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Sri Lanka: Need to revisit past positions on ethnic front
Jun 14, 2013

Sri Lanka: Need to revisit past positions on ethnic front

Reports that the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) leadership is in Delhi this week for an exchange of views with the Indian leadership should be utilised by both sides to review their known positions on 13-A, and should not stop with reiterating the same.

Sri Lanka: Playing peace-maker between India and China?
Apr 03, 2015

Sri Lanka: Playing peace-maker between India and China?

Reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping had proposed trilateral talks involving the shared Indian neighbour at a meeting with visiting Sri Lankan counterpart Maithripala Sirisena should make New Delhi sit up and take notice.

Sri Lanka: Poll Results and the Peace Process
Apr 06, 2004

Sri Lanka: Poll Results and the Peace Process

The just-concluded parliamentary polls in Sri Lanka may have a lesson or two for political parties in India, which too is facing elections in the coming weeks. If past parallels are any indicator of a sub-continental voter-behaviour, the average Sri Lankan has gone with bread-and-butter issues, highlighted by the United People¿s Freedom Alliance (UPFA)

Sri Lanka: Prescription for a political solution
Jul 19, 2012

Sri Lanka: Prescription for a political solution

Unknown to the world and unacknowledged by the international community, Sri Lanka may be running to a point of no-return, all over again. 'International intervention' in the form of UNHRC resolutions has made the Government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa more vulnerable in electoral terms ? or,

Sri Lanka: Recognising India's role in growth
Jul 22, 2011

Sri Lanka: Recognising India's role in growth

In an observation recently in the Sri Lankan Parliament, External Affairs Minister G L Peiris asserted that the country could not achieve its development goals without India, which was going to play a vital role in achieving such targets.

Sri Lanka: Should India take ‘India First’ security policy on face value?
Nov 03, 2020

Sri Lanka: Should India take ‘India First’ security policy on face value?

The creation of the Quad — with implications for small Ocean neighbours like Sri Lanka — has become a core concern for the nation’s foreign and

Sri Lanka: Swapping of fishers, just a beginning
Dec 31, 2014

Sri Lanka: Swapping of fishers, just a beginning

The Centre needs to consider a short-cut into the seas for the most-affected Rameswaram fishers in particular to cut their travel time, diesel storage and the like by 8-10 hours, while going into the deep-seas. It will also be their collective responsibility to motivate, train and equip the southern coastal fishers in deep-sea fishing.

Sri Lanka: Taking the momentum forward
Oct 15, 2010

Sri Lanka: Taking the momentum forward

Though the Delhi visit of President Rajapaksa was CW Games-centric, it also caused raising of eyebrows in the strategic community in New Delhi, wondering if the re-elected President, who is scheduled to visit China later this month, is seeking to strike a parity in bilateral relations with the two Asian giants.

Sri Lanka: Taking the Peace Process Forward
Apr 19, 2004

Sri Lanka: Taking the Peace Process Forward

The end to ¿Karuna rebellion¿ inside the LTTE, as fast as it commenced in early March also marks the beginning of a new, rather revived pace in the Sri Lanka peace process. Within days of telling the world who was the boss in all the Tamil-speaking areas in the North and the East, the LTTE sat across the table with the Government team, facilitated again by the Norway-led Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission (SLMM),

Sri Lanka: Tales which pictures don't tell
Feb 20, 2013

Sri Lanka: Tales which pictures don't tell

Since the BBC Channel IV film director has indicated that one purpose of the controversial film on the Sri Lankan war may have been to act in a particular way at the UNHRC session in Geneva next month, New Delhi has to be wary of efforts to influence its decision.

Sri Lanka: The Diaspora Talk
Nov 12, 2010

Sri Lanka: The Diaspora Talk

Overnight, there is more activity on the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora front than earlier. It is not only that the 'Trans-national government of Tamil Eelam' (TNGTE) has given itself a 'cabinet'with US-based Rudrakumaran as 'prime minister',

Sri Lanka: Thinking beyond UNHRC-3
Feb 07, 2014

Sri Lanka: Thinking beyond UNHRC-3

Now there is a consistent and continuing apprehension about the West coming up with a draft at the Geneva session that will have greater acceptability in the UNHRC already. It is here India may be called upon to take a position all over again.

Sri Lanka: TN initiative to de-congest Palk Bay fishing takes concrete shape
Jul 29, 2015

Sri Lanka: TN initiative to de-congest Palk Bay fishing takes concrete shape

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa recently distributed Rs 30 lakh as subsidy, in a total estimated cost of Rs 60 lakhs, to help enable the State's fishermen to undertake deep-sea fishing in a big way. It is expected to help decongest fishing in the Palk Bay, and help reduce tensions with Sri Lankan fishers.

Sri Lanka: TNA sending out confusing signals to India?
Oct 20, 2014

Sri Lanka: TNA sending out confusing signals to India?

Sri Lanka's Northern Province Tamil Chief Minister C V Wigneswaran seems to be sending contradictory signals to India through his actions. On the one hand, he wants India to play an active role in finding a 'political solution' to the ethnic problem. On the other, he boycotted the India-funded Colombo-Jaffna railway inauguration and earlier President's invitation to be part of the delegation to India.

Sri Lanka: Trincomalee in development discourse
Aug 03, 2012

Sri Lanka: Trincomalee in development discourse

In a masterly stroke aimed at improving bilateral economic relations on the one hand, and job opportunities for the Tamil victims of the ethnic war, New Delhi and Colombo have agreed to set up Special Economic Zones (SEZ) for Indian engineering.

Sri Lanka: Understanding the UNHRC vote
Mar 16, 2012

Sri Lanka: Understanding the UNHRC vote

The increasing effort at marginalisation of Sri Lanka in the international arena, with hopes that a vote against the country at UNHRC could well shame the Government into taking pro-active measures at an early political solution are misplaced, at best.

Sri Lanka: UNHRC, Ukraine-Crimea and the 'neo cold war'
Mar 22, 2014

Sri Lanka: UNHRC, Ukraine-Crimea and the 'neo cold war'

Independent of the fate of the UNHRC vote this time, the recent referendum in distant Crimea should be a shocking eye-opener to Sri Lankan stake-holders of the 'ethnic issue', 'accountability calls' and all attendant concerns.

Sri Lanka: Velvet gloves yet a firm grip, from India
May 23, 2014

Sri Lanka: Velvet gloves yet a firm grip, from India

By inviting SAARC Heads of Government for his inauguration, prime minister-designate Narendra Modi has demonstrated a firm grip over the emerging foreign policy scenario(s) and his vision of and for an India of the future.

Sri Lanka: What after India's UNHRC-3
Mar 28, 2014

Sri Lanka: What after India's UNHRC-3

India's abstention from voting at the UNHRC session in Geneva means that India has now re-positioned itself to re-engage the Sri Lankan stake-holders in a constructive way, as articulated by Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid long before the vote.

Sri Lanka: What the TNA can do for India to help
Jul 10, 2014

Sri Lanka: What the TNA can do for India to help

Public posturing apart, moderate Tamils in Sri Lanka seem to want India to intercede on their behalf all over again and help arrive at a political settlement on the ethnic issue with their nation's government.

Sri Lanka: Where from here, LLRC Report?
Dec 22, 2011

Sri Lanka: Where from here, LLRC Report?

With the international community reacting on expected lines on the Report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), the matter could now be expected to be taken up by the West in forums where they have a say.

Sri Lanka: Why India should not vote against Sri Lanka at UNHRC
Mar 06, 2014

Sri Lanka: Why India should not vote against Sri Lanka at UNHRC

India thus cannot afford to vote against Sri Lanka at UNHRC, now or later. If India needs to engage with Sri Lanka for helping the Tamils, it cannot do so from a perceived position of animosity and antagonism.

Sri Lanka: Why TNA should not boycott the PSC
Jul 04, 2013

Sri Lanka: Why TNA should not boycott the PSC

The Sri Lankan Government's current efforts at reviving the PSC process may have come a little too late in the day, but then it could claim that it was more focussed on conducting the Northern Provincial Council polls, as promised by President Rajapaksa, in September.

Sri Lankan crisis: From economic setback to political upheaval
May 26, 2022

Sri Lankan crisis: From economic setback to political upheaval

Is a possible refugee crisis emerging as the Sri Lankan economic crisis has increased the number of Tamils taking asylum in India?

Sri Lankan media not happy with India's response to UN Report on human rights violations
Jul 05, 2011

Sri Lankan media not happy with India's response to UN Report on human rights violations

A delegation of senior journalists from Sri Lanka and Maldives visited Observer Research Foundation and held interaction with its faculty on July 5, 2011. The interaction, chaired by Mr. H.H.S. Viswanathan, Distinguished Fellow, ORF and a former ambassador.

Sri Lankan Premier India Visit: An Opportunity Lost?
Jul 20, 2004

Sri Lankan Premier India Visit: An Opportunity Lost?

The Sri Lankan Premier Mahinda Rajapakse has completed his three-day visit to India over the weekend from July 17 to 19. He was here on the invitation of the Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.

Sri Lanka’s changing defence discourse: What’s in it for India?
Jul 01, 2023

Sri Lanka’s changing defence discourse: What’s in it for India?

Sri Lanka’s quest for right-sizing the military and building a well-equipped force for future challenges offers opportunities for India to further e

Sri Lanka’s Hambantota gambit
Aug 17, 2017

Sri Lanka’s Hambantota gambit

Sri Lanka’s pact with China for Hambanbota port may well be a case of strategic deception, and not just a political balancing act between India and China.

Sri Lanka’s IMF Saga
Oct 06, 2022

Sri Lanka’s IMF Saga

Once again, the country is forced to seek a bailout from the IMF – with all the costs and benefits that entails.

Sri Lanka’s Lessons for Economies in Debt Distress
Mar 27, 2023

Sri Lanka’s Lessons for Economies in Debt Distress

In April 2022, Sri Lanka’s sovereign debt default —with China being the largest bilateral creditor—trained the spotlight on the impact of Beijing’s lending on Sri Lanka’s economic crisis. Yet, Sri Lanka’s debacle is a result of far more complex, interrelated factors than indebtedness to China. At the same time, there has been a significant rise in servicing of loans from China over the years, and Beijing is indeed an important

Sri Lanka’s quest for strategic prominence in the Indian Ocean
Dec 12, 2016

Sri Lanka’s quest for strategic prominence in the Indian Ocean

At the Galle Dialogue 2016, Sri Lanka sought not only to stress its critical geographical location at the crossroads of important Indian Ocean sea lines of communication, but also to display a catalytic ability to spur regional collaboration in securing the vulnerable commons.

Srinagar - Muzzafarabad Bus: A Security Nightmare
Apr 06, 2005

Srinagar - Muzzafarabad Bus: A Security Nightmare

Indian security agencies will be keeping their fingers crossed as, for the first time in 57 years, passenger buses start plying on April 7,2005, between Srinagar, the capital of Jammu & Kashmir (J) and Muzzafarabad, the capital of what Pakistan calls Azad Kashmir (Free Kashmir) and what we in India call Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK).

Srinagar Consensus: A gamble on growth
May 20, 2017

Srinagar Consensus: A gamble on growth

Against several odds, what began as the Srinagar conversation has transformed into the Srinagar Consensus, making it arguably the most far-reaching po

Stalin not a bad word in Russia any longer
Jul 20, 2012

Stalin not a bad word in Russia any longer

Stalin is no longer a bad name in Russia. Russian scholar Sergey Kurginyan says a recent opinion poll suggests that that "80% of the Russian population feel the peo ple were better off during the Soviet period."

Stars, stripes and chakras: The future of US-India defence ties
Dec 27, 2012

Stars, stripes and chakras: The future of US-India defence ties

The ongoing challenge for the Indian and US governments is to define what exactly the "strategic relationship" is in form and function, in which context a defence relationship will mature.

State of Global Terrorism
Sep 11, 2005

State of Global Terrorism

What are the imperatives if the international community has to ultimately prevail over international jihadi terrorism of the Al Qaeda brand?

State of Jihadi Terrorism
Jun 30, 2005

State of Jihadi Terrorism

Since April, 2005, there has been a co-ordinated escalation of acts of jihadi terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Jammu and Kashmir (J) State of India. It is my assessment that the coming months will see more and not less incidents of jihadi terrorism in these three areas.

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security
May 24, 2023

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security

This brief examines state responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking the cases of India, Israel, Brazil, Hungary and the United States. It studies the language utilised by the government leaders in these countries and finds extensive war-time semantics. The brief explores the interrelationship of such rhetoric with the legitimisation of extreme measures through the construction of an issue as an “existential threat”— a process analysts call

Statehood for Delhi: Is it practical?
Mar 05, 2015

Statehood for Delhi: Is it practical?

The Aam Aadmi Party's unprecedented electoral victory in Delhi has revived the debate on full statehood to Delhi. But how practical is the statehood for the national capital? What are the issues? To discuss these issues, ORF organised a panel discussion with experienced bureaucrats, academics and experts.

Statistics indicate a historical result in the US elections
Sep 13, 2012

Statistics indicate a historical result in the US elections

Following the two national conventions held by the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, the race to the White House has gained more steam. It was an opportune time to take the debate on the US Presidential election

Staying with Kabul
Feb 19, 2013

Staying with Kabul

As a new phase begins in the tragic history of Afghanistan, sulking can't be Delhi's strategy. India must keep an open mind, engage all the major Afghan formations, intensify the dialogue with all the regional and international stakeholders, and find ways to influence the outcomes.

STEAG: सेना की तकनीकी क्षमता को बढ़ाने की दिशा में अहम् कदम!
May 08, 2024

STEAG: सेना की तकनीकी क्षमता को बढ़ाने की दिशा में अहम् कदम!

STEAG सही दिशा में लिया गया एक उचित फैसला है. इससे सेना में सं�

Steel in Xi's message
Mar 26, 2013

Steel in Xi's message

A healthy respect for China's power under Xi and an appreciation of what it means for international relations, rather than romantic notions about building an Eastern Bloc against the West, must guide Indian diplomacy in Durban.

Steer a middle course
Mar 15, 2022

Steer a middle course

The millstone around Pakistan’s neck weighs down India too