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30102 results found

In times of fake news and manufactured outrage, how do we reclaim empathy?
Feb 10, 2020

In times of fake news and manufactured outrage, how do we reclaim empathy?

As misinformation and propaganda become the mainstay of public discourse, the space for reason is shrinking

In troubled waters
Oct 13, 2020

In troubled waters

Bangladesh roping in China on Teesta project a challenge for India

In West Asia, don’t confuse tactical de-escalation with strategic alignment
Mar 31, 2023

In West Asia, don’t confuse tactical de-escalation with strategic alignment

The structural pretext that drove West Asia’s cycle of competition and proxy conflict is still in place without a clear solution in sight

Inadequate financial governance: Nowhere near perfect solution
Jul 29, 2013

Inadequate financial governance: Nowhere near perfect solution

One can see the problem of illicit financial flow in a narrow view in terms of loss of tax revenue, but the more often missed out perspective is that these illicit flows create imbalances in the global economy that upset the efficiency of capital. Illicit financial flows cannot be curtailed without the collaborative effort of both developing as well as developed countries

Inching closer to the brink: on JCPOA
May 15, 2019

Inching closer to the brink: on JCPOA

As the US provokes Iran, the onus is on Europe to somehow stand by its end of the nuclear deal

Inching towards an IOR security net
Mar 11, 2022

Inching towards an IOR security net

Exploring the relevance, limitations, and future challenges of the 'Colombo Security Conclave' (CSC) as a security net.

Including narcotics in the Chemical Weapons Convention
Jun 28, 2024

Including narcotics in the Chemical Weapons Convention

There is an urgent need to take measures to prevent the misuse of chemical substances in warfare and limit access to non-state actors.

Inclusive digital policies are key to mould women leaders
Apr 01, 2024

Inclusive digital policies are key to mould women leaders

The digital revolution opens new avenues for women's economic participation, however, to ensure true inclusion, this revolution must be steered by gen

Inclusive financial markets for India: Adopting a gender-sensitive approach
Aug 20, 2022

Inclusive financial markets for India: Adopting a gender-sensitive approach

Although India pledged to end gender disparities in its financial markets, however, studies show otherwise.

Inclusive growth and the employment challenge
Feb 28, 2018

Inclusive growth and the employment challenge

India’s strong growth in recent years has outstripped job creation and poverty remains a key challenge. In the face of the changing world of work, how can perceived economic problems become opportunities?

Inclusive health solutions: Insights from Raisina 2024
Mar 14, 2024

Inclusive health solutions: Insights from Raisina 2024

Collaboration across sectors, responsible use of technology, and a deep understanding of local contexts are key to addressing global health challenges

Inclusive India: The Foreign Trade Policy 2023
Apr 14, 2023

Inclusive India: The Foreign Trade Policy 2023

The new policies ensure that smaller vendors, businesses, and local artisans can access international markets, thus, making them a part of India’s e

Inconvenient truths: those opposing Cop28 leadership should face own reality
May 27, 2023

Inconvenient truths: those opposing Cop28 leadership should face own reality

Cutting oil and gas out of the climate conversation won’t work because – like it or not – they will underpin the global economy for years to come

Incorporating international law in India’s foreign policy
Jan 04, 2023

Incorporating international law in India’s foreign policy

India needs to engage in a critical study of international law and utilise it to effectively conduct its foreign policy and engage in lawfare

Increase in peak load: Implications for electricity tariff in India
Jun 01, 2024

Increase in peak load: Implications for electricity tariff in India

Despite the necessity of time-based pricing for peak electricity demand, it's not standard in India amid declining load and rising diversity factors

Increase in youth joining militancy in Kashmir is worrying
Apr 14, 2018

Increase in youth joining militancy in Kashmir is worrying

The ultimate solution would be internal talks, when the moderates overshadow the hardliners. By then, it would have led to many young lives wasted.

Increased use of off-grid solar PV power to improve overall functionality of rural health centres
Apr 15, 2019

Increased use of off-grid solar PV power to improve overall functionality of rural health centres

The introduction of the off-grid solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants can be integrated with the conventional electricity system for the electrificati

Increasing Boko Haram pressure on Nigerian President
Nov 27, 2014

Increasing Boko Haram pressure on Nigerian President

In less than a week, more than 100 people have been killed by terror group Boko Haram in the northern part of Nigeria. This brutal Islamic group remains a significant problem confronting the democratic government of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Increasing challenges to outer space
Jan 15, 2022

Increasing challenges to outer space

The lack of space governance will prove to be a problem in the near future as terrestrial geopolitical rivalries are being mirrored in outer space

Increasing Cooperation for Sustainable Development: Imperatives for India’s G20 Presidency
Jun 19, 2023

Increasing Cooperation for Sustainable Development: Imperatives for India’s G20 Presidency

This paper highlights the imperatives for India’s G20 Presidency for promoting development cooperation towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Given its unique development cooperation model—more precisely, its development partnership model—India can utilise its G20 presidency to push the sustainability agenda. This will help bridge the North-South divide in sustainable development financing. The paper recommends

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region
Dec 08, 2017

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region

The Pakistan army has commenced openly supporting internal religious and fundamentalist groups. If these parties rise to power, Pakistan’s internal

Increasing inequality a big challenge in Brazil too
Apr 01, 2013

Increasing inequality a big challenge in Brazil too

The Brazilian economy is in a new period of transition. Its challenges today are of tax incentives in order to steer foreign investments towards the domestic shores and curbing rising inequality and urban-rural divide.

Increasing influence of regional parties in foreign policy
Nov 24, 2011

Increasing influence of regional parties in foreign policy

The politics of Centre-State relations has been a powerful force in shaping India's foreign policy. India's rapid economic growth has furthermore given a new found influence to regional parties, leading to their disproportionate influence over the formulation of foreign policy.

Increasing internal security concerns in Tamil Nadu
Dec 24, 2012

Increasing internal security concerns in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu has a history of Dalit-centric violence, which has erupted independently in the southern districts, and also the western Dharmapuri belt, where Naxalites have thrived and revived from time to time.

Increasing Patient Capital to catalyse the development of Emerging Technologies: A call to action for Indian venture capitalists
Dec 10, 2021

Increasing Patient Capital to catalyse the development of Emerging Technologies: A call to action for Indian venture capitalists

If there was a large, liberal pool of patient investment capital, like in Silicon Valley, it is highly probable that there would be tremendous scope f

Increasing the share of cleaner cooking among rural households of India
May 16, 2019

Increasing the share of cleaner cooking among rural households of India

The increase in share of usage of cleaner and cleanest cooking technology from the baseline has to be one of the criteria to define success of the cle

Increasing unemployment a major challenge
Nov 29, 2018

Increasing unemployment a major challenge

The reasons for the rise in unemployment are many.

Increasing Women’s Economic Productivity: The Case for Gender Lens Investing
Jan 27, 2023

Increasing Women’s Economic Productivity: The Case for Gender Lens Investing

The year 2022 saw the global economic outlook deteriorate amidst high inflation, fiscal tightening, and supply chain uncertainties arising from both the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. Global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), after expanding by some 5 percent in 2021, contracted in the first half of 2022. This brief makes a case for gender lens investing (GLI) as a means to boost women’s participation in economic act

Incremental progress, not flourishes in India-China statement
May 18, 2015

Incremental progress, not flourishes in India-China statement

Both India and China seem to be fixated on a "status quo plus" option, in that each side wants something more than the current LAC. Clearly, much more work needs to be done. For the moment, incremental progress is better than no progress at all.

Incubation space for terror groups in Bangladesh a worry for the world
Aug 16, 2014

Incubation space for terror groups in Bangladesh a worry for the world

Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, which is threatened by the formation of the Narendra Modi government in Delhi, have been reactivating networks of LeT and Jaish-e-Mohammad in Kashmir since May/June 2013.

Incumbent financiers Vs FinTechs: Why Indian financial regulators should not have favourites yet…
Oct 14, 2022

Incumbent financiers Vs FinTechs: Why Indian financial regulators should not have favourites yet…

The pace of digital innovation far outstrips regulatory oversight; a drastic change in regulatory considerations is the need of the hour

Independence for Kosovo: Secession or Self-Determination?
Aug 14, 2008

Independence for Kosovo: Secession or Self-Determination?

Is the United States in the process of creating a brand new Muslim bloc? If that be the case, it would know that the execution of the plan necessarily involves the cessation of Kosovo from Serbia in the name of "Self-Determination". This, Russia will not allow at any cost. Belgrade is Moscow's Slav ally. And, in a complex way, the Albanian-Serb and the Washington-Moscow stand-off links up with the global scramble for energy source

Independent Kashmir Impossible:
Sep 26, 2005

Independent Kashmir Impossible:

An independent country for the Kashmiris is impossible and can remain only as a dream, said Sardar Mohd. Abdul Qayyum Khan, former President and former Prime Minister of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), while delivering an address at Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, on September 26, 2005.

Independent trajectory for India-Israel ties
Jan 12, 2018

Independent trajectory for India-Israel ties

India-Israel ties are on course for further expansion under Narendra Modi and Benjamin Netanyahu, who have developed the personal chemistry needed to take it forward

Index of Industrial Production glitches continue to cloud GDP optimism
Mar 23, 2021

Index of Industrial Production glitches continue to cloud GDP optimism

The Indian economy cannot attain normalcy in the long run without addressing glitches in its industrial sectors — particularly in manufacturing.