Search: For - Change

1604 results found

CPEC debts: China concerned after change in government?
Sep 28, 2018

CPEC debts: China concerned after change in government?

The best bet for China is to keep the Pakistan army happy.

Doubling farm incomes: Why change is still slow
Oct 16, 2018

Doubling farm incomes: Why change is still slow

Nor has the Narendra Modi government been deaf to the needs of the farming community.

Emerging challenges in an urbanising India: Governance, security and climate change
Nov 18, 2014

Emerging challenges in an urbanising India: Governance, security and climate change

As part of a three-year research project undertaken by ORF and PRIO to study and analyse urban governance, urban security and environment related trends and concerns in selected regions of India, an international conference was organised on "Emerging Challenges in an Urbanising India: Governance, Security and Climate Change".

Empowering women in agriculture: A gendered approach to climate change and food security
May 27, 2024

Empowering women in agriculture: A gendered approach to climate change and food security

As we reel under the looming threat of climate change, empowering women in agriculture can help boost productivity levels and ensure food security.

Entry of youth in Nepalese politics: Will they bring change?
Dec 21, 2022

Entry of youth in Nepalese politics: Will they bring change?

The entry of the youth and the new political parties into Nepalese politics is a welcome development as people become disenchanted with old leaders

Europe’s divided vote for change — 5 lessons from the EU parliamentary elections
May 28, 2019

Europe’s divided vote for change — 5 lessons from the EU parliamentary elections

2019 European parliamentary elections have been a boost for democracy in Europe.

Export-oriented growth in India would need policy changes at the state-level
Dec 10, 2020

Export-oriented growth in India would need policy changes at the state-level

India has a unique opportunity to capture the emerging trends of globalisation and realise the export potential of the states.

Focus of climate finance needs to change
Oct 18, 2019

Focus of climate finance needs to change

For poorer countries, funds for ‘adaptation’ make more sense than ‘mitigation’. A retreat from climate hotspots is to be explored

From Trump to Biden, Continuity and Change in the US’s China Policy
Aug 16, 2023

From Trump to Biden, Continuity and Change in the US’s China Policy

A year and a half since United States (US) President Joe Biden took the helm, both sides of the country’s political divide continue to debate whether the incumbent’s China policy is distinct from that of the Trump administration. The Republicans claim that Biden’s China policy has not veered away from Trump’s; the Democrats, meanwhile, argue that it is different. This brief weighs in on the debate, and finds that despite the Biden

Gender attitudes in India: Changes in the 21st century
Mar 07, 2024

Gender attitudes in India: Changes in the 21st century

Despite significant strides towards equality, traditional perceptions of gender roles still influence many aspects of life, from educational opportuni

Genetic editing in humans: Guiding change
Dec 30, 2020

Genetic editing in humans: Guiding change

The real question is not whether therapeutic gene editing is possible, but rather — do we want it and are we ready for it?

Global Trends And Strategic Changes: The Asian View From India
Dec 27, 2004

Global Trends And Strategic Changes: The Asian View From India

In the early years of the 21st Century, we find ourselves relearning the most enduring lesson of history. That is, ¿Only thing constant in nature is change. It is not the reality that is changing but change, which is becoming a reality.¿ The difference now is that the revolution in technology is making changes, including global trends and strategic changes, faster than ever before.

Gulf Cooperation Council: Could be a 'Game Changer' for India
Jun 02, 2015

Gulf Cooperation Council: Could be a 'Game Changer' for India

While India's economic presence in the Gulf region has transformed from merely an exchanges between merchants and human capital, as a geopolitical player, India's role has remained subdued.

Harnessing the Power of India’s Forests for Climate Change Mitigation
May 12, 2023

Harnessing the Power of India’s Forests for Climate Change Mitigation

Forests help mitigate the impacts of climate change, provide economic benefits for the country, and meet specific facets of India’s sustainable development goals. It is essential, therefore, to revisit India’s forest governance and evaluate the country’s efforts at forest restoration and conservation. This brief examines the current state of India’s forests, explores the effectiveness of forest restoration and conservation measures, and r

How Islamic State changed global warfare
Apr 03, 2018

How Islamic State changed global warfare

Use of weaponized drones, do-it-yourself armoured vehicles and a well-planned internet strategy have given Islamic State an unprecedented edge

How Modi 2.0 is paving new ways for paradigm changes in water governance in India
Feb 29, 2020

How Modi 2.0 is paving new ways for paradigm changes in water governance in India

Water needs a multidisciplinary approach that exceeds the capacity of reductionist engineering and myopic neoclassical economics.

How prepared is our military for climate change?
Oct 05, 2013

How prepared is our military for climate change?

The US Navy has already developed a generic "Road Map" against climate change while we are yet to assess the impact of such changes, let alone formulate doctrinal responses. Let us not get caught napping.

How women can change the world
Mar 16, 2020

How women can change the world

Women participation in work force in a more “equal world” is a pillar of development that can help reconcile the “irreconcilable trinity.”

ICANN and GAC ? A Review of proposed byelaw changes
Sep 09, 2014

ICANN and GAC ? A Review of proposed byelaw changes

From an internet governance point of view, and the debate over the ITU staking its claim over managing the internet resources and taking over the ICANN functions, GAC's role is an important one, but which often finds itself as not having enough 'clout' in the ICANN decision making process.

Ideological changes unlikely in China's domestic and foreign policies
Feb 19, 2013

Ideological changes unlikely in China's domestic and foreign policies

A former director at the Cabinet Secretariat, D.S. Rajan, says that though India-China relations are peaceful for the time being, New Delhi cannot lower its guard as China's intentions are not clear with regard to the border issue.

India and China should take leadership role at the global climate change platform
May 01, 2013

India and China should take leadership role at the global climate change platform

Britain's former Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of the Government Office of Science, Sir David King, has said that both India and China should take a leadership role at the global platform for Climate Change.

India and Israel's cyber security partnership could be a potential game changer
Jul 10, 2017

India and Israel's cyber security partnership could be a potential game changer

A cyber partnership can be critical for India to meet its immediate goals in securing its cyber infrastructure and expanding opportunities for the country’s tech sector.

India Gas Exchange: One Small Step or a Giant Leap?
Jul 28, 2020

India Gas Exchange: One Small Step or a Giant Leap?

An actively traded spot market for natural gas supplemented with progressive regulation can integrate the domestic and global gas markets.

India needs to change its mindset about Myanmar
Apr 12, 2012

India needs to change its mindset about Myanmar

As Myanmar moves forward, there is an opportunity for India to strengthen its traditional links, create new links and increase its presence. But to do this, India should "change its mindset" about Myanmar, says leading journalist Dr. Bharat Bhushan after a visit to the country.

India's climate change strategy: Expanding differentiated responsibility
Oct 07, 2014

India's climate change strategy: Expanding differentiated responsibility

For Lima and Paris climate change negotiations to succeed in achieving consensus, the issue of equitable response to the climate crisis must be creatively reimagined. And, to negotiate action on climate change despite many challenges, India should promote a more fine-tuned form of differentiated responsibility -- not just between countries, but within them as well.

India's foreign policy set to undergo sea change: Former NSA
Feb 02, 2015

India's foreign policy set to undergo sea change: Former NSA

India's former National Security Advisor M K Narayanan thinks that the country's external relations are set to undergo a sea change. "The first half of the 21st Century will be a soft period, but as time progresses, things will not be so smooth," he cautions.

India's Reactive Strategic Culture must Change
Jun 22, 2006

India's Reactive Strategic Culture must Change

Alexander of Greece, the Scythians, Genghis Khan, Mahmud Ghazni (17 times), Mohammed Ghori, Timur the Lame and the Mughals, among others, all invaded India through the Khyber Pass. But, like it is said of the Bourbons of France, though we forgot nothing, we learnt nothing.

India, China have made no attempts to change border status quo: Foreign Secretary
Mar 19, 2009

India, China have made no attempts to change border status quo: Foreign Secretary

China is now India's single largest trading partner and a big growing export market for Indian goods

India-US Ties: Mindset needs to change
Nov 11, 2010

India-US Ties: Mindset needs to change

Indians in large numbers are already working in the US in various spheres of technology. If the emerging Indian talent pool can be transferred to critical innovation projects under a specially created Indo-US Special Purpose Vehicle, it could go a long way in maximizing welfare in both societies.

India:  Vote for change
May 13, 2011

India: Vote for change

People voted for change in three of the four Indian States that went to polls recently. While the voters in Tamil Nadu severely punished the ruling DMK combine, which included the Congress Party, for their reported large-scale corruption and inefficiency,