 giving special status to Jammu & Kashmir has put Pakistan on the back foot, dealt New Delhi back into the Sou

Iran deal: War games in the Middle East
May 08, 2018

Iran deal: War games in the Middle East

It is yet another unnerving week in the Middle East. What happens if Trump does not give a nod to the deal?

Is the spectre of high oil prices of $100 back?
Sep 24, 2019

Is the spectre of high oil prices of $100 back?

The loss of output is the single, worst and most sudden of disruptions to oil market so far.

It will be foolish to ignore messages the voter sends during elections
Nov 10, 2016

It will be foolish to ignore messages the voter sends during elections

Donald Trump's victory has shown that it would be foolish to ignore voter’s messages during elections.

Ivanka Trump — The most powerful first daughter
Dec 13, 2016

Ivanka Trump — The most powerful first daughter

History is replete with examples of rich people with grand ideas.

Key takeaways from the 2022 US midterm elections
Nov 21, 2022

Key takeaways from the 2022 US midterm elections

Though the Democrats seem to have avoided a Republican ‘Red Wave’ during the mid-term elections, the Congress remains divided

Lehman crashed. But India, China and later, USA rose from 2008's debris
Sep 15, 2018

Lehman crashed. But India, China and later, USA rose from 2008's debris

The global economic crisis of 2008, triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, gave Asia a chance to rise, and let nationalist leaders, including Donald Trump, emerge

Macron’s Muddled China Outreach
Apr 13, 2023

Macron’s Muddled China Outreach

Macron has raised doubts about how serious France is when it comes to managing the negative externalities of China’s rise.

Make America trade again
Nov 26, 2020

Make America trade again

There will definitely be a push towards multilateralism and more global engagements that was derelict these past four years.

Mapping the Arc of US Support to Ukraine: Economic, Political, and Strategic Imperatives
Apr 24, 2024

Mapping the Arc of US Support to Ukraine: Economic, Political, and Strategic Imperatives

The US has provided financial and military support to Ukraine since 2014, when Russia took control of Crimea, and more firmly since February 2022, when the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war began. Indeed, US military, political, and strategic support to Ukraine is crucial to Kyiv as the conflict continues. For the Biden administration, aid to Ukraine is a vital principle on which his party politics hinges; it is a critical pathway to rebuild transatlant

Medical diplomacy by India and Europe can restrain Iranian hardliners
May 13, 2020

Medical diplomacy by India and Europe can restrain Iranian hardliners

As the US doubles down on its “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, India and Europe can cooperate to stem the tide against the surge of Irani

Modi's US visit — A reassuring journey
Jul 01, 2017

Modi's US visit — A reassuring journey

Prime Minister Modi and the Indian foreign policy establishment can feel upbeat with the results of the visit.

Much ado about a phone call?
Dec 12, 2016

Much ado about a phone call?

It appears that the phone call was planned well in advance and was facilitated by Bob Dole, a former Republican Senator whose law firm has professiona